Open SiteSearch 4.1.1

Class FormatBerUtil


public class FormatBerUtil
extends Object

The FormatBerUtil class is a set of formatting utilities for formatting BER records for display in HTML pages. It can be instantiated to build a String containing formatted data and it also provides many static methods to simply return formatted data Strings. FormatBerUtil also provides methods to create HTML anchors for search queries and records presents.

The input to most methods to pull data from an input DataDir Object is a String containing a list of fields and/or subfields. The list of fields is comma separated and the various notations can be used as in the examples below:

Field list input:
245, 230 : fields 245 and 230
245/1-3, 260/1 : field 245 with subfields 1 thru 3 and field 260 subfield 1
100/* : field 100 with all subfields
Field & Subfield list input:
245, 230 with * : all subfields from fields 245 and 230
245, 260 with 1-3 : subfields 1 thru 3 from fields 245 and 260
5/3/3, 100/1, 111, 700 with 1,2,3,4,5,19 : subfields 1,2,3,4,5,19 from fields 5/3/3, 100/1, 111, and 700
100, 111, 700 with 1,2,3,4,5,19 : subfields 1,2,3,4,5,19 from fields 100,111,700
Special characters:
* : all the fields at that level of the DataDir object.
- : indicates a range of fields

See Also:

Field Summary
static int ASCII
          integer data type indicating the input data is in ASCII format 1.
static int ASIS
          integer data type indicating the input data should be treated as is - no data conversion necessary 3.
 int charSet
          integer data type defining the character set value to use for formatting the input data - defaults to ASCII.
static String COLON
          String data type defining a Colon string (":").
static String COLONSPACE
          String data type defining a Colon, space ("; ") string.
static String COMMA
          String data type defining a Comma string(",").
static String COMMASPACE
          String data type defining a Comma, space (", ") string.
static boolean DATAORDERED
          boolean data type indicating to retrieve data from a field list in DataOrdered order.
 boolean doHtmlDiacritics
          boolean data type indicating whether to translate characters to html Diacritics - defaults to true.
static int EBCDIC
          integer data type indicating the input data is in EBDIC format 2.
static boolean FORMATORDERED
          boolean data type indicating to retrieve data from a field list in FormatOrdered order.
 StringBuffer o
          StringBuffer object that contains a built up string of formatted record data.
 boolean saveMarcIndicators
          boolean data type indicating whether to save the marc indicator fields in the output data string - default to false.
static String SEMICOLON
          String data type defining a SemiColon string(";").
          String data type defining a SemiColon, space ("; ") string.
static String SPACE
          String data type defining a space string(" ").
static int UTF8
          integer data type indicating that the input data should be treated as UTF8 data.
Constructor Summary
          Constructs a FormatBerUtil object.
Method Summary
 void addAnchorAndSubfieldData(DataDir dir, String primaryFields, String[] anchorSubfields, String noanchorSubfields, String[] anchorIndex, boolean[] combineAnchorFields, int breakOnRepeatingField, String fieldSeparator, String[] anchorSeparator, String subfieldSeparator, boolean fieldsDataOrdered, boolean subfieldsDataOrdered, boolean createAnchors, String anchorCommand, String anchorNext, String anchorBad, String context, String anchorWidgets, String anchorTarget)
 void addAnchorAndSubfieldData(DataDir dir, String primaryFields, String anchorSubfields, String noanchorSubfields, String anchorIndex, boolean combineAnchorFields, int breakOnRepeatingField, String fieldSeparator, String anchorSeparator, String subfieldSeparator, boolean fieldsDataOrdered, boolean subfieldsDataOrdered, boolean createAnchors, String anchorCommand, String anchorNext, String anchorBad, String context, String anchorWidgets, String anchorTarget)
          Invokes the getAnchorAndSubfield data to create a formatted string containing that is appended to the current formatting buffer using the input fields String, anchor subfields String, and non-anchor subfields String.
 void addAnchorAndSubfieldDataWithIndicators(DataDir dir, String primaryFields, String indicator1, String indicator2, String[] subfields, String[] anchorIndex, boolean[] combineFields, int breakOnRepeatingField, String fieldSeparator, String[] subfieldSeparator, boolean fieldsDataOrdered, boolean[] subfieldsDataOrdered, boolean createAnchors, boolean cleanUpQuery, String anchorCommand, String anchorNext, String anchorBad, String context, String anchorFormat, String anchorFmtclass, String anchorWidgets, String anchorTarget)
          Invokes the getAnchorAndSubfieldData with the input indicators to create a formatted string containing that is appended to the current formatting buffer using the input fields String, anchor subfields array, and non-anchor subfields String.
 void addAnchorEachField(DataDir dir, String fieldList)
          Appends a http:// hot-link anchor to the formatting buffer for each field in the fieldlist from the input DataDir object.
 void addAnchorEachSubfield(DataDir dir, String fieldList, String subFieldList)
          Appends a http:// hot-link anchor to the formatting buffer for each subfield in the fieldlist from the input DataDir object.
 void addBinaryFields(DataDir dir, String fieldList)
          Invokes the addBinaryFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields added in FORMAT ORDER using an empty label and trailer string and a default field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer.
 void addBinaryFields(DataDir dir, String fieldList, boolean dataOrdered)
          Invokes the addBinaryFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields added in the requested order using an empty label and trailer string and a default field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer
 void addBinaryFields(String separator, DataDir dir, String fieldList)
          Invokes the addBinaryFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields added in FORMAT ORDER using an empty label and trailer string and the input field separator string to add data to the formatting buffer.
 void addBinaryFields(String separator, DataDir dir, String fieldList, boolean dataOrdered)
          Invokes the addBinaryFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields pulled in the requested data order using an empty label and trailer string and the input field separator string to add data to the formatting buffer.
 void addBinaryFields(String label, String trailer, DataDir dir, String fieldList)
          Invokes addBinaryFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields pulled in FORMAT ORDER with the input label and trailer strings and a default field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer.
 void addBinaryFields(String label, String trailer, DataDir dir, String fieldList, boolean dataOrdered)
          Invokes addBinaryFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields pulled in the requested order with the input label and trailer strings and a default field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer.
 void addBinaryFields(String label, String separator, String trailer, DataDir dir, String fieldList)
          Invokes addBinaryFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields pulled in FORMAT ORDER with the input label, separator, and trailer strings.
 void addBinaryFields(String label, String separator, String trailer, DataDir dir, String fieldList, boolean dataOrdered)
          Appends the binary data retrieved from the DataDir object for the specified list of fields to the formatting buffer - it inserts the input labels and trailers and uses the input separator String between fields.
 void addBinarySubfieldsFromFields(DataDir dir, String fieldList, String subFieldList)
          Invokes the addBinarySubfieldsFromFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields pulled in FORMAT ORDER using an empty label and trailer string and a default field field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer.
