Main -> Documentation -> Product Updates -> Open SiteSearch Suite Known Bug List (by Detailed Description) - Part II

OCLC SiteSearch Suite Known Bug List (by Detailed Description) – Part II

Last Updated: March 15, 2002

This document includes detailed descriptions of the bugs (numbered BR101 and higher) which have been reported in the Open SiteSearch Suite software.

To report a bug in the Open SiteSearch Suite software, contact Product Support.


Throughout this document:

  • <WebZ_root> refers to the location of your SiteSearch environment.
  • <SiteSearch_version> refers to your SiteSearch version, such as 4.0.2, 4.1.0, 4.1.1, or 4.1.2.
  • OBI refers to the WebZ Out-of-the-Box Interface.

Go to Part III: BR151 and higher
Go to Part I: BR100 – BR001

BR150: Edit Session Link Remains for Deleted Record in Record Builder

Exists in Version(s): 4.1.0, 4.1.1, 4.1.2a

Description: After opening a record in Record Builder, there is an Edit Session link for the record on the left side of the Record Builder display. If you subsequently delete this record during the same Record Builder session, the Edit Session link remains, even though the record no longer exists.

This occurred because LastEdited class (ORG.oclc.mantis.gadgets.LastEdited) did not remove the Edit Session link for a deleted record.

Fix: 4.2.0

BR149: Supplementary Image Information Not Displayed with Image in WebZ Interface

Exists in Version(s): 4.1.1, 4.1.2a

Description: When viewing an image with WebZ's Image Display screen (<WebZ_root>/htdocs/obiv1/image.html or nfimage.html in the WebZ OBI, version 1), the image summary on the left side of the screen does not include any supplementary information about the image even thought the rule specification used by the SaveImageInfo formatting rule class to display the image summary includes a variable (recordInfoFields) for this information.

This occurred because for two reasons:

  • SaveImageInfo (ORG.oclc.fmts.rules.SaveImageInfo) did not add the data from the field(s) specified in the recordInfoFields variable to the record that contains data to be displayed on the image summary.
  • The ImageNav gadget (ORG.oclc.gadgets.ImageNav) did not create HTML with a field label and this data.

Fix: 4.2.0 includes revised versions of the SaveImageInfo and ImageNav classes. The label for the supplementary information is "Other Info:". However, you can change this label in the ImageNav class if you wish.

BR148: Cannot Save or View Full Record After Quick Search with Combined Result Sets Disabled

Exists in Version(s): 4.1.1, 4.1.2

Description: In a WebZ environment with combined result sets disabled (SupportsMergeReads = false in the ZBase.ini configuration file), a patron uses the Quick Search feature and obtains search results on the brief display. If the patron clicks a record title to view the full record display, he/she received the error "Could not locate database name." If the patron clicks the Save button, nothing happens.

Fix: 4.1.2a

BR147: Converted 4.1.2 rbdb Database Does Not Have defaultdb Column

Exists in Version(s): 4.1.2

Description: After running to convert the 4.1.1 version of the rbdb Access database for Record Builder, the converted database does not contain the defaultdb column in its authos table. This is a new column introduced in SiteSearch 4.1.2 to contain a metadata specialist's default database.

Fix: 4.1.2a

BR146: Cannot Convert accessdb and rbdb 4.1.1 Access Databases to 4.1.2 Structure in Windows NT

Exists in Version(s): 4.1.2

Description: In Windows NT, when you run the script to convert existing 4.1.1 Access component databases to the 4.1.2 table structure, you receive errors and the conversion doesn't work properly.

Fix: 4.1.2a

BR145: Solaris Users Cannot Run MySQL

Exists in Version(s): 4.2.0

Description: In Solaris, when trying to run MySQL, you receive this message:

./mysql: fatal: open failed: No such file or directory

This occurred because your system does not contain the UNIX zlib compression libraries:


Fix: Obtain these libraries from the ftp secure server.

This is a password protected site accessible to system administrators only.

  Directory: Sitesearch/4.2.0/fixes/mysql/lib/mysql


BR144: Cannot Create Dump File for rbdb Access Database

Exists in Version(s): 4.1.2

Description: When issuing the mysql_rb dump command to create a dump file of the rbdb access database for Record Builder, you receive the following error and cannot create the dump file:

Got error: 2002: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/ss5/java/jack/installs/4.1.2b/mysql/mysql.sock' (111) when trying to connect

This occurred because the mysql_rb script contains an incorrect path reference to my.cnf in its dump) section.

Fix: 4.1.2a

BR143: ILL Requests Do Not Include itemType

Exists in Version(s): 4.1.1, 4.1.2

Description: ILL requests submitted through WebZ do not include the itemType, a field included in the ISO-10161 Ill-Request APDU. WebZ was not converting the item codes from the record's leader to an itemType value and including this value in ILL requests.

Fix: 4.1.2a

BR142: Database Name Not Included as Source of ILL Request

Exists in Version(s): 4.1.0, 4.1.1, 4.1.2

Description: ILL requests contain the SiteSearch version number (such as SS-4.1.2) in the Source field instead of the database that contains the resource being requested. This value comes from the Source variable in the ILL server configuration file (a vendor-specific file in SiteSearch 4.1.2 and IllService.ini in SiteSearch 4.1.1 and earlier).

When formatting an ILL request, the IllSource entity should contain the name of the database that contains the resource being requested. The IllSource entity populates the BibSource hidden field on the ILL request form. The value of this field overrides the Source value from the ILL server configuration file.

The [isoill] display specifications in various ILL formatting configuration files did not include a formatting rule for the BibSource, so there was no way to override the Source value from the ILL server configuration file.

Fix: 4.1.2a

BR141: Full Text Record Appears in Bookmark Frame After "Unsaving" This Record

Exists in Version(s): 4.1.2 (frames-based interfaces only)

Description: A patron saves a full-text record. With the full text record displayed in the main frame, the patron subsequently views the full display of bookmarked records and then clicks the Return button to return to the full-text record display. If the patron clicks the Unsave button on the full-text record display, the full-text record replaces the brief bookmark display in the bookmark frame.

