Main -> Documentation -> WebZ System Administration -> WebZ Configuration Files -> OpServe Configuration Files

OpServe Configuration Files

The OpServe.ini file contains configuration information for the Operations Server (OpServe) component of the Open SiteSearch WebZ system which manages system components, monitors user load and, when necessary, launches additional WebZ servers to distribute user load.

The OpServe_rb.ini contains similar configuration information for OpServe in a SiteSearch environment that includes the Record Builder application included with Database Builder. In this environment, the OpServe manages system components, monitors user load, and launches additional servers as needed for both WebZ and Record Builder servers.

This document describes the sections and variables included in OpServe.ini and OpServe_rb.ini. An OpServe file example follows.

Document Conventions

  • <WebZ_root> is the location of your WebZ environment.
  • <Document_root> is the location of the HTML and image files used by the WebZ system and the Web server or the HTML and image files used by Record Builder and the Web server.
  • "Default value" is the value of a variable when WebZ (or Record Builder) was initially installed on your system.
  • The default value shown in the Default column applies to both OpServe.ini and OpServe_rb.ini unless otherwise indicated.
  • Unless otherwise specified, all variables must contain a value; their value cannot be left empty.
  • Version 4.0.x refers to any SiteSearch 4 version prior to 4.1.0; that is, 4.0.0, 4.0.0a, 4.0.1, or 4.0.2.

File Location

The OpServe.ini and OpServe_rb.ini files are located in the <WebZ_root>/ini directory of your installation.

Sections and Variables in OpServe Configuration Files

OpServe.ini and OpServe_rb.ini each have the following sections (shown as [section name]):

[OpServe] Section



Defines the port where the OpServe server accepts messages from all other WebZ system components. The default value of 0 allows the Java Virtual Machine interpreter to dynamically determine a port every time the OpServe is started.



Specifies how often (in seconds) the OpServe polls the other WebZ servers (and Record Builder servers, if applicable) to obtain load balance and threshold information about each server. The WebZ servers are JaSSI, ZBase, Access, and ZBroker. The Record Builder servers are JaSSIRB, ZBaseRB, and AccessRB.

(5 min.)


Defines the number of times OpServe polls a non-responding server before concluding the server has shut down.



Specifies the location of the configuration files for the WebZ system (including Record Builder, if applicable).


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[Operations] Section



Defines the location of the system operations files. These files include OpServe.conn, Operations.lock, jassi.load, opserve.load, and zbase.load. If the environment includes Record Builder, there are also jassirb.load and zbaserb.load files.



Defines the name used by the system to refer to the OpServe server.



Name of the file that defines the ID, name, Internet Protocol (IP) address, and load distribution percentage of the servers hosting the WebZ system, and the Record Builder application, if applicable. The location of this file is determined by the value specified in the IniFileRoot variable in the [OpServe] section of this file.


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[WebZLicense] Section (beginning with SiteSearch 4.1.0)

If your WebZ license is based on the number of simultaneous users, this section allows you to configure your environment to limit the number of simultaneous user sessions for WebZ to the number of simultaneous users in your license agreement. When WebZ reaches this limit, the next patron receives a message that indicates that the system is unavailable instead of starting a new session. A log file records occurrences when patrons are denied access to the system because the number of simultaneous users has been exceeded. See SiteSearch License Management for additional information.



Number of simultaneous WebZ users for which you are licensed.

Edit this variable to specify the number of simultaneous users in your license. If your license is based on user population, leave this variable as "unlimited".



Servers that OpServe monitors to check for simultaneous WebZ user sessions.


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[RecordBuilderLicense] Section (beginning with SiteSearch 4.1.0)

If your Database Builder license is based on the number of simultaneous users, this section allows you to configure your environment to limit the number of simultaneous user sessions for Record Builder to the number of simultaneous users in your license agreement. When Record Builder reaches this limit, the next staff member receives a message that indicates that the system is unavailable instead of starting a new session, and a log file records this denial of access to the system. See SiteSearch License Management for additional information.



Number of simultaneous Record Builders users for which you are licensed. This is equal to the number of simultaneous Database Builder users.

Edit this variable to specify the number of simultaneous users in your license. If your license is based on user population, leave this variable as "unlimited".



Servers that OpServe monitors to check for simultaneous Record Builder user sessions.


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[ServerTrace] Section



Specifies the type of information in the trace messages written to the OpServe log file.

You can also set OpServe logging manually with the settrace command in the ssadmin interface.