 void addBinarySubfieldsFromFields(DataDir dir, String fieldList, String subFieldList, boolean fieldsDataOrdered, boolean subfieldsDataOrdered)
          Invokes the addBinarySubfieldsFromFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields pulled in the requested order using an empty label and trailer string and a default field field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer.
 void addBinarySubfieldsFromFields(DataDir dir, String fieldList, String subFieldList, String fieldLabel, String fieldSeparator, String fieldTrailer, String subfieldLabel, String subfieldSeparator, String subfieldTrailer, boolean fieldsDataOrdered, boolean subfieldsDataOrdered)
          Appends the binary data retrieved from the DataDir object for the specified list of subfields found in the input field list pulled from the data in the requested data order and adds it to the formatting buffer - it inserts the input field label before the data, separates fields with the field separator and appends the field trailer to the data - it inserts the subfield label before a list of subfields, separates them with the subfield separator and terminates them with the subfield terminator.
 void addBinarySubfieldsFromFields(String separator, DataDir dir, String fieldList, String subFieldList)
          Invokes the addBinarySubfieldsFromFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields pulled in FORMAT ORDER using an empty label and trailer string and the input field separator string to add data to the formatting buffer.
 void addBinarySubfieldsFromFields(String separator, DataDir dir, String fieldList, String subFieldList, boolean fieldsDataOrdered, boolean subfieldsDataOrdered)
          Invokes the addBinarySubfieldsFromFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields pulled in the order requested using an empty label and trailer string and the input field separator string to add data to the formatting buffer.
 void addBinarySubfieldsFromFields(String label, String trailer, DataDir dir, String fieldList, String subFieldList)
          Invokes the addBinarySubfieldsFromFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields pulled in FORMAT ORDER with the input label and trailer strings and a default field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer.
 void addBinarySubfieldsFromFields(String label, String trailer, DataDir dir, String fieldList, String subFieldList, boolean fieldsDataOrdered, boolean subfieldsDataOrdered)
          Invokes the addBinarySubfieldsFromFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields pulled in the requested order with the input label and trailer strings and a default field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer.
 void addBinarySubfieldsFromFields(String label, String separator, String trailer, DataDir dir, String fieldList, String subFieldList)
 void addBinarySubfieldsFromFields(String label, String separator, String trailer, DataDir dir, String fieldList, String subFieldList, boolean fieldsDataOrdered, boolean subfieldsDataOrdered)
 void addFields(DataDir dir, String fieldList)
          Invokes the addFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields in FORMAT ORDER using an empty label and trailer string and a default field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer.
 void addFields(DataDir dir, String fieldList, boolean dataOrdered)
          Invokes the addFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields using an empty label and trailer string and a default field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer.
 void addFields(String separator, DataDir dir, String fieldList)
          Invokes the addFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields in FORMAT ORDER using an empty label and trailer string and the input field separator string to add data to the formatting buffer.
 void addFields(String separator, DataDir dir, String fieldList, boolean dataOrdered)
          Invokes the addFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields using an empty label and trailer string and the input field separator string to add data to the formatting buffer.
 void addFields(String label, String trailer, DataDir dir, String fieldList)
          Invokes addFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields in FORMAT ORDER with the input label and trailer strings and a default field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer.
 void addFields(String label, String trailer, DataDir dir, String fieldList, boolean dataOrdered)
          Invokes addFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields with the input label and trailer strings and a default field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer.
 void addFields(String label, String separator, String trailer, DataDir dir, String fieldList)
          Invokes addFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields in FORMAT ORDER with the input label, separator, and trailer strings.
 void addFields(String label, String separator, String trailer, DataDir dir, String fieldList, boolean dataOrdered)
          Appends the String data retrieved from DataDir object for the specified list of fields to the formatting buffer - it inserts the input labels and trailers and uses the input separator String between fields.
 void addSubfieldsFromFields(DataDir dir, String fieldList, String subFieldList)
          Invokes the addSubfieldsFromFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields pulled in FORMAT ORDER using an empty label and trailer string and a default field field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer.
 void addSubfieldsFromFields(DataDir dir, String fieldList, String[] subFieldList, String fieldLabel, String fieldSeparator, String fieldTrailer, String[] subfieldLabel, String[] subfieldSeparator, String[] subfieldTrailer, boolean fieldsDataOrdered, boolean[] subfieldsDataOrdered, int breakOnRepeatingSubfield)
          Invokes the addSubfieldsFromFieldsWithValidIndicators mmethod with indicator values that will are valid every time ("*"), so that the subfield data gets appended to the output buffer.
 void addSubfieldsFromFields(DataDir dir, String fieldList, String subFieldList, boolean fieldsDataOrdered, boolean subfieldsDataOrdered)
          Invokes the addSubfieldsFromFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields pulled in the requested order using an empty label and trailer string and a default field field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer.
 void addSubfieldsFromFields(DataDir dir, String fieldList, String subFieldList, String fieldLabel, String fieldSeparator, String fieldTrailer, String subfieldLabel, String subfieldSeparator, String subfieldTrailer, boolean fieldsDataOrdered, boolean subfieldsDataOrdered, int breakOnRepeatingSubfield)
          Appends the String data retrieved from the DataDir object for the specified list of subfields found in the input field list pulled from the data in the requested data order and adds it to the formatting buffer - it inserts the input field label before the data, separates fields with the field separator and appends the field trailer to the data - it inserts the subfield label before a list of subfields, separates them with the subfield separator and terminates them with the subfield terminator.
 void addSubfieldsFromFields(String separator, DataDir dir, String fieldList, String subFieldList)
          Invokes the addSubfieldsFromFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields pulled in FORMAT ORDER using an empty label and trailer string and the input field separator string to add data to the formatting buffer.
 void addSubfieldsFromFields(String separator, DataDir dir, String fieldList, String subFieldList, boolean fieldsDataOrdered, boolean subfieldsDataOrdered)
          Invokes the addSubfieldsFromFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields pulled in the requested order using an empty label and trailer string and the input field separator string to add data to the formatting buffer.
 void addSubfieldsFromFields(String label, String trailer, DataDir dir, String fieldList, String subFieldList)
          Invokes the addSubfieldsFromFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields pulled in FORMAT ORDER with the input label and trailer strings and a default field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer.