This occurred because the "next" action in link for the Unsave button contained a reference to the wrong frame target (bookmark instead of main).

Fix: 4.1.2a

BR140: Databases in Topic Not Checked on Search Screen

Exists in Version(s): 4.1.1 (if applied fix for BR110), 4.1.2

Description: A patron conducts one or more topic searches in the same topic and then selects a different topic. When the search screen first appears with the default active tab (Keywords in the OBI, version 1), the checkboxes for the databases in the new topic are all checked, indicating that all databases in the topic will be searched. If the patron clicks one of the other tabs on the tab bar (such as Authors, Titles, or Advanced) before conducting a search, the checkboxes for the databases may or may not be checked when the new tab becomes active.

This occurred because the searchscreen class ( checked the result set from the most recent search to determine which topics to check on the rather than the currently selected topic. If a database in the new topic was included in the previous result set, its checkboxes is checked when the patron clicks another tab. If a database in the new topic was included in the previous result set, its checkbox is not checked when the patron clicks another tab.

Fix: 4.1.2a

BR139: Cannot Send ILL Request to OCLC ILL Direct Request Production Server

Exists in Version(s): 4.1.2

Description: A database is configured to send ILL requests to OCLC ILL Direct Request's production server. When a patron tries to submit an ILL request, he or she receives the error message "Unable to connect to ISOILL server."

This occurred because the variable that contains the name of OCLC's ILL production server is misnamed as "host", rather than "hostname".

Fix: 4.1.2a

BR138: ILL Confirmation Screen Does Not Display Status in Patron Information Section

Exists in Version(s): 4.1.2

Description: The ILL confirmation screen provided with the WebZ OBI, version 1 (<WebZ_root>/htdocs/obiv1/html/illconfirm.html) does not display the Status field under the Patron Information section even if the patron completes this field on the ILL request screen. However, the value of the Status field is included in the ILL request when it it is submitted to its destination.

Fix: 4.1.2a

BR137: System Failure Page When Clicking Next Record Button on Last Record in a Result Set in Cross-Database Search When Not Configured for Combined Result Sets

Exists in Version(s): 4.1.1, 4.1.2

Description: In a WebZ environment that does not display combined result sets (SupportsMergeReads=false in ZBase.ini), the results from a cross-database search each appear on a separate page, rather than in a contiguous result set. Clicking the Next Record button on the full record display for the last record in a database's result set produces a System Failure Page. The Alt tag for the button is "Next Record", instead of "No More Records".

Fix: 4.1.2a

BR136: Record Builder JaSSIRB Server Not Started When Using Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS)

Exists in Version(s): 4.1.0, 4.1.1, 4.1.2

Description: The WebZ extension for IIS cannot find Record Builder's JaSSIRB process after it starts up. Therefore, IIS and Record Builder cannot interact with one another.

This affects only Record Builder on Windows NT systems that use IIS. WebZ and all other Database Builder features function properly with IIS. Also, the Netscape Web server for Windows NT operates successfully with WebZ and Database Builder, including Record Builder.

Fix: In SiteSearch 4.1.2, it is possible to modify the IIS configuration and the SiteSearch configuration to run Record Builder under IIS. See Configuring Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) to Use the WebZ Extension.

BR135: HTML Page Using Toolbar Gadget Appears Blank in Netscape 4.5

Exists in Version(s): 4.1.1

Description: HTML pages with an entity reference to the toolbar gadget ( may be blank when viewed with Netscape 4.5. This occurred because of some minor HTML errors in the HTML code produced by the gadget, which Internet Explorer and other Netscape versions could still interpret and display properly, but which caused problems with Netscape 4.5.

Fix: 4.1.2

BR134: Characters with Diacritics Missing When Viewing Search Results from DC(2) Database with Record Builder

Exists in Version(s): 4.1.1

Description: After successfully submitting a record with diacritics to a DC(2) database, diacritic characters do not appear in the display when you view the record in brief format on Record Builder's Search Results screen. For example, if the record's title is "Tête á tête", the value in the Title field appears as "Tte tte". This happened because the [briefnf] display specification in <WebZ_root>/ini/format/rbv0/DCFormats.ini used the implied default value (true) for the doHtmlDiacritics variable, which caused the diacritic characters to not display.

Fix: Add the following line to the [briefnf] section of <WebZ_root>/ini/format/rbv0/DCFormats.ini:

doHtmlDiacritics = false


Download a new version of DCFormats.ini from the ftp secure server.

This is a password protected site accessible to system administrators only.

  Directory: Sitesearch/4.1.1/fixes/ini/format/rbv0

DCFormats.ini; README

BR133: Diacritics Truncated at First Character When Editing or Viewing Record from DC(2) Database with Record Builder

Exists in Version(s): 4.1.1

Description: After successfully submitting a record with diacritics to a DC(2) database, data in the field(s) with diacritics becomes truncated at the first diacritic character when you subsequently edit or view the record with Record Builder. For example, if the record's title is "Tête á tête", the value in the Title field gets truncated to "T". This happened because the XMLTranslater class attempted to incorrectly transform the data in the record into UTF-8 encoded data.

Fix: Modified the XMLTranslater class so that it no longer automatically expects to encode data in UTF-8 format. This fix is available from the FTP site, but you must also apply the fixes listed in BR108 to correct this problem.

This is a password protected site accessible to system administrators only.

  Directory: Sitesearch/4.1.1/fixes/classes/ORG/oclc/mantisbase/util

XMLTranslater.class; README

BR132: Cannot Search or Browse on Words or Phrases with Diacritics in Record Builder

Exists in Version(s): 4.1.1

Description: After successfully submitting a record with diacritics to a database updated with Record Builder, you cannot subsequently search or browse on words or phrases that contain diacritics. At present, Record Builder does not access the database's pippin tablefile (ztable) even if you set up the tablefile correctly to handle diacritics and specify its location in the database's registration information with SSDOT. For example, if the record's title is "Tête á tête", the word "tête" gets indexed as two words – "t" and "te".

