Main -> Documentation -> WebZ System Administration -> WebZ Configuration Files-> IllService.ini Configuration File

IllService.ini Configuration File


Sections in IllService.ini
Variables in Each Section of IllService.ini
IllService.ini Example


This document describes the contents of the IllService.ini file.

In SiteSearch 4.1.1 and earlier, you need to edit the IllService.ini file as part of configuring WebZ to generate Interlibrary Loan (ILL) requests. Some sections in this file pertain to WebZ's interaction with the OCLC ILL Direct Request Service, other sections pertain to WebZ's ability to route ILL requests to a specified e-mail address and still other sections pertain to both ILL methods. This document uses ISOILL and EMAIL, respectively, as shorthand terms for the two ILL methods.

You select an ILL method for every database for which you want to enable WebZ to generate ILL requests submitted by patrons.

You can find IllService.ini in the <WebZRoot>/ini/servers directory, where <WebZ_root> is the directory where you have installed SiteSearch.

Beginning with SiteSearch 4.1.2, there are ILL server configuration files specific to the three supported ILL service types. See ILL Server Configuration Files for more information.

Sections in IllService.ini

Applicable to


Defines the way that WebZ routes patron requests to the OCLC ILL Direct Request Service.



Defines general default ILL information like reauthorization limit, copyright compliance, notes, and a need before date.



Defines the source, destination, subject line, and first line of e-mail messages that contain ILL requests.


(beginning with SiteSearch 4.1.1)
Reserved for future use. N/A at present


Defines the name, address, and communication methods for the library where the materials requested in ILL requests should be delivered.



Defines the name, address, and billing method for the library charged for ILL requests.


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Variables in Each Section of IllService.ini

See the IllService.ini Example in this document for default values for each variable.


This section applies only to ISOILL requests.


The only variables in this section that you must specify in IllService.ini are the hostname and port. The remaining variables allow you to provide values that apply to all ISOILL requests. If you use WebZ's Access component (which includes the accessdb database or your own patron authorization database) to control patron authorization to WebZ, institution-specific information in accessdb or your database overrides the data from the InstSym, autho, and password variables when WebZ submits ILL requests to OCLC ILL Direct Request.




Name of the ILL server at OCLC. See the note for the port variable.


Name of the port you intend to use at the server specified in the hostname variable.


IllService.ini has two sets of hostname and port variables after installation. The first set of variables refers to the hostname and port for the OCLC ILL Direct Request test server. The second set of variables applies to the OCLC ILL Direct Request production server. Comment out the section that you do not want to use.

(beginning with SiteSearch 4.1.1)
The ID symbol possibly needed for an IPIG-compliant ILL system other than OCLC ILL Direct Request. Leave this variable blank for OCLC ILL Direct Request.


Your OCLC ILL symbol. The default value, ACQ, applies to a test account that you can use for sending requests to the OCLC ILL Direct Request test server to test WebZ's interaction with OCLC ILL Direct Request.


The 9-digit authorization code that grants access to the ILL server. The default value (100-091-178) applies to ACQ.


The OCLC ILL password that grants access to the ILL server. The default value (test) applies to ACQ.


Controls the value of the permissionToChangeSendList variable in the ISO-10161 ILL Request sent to OCLC if you are using the ILL Direct Request Direct-to-Profile option (see OclcIllServiceType).

If changeSendTo = true, ILL Direct Request supplies potential lenders for the request, based on the lenders in the Custom Holdings path you have established with OCLC DirectRequest for the profile that matches this request.

If changeSendTo = false, ILL Direct Request does not try to supply lenders from the Custom Holdings path for the profile that matches this request.

If the request contains no potential lenders, OCLC supplies potential lenders from the Custom Holdings path for the profile that matches this request regardless of the value of the changeSendTo variable.

For more information on the permissionToChangeSendToList, see the Direct-to-Profile section in the OCLC ILL Direct Request Service Planning Guide.


Sets the preference code in the ISO-10161 ILL Request if you are using the Direct-to-Profile or Direct-to-Lender options. The preference code allows you to indicate whether ILL Direct Request can change the order of the lender symbols you include in a request.

If orderPreference = ordered, ILL DirectRequest stops adding lenders to to the ILL request when it encounters an invalid OCLC symbol in the list of lenders provided with the ILL request.

If orderPreference = unordered, ILL Direct Request skips over an invalid lender and continues to validate lender symbols.

For more information about the preference code, see the OCLC ILL Direct Request Service Planning Guide.