 void addSubfieldsFromFields(String label, String trailer, DataDir dir, String fieldList, String subFieldList, boolean fieldsDataOrdered, boolean subfieldsDataOrdered)
          Invokes the addSubfieldsFromFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields pulled in the requested order with the input label and trailer strings and a default field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer.
 void addSubfieldsFromFields(String label, String separator, String trailer, DataDir dir, String fieldList, String subFieldList)
          Invokes the addSubfieldsFromFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields pulled in FORMAT ORDER with the input label, separator, and trailer strings to add data to the formatting buffer.
 void addSubfieldsFromFields(String label, String separator, String trailer, DataDir dir, String fieldList, String subFieldList, boolean fieldsDataOrdered, boolean subfieldsDataOrdered)
          Invokes the addSubfieldsFromFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields pulled in the requested data order and adds it to the formattting buffer - it inserts the input label before the data, separates ALL data fields with the input separator and appends the input trailer to the buffer.
 void addSubfieldsFromFieldsWithValidIndicators(DataDir dir, String indicator1, String indicator2, String fieldList, String[] subFieldList, String fieldLabel, String fieldSeparator, String fieldTrailer, String[] subfieldLabel, String[] subfieldSeparator, String[] subfieldTrailer, boolean fieldsDataOrdered, boolean[] subfieldsDataOrdered, int breakOnRepeatingSubfield)
          Validates that the indicator values are found in the data, then appends the String data retrieved from the DataDir object for the specified list of subfields found in the input field list pulled from the data in the requested data order and adds it to the formatting buffer - it inserts the input field label before the data, separates fields with the field separator and appends the field trailer to the data - it inserts the subfield label before a list of subfields, separates them with the subfield separator and terminates them with the subfield terminator.
 void addText(int value)
          Appends the input integer value to the formatting buffer.
 void addText(String text)
          Appends the input String to the formatting buffer.
static String asciiToLatin1(byte[] databytes, int len)
          Converts the input array of bytes for the specified length from ascii to Latin1 and returns the new String.
static String asciiToLatin1(DataDir dir)
          Converts the String data contained in the input DataDir object from ascii to Latin1 and returns the new String.
static String asciiToLatin1(String data)
          Converts the input String data from ascii to Latin1 and returns the the new String.
static String asciiToLatin1(String data, int len)
          Converts the input String data for the specified length from ascii to Latin1 and returns the new String.
 boolean bufferEndsWith(char lookupChar)
          Returns a boolean indicating whether the last character in formatting buffer ends with the input character.
 boolean bufferEndsWith(String lookupChars)
          Returns a boolean indicating whether the formatting buffer ends with the input string.
 int bufferLength()
          Retrieves an integer containing the length of the formatted buffer string.
 boolean bufferStartsWith(char lookupChar)
          Returns a boolean indicating whether the first character in the formatting buffer starts with the input character.
 boolean bufferStartsWith(String lookupChars)
          Returns a boolean indicating whether the formatting buffer starts with the input string.
static String cleanForQuery(String s)
          Creates a String that has escaped the input text of special characters used in the query parser.
static String deweyClean(String s)
          Creates a String that has stripped the input text of non-dewey characters - puts "." in after third number regardless only numbers allowed
static String ebcdicToLatin1(byte[] databytes, int len)
          Converts the input array of bytes for the specified length from ebcdic to Latin1 and returns the new String.
static String ebcdicToLatin1(DataDir dir)
          Converts the String data contained in the input DataDir object from ebcdic to Latin1 and returns the new String.
static String ebcdicToLatin1(String data)
          Converts the input String data from ebcdic to Latin1 and returns the the new String.
static String ebcdicToLatin1(String data, int len)
          Converts the input String data for the specified length from ebcdic to Latin1 and returns the the new String.
 void FetchHotLink(String command, int recno, String resultSet, String format, String fmtclass, String next, String bad, String context, String otherAnchorInfo, String anchorTarget, String anchorData)
          Appends a FETCH type hot-link anchor to the current formatting buffer using the input command, record number, resultset, format, formatting class, next and bad pages, and additional anchor input.
static boolean fieldInList(String fieldList, int fieldId)
          Returns a boolean indicating whether the input fieldId is a member of the input list of fields.
 boolean fieldsExist(DataDir dir, String fieldList)
          Determines whether the fields in the input fieldList exist in the input DataDir record.
 boolean fieldsExist1(DataDir dir, String fieldList)
          Returns a boolean indicating whether the specified fields exist in the input DataDir object.
static Vector fieldVector(DataDir dir, String fieldList)
          Builds a Vector object containing a list of DataDir objects for the specified list of input fields where the data is collected in input FORMAT LIST ORDER.
static Vector fieldVector(DataDir dir, String fieldList, boolean dataOrdered)
          Builds a Vector object containing a list of DataDir objects for the specified list of input fields where the data is collected in the order defined by the input data ordered flag.
static Vector fieldVector(DataDir dir, String fieldList, boolean dataOrdered, int breakOnRepeatingField)
          Builds a Vector object containing a list of DataDir objects for the specified list of input fields where the data is collected in the order defined by the input data ordered flag.
 String getAnchorAndSubfieldData(DataDir dir, String primaryFields, String[] anchorSubfields, String noanchorSubfields, String[] anchorIndex, boolean[] combineAnchorFields, int breakOnRepeatingSubfield, String fieldSeparator, String[] anchorSeparator, String subfieldSeparator, boolean fieldsDataOrdered, boolean subfieldsDataOrdered, boolean createAnchors, String anchorCommand, String anchorNext, String anchorBad, String context, String anchorWidgets, String anchorTarget)
          Creates a formatted String from the input DataDir object containing anchors of the specified subfields and text for the non-anchor subfields - also has the capability to specify primary anchors and secondary anchors where the output could contain: ANCHOR-TEXT-ANCHOR which is useful in formatting data such as subject headings in MARC-type records.
 String getAnchorAndSubfieldData(DataDir dir, String primaryFields, String[] anchorSubfields, String noanchorSubfields, String[] anchorIndex, boolean[] combineAnchorFields, int breakOnRepeatingSubfield, String fieldSeparator, String[] anchorSeparator, String subfieldSeparator, boolean fieldsDataOrdered, boolean subfieldsDataOrdered, boolean createAnchors, String anchorCommand, String anchorNext, String anchorBad, String context, String anchorFormat, String anchorFmtclass, String anchorWidgets, String anchorTarget)
          Invokes the getAnchorAndSubfieldData method with wildcard indicator values so that there is no filtering based on indicators.
 String getAnchorAndSubfieldData(DataDir dir, String primaryFields, String anchorSubfields, String noanchorSubfields, String anchorIndex, boolean combineAnchorFields, int breakOnRepeatingField, String fieldSeparator, String anchorSeparator, String subfieldSeparator, boolean fieldsDataOrdered, boolean subfieldsDataOrdered, boolean createAnchors, String anchorCommand, String anchorNext, String anchorBad, String context, String anchorWidgets, String anchorTarget)