Fix: There is no fix available at this time. As a workaround, search or browse for records using words or phrases that do not contain diacritics.

BR131: Thumbnails Not Reordered After Sorting Result Set

Exists in Version(s): 4.1.0, 4.1.1

Description: After a patron sorts a result set from a database with thumbnails, the links to the thumbnails point to the wrong images.

This happened because the WebZUserHistory class copied the image information object from the unsorted result set to the UserStateObject so the images remained in their original order and did not get reorganized to account for the sort.

Fix: Modified the update() method in WebZUserHistory so that it creates a new image information object for the result set after the sort and adds this object to the WebZUserHistory. This fix is available from the ftp secure server.

This is a password protected site accessible to system administrators only.

  Directory: Sitesearch/SiteSearch_version/fixes/classes/ORG/oclc/webz

WebZUserHistory.class; README

BR130: ZBase Does Not Update Patron's List of Authorized Databases Upon Reauthorization

Exists in Version(s): 4.0.2, 4.1.0, 4.1.1

Description: A patron may reauthorize during the current session with a different autho and password from the one used to log in. For example, a patron may initially log in as a guest (authorized by IP address) and obtain access to databases available to guests. If the patron subsequently reauthorizes by name, he/she should be able to search the databases authorized for his/her autho/password. However, the patron does not have access to all of these databases. This may prevent a patron from searching a database that he/she is authorized to access.

Upon reauthorization, JaSSI updates the list of databases available to the patron, but ZBase does not reauthorize the databases available to the patron under his/her new authorization.

This is important primarily when you use the accessdb database to store authorizations for individual databases, such as FirstSearch databases.

Fix: Modified ORG.oclc.jassi.access.JaSSIAccessClient so that it uses ORG.oclc.webz.ZUserData's close Z39Sessions() method to close the patron's current ZBase sessions when the patron reauthorizes. The next time the patron conducts a search, ZBase authorizes the patron with the new autho/password. If you enable ZBase user logging, you will see a new ZBase user log for the patron after the search completes. Fixes are available from the ftp secure server.

This is a password protected site accessible to system administrators only.

  Directory: Sitesearch/4.1.1/fixes/classes/ORG/oclc/jassi/access

JaSSIAccessClient.class; README

  Directory: Sitesearch/4.1.1/fixes/classes/ORG/oclc/webz

ZUserData.class; README

BR129: Subfield Label and Trailer in Formatting Rule Do Not Appear in Display

Exists in Version(s): 4.1.1, 4.1.0

Description: Although you specify a label (lab='<data>') and/or trailer (trl='<data>') for a subfield in the field specification for a formatting rule, the label and/or trailer characters do not appear in the record display.

This occurred because the FormatBerUtil class was missing a checkpoint for determining whether a field specification contains label and trailer characters for subfields.

Fix: Modified FormatBerUtil so that it checks for the existence of label and trailer characters for subfields in the field specification. This fix is available from the ftp secure server.

This is a password protected site accessible to system administrators only.

  Directory: Sitesearch/4.1.1/fixes/classes/ORG/oclc/fmts
  Files:; FormatBerUtil.class; README

BR128: ZBroker Sessions Not Removed After They Time Out

Exists in Version(s): 4.1.1

Description: If a ZBroker client does not notify ZBroker when a user session ends, the session eventually times out. However, ZBroker does not remove a session from its user table when it times out. Eventually, ZBroker servers cannot accept any more sessions because each server is handling as many user sessions as possible and the maximum number of ZBroker servers is already running.

Fix: Modified two ZBroker classes, ZBrokerClient and ZBrokerSingleThread, so that they clean up the user table and reduce the user count gracefully. The fix in ZBrokerClient removes a session from the user table when it times out. The fix to ZBrokerSingleThread ensures synchronization in the user count by increasing the user count when a new user session starts and decreasing the user count when a user sessions times out. These fixes are available from the ftp secure server.

This is a password protected site accessible to system administrators only.

  Directory: Sitesearch/4.1.1/fixes/classes/ORG/oclc/zbroker

ZBrokerClient.class; ZBrokerSingleThread.class; README

BR127: Alt Message for Save Button on Brief Display Does Not Contain Record Number

Exists in Version(s): 4.1.1

Description: On the brief record display, the Alt message for the Save button beside each record contains the text "Save Record &tempbookmarkrecno++" instead of "Save Record n", where n is the record number.

This occurred because the JavaPage briefscreen class did not add a value for tempbookmarkrecno to the UserStateObject, so there was nothing to substitute for the &tempbookmarkrecno++ entity during page preparation.

Fix: Modified the briefscreen class so that it adds a value for tempbookmarkrecno to the UserStateObject. A fix is available from the ftp secure server.

This is a password protected site accessible to system administrators only.

  Directory: Sitesearch/4.1.1/fixes/classes/ORG/oclc/obi
  Files:; briefscreen.class; README

BR126: Holdings Associated with Wrong Record After Sorting De-Duplicated Result Set

Exists in Version(s): 4.1.1

Description: When a result set is de-duplicated, the holdings associated with each item appear under a single representative record in the brief and full record displays if you have configured these displays to show holdings information. If the patron sorts a de-duplicated result set, the holdings become scrambled and may be displayed under the wrong representative record.