Indicates your OCLC ILL Direct Request processing option, which must be one of the following:

  • directToReview. Direct-to-Review File option, where OCLC sends all ILL requests to your OCLC ILL Review File for processing by your staff.
  • directToProfile. Direct-to-Profile option, which matches the patron's request against profiles that you have set up for OCLC ILL Direct Request. Based on the matches between the request and a profile, OCLC may send the request to your ILL Review File for staff processing, or may send the request to the first potential lender.
  • directToLender. Direct-to-Lender option, where OCLC forwards patron requests through OCLC ILL to the first potential lender without any review by your staff.

For more information on the processing options, see WebZ and OCLC ILL Direct Request or the OCLC ILL Direct Request Service Planning Guide.


Indicates the database where the ILL request originated. The default value is SiteSearch-4.1.0. A formatting rule (ORG.oclc.fmts.rules.AddILLDatabaseName) referenced by the database's isoill formatting configuration file, or the isoill formatting class defined for the database,,, or a custom or server-specific formatting rule or class, changes the source to the database name when WebZ processes ILL requests.


Lists the names of your ILL partners. This variable is optional.

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This section applies to both ISOILL and EMAIL ILL requests.


(1) Unless otherwise indicated, all variables in this section are optional.

(2) If you use WebZ's Access component (which includes the accessdb database or your own patron authorization database) to control patron authorization to WebZ, institution-specific information in accessdb or your database overrides the data from the reauthoLimit and requesterNote variables when WebZ submits ILL requests to OCLC ILL Direct Request.




For blank ILL forms filled out online by patrons. This variable uses the values you set to route the form. Possible values are EMAIL or ISOILL.


You should only use the DefaultService variable for the resource sharing style (rssStyle.ini). Comment out this variable if you are not using the resource sharing style.


Number of ILL requests a user can make before she/he has to reauthorize.

A value of 0 means that the user can make unlimited requests without reauthorizing.


Defines whether your library adheres to standard copyright policy.

Beginning with SiteSearch 4.1.1, possible values are US:CCL, US:CCG, or blank.

  • US:CCL - if you conform to U.S. copyright law
  • US:CCG - if you conform to copyright guidelines
  • blank (no data) - if you use another method of ensuring copyright compliance

For other SiteSearch versions, possible values are CCL, CCG, or blank.

  • CCL - if you conform to U.S. copyright law
  • CCG - if you conform to copyright guidelines
  • blank (no data) - if you use another method of ensuring copyright compliance


The date after which the material is of no use to the patron, in the format YYYYMMDD, where YYYY is a four-digit year, MM is the month, and DD is the day. Use trailing zeros for months and days less than 10.

Example: NeedBeforeDate =YYYYMMDD


This field is optional. OCLC recommends that you leave it blank. For ISOILL requests, if there is no value in IllServer.ini and the patron does not enter a Need Before Date on the ILL form, the Need Before Date comes your ILL Constant Data or defaults to 30 days from the current date.


General note that appears in all requests. You can use this for any purpose you wish. For example, if you are testing your WebZ ILL capabilities, you could use this field to indicate that this is a test ILL request rather than an actual request from a patron.

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This section applies to EMAIL ILL requests.


Unless otherwise indicated, all variables in this section are required.




Destination e-mail address for ILL requests originating from databases configured to process ILL requests by e-mail.


Name of the SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) server that handles e-mail requests from your SiteSearch system. This is often, but not always, the same host machine (server) where you have installed SiteSearch. Possible values are the name or Internet Protocol (IP) address of the server, localhost, or blank (no value):

  • name or IP address of the mail server - if your mail server resides on a different host than SiteSearch
  • localhost or blank (no value) - if your mail server resides on the same host as SiteSearch


Address to use in the "From" line of the e-mail message.


Subject line in the e-mail message containing the ILL request. This variable is optional.


Your e-mail program may be able to filter e-mail messages into specific folders. If so, you may benefit from entering a subject that your e-mail software can easily send to a specific folder.


First line in the body of the e-mail message that contains the ILL request. This variable is optional.

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This section applies to both ISOILL and EMAIL ILL requests. For ISOILL requests, ILL Direct Request maps this information to the OCLC ILL :SHIPTO: field.


(1) Unless otherwise indicated, all variables in this section are optional. Remove the default data for any variables that do not apply to your site.

(2) If you use WebZ's Access component (which includes the accessdb database or your own patron authorization database) to control patron authorization to WebZ, institution-specific information in accessdb or your database overrides the data from every variable in this section (except ElectronicService or Service) when WebZ submits ILL requests to OCLC ILL Direct Request.




Name of the library where materials requested in ILL requests should be delivered (the "borrowing library").


Optional second line for the library name, such as a department name.


Street address of the borrowing library.


Post office box of the borrowing library.


City of the borrowing library.


Region (state, province, etc.) of the borrowing library.


Zip or postal code of the borrowing library.


Country of the borrowing library.


Fax number of the borrowing library. If you set the value of the ElectronicService variable to FAX, enter the fax number (including area code) where electronic copies of materials should be sent.


E-mail address at the borrowing library. If you set the value of the ElectronicService variable to EMAIL, enter the e-mail address for sending electronic copies of requested material here.


Delivery method for sending borrowed materials to the library. Possible values are MAIL, EMAIL, or LIBRARY RATE (use LIBRARY RATE if you receive the postage discount from the U.S. Postal Service for shipping materials) here.


Indicates whether to send copies of requested materials by fax (FAX) or by e-mail (EMAIL).


Make sure that you provide the appropriate destination e-mail address and/or a fax number in the Fax or Email variables.


This section applies to both ISOILL and EMAIL ILL requests. For ISOILL requests, ILL Direct Request maps this information to the OCLC ILL :BILLTO: field.


(1) Unless otherwise indicated, all variables in this section are optional. Remove the default data for any variables that do not apply to your site.

(2) If you use WebZ's Access component (which includes the accessdb database or your own patron authorization database) to control patron authorization to WebZ, institution-specific information in accessdb or your database overrides the data from the variables in this section when WebZ submits ILL requests to OCLC ILL Direct Request.




Name of the borrowing library that should be billed for the requested material.


Optional second line for the library name, such as a department name.


Street address of the borrowing library's billing address.


Post office box of the borrowing library's billing address.


City of the borrowing library's billing address.


Region (state, province, etc.) of the borrowing library's billing address.


Zip code or postal of the borrowing library's billing address.


Country of the borrowing library's billing address.


Billing account number for the borrowing library.

This can be any account number you use for this purpose, such as a credit card number.


Maximum cost the borrowing library will pay for the requested material.


If you enter a value for this variable, you must specify the type of currency by providing a value for CurrencyCode.


Defines the type of currency you are using to make the transaction.

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IllService.ini Example

This example shows IllService.ini as it appears right after installation in SiteSearch 4.1.1.

# Host and port for testing
hostname =
port = 5771
responderId =
# Host and port for production
#hostname =
#port = 499
# Change to your own symbol, autho, and password
instSym = ACQ
autho = 100-091-178
password = test
# ILL DIRECT REQUEST profile flags
# changeSendTo (true or false)
# orderPreference (ORDERED or UNORDERED)
# OclcIllServiceType (directToReview, directToProfile, directToLender)

changeSendTo = false
orderPreference = UNORDERED
OclcIllServiceType = directToReview
# Formatting classes change Source to database name
Source = SS-4.0.1
Affiliations = Name your ILL partners here.
DefaultService = EMAIL
reauthoLimit = 0
CopyrightCompliance= US:CCG
NeedBeforeDate =
RequesterNote = This is a test.
EmailAddress =
server =
from =
subject = RSS ILL Request
message = This message was generated by ILLEmail.
# Used when IllService=ILLMIME
# Change these to reflect your email address & SMTP server
#What office is supposed to receive ISO-10161 ILL emails?
MEmailAddress =
#What is your mail server? Probably same as the one above
Mserver =
#What is your canned return address?
Mfrom =
#DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE : required by the IPIG standard
Msubject = ISO-10161-ILL-1
#Sender (may be the same as the canned return address)
Msender = 
#Replyto address - (may be the same as the canned return address)
Mreplyto =
# This information is for the OCLC ILL :SHIPTO: field
Name = Dallas Suburban
ExtendedAddress = Shipping and Receiving
Address = 1 Suburb Street
POBox =
City = Dallas
Region = TX
Zip = 39393
Country = US
Fax =
EMail =
Service = Mail
ElectronicService =
# This information is for the OCLC ILL :BILLTO: field

Name = Dallas Public Library
ExtendedAddress = Billing Department
Address = 1 Main Street
POBox =
City = Dallas
Region = TX
Zip = 39393
Country = US
AccountNumber =
MaxCostForItem =
CurrencyCode = USD

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See Also

WebZ and Interlibrary Loan
ILL Configuration Files
WebZ and E-Mail ILL Requests
WebZ and OCLC ILL Direct Request
Access Component Overview
accessdb Database

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