          Creates a formatted String from the input DataDir object containing anchors of the specified subfields and text for the non-anchor subfields.
 String getAnchorAndSubfieldDataWithIndicators(DataDir dir, String primaryFields, String indicator1, String indicator2, String[] subfields, String[] anchorIndex, boolean[] combineFields, int breakOnRepeatingSubfield, String fieldSeparator, String[] subfieldSeparator, String[] subfieldAnchorSeparator, boolean fieldsDataOrdered, boolean[] subfieldsDataOrdered, boolean createAnchors, boolean cleanForQuery, String anchorCommand, String anchorNext, String anchorBad, String context, String anchorFormat, String anchorFmtclass, String anchorWidgets, String anchorTarget)
          Creates a formatted String from the input DataDir object containing anchors of the specified subfields and text for the non-anchor subfields - also has the capability to specify primary anchors and secondary anchors where the output could contain: ANCHOR-TEXT-ANCHOR which is useful in formatting data such as subject headings in MARC-type records.
 String getFormattedBinaryFields(DataDir dir, String fieldList)
          Invokes the getFormattedBinaryFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields using a default field separator of SPACE and uses the default retrieval order of FORMAT ORDER.
 String getFormattedBinaryFields(DataDir dir, String fieldList, boolean dataOrdered)
          Invokes the getFormattedBinaryFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields using a default field separator of SPACE to pull the data in the requested data order.
 String getFormattedBinaryFields(String separator, DataDir dir, String fieldList, boolean dataOrdered)
          Creates a String containing the binary data retrieved from the input DataDir object for the specified list of fields pulled in the requested order and separates individual fields with the input separator string.
 String getFormattedBinarySubfieldsFromFields(DataDir dir, String fieldList, String subFieldList)
          Invokes the getFormattedBinarySubfieldsFromFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields using a default field separator of SPACE and a default retrieval order of FORMAT order.
 String getFormattedBinarySubfieldsFromFields(DataDir dir, String fieldList, String subFieldList, boolean fieldsDataOrdered, boolean subfieldsDataOrdered)
          Invokes the getFormattedBinarySubfieldsFromFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields using a default field separator of SPACE and the input data retrieval orders.
 String getFormattedBinarySubfieldsFromFields(String separator, DataDir dir, String fieldList, String subFieldList, boolean fieldsDataOrdered, boolean subfieldsDataOrdered)
          Creates a String containing the binary data retrieved from the DataDir object for the specified list of subfields found in the input field list and separates individual fields with the input separator string.
 String getFormattedFields(DataDir dir, String fieldList)
          Invokes the getFormattedFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields using a default separator of SPACE the doDiacritics boolean set to true, and the default data retrieval order of FORMAT order.
 String getFormattedFields(DataDir dir, String fieldList, boolean doDiacritics, boolean dataOrdered)
          Invokes the getFormattedFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields using a default separator of SPACE, the input doDiacritics boolean value, and the input data retrival order.
 String getFormattedFields(String separator, DataDir dir, String fieldList)
          Invokes the getFormattedFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields using the input separator, the doDiacritics boolean set to true and the default retrieval order of FORMAT order.
 String getFormattedFields(String separator, DataDir dir, String fieldList, boolean doDiacritics)
          Invokes the getFormattedFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields using the input separator, the input doDiacritics value and the default retrieval order of FORMAT order.
 String getFormattedFields(String separator, DataDir dir, String fieldList, boolean doDiacritics, boolean dataOrdered)
          Creates a String containing data retrieved from the input DataDir object for the specified list of fields pulled in the requested order(FORMAT/DATA) - it separates individual fields with the separator string and does HTML Diacritic substitution on the data if the doDiacritics boolean value is true.
 String getFormattedSubfieldsFromFields(DataDir dir, String fieldList, String subFieldList)
          Invokes the getFormattedSubfieldsFromFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields using a default field separator of SPACE and the doDiacritics boolean value of true and the default retrieval order of FORMAT order.
 String getFormattedSubfieldsFromFields(DataDir dir, String fieldList, String[] subFieldList, String fldSeparator, String[] sfldSeparator, boolean fieldsDataOrdered, boolean[] subfieldsDataOrdered, boolean doDiacritics)
          Invokes the getFormattedSubfieldsFromFieldsWithValidIndicators method with indicator values that will keep all subfields ("*").
 String getFormattedSubfieldsFromFields(DataDir dir, String fieldList, String subFieldList, boolean doDiacritics)
          Invokes the getFormattedSubfieldsFromFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields using a default field separator of SPACE and the input doDiacritics boolean value and the default data retrieval order of FORMAT ordered.
 String getFormattedSubfieldsFromFields(DataDir dir, String fieldList, String subFieldList, boolean fieldsDataOrdered, boolean subfieldsDataOrdered)
          Invokes the getFormattedSubfieldsFromFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields using a default field separator of SPACE and the doDiacritics boolean value of true and the input data retrieval order.
 String getFormattedSubfieldsFromFields(String separator, DataDir dir, String fieldList, String subFieldList)
          Invokes the getFormattedSubfieldsFromFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields using the input field separator and the doDiacritics boolean value of true and the default data retrieval order of FORMAT ordered.
 String getFormattedSubfieldsFromFields(String separator, DataDir dir, String fieldList, String subFieldList, boolean doDiacritics)
          Invokes the getFormattedSubfieldsFromFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields using the input field separator and the input doDiacritics boolean value and the default data retrieval order of FORMAT ordered.
 String getFormattedSubfieldsFromFields(String separator, DataDir dir, String fieldList, String subFieldList, boolean doDiacritics, boolean fieldsDataOrdered, boolean subfieldsDataOrdered)
          Creates a String containing data retrieved from the input DataDir object for the specified list of subfields from the field list pulled from the data in the requested order - it separates individual fields with the separator string and does HTML Diacritic substitution on the data if the doDiacritics boolean value is true.
 String getFormattedSubfieldsFromFieldsWithValidIndicators(DataDir dir, String indicator1, String indicator2, String fieldList, String[] subFieldList, String fldSeparator, String[] sfldSeparator, boolean fieldsDataOrdered, boolean[] subfieldsDataOrdered, boolean doDiacritics, int breakOnRepeatingSfld)
          Validates that the indicator values are found in the data, then creates a String containing data retrieved from the input DataDir object for the specified list of subfields from the field list pulled from the data in the requested order - it separates individual fields with the separator string and does HTML Diacritic substitution on the data if the doDiacritics boolean value is true.
 String getFormattedSubfieldsInDataOrder(Vector dirVector, String separator, boolean stringData, boolean doDiacritics)
          Format the data from the input vector in the order it was found in the record
 String getFormattedSubfieldsInOrder(DataDir dir, String subfieldList, String separator, boolean stringData, boolean doDiacritics)
          Format the data from the input vector in order as specified by the subfieldList string.