For example, here is part of a de-duplicated brief record display before sorting:

1. Microsoft computer dictionary.
Library: Great River Regional Library
Published: Redmond, Wash. : Microsoft Press, c1999.
Description: x, 541 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. + 1 computer laser optical disc (4 3/4 in.)
Library: Great River Regional Library -- Location: ST. CLOUD PUBLIC LIBRARY -- Call No: 004.03 Mic 1999
2. Microsoft Press computer dictionary.
Library: University of Minnesota (Twin Cities), Cooperating Libraries in Consortium
Published: Redmond, WA : Microsoft Press, 1997.
Description: x, 539 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. + 1 computer laser optical disc (4 3/4 in.).
Library: University of Minnesota (Twin Cities) -- Location: NORRIS Sci/Eng Reference -- Call No: QA76.15 .M54 1997
Library: University of Minnesota (Twin Cities) -- Location: WILSON Reserve Basement -- Call No: QA76.15 .M54 1997
Library: Cooperating Libraries in Consortium -- Location: ST. CATHERINE-MPLS. -- Call No: QA76.15 .M54 1997

After sorting by date, the holdings no longer appear under the correct representative record:


Microsoft Press computer dictionary.
Library: University of Minnesota (Twin Cities), Cooperating Libraries in Consortium
Published: Redmond, WA : Microsoft Press, 1997.
Description: x, 539 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. + 1 computer laser optical disc (4 3/4 in.).
Library: University of Minnesota (Twin Cities) -- Location: WILSON Reserve Basement -- Call No: QA76.15 .M54 1997
Library: Great River Regional Library -- Location: ST. CLOUD PUBLIC LIBRARY -- Call No: 004.03 Mic 1999

2. Microsoft computer dictionary.
Library: Great River Regional Library
Published: Redmond, Wash. : Microsoft Press, c1999.
Description: x, 541 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. + 1 computer laser optical disc (4 3/4 in.)
Library: Cooperating Libraries in Consortium -- Location: ST. CATHERINE-MPLS. -- Call No: QA76.15 .M54 1997
Library: University of Minnesota (Twin Cities) -- Location: NORRIS SCI/Eng Reference -- Call No: QA76.15 .M54 1997

Fix: Modified the SortedMergeDedupResult class to correctly store the record number of the representative record associated with each holdings entry. This fix is available from the ftp secure server.

This is a password protected site accessible to system administrators only.

  Directory: Sitesearch/4.1.1/fixes/classes/ORG/oclc/db

SortedMergeDedupResult.class; README

BR125: Unable to E-mail Bookmarked Records or ILL Requests

Exists in Version(s): 4.1.0, 4.1.1

Description: Patrons do not receive bookmarked records that they e-mail to themselves. Libraries do not receive e-mail interlibrary loan (ILL) requests. In both cases, patrons receive feedback that the e-mail message has been sent successfully. This occurred when the SMTP's (mail server's) host is different from SiteSearch's host.

In the case of e-mailing bookmarked records, the email() method in did not use the value of the server variable specified in the [BookMarkEmail] section of the interface display configuration file (<WebZ_root>/ini/interface/obiv1/frameDisplayGadgets.ini or noframeDisplayGadgets.ini in the WebZ OBI, version 1) and assumed that the mail server resided on the local host.

In the case of sending an ILL request by e-mail, the email() method in ORG.oclc.webz.ILLEMail did not use the value of the server variable specified in the [EmailInfo] section of <WebZ_root>/ini/servers/IllService.ini and assumed that the mail server resided on the local host.

Fix: Modified the email() methods in and ORG.oclc.webz.ILLEMail so that they check for a value in the variables described above and set accordingly in the System Properties before getting an e-mail session. Modified the code so that patrons receive an error message if WebZ throws an exception because the mail server does not exist on the local host and there is no information available about the mail server's location (e.g., the variables are blank in configuration files noted above. Fixes are available from the ftp secure server.

This is a password protected site accessible to system administrators only.

  Directory: Sitesearch/SiteSearch_version/fixes/classes/ORG/oclc/obi/extverb
  Files:; EmailRecs.class; README

  Directory: Sitesearch/SiteSearch_version/fixes/classes/ORG/oclc/webz

ILLEMail.class; README

After downloading the fixes, make sure that the server variable in the [BookMarkEmail] section of your interface display configuration file (<WebZ_root>/ini/interface/obiv1/frameDisplayGadgets.ini and/or noframeDisplayGadgets.ini in the OBI, version 1) contains one of these values:


server=name or IP address of the mail server


Specify a name if your mail server resides on a different host than that of your SiteSearch environment.
Specify localhost or leave the server variable blank if your mail server is on the same host as that of your SiteSearch environment.

If any of your databases are configured to route ILL requests to a specific e-mail address, make sure that the server variable in the [EMailInfo] section of <WebZ_root>/ini/servers/IllService.ini contains one of the above values as well.

BR124: Record Builder System Failure Errors with Netscape 6/Record Builder Netscape 6 Compatibility Issues

Exists in Version(s): 4.1.0, 4.1.1

Description: When using Netscape 6 with Record Builder, you may receive System Failure errors or experience problems with the DC(2) database (or other databases cloned from the DC(2) database framework) in SiteSearch 4.1.1.

The System Failure errors occur because the URL syntax on an HTML page does not conform to RFC 2396, Uniform Resource Identifier, Generic Syntax, even though SiteSearch 4.1.0 and higher generally complies with this URL syntax. In this syntax the question mark (?) should precede the sessionid and any other widgets.

You may receive a System Failure Error when:

While using the DC(2) database or a database cloned from it, the Edit Record screen may lose data when you:

None of these actions affect a record as it currently exists in its target database or the Save database. However, they may delete data that you enter on the Edit Record screen during the current editing session or a previous editing session.

The data entry workform may display "ara - Arabic" as the Language value even if you or a coworker submitted the record with a different Language value.

Fix: Modified a number of Java classes (gadgets, hooks, verbs/mVerbs, and Record Builder OBI classes), HTML pages, and the Record Builder interface style configuration file so that they produce URLs with RFC-2396 compliant syntax. (See Record Builder Fixes for Netscape 6 Compatibility for a list of these files.) These modifications often involve replacing a colon (:) with a question mark (?) in statements that build a URL. Also modified the interface style configuration file entries used to populate the DC(2) workform. These fixes are available in a .tar file on the secure ftp server.

This is a password protected site accessible to system administrators only.

  Directory: Sitesearch/SiteSearch_version/fixes/

urlfixRB410.tar (SiteSearch 4.1.0)/urlfixRB411.tar (SiteSearch 4.1.1); README

After downloading the .tar file appropriate to your SiteSearch version, follow these steps to apply the fixes.