Specifies the directory that OpServe uses to store its server log files.



Includes the base name of the log file to which OpServe trace messages are written. When OpServe creates the log file, it appends a date and time stamp to the base name.


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[Stats] Section



Specifies the directory to which the statistics log file is written.



Base name of the log file to which system statistics are written. When OpServe creates the statistics file, it appends a date and time stamp to the base name.



Defines the time interval (in seconds) that controls when the OpServe server saves and closes the current statistics log file and opens a new file (i.e., "rolls the file"). The default value, 0, indicates that the OpServe does not generate a statistics log file.


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[ServerType] Section



Defines the names (or types) that the system uses to refer to various system components.


Upon installation, the ZBroker server is not configured to work with the WebZ system. To use the ZBroker server to allow remote Z39.50 clients to access ZBase, add ZBroker to the list of servers contained in this section. Notice that the individual ZBroker configuration sections are already set up in the OpServe.ini file, as shown in the OpServe.ini example below.

  ServerType1 = JaSSI
  ServerType2 = ZBase
  ServerType3 = Access
  ServerType4 = OpServe

  ServerType1 = JaSSI
  ServerType2 = ZBase
  ServerType3 = Access
  ServerType4 = OpServe
  ServerType5 = Lock
  ServerType6 = JaSSIRB
  ServerType7 = ZBaseRB
  ServerType8 = AccessRB

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[servername] Section

OpServe.ini contains a [servername] section for each of the WebZ system servers: JaSSI, ZBase, ZBroker, and Access. OpServe.ini must also have a section about each of the hosts that the server will run on (see the [host1servername] section).

OpServe_rb.ini contains a [servername] for each of the WebZ system servers and the Record Builder servers: Lock, JaSSIRB, ZBaseRB, and AccessRB.

All of the variables defined in the table below must be included in the JaSSI, JaSSIRB, ZBase, and ZBaseRB server sections. The ZBroker, Access, AccessRB, and Lock server sections ONLY include the StartSectionn variable.



(beginning with SiteSearch 4.1.0)

Indicates whether you wish to maintain the minimum number of servers running of this type.

If MaintainMinimum=true, when a server stops or crashes for any reason, OpServe starts a new server of that type at the next OpServe polling period.

false (if not otherwise specified)


Defines the minimum number of servers of this type (JaSSI, JaSSIRB, ZBase, or ZBaseRB, as applicable) that OpServe starts at system startup.



Defines the maximum number of servers of this type (JaSSI, JaSSIRB, ZBase, or ZBaseRB, as applicable) that OpServe will run within the system at any given time, regardless of user load.



Specifies the load factor level for the particular server type (JaSSI, JaSSIRB, ZBase, or ZBaseRB) at which OpServe starts another server of that type. If the computed load on a particular server exceeds StartThreshold, OpServe starts a new server of that type. The load factor level ranges from 1 (low load) to 4 (high load).



Specifies the load factor level at which OpServe shuts down a server of a particular type (JaSSI, JaSSIRB, ZBase, or ZBaseRB). If the computed load on a particular server falls below StopThreshold, OpServe shut down the server. The load factor level ranges from 1 (low load) to 4 (high load).



Specifies which section in the OpServe.ini file to use when starting a server.

You can define several StartSection variables in this section using the syntax StartSection1, StartSection2, and so on. The StartSection variable allows you to define several sets of startup instructions for running servers on multiple hosts. The StartSection variable must have a corresponding section within the OpServe.ini file. For example, if StartSection1=host1JaSSI there must be a corresponding [host1JaSSI] section in the OpServe.ini file (see [host1servername]).

host1servername, where servername is equal to the WebZ server (JaSSI, JaSSIRB, ZBase, ZBaseRB, ZBroker, Lock, Access, or AccessRB) that this section, [servername], defines.

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[host1servername] Section


The [host1servername] section is an example of a Start Section, and contains information for starting a particular type of server (JaSSI, ZBase, ZBroker, or Access for WebZ; JaSSIRB, ZBaseRB, AccessRB, or Lock for Record Builder). You can define more than one start section for each server type in the OpServe.ini file, but each section must be defined by a corresponding StartSection variable (see the [servername] section ).



Defines the method, EXEC, for starting the server. Do not change this value.



Specifies the command used to start the server.

<WebZ_root>/scripts/ssmgr.hostname servername


Defines the name of the host on which to run the server. This name must match the name defined by the HostName variable in HostMap.ini.

NOTE: The next two variables are optional. If you include them, they override the MinServers and MaxServers values specified in the [servername] section for this server type for the specified host.