 String getFormattedSubfieldsInOrder(Vector dirVector, String subfieldList, String separator, boolean stringData, boolean doDiacritics)
          Format the data from the input vector in order as specified by the subfieldList string.
 boolean indicator1Exist(DataDir dir, String indicator1)
          Determines whether the indicator1 field in the input DataDir node matches the input indicator1 value - where the DataDir node points to the constructed node that contains the indicator, eg: 650 node of a marc record.
 boolean indicator2Exist(DataDir dir, String indicator2)
          Determines whether the indicator2 field in the input DataDir node matches the input indicator2 value - where the DataDir node points to the constructed node that contains the indicator, eg: 650 node of a marc record.
 boolean indicatorsExist(DataDir dir, String indicator1, String indicator2)
          Determines whether the indicator1 and indicator2 field in the input DataDir node matches the input indicator1 and indicator2 values - where the DataDir node points to the constructed node that contains the indicator, eg: 650 node of a marc record.
 void insertText(int offset, int value)
          Inserts the input integer value to the formatting buffer at the specified offset.
 void insertText(int offset, String text)
          Inserts the input String to the formatting buffer at the specified offset.
static String MakeFetchHotLink(String command, int recno, String resultSet, String format, String fmtclass, String next, String bad, String context, String otherAnchorInfo, String anchorTarget, String anchorData)
          Creates a String containing a FETCH type hot-link anchor using the input command, record number, resultset, format, formatting class, next and bad pages, and additional anchor input.
static String MakeFetchURL(String command, int recno, String resultSet, String format, String fmtclass, String next, String bad, String context, String otherAnchorInfo)
          Creates a String containing a FETCH type URL using the input command, record number, resultset, format, formatting class, next and bad pages, and additional anchor input.
static String MakeQueryHotLink(String command, String indexLabel, String term, boolean cleanQueryFlag, String format, String fmtclass, String next, String bad, String context, String otherAnchorInfo, String anchorTarget, String anchorData)
          Invokes the MakeQueryHotLink method for the input command, index label, term, clean for query flag, format, formatting class, next and bad pages, and additional anchor input with a default data trailer string of null.
static String MakeQueryHotLink(String command, String indexLabel, String term, boolean cleanQueryFlag, String format, String fmtclass, String next, String bad, String context, String otherAnchorInfo, String anchorTarget, String anchorData, String trailer)
          Creates a String containing a QUERY type hot-link anchor for the input command, index label, term, clean for query flag, format, formatting class, next and bad pages, and additional anchor input, and trailer string.
static String MakeQueryURL(String command, String indexLabel, String term, boolean cleanQueryFlag, String format, String fmtclass, String next, String bad, String context, String otherURLInfo)
          Creates a String containing a QUERY type URL for the input the input command, index label, term, clean for query flag, format, formatting class, next and bad pages, and additional anchor input.
 void QueryHotLink(String command, String indexLabel, DataDir dir, String fieldList, boolean cleanQueryFlag, String format, String fmtclass, String next, String bad, String context, String otherAnchorInfo, String anchorTarget)
          Appends a QUERY type hot-link anchor to the current formatting buffer based on the data from the input DataDir object for the specified fields for the command, index label, clean for query flag, format, formatting class, next and bad pages, and additional anchor input.
 void QueryHotLink(String command, String indexLabel, DataDir dir, String fieldList, boolean cleanQueryFlag, String format, String fmtclass, String next, String bad, String context, String otherAnchorInfo, String anchorTarget, String separator, String terminator)
          Appends a QUERY type hot-link anchor to the current formatting buffer based on the data from the input DataDir object for the specified fields in FORMAT ORDER for the input command, index label, clean for query flag, format, formatting class, next and bad pages, and additional anchor input - separating each data field anchor with the input separator and appending the input terminator to the buffer.
 void QueryHotLink(String command, String indexLabel, DataDir dir, String fieldList, boolean cleanQueryFlag, String format, String fmtclass, String next, String bad, String context, String otherAnchorInfo, String anchorTarget, String separator, String terminator, boolean dataOrdered)
          Appends a QUERY type hot-link anchor to the current formatting buffer based on the data from the input DataDir object for the specified fields pulled in the requested order for the input command, index label, clean for query flag, format, formatting class, next and bad pages, and additional anchor input - separating each data field anchor with the input separator and appending the input terminator to the buffer.
 void QueryHotLink(String command, String indexLabel, DataDir dir, String fieldList, String subFieldList, boolean cleanQueryFlag, String format, String fmtclass, String next, String bad, String context, String otherAnchorInfo, String anchorTarget)
          Appends a QUERY type hot-link anchor to the current formatting buffer based on the data from the input DataDir object for the specified subfields from the field list in FORMAT ORDER for the input command, index label, clean for query flag, format, formatting class, next and bad pages, and additional anchor input.
 void QueryHotLink(String command, String indexLabel, DataDir dir, String fieldList, String subFieldList, boolean cleanQueryFlag, String format, String fmtclass, String next, String bad, String context, String otherAnchorInfo, String anchorTarget, boolean dataOrdered)
          Appends a QUERY type hot-link anchor to the current formatting buffer based on the data from the input DataDir object for the specified subfields from the field list in the requested data order for the input command, index label, clean for query flag, format, formatting class, next and bad pages, and additional anchor input.
 void QueryHotLink(String command, String indexLabel, String term, boolean cleanQueryFlag, String format, String fmtclass, String next, String bad, String context, String otherAnchorInfo, String anchorTarget, String anchorData)
          Invokes the QueryHotLink method for the input command, index label, term, clean for query flag, format, formatting class, next and bad pages, and additional anchor input with a default field separator of null.
 void QueryHotLink(String command, String indexLabel, String term, boolean cleanQueryFlag, String format, String fmtclass, String next, String bad, String context, String otherAnchorInfo, String anchorTarget, String anchorData, String separator)
          Appends a QUERY type hot-link anchor to the current formatting buffer the input command, index label, term, clean for query flag, format, formatting class, next and bad pages, and additional anchor input.
 void reset()
          Resets the formatting buffer length to 0 to allow the generation of a new format string - this allows for re-use of the object.
 void setCharSet(int i)
          Sets the variable indicating the characterset of the input data so that appropriate conversions can be done during data formatting.
 void setSaveMarcIndicators(boolean flag)
          Sets the flag indicating whether marc Indicators should be saved in creating the output formats.
 Vector sortFields(Vector dirVector, String fieldList)
          Sorts the input Vector Object containing DataDir objects in the input field order.
static String splitLine(String s, int lineLength, String indent)
 String toString()
          Generates a String representation of the current contents of the formatting buffer.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final boolean DATAORDERED
boolean data type indicating to retrieve data from a field list in DataOrdered order.