1. Move the .tar file to <WebZ_root>.

2. Enter the following command:

tar xf urlRB410fix.tar (for SiteSearch 4.1.0)
tar xf urlRB411fix.tar (for SiteSearch 4.1.1)

The files from the .tar file overwrite your existing Record Builder files with the same names.

3. Stop and then restart Record Builder. Click here for more information for UNIX; click here for more information for Windows NT.

Known Netscape 6 Issue Not Fixed: In Netscape 6, the Search Results screen and the Saved Search Results screen do not place the icons to the left of a record in a single row unless the browser window is maximized horizontally. This differs from the layout in other browsers, but does not affect functionality.

BR123: WebZ System Failure Errors with Netscape 6/WebZ Netscape 6 Compatibility Issues

Exists in Version(s): 4.0.2, 4.1.0, 4.1.1

Description: When using Netscape 6 with WebZ, patrons may receive System Failure errors. These errors occur because the URL syntax does not conform to RFC 2396, Uniform Resource Identifier, Generic Syntax, even though SiteSearch 4.1.0 and higher generally complies with this URL syntax. In this syntax the question mark (?) should precede the sessionid and any other widgets. Some of the actions that trigger these errors include:

  • Clicking the Go button on the authorization failure screen (<WebZ_root>/htdocs/obiv1/html/error/authofail.html in the WebZ Out-of-the-Box Interface (OBI), version 1).
  • Clicking the tabs on the tab bar on the basic search, advanced search, browse, or term finder screens (<WebZ_root>/htdocs/obiv1/html/search.html, advancedsearch.html, browse.html and termfindersearch.html in the OBI, version 1, respectively).
  • Clicking the Return button on several error screens (<WebZ_root>/htdocs/obiv1/error/badbrowse.html, badfetch.html, badsearch.html, and badtermfinder.html).
  • Conducting a search from the basic or advanced search screen (<WebZ_root>/htdocs/obiv1/html/search.html or advancedsearch.html, respectively) in the OBI, version 1, frames-based interface.
  • Clicking the check box to delete a bookmark on the brief results screen (<WebZ_root>/htdocs/obiv1/html/nfbrief.html) in the OBI, version 1, no-frames interface.

In addition, the database or topic name on the basic search, advanced search, and browse screens is not centered vertically, and the font for text boxes is the browser default, not the font specified in the interface style configuration file.

Fix: Version 4.0.2 – Upgrade to SiteSearch 4.1.1 and then apply the fixes described below.

Versions 4.1.0 and 4.1.1 – Modified a number of JavaPage classes, gadgets, extended verbs, and HTML pages so that they produce URLs with RFC-2396 compliant syntax. These modifications generally involve replacing a colon (:) with a question mark (?) in statements that build a URL. These classes are available in a .tar file on the secure ftp server.

This is a password protected site accessible to system administrators only.

  Directory: Sitesearch/SiteSearch_version/fixes/

urlfixWebZ.tar; README

After downloading the .tar file, follow these steps to apply the fixes.

1. Have you customized any of the Java classes or HTML pages listed in the .tar File Contents section of WebZ Fixes for Netscape Compatibility in any way?

  • Yes. Move urlfixWebZ.tar to a directory (which we call urlfix in this procedure) outside your SiteSearch test or production environments. Go to step 3.
  • No. Move urlfixWebZ.tar to <WebZ_root>. Go to step 2.

2. Enter the following command:

tar xf urlfixWebZ.tar

The files from the .tar file overwrite your existing SiteSearch files with the same names.

Go to step 6.

3. From the urlfix directory, enter the following command:

tar xf urlfixWebZ.tar

The files are arranged in the same directories as those in the default SiteSearch directory structure.

Go to step 4.

4. Use the information in the Modifications to Each File section of WebZ Fixes for Netscape 6 Compatibility to determine which of your customized Java classes or HTML files to modify accordingly in your SiteSearch environment.
5. Copy the Java classes and HTML files in urlfix that you have not customized to your SiteSearch environment.
6. Stop and then restart SiteSearch. Click here for more information for UNIX; click here for more information for Windows NT.

Known Netscape 6 Issue Not Fixed: The WebZ OBI, version 1, uses entity references in the interface style configuration file to set the Arial, Helvetica font for all text boxes, such as the fields for entering search terms. Netscape 6 ignores these references and uses the browser's default font (Courier by default) for all text boxes. This is cosmetic and does not affect functionality in any way.

BR122: Concatenated Words in Indexes for Local Databases

Exists in Version(s): 4.1.0, 4.1.1

Description: Indexes in local databases built with Database Builder and edited through the Record Builder interface contain concatenated words, such as "dogbreeds", instead of "dog" and "breeds". You can see these words when browsing an index. Also, searches do not return all the records that they should because some words or phrases are not indexed correctly.

This happened because the input data for a field in the record contained one or more newline characters (<cr><lf>) between the two words. The ORG.oclc.mantisbase.util.XMLTranslater class ignored the newline character(s) when converting the data in the record from XML to BER format, thus combining the word preceding and the word following the newline character(s) into a single word. This word is then indexed.

Fix: (1) Created a new method, addSpaceToNewline(), in ORG.oclc.mantisbase.util.XMLTranslater. The addspacetoNewline() method adds a space before a newline character when converting data from XML to BER format. (2) Created a new class, ORG.oclc.util.BerDataFilter, to convert database records that contain indexes with concatenated words. These classes are available from the secure ftp server.

This is a password protected site accessible to system administrators only.

  Directory: Sitesearch/SiteSearch_version/fixes/classes/ORG/oclc/mantisbase/util/

XMLTranslater.class; README

  Directory: Sitesearch/SiteSearch_version/fixes/classes/ORG/oclc/util/

BerDataFilter.class; README


To correct existing databases that contain records with this problem, follow these steps. Links refer you to other documents that describe a step in more detail.

1. Back up the existing database.
2. Extract the existing records from the database in BER format. When prompted for an output file name, enter "db.ber".
3. Move to the database's top-level directory (<WebZ_root>/dbbuilder/dbs/database_name).