Defines the minimum number of servers of this type (JaSSI, JaSSIRB, ZBase, or ZBaseRB, as applicable) that OpServe starts at system startup on the host specified in the Host variable.



Defines the maximum number of servers of this type (JaSSI, JaSSIRB, ZBase, or ZBaseRB, as applicable) on this host that OpServe will run within the system at any given time on the host specified in the Host variable, regardless of user load.


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[Groups] Section



Defines a name which, for convenience, can be used in the ssadmin interface to control a group of servers. By default, the nonOpsGroup is the only group defined in the OpServe.ini file.

You can define several server groups using the syntax Group1, Group2, Group3, and so on. For each Group variable, there must exist a corresponding group section within the OpServe.ini file. Thus, Group1=nonOpsGroup must have a corresponding [nonOpsGroup] section in the OpServe.ini file.


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[nonOpsGroup] Section

The [nonOpsGroup] section is an example of a Group definition section. It contains a list of server types included in the group and, via the group name, provides a convenient way to start, control, and stop multiple server types using the ssadmin interface. For example, a command to quiesce the nonOpsGroup would quiesce a JaSSI server and a ZBase server because these servers are members of [nonOpsGroup]. You can define several groups in the OpServe.ini file, provided that each group definition section has a corresponding definition in the [Groups] section.



Defines the server type to include in the group. You define multiple server types using the syntax ServerType1, ServerType2, ServerType3, and so on.

  ServerType1 = JaSSI
  ServerType2 = ZBase
  ServerType3 = Access
  ServerType4 = ZBroker

  ServerType1 = JaSSI
  ServerType2 = ZBase
  ServerType3 = Access
  ServerType4 = ZBroker
  ServerType5 = Lock
  ServerType6 = JaSSIRB
  ServerType7 = ZBaseRB
  ServerType8 = AccessRB

OpServe Configuration File Example

# OpServe.ini (SiteSearch 4.1.0)
port = 0
PollingPeriod = 300
PollingRetries = 2 IniFileRoot = <WebZ_root>/ini
OpsConfigDir = <WebZ_root>/ops
ServerType = OpServe
HostMapIni = HostMap.ini [WebZLicense]
MaxSimultaneousUsers = unlimited
ServerType1 = jassi
ServerType2 = zbroker
MaxSimultaneousUsers = unlimited
ServerType1 = jassirb
TraceLevel = TRACE_NONE
TraceDirectory = <WebZ_root>/logs
TraceFile = opserve.serverLog
statsDirectory = <WebZ_root>/stats
statsFilename = allServers.Stats
rollInterval = 0
ServerType1 = JaSSI
ServerType2 = ZBase
ServerType3 = Access
ServerType4 = OpServe
MinServers = 1
MaxServers = 10
StartThreshold = 2.75
StopThreshold = 1.25
StartSection1 = host1JaSSI
#StartSection2 = host2JaSSI
StartType = EXEC
ExecCmd = <WebZ_root>/scripts/ssmgr.hostname jassi
Host = hostname
# Example of how to start on remote hosts
# [host2JaSSI]
# StartType = EXEC
# ExecCmd = rsh HOST2 <WebZ_root>/scripts/ssmgr.HOST2 jassi
# Host = HOST2
MinServers = 1
MaxServers = 10
StartThreshold = 2.75
StopThreshold = 1.25
StartSection1 = host1ZBase
StartType = EXEC
ExecCmd = <WebZ_root>/scripts/ssmgr.hostname zbase
Host = hostname
#Example of how to start on remote hosts
# StartType = EXEC
# ExecCmd = rsh HOST2 <WebZ_root>/scripts/ssmgr.HOST2 zbase
# Host = HOST2
# ZBroker commands. not automatically started
# by OpServe right now. To do so, add to the
# ServerType section above.
StartSection1 = host1ZBroker
StartType = EXEC
ExecCmd = <WebZ_root>/scripts/ssmgr.hostname zbroker
Host = hostname
StartSection1 = host1Access
MinServers = 1
MaxServers = 1
StartType = EXEC
ExecCmd = <WebZ_root>/scripts/ssmgr.hostname access
Host = hostname
Group1 = nonOpsGroup
ServerType1 = JaSSI
ServerType2 = ZBase
ServerType3 = Access
ServerType4 = ZBroker

See Also

HostMap.ini Configuration File
WebZ Configuration Files
Record Builder Configuration Files
WebZ System Configuration

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