public static final boolean FORMATORDERED
boolean data type indicating to retrieve data from a field list in FormatOrdered order.


public static final int ASCII
integer data type indicating the input data is in ASCII format 1.


public static final int EBCDIC
integer data type indicating the input data is in EBDIC format 2.


public static final int ASIS
integer data type indicating the input data should be treated as is - no data conversion necessary 3.


public static final int UTF8
integer data type indicating that the input data should be treated as UTF8 data.


public static final String SPACE
String data type defining a space string(" ").


public static final String COMMASPACE
String data type defining a Comma, space (", ") string.


public static final String SEMICOLONSPACE
String data type defining a SemiColon, space ("; ") string.


public static final String COLONSPACE
String data type defining a Colon, space ("; ") string.


public static final String COMMA
String data type defining a Comma string(",").


public static final String SEMICOLON
String data type defining a SemiColon string(";").


public static final String COLON
String data type defining a Colon string (":").


public StringBuffer o
StringBuffer object that contains a built up string of formatted record data.


public boolean doHtmlDiacritics
boolean data type indicating whether to translate characters to html Diacritics - defaults to true.


public int charSet
integer data type defining the character set value to use for formatting the input data - defaults to ASCII.


public boolean saveMarcIndicators
boolean data type indicating whether to save the marc indicator fields in the output data string - default to false.
Constructor Detail


public FormatBerUtil()
Constructs a FormatBerUtil object.
Method Detail


public static final String asciiToLatin1(DataDir dir)
Converts the String data contained in the input DataDir object from ascii to Latin1 and returns the new String.
dir - the DataDir
String with converted data


public static final String asciiToLatin1(String data)
Converts the input String data from ascii to Latin1 and returns the the new String.
data - input data string to convert
String with converted data


public static final String asciiToLatin1(String data,
                                         int len)
Converts the input String data for the specified length from ascii to Latin1 and returns the new String.
data - input data string to convert
len - the number of bytes to convert
String with converted data


public static final String asciiToLatin1(byte[] databytes,
                                         int len)
Converts the input array of bytes for the specified length from ascii to Latin1 and returns the new String.
databytes - the bytearray of input data string to convert
len - the number of bytes to convert
String with converted data


public static final String ebcdicToLatin1(DataDir dir)
Converts the String data contained in the input DataDir object from ebcdic to Latin1 and returns the new String.
dir - the DataDir
String with converted data


public static final String ebcdicToLatin1(String data)
Converts the input String data from ebcdic to Latin1 and returns the the new String.
data - input data string to convert
String with converted data


public static final String ebcdicToLatin1(String data,
                                          int len)
Converts the input String data for the specified length from ebcdic to Latin1 and returns the the new String.
data - input data string to convert
len - the number of bytes to convert
String with converted data


public static final String ebcdicToLatin1(byte[] databytes,
                                          int len)
Converts the input array of bytes for the specified length from ebcdic to Latin1 and returns the new String.
databytes - the bytearray of input data string to convert
len - the number of bytes to convert
String with converted data