4. Enter the following command (without the backslash ("\") characters, which are included only for readability):

java -classpath  \
.:<fullpath to JDK>/lib/ \
<WebZ_root>/classes: \
<WebZ_root>/classes/lib/SS4_1_1.jar \
ORG.oclc.util.BerDataFilter db.ber

where <fullpath to JDK> is the location of your Java Development Kit (JDK) .

BerDataFilter replaces newline characters in the data records with spaces and adds the corrected records to the output file

5. Copy to <WebZ_root>/dbbuilder/dbs/database_dir/bers.
6. Rename <WebZ_root>/dbbuilder/dbs/database_dir/bers/ as database_name.ber.v1.
7. Delete the existing database files.
8. Go to SSDOT's Advanced Options menu (option 5 on SSDOT's Main Menu).

9. Select the following options, in order, from the Advanced Options menu, checking for successful completion of each job by typing "j" at SSDOT's command line before beginning the next one:

1. Initialize database
3. Add records to database and create index terms (Pippin)
6. Sort index terms (Sortnip)
7. Add index terms to the database (Rome)
8. Sort sparse index terms (Sortspar)
9. Add sparse index terms to the database (Sparrome)

10. Validate the database.
11. Once you are sure that the database has been reloaded successfully, delete the database backup.

BR121: Article Author Missing from ILL Request

Exists in Version(s): 4.1.1

Description: ILL requests for resources from an article database (whether sent to an ILL server or to an e-mail address) do not contain any author data. This occurred because the illEntity value in the [ILLBibArticleAuthor] formatting rule in the <WebZ_root>/ini/format/obiv1/MarcILLArticleRules.ini formatting configuration file contained a space (BibArticle Author). This caused ORG.oclc.fmts.rules.AddILLData to store the article's author in an entity named BibArticle Author in the patron's UserStateObject. When the ISOILL or ILLEmail verbs tried to submit an ILL request, they could not find the article author because they looked for it in an entity named BibArticleAuthor, which did not exist.

Fix: Remove the space from the illEntity variable in the [ILLBibArticleTitle] formatting rule in <WebZ_root>/ini/format/obiv/MarcArticleILLRules.ini, as follows:

displayname = Article Title
illEntity = BibArticle Title <- change this to BibArticleTitle
field* = 245|a
class = ORG.oclc.fmts.rules.AddILLData


Download a new version of MarcArticleILLRules.ini from the ftp secure server.

This is a password protected site accessible to system administrators only.

  Directory: Sitesearch/4.1.1/ini/format/obiv1

MarcArticleILLRules.ini; README

BR120: "Error in Retrieving File" in List Boxes When Editing Record in Database Based on Dublin Core(2) Framework

Exists in Version(s): 4.1.1

Description: When you create or edit a record with the Record Builder application in a local database based on the Dublin Core(2) (DC(2)) framework, you see the message "Error in Retrieving File" instead of a list box in the Type and Language fields. This happens because files stored on an OCLC server populate the list box values for the Type and Language fields. If this server is temporarily unavailable, you receive the message "Error in retrieving file" instead of the list box in these fields.

Fix: There is no fix available. Try to access the record at another time. If the problem persists, contact SiteSearch Product Support.

BR119: Unlimited User Sessions Per Autho Not Working

Exists in Version(s): 4.0.x, 4.1.0, 4.1.1

Description: One method of controlling access to the number of simultaneous WebZ user sessions is by specifying a limit on the number of user sessions per autho in the Access component database, accessdb. (This method differs from the license management features available beginning with SiteSearch 4.1.0.) When an autho has a sessions value of 0 or NULL in the authos table table of accessdb, the Access Server should allow an unlimited number of user sessions per autho. However, because of a bug, the Access Server refused access to all but the first patron who logged under a particular autho if this autho's sessions value was 0 or NULL.This happened because the Access Server still tracked the number of user sessions and denied access to all but the first user session started under the autho.

For example, assume that the autho named "stu_acct" has a sessions value of 0. This autho is available to all students in a a college's accounting department. Student 1 logs in as stu_acct and gains access to the WebZ environment. While Student 1 remains logged in, Student 2 also logs in as stu_acct. Because the Access Server is tracking the number of active user sessions for stu_acct, it notes that two sessions are greater than 0, and refuses access to Student 2.

Fix: Modified RequestThread class so that it does not count the number of user sessions per autho when the autho has a sessions value of 0 or NULL. This fix is available from the secure ftp server.

This is a password protected site accessible to system administrators only.

  Directory: Sitesearch/4.1.1/fixes/classes/ORG/oclc/access/server

RequestThread.class; README

BR118: Cross-Database Image Navigation Problems When Result Sets Not Combined

Exists in Version(s): 4.1.1

Description: When WebZ is not configured to support combined result sets and a patron conducts a cross-database search of databases with links to image files, links to the image files in the second and subsequent databases go to images from the first database. Also, when navigating between databases, the patron may receive a present error.

Fix: Modified image retrieval so that it supports both combined and non-combined result sets. Added a screen count entity to anchors for image files so that each image anchor is unique. This fix is available from the secure ftp server.

This is a password protected site accessible to system administrators only.

  Directory: Sitesearch/4.1.1/fixes/classes/ORG/oclc/webz


  Directory: Sitesearch/4.1.1/fixes/classes/ORG/oclc/fmts/rules


  Directory: Sitesearch/4.1.1/fixes/classes/ORG/oclc/gadgets


BR117: Methods in JaSSIAccessClient Protected

Exists in Version(s): 4.1.1

Description: The getRows(), addRow(), replaceRow(), and deleteRow() methods in ORG.oclc.jassi.access.JaSSIAccessClient were protected so that other classes could not invoke them directly.

Fix: Changed these methods from protected to public. This fix is available from the secure ftp server.

This is a password protected site accessible to system administrators only.

  Directory: Sitesearch/4.1.1/fixes/classes/ORG/oclc/jassi/access

JaSSIAccessClient.class; README

BR116: New Records in Record Builder Sample Databases May Not Have Unique IDs

Exists in Version(s): 4.1.1

Description: The recordIdClass variable is mispelled in the [ExtendedServicesDbUpdate] section of the database configuration files for the local parks and scores sample databases (<WebZ_root>/ini/dbs/localparks_rb.ini and localscores_rb.ini, respectively). This error may prevent records added to these databases via the Record Builder interface from receiving unique ID numbers. This may also affect databases cloned from one of these two databases.

Fix: Correct manually by editing localparks_rb.ini and localscores_rb.ini (and any local databases that you may have cloned from these databases), as follows:

  File Change this ... To this ...
  localparks_rb.ini recordIparkslass = ORG.oclc.mantis.util.GetRecordIdFromFile recordIdClass = ORG.oclc.mantis.util.GetRecordIdFromFile
  localscores_rb.ini recordIscoreslass = ORG.oclc.mantis.util.GetRecordIdFromFile

recordIdClass = ORG.oclc.mantis.util.GetRecordIdFromFile

This will be corrected in version 4.1.2.

BR115: Null Pointer Exception After Submitting Direct-to-Lender OCLC ILL Request

Exists in Version(s): 4.1.1

Description: A null pointer exception occurs after sending an interlibrary loan request to OCLC ILL Direct Request with an OCLC service type of directToLender when ILL Direct Request produces an ILL record from the request. This happened because ILL Direct Request sent back a Status_OR_Error_Report (SOER) with a status report indicating that it successfully created the ILL record, but the system could not unpack the message.

Fix: Reassigned a DataDir pointer before retrieving the message String. This fix is available from the secure ftp server.

This is a password protected site accessible to system administrators only.

  Directory: Sitesearch/4.1.1/fixes/classes/ORG/oclc/isoill

IllStatusOrErrorReport.class; README

BR114: .pdf Files Not Displayed in Separate Window in WebZ/Unable to Mask URLs to Images

Exists in Version(s): 4.0.x, 4.1.0, 4.1.1

Description: When a patron clicks a hotlink to display a .pdf file from a record display in the WebZ interface, the .pdf file does not open in a new browser window. The Adobe Acrobat® Reader™ cannot open the file because it requires its own browser window. Also, it is not possible to mask URLs to local references to .pdf or other image files. For example, if a local reference to a .pdf file was /local/map/us/ohio/franklin/columbus.pdf, this reference appears in the status bar at the bottom of the browser window, and would also be visible in the HTML source.

Fix: (1) Modified ImageFETCH and and ImageInfo classes to support display of .pdf files by opening a new browser window to display them. (2) Created a new formatting rule, AddLocalAbsoluteOrHiddenAnchor, that combines features from the AddHttpAnchor and AddImageDisplay Anchor formatting rules. AddLocalAbsoluteOrHiddenAnchor supports creating an absolute URL from a local URL or masking the display of a local URL. This fix is available from the secure ftp server.

This is a password protected site accessible to system administrators only.

  Directory: Sitesearch/4.1.1/fixes/classes/ORG/oclc/fmts/rules


  Directory: Sitesearch/4.1.1/fixes/classes/ORG/webz


BR113: Restrictors Ignored on Local Databases Built on OSF/1

Exists in Version(s): 4.1.1

Description: When a patron enters a search with limits for a local database, the limits do not restrict the search properly if the local database was built on the OSF/1 operating system. This happens even if the database resides on a host that runs an operating system other than OSF/1. This occured because the restrictor information was not being read properly from these databases since the OSF/1 operating system uses the Low-to-High byteorder by default.

Fix: Modified software to read restrictor information from databases that use the Low-to-High byteorder. This fix is available from the secure ftp server.

This is a password protected site accessible to system administrators only.

  Directory: Sitesearch/4.1.1/fixes/classes/ORG/oclc/Newton/db/light

lightRestrictor.class; README   

  Directory: Sitesearch/4.1.1/fixes/classes/ORG/oclc/Newton/io


BR112: Inconsistent Return of DRA Holdings Across Result Sets

Exists in Version(s): 4.1.0, 4.1.1

Description: Records with associated DRA holdings information may display holdings when they are part of one result set and not display holdings when they are included in a different result set. This happened because the software sent an ElementSetName (ESN) to the DRA server on a search request even though the server did not support element set names, which forced the server to drop the connection. DbRemoteZ sent the ESN to the server even though the server's configuration file had the useElementSetNames variable set to false.

Fix: Modified DbRemoteZ so that it does not send the ESN to a server when useElementSetNames = false in the server's configuration file. This fix is available from the secure ftp server.

This is a password protected site accessible to system administrators only.

  Directory: Sitesearch/SiteSearch_version/fixes/classes/ORG/oclc/db

DbRemoteZ.class; README

BR111: Sort Button Appears When Postings Exceed Sort Threshold in Topic Search

Exists in Version(s): 4.1.1

Description: In a topic search, the sort button appears on the search results screen even though the number of records in a result set exceed the sort threshold, as defined in the maxSortRecords variable in the [sort] section of the database configuration file. This occurred because the software used the wrong database object to check the number of postings against the sort threshold.

Fix: Corrected so that it retrieves the correct database object for checking against the sort threshold. This fix is available from the secure ftp server.

This is a password protected site accessible to system administrators only.

  Directory: Sitesearch/4.1.1/fixes/classes/ORG/oclc/obi

resultsinfoscreen.class;; README

BR110: De-duplication Affects Databases Searched in Subsequent Searches

Exists in Version(s): 4.1.1

Description: When de-duplication is active, the results of an initial search affect subsequent searches. A de-duplicated result set, like any result set, may not contain records from every database searched in a cross-database search in a predefined or user-defined topic. If this occurs and the patron clicks:

  • Author and/or subject hotlinks on the full record display from a record in this result set, the system queries only the databases included in the result set, not all databases included in the original search.
  • The New Search link on the toolbar, all the databases originally searched appear in the list of databases on the search screen, but only the checkboxes for the databases contained in the result set are checked.

This occurred because a software bug resets the value of dbname in the UserStateObject so that it contained only the names of the databases in the result set, not all the databases queried in the original search.

Fix: Ensured that the dbname object has the database names included in the original search. This fix is available from the secure ftp server.

This is a password protected site accessible to system administrators only.

  Directory: Sitesearch/4.1.1/fixes/classes/ORG/oclc/obi

searchscreen.class;; README

BR109: Nonpublic Note Data Displayed

Exists in Version(s): 4.1.0, 4.1.0a, 4.1.1

Description: The nonpublic note subfield (subfield x) from the MARC 856 field appears on a record display, even though data from this subfield is not part of the record normally available to patrons.

Fix: Modified the Add856 formatting rule so that it no longer processes this subfield. This fix is available from the secure ftp server.

This is a password protected site accessible to system administrators only.

  Directory: Sitesearch/SiteSearch_version/fixes/classes/ORG/oclc/fmts/rules

Add856.class;; README

BR108: Input Data with Diacritics Truncated at First Diacritic

Exists in Version(s): 4.1.1

Description: Input data that contains diacritics (whether a patron types it in a search box or it is generated by the system) becomes truncated after it is submitted with a POST command. For example, the patron submits a search for the word "pájaro". This term gets truncated at the diacritic character to "p", so the patron's query contains "p" as the search term, not "pájaro". This occurred because the Action class attempted to incorrectly transform all input data into UTF-8 encoded data.

Fix: Modified the Action and JaSSI classes so that they no longer assume that input data should be encoded in UTF-8 format. This fix is available from the secure ftp server.

This is a password protected site accessible to system administrators only.

  Directory: Sitesearch/4.1.1/fixes/classes/ORG/oclc/jassi

Action.class; JaSSI.class; README


BR107: NullPointerException Thrown From Record Present Subsequent to Access Control Challenge

Exists in Version(s): 4.1.1

Description: After processing a response to a Z39.50 AccessControl Request, the system tries to retrieve data from the cache of previous record presents and throws a null pointer exception.

Fix: Modified the methods that access the cache so that they check for a null input before continuing. A fix is available from the secure ftp server.

This is a password protected site accessible to system administrators only.

  Directory: Sitesearch/4.1.1/fixes/classes/ORG/oclc/webz

ZUserData.class; README

BR106: Edited Records Saved in Record Builder Missing Edits

Exists in Version(s): 4.1.1

Description: Under certain circumstances, edits to records are not saved in Record Builder. Specifically, edits are lost if a record is saved to the save database before it is restored to its target database. If a record is restored to a target database directly after it has been edited, the edits are retained.

Fix: A fix is available from the secure ftp server.

This is a password protected site accessible to system administrators only.

  Directory: Sitesearch/4.1.1/fixes/classes/ORG/oclc/mantis/verbs


  Directory: Sitesearch/4.1.1/fixes/classes/ORG/oclc/mantis/obi

mantisscreen.class;; README

  Directory: Sitesearch/4.1.1/DbBuilder/dbs/save

save.dtd; save.dsc; template.xml; README

  Directory: Sitesearch/4.1.1/fixes/ini/dbs


  Directory: Sitesearch/4.1.1/fixes/ini/format/rbv0


BR105: Faulty ILL Error Message

Exists in Version(s): 4.1.0, 4.1.1

Description: If a patron sends an ILL request to OCLC without a RequesterId value, the error message returned is generic instead of specific. This situation occurs if the institution symbol is missing from the server configuraiton file or the authorization tables used for authorizing users.

Fix: A fix is available from the secure ftp server. Also, as long as the institutional symbol is included either in the access tables or the IllService.ini file, all ILL requests to OCLC will include a value for the RequesterId.

This is a password protected site accessible to system administrators only.

  Directory: Sitesearch/4.1.1/fixes/classes/ORG/oclc/isoill

IllStatusOrErrorReport.class; README

BR104: Email Errors Messages Not Displayed

Exists in Version(s): 4.1.0, 4.1.1

Description: If an error occurs sending email, the error is not reported to the user. In some cases, the patron is returned to the confirmation screen, suggesting that the email processed successfully.

Fix: There is no fix available at this time.

BR103: Record Numbering Error in Record Builder

Exists in Version(s): 4.1.1

Description: In RecordBuilder, the record number for the first record in the resultset was not always 1 if the the query is produced by clicking on a hyperlink.

Fix: A fix is available from the secure ftp server.

This is a password protected site accessible to system administrators only.

  Directory: Sitesearch/4.1.0/fixes/classes/ORG/oclc/mantis/hooks
  Files:; Auth.class; README

BR102: Runaway WebZ Server Processes

Exists in Version(s): 4.1.0, 4.1.1

Description: WebZ servers were able to send certain processes to a socket that was closed. The processes, consequently, were spinning out waiting for responses.

Fix: A fix is available from the secure ftp server. Fixes are available for versions 4.1.0 and 4.1.1 of SiteSearch.

This is a password protected site accessible to system administrators only.

  Directory: Sitesearch/SiteSearchVersion/fixes/classes/ORG/oclc/opserve/opsmanager

OpsManager.class; README

BR101: Apache Memory Leak

Exists in Version(s): 4.1.0, 4.1.1

Description: Users reported error messages generated by Apache, which were traced to a memory leak. The leak occurs because a case that was previously not possible in earlier versions of Apache is now possible in versions 1.3.6 and later. The code was modified to handle the case and plug the memory leak.

Fix: A fix is available from the secure ftp server. Fixes are available for versions 4.1.0 and 4.1.1 of SiteSearch for both the 1.3.6 and 1.3.11 versions of Apache on all supported operating systems.

This is a password protected site accessible to system administrators only.

  Directory: Sitesearch/SiteSearchVersion/fixes/apache/ApacheVersion/OperatingSystem/
  Files: httpd

Go to BR100 – BR001

See Also

OCLC SiteSearch Suite Known Bug List (by Detailed Description) – Part III
Open SiteSearch Suite Known Bug List (by Detailed Description) – Part I

OCLC SiteSearch Suite Known Bug List (by Category)
Open SiteSearch Suite Known Bug List (by Report Number)

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