Main -> Documentation -> OCLC SiteSearch Record Builder -> Record Builder Interface -> Screens -> Search Results

Search Results Screen



The Record Builder application's Search Results screen displays the results of a search request to locate records in a local database.

When Displayed

Record Builder displays the Search Results screen after:


Search Results screen

Usage Notes

  • The Current EditSession section of the screen lists your search criteria, the number of records found (hits), and the database searched.
  • The display contains the title of each record and its database.
  • Click Refine buttonin the Current EditSession section to refine the search (add another search term or limit the search in another way) if you wish.
  • To view a record, click the title hotlink.
  • To edit a record, click the Edit Record icon, Edit Record icon .
  • To export a record, click the Export Record icon, Export Record icon.
  • To delete a record, click the Delete Record icon,Delete Record icon.
  • To copy a record, click the Copy Record icon, Copy Record icon .

Next Action

Record Builder displays the appropriate screen based on the action you take (view, delete, edit, or copy).

See Also

Performing Online Record Updates to Local Databases with Record Builder
A Walkthrough of the Record Builder Interface
Record Builder Process Model and Overview


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