Main -> Documentation -> Database Builder – Newton -> The SiteSearch Database Operations Tool (SSDOT) -> SSDOT Program Menu Structure

The SSDOT Program Menu Structure

The SiteSearch Database Operations Tool (SSDOT) is a menu-driven interface used to access the database utility programs for building and maintaining SiteSearch databases. This document contains an outline of the menu structure of the SSDOT interface. It includes each of the numbered options available on every menu and submenu in the SSDOT program. Use this outline as a reference guide to navigate through the program and find specific task options to build and maintain your searchable SiteSearch databases.

Contents of the SSDOT Main Menu and Submenus

  • 1 Database Registration (menu)
    • 1.1 Add a database to this environment
    • 1.2 Import a database from another environment
    • 1.3 Remove a database from this environment
    • 1.4 Edit registration information
    • 1.5 Print registration information
    • 1.6 Exit SSDOT
  • 2 BER Records (menu)
    • 2.1 List BER volumes
    • 2.2 Delete BER volume
    • 2.3 Display BER records from BER file
    • 2.4 Convert input data to BER-formatted records
    • 2.5 Extract BER records from database
    • 2.6 View BER conversion log
    • 2.7 Exit SSDOT

  • 3 Database Creation And Maintenance (menu)
    • 3.1 Initialize database
    • 3.2 Update database
    • 3.3 Validate database
    • 3.4 Database Reorganization (menu)
      • 3.4.1 HEDR and HDIR Reorganization (menu)
        • Initialize new HEDR and HDIR files
        • Run reorganization
        • Install reorganized HEDR and HDIR files
        • Exit SSDOT
      • 3.4.2 POST, PDIR and INDX Reorganization (menu)
        • Initialize new POST, PDIR and INDX files
        • Run reorganization
        • Install reorganized POST, PDIR and INDX files
        • Exit SSDOT
      • 3.4.3 Exit SSDOT
    • 3.5 Delete database files
    • 3.6 Log files (menu)
      • 3.6.1 View log files
      • 3.6.2 Print log files
      • 3.6.3 Delete database logs
      • 3.6.4 Exit SSDOT
    • 3.7 Exit SSDOT

  • 4 Database Backups (menu)
    • 4.1 List database backups
    • 4.2 Delete a database backup
    • 4.3 Create a backup file
    • 4.4 Restore a database from a backup file
    • 4.5 Exit SSDOT

  • 5 Advanced Options (menu)
    • 5.1 Initialize database
    • 5.2 Convert input data to BER-formatted records
    • 5.3 Add records to database and creat index terms (Pippin)
    • 5.4 Sort index terms (Sortnip)
    • 5.5 Add index terms to the database (Rome)
    • 5.6 Sort sparse index terms (Sortspar)
    • 5.7 Add sparse index terms to the database(Sparrome)
    • 5.8 Database Growth (menu)
      • 5.8.1 Grow database
      • 5.8.2 Restart pippin using restart file
      • 5.8.3 Restart rome using restart file
      • 5.8.4 Restart sparrome using restart file
      • 5.8.5 Exit SSDOT
    • 5.9 Exit SSDOT

  • 6 Exit SSDOT

See Also

The SiteSearch Database Operations Tool (SSDOT)
Starting and Exiting SSDOT
Basic SSDOT Conventions and Shortcuts
Open SiteSearch Database Builder Utility Programs

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