public final void setSaveMarcIndicators(boolean flag)
Sets the flag indicating whether marc Indicators should be saved in creating the output formats. In the BER encoded record, this is subfield 0. If the flag is set to TRUE, subfield 0's will be added to the output formats when either a wildcard is specified, or just a field without subfields are specified in the fieldLists. For example, when addFields is invoked with 28/*, the indicator data, by default, will NOT be saved for output into the format buffer.
flag - boolean true/false


public final void setCharSet(int i)
Sets the variable indicating the characterset of the input data so that appropriate conversions can be done during data formatting.
integer - representing the characterset where 1=ebcdic, 2=ascii, 3=as-is


public final boolean bufferEndsWith(char lookupChar)
Returns a boolean indicating whether the last character in formatting buffer ends with the input character.
lookupChar - the character to compare against


public final boolean bufferEndsWith(String lookupChars)
Returns a boolean indicating whether the formatting buffer ends with the input string.
lookupChars - the string to compare against


public final int bufferLength()
Retrieves an integer containing the length of the formatted buffer string.


public final boolean bufferStartsWith(char lookupChar)
Returns a boolean indicating whether the first character in the formatting buffer starts with the input character.
lookupChar - the character to compare against


public final boolean bufferStartsWith(String lookupChars)
Returns a boolean indicating whether the formatting buffer starts with the input string.
lookupChars - the string to compare against


public final void addText(String text)
Appends the input String to the formatting buffer.
text - the string to append


public final void addText(int value)
Appends the input integer value to the formatting buffer.
value - the integer to append


public final void insertText(int offset,
                             String text)
Inserts the input String to the formatting buffer at the specified offset.
offset - the offset to insert at
text - the string to append


public final void insertText(int offset,
                             int value)
Inserts the input integer value to the formatting buffer at the specified offset.
offset - the offset to insert at
value - the integer to append


public final void reset()
Resets the formatting buffer length to 0 to allow the generation of a new format string - this allows for re-use of the object.


public final void addBinaryFields(DataDir dir,
                                  String fieldList)
Invokes the addBinaryFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields added in FORMAT ORDER using an empty label and trailer string and a default field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer.
dir - the DataDir
fieldList - the list of field tags to retrieve from the data


public final void addBinaryFields(DataDir dir,
                                  String fieldList,
                                  boolean dataOrdered)
Invokes the addBinaryFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields added in the requested order using an empty label and trailer string and a default field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer
dir - the DataDir
fieldList - the list of field tags to retrieve from the data
dataOrdered - flag indicating the order to retrieve data from the record where true indicates data ordered in the record.


public final void addBinaryFields(String separator,
                                  DataDir dir,
                                  String fieldList)
Invokes the addBinaryFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields added in FORMAT ORDER using an empty label and trailer string and the input field separator string to add data to the formatting buffer.
separator - the string to separate data retrieved from the record
dir - the DataDir
fieldList - the list of field tags to retrieve from the data


public final void addBinaryFields(String separator,
                                  DataDir dir,
                                  String fieldList,
                                  boolean dataOrdered)
Invokes the addBinaryFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields pulled in the requested data order using an empty label and trailer string and the input field separator string to add data to the formatting buffer.
separator - the string to separate data retrieved from the record
dir - the DataDir
fieldList - the list of field tags to retrieve from the data
dataOrdered - flag indicating the order to retrieve data from the record where true indicates data ordered in the record.


public final void addBinaryFields(String label,
                                  String trailer,
                                  DataDir dir,
                                  String fieldList)
Invokes addBinaryFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields pulled in FORMAT ORDER with the input label and trailer strings and a default field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer.
label - the String to prepend before the data
trailer - the String to append after all data collected
dir - the DataDir
fieldList - the list of field tags to retrieve from the data


public final void addBinaryFields(String label,
                                  String trailer,
                                  DataDir dir,
                                  String fieldList,
                                  boolean dataOrdered)
Invokes addBinaryFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields pulled in the requested order with the input label and trailer strings and a default field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer.
label - the String to prepend before the data
trailer - the String to append after all data collected
dir - the DataDir
fieldList - the list of field tags to retrieve from the data
dataOrdered - flag indicating the order to retrieve data from the record where true indicates data ordered in the record.


public final void addBinaryFields(String label,
                                  String separator,
                                  String trailer,
                                  DataDir dir,
                                  String fieldList)
Invokes addBinaryFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields pulled in FORMAT ORDER with the input label, separator, and trailer strings.
label - the String to prepend before the data
separator - the string to separate data retrieved from the record
trailer - the String to append after all data collected
dir - the DataDir
fieldList - the list of field tags to retrieve from the data


public final void addBinaryFields(String label,
                                  String separator,
                                  String trailer,
                                  DataDir dir,
                                  String fieldList,
                                  boolean dataOrdered)
Appends the binary data retrieved from the DataDir object for the specified list of fields to the formatting buffer - it inserts the input labels and trailers and uses the input separator String between fields. This method assumes the data in the directory is in binary format and uses the DataDir.getInt() method to retrieve it.
label - the String to prepend before the data
separator - the string to separate data retrieved from the record
trailer - the String to append after all data collected
dir - the DataDir
fieldList - the list of field tags to retrieve from the data
dataOrdered - flag indicating the order to retrieve data from the record where true indicates data ordered in the record.
See Also:


public final void addFields(DataDir dir,
                            String fieldList)
Invokes the addFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields in FORMAT ORDER using an empty label and trailer string and a default field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer.
dir - the DataDir
fieldList - the list of field tags to retrieve from the data


public final void addFields(DataDir dir,
                            String fieldList,
                            boolean dataOrdered)
Invokes the addFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields using an empty label and trailer string and a default field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer.
dir - the DataDir
fieldList - the list of field tags to retrieve from the data
dataOrdered - flag indicating the order to retrieve data from the record where true indicates data ordered in the record.


public final void addFields(String separator,
                            DataDir dir,
                            String fieldList)
Invokes the addFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields in FORMAT ORDER using an empty label and trailer string and the input field separator string to add data to the formatting buffer.
separator - the string to separate data retrieved from the record
dir - the DataDir
fieldList - the list of field tags to retrieve from the data


public final void addFields(String separator,
                            DataDir dir,
                            String fieldList,
                            boolean dataOrdered)
Invokes the addFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields using an empty label and trailer string and the input field separator string to add data to the formatting buffer.
separator - the string to separate data retrieved from the record
dir - the DataDir
fieldList - the list of field tags to retrieve from the data
dataOrdered - flag indicating the order to retrieve data from the record where true indicates data ordered in the record.


public final void addFields(String label,
                            String trailer,
                            DataDir dir,
                            String fieldList)
Invokes addFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields in FORMAT ORDER with the input label and trailer strings and a default field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer.
label - the String to prepend before the data
trailer - the String to append after all data collected
dir - the DataDir
fieldList - the list of field tags to retrieve from the data


public final void addFields(String label,
                            String trailer,
                            DataDir dir,
                            String fieldList,
                            boolean dataOrdered)
Invokes addFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields with the input label and trailer strings and a default field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer.
label - the String to prepend before the data
trailer - the String to append after all data collected
dir - the DataDir
fieldList - the list of field tags to retrieve from the data public final void addFields(String label, String separator, String trailer, DataDir dir, String fieldList) { addFields(label, separator, trailer, dir, fieldList, false); } /** Invokes addFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields with the input label and trailer strings and a default field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer.
label - the String to prepend before the data
trailer - the String to append after all data collected
dir - the DataDir
fieldList - the list of field tags to retrieve from the data
dataOrdered - flag indicating the order to retrieve data from the record where true indicates data ordered in the record.


public final void addFields(String label,
                            String separator,
                            String trailer,
                            DataDir dir,
                            String fieldList)
Invokes addFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields in FORMAT ORDER with the input label, separator, and trailer strings.
label - the String to prepend before the data
separator - the string to separate data retrieved from the record
trailer - the String to append after all data collected
dir - the DataDir
fieldList - the list of field tags to retrieve from the data


public final void addFields(String label,
                            String separator,
                            String trailer,
                            DataDir dir,
                            String fieldList,
                            boolean dataOrdered)
Appends the String data retrieved from DataDir object for the specified list of fields to the formatting buffer - it inserts the input labels and trailers and uses the input separator String between fields. This method converts the input data to Latin1 and does Diacritic substitution for display of special characters in HTML if the object doHtmlDiacritics flag is true.
label - the String to prepend before the data
separator - the string to separate data retrieved from the record
trailer - the String to append after all data collected
dir - the DataDir
fieldList - the list of field tags to retrieve from the data
dataOrdered - flag indicating the order to retrieve data from the record where true indicates data ordered in the record.


public final void addBinarySubfieldsFromFields(DataDir dir,
                                               String fieldList,
                                               String subFieldList)
Invokes the addBinarySubfieldsFromFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields pulled in FORMAT ORDER using an empty label and trailer string and a default field field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer.
dir - the DataDir
fieldList - the list of field tags to retrieve from the data
subFieldList - the list of subfields to pull


public final void addBinarySubfieldsFromFields(DataDir dir,
                                               String fieldList,
                                               String subFieldList,
                                               boolean fieldsDataOrdered,
                                               boolean subfieldsDataOrdered)
Invokes the addBinarySubfieldsFromFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields pulled in the requested order using an empty label and trailer string and a default field field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer.
dir - the DataDir
fieldList - the list of field tags to retrieve from the data
subFieldList - the list of subfields to pull
fieldsDataOrdered - flag indicating the order to retrieve the field data from the record where true indicates data ordered in the record and false indicates format list ordered
subfieldsDataOrdered - flag indicating the order to retrieve the subfield data from the record where true indicates data ordered in the record and falseindicates format list ordered


public final void addBinarySubfieldsFromFields(String separator,
                                               DataDir dir,
                                               String fieldList,
                                               String subFieldList)
Invokes the addBinarySubfieldsFromFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields pulled in FORMAT ORDER using an empty label and trailer string and the input field separator string to add data to the formatting buffer.
dir - the DataDir
fieldList - the list of field tags to retrieve from the data
subFieldList - the list of subfields to pull


public final void addBinarySubfieldsFromFields(String separator,
                                               DataDir dir,
                                               String fieldList,
                                               String subFieldList,
                                               boolean fieldsDataOrdered,
                                               boolean subfieldsDataOrdered)
Invokes the addBinarySubfieldsFromFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields pulled in the order requested using an empty label and trailer string and the input field separator string to add data to the formatting buffer.
dir - the DataDir
fieldList - the list of field tags to retrieve from the data
subFieldList - the list of subfields to pull
fieldsDataOrdered - flag indicating the order to retrieve the field data from the record where true indicates data ordered in the record and false indicates format list ordered
subfieldsDataOrdered - flag indicating the order to retrieve the subfield data from the record where true indicates data ordered in the record and falseindicates format list ordered


public final void addBinarySubfieldsFromFields(String label,
                                               String trailer,
                                               DataDir dir,
                                               String fieldList,
                                               String subFieldList)
Invokes the addBinarySubfieldsFromFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields pulled in FORMAT ORDER with the input label and trailer strings and a default field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer.
label - the String to prepend before the data
trailer - the String to append after all data collected
dir - the DataDir
fieldList - the list of field tags to retrieve from the data
subFieldList - the list of subfields to pull


public final void addBinarySubfieldsFromFields(String label,
                                               String trailer,
                                               DataDir dir,
                                               String fieldList,
                                               String subFieldList,
                                               boolean fieldsDataOrdered,
                                               boolean subfieldsDataOrdered)
Invokes the addBinarySubfieldsFromFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields pulled in the requested order with the input label and trailer strings and a default field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer.
label - the String to prepend before the data
trailer - the String to append after all data collected
dir - the DataDir
fieldList - the list of field tags to retrieve from the data
subFieldList - the list of subfields to pull
fieldsDataOrdered - flag indicating the order to retrieve the field data from the record where true indicates data ordered in the record and false indicates format list ordered
subfieldsDataOrdered - flag indicating the order to retrieve the subfield data from the record where true indicates data ordered in the record and falseindicates format list ordered


public final void addBinarySubfieldsFromFields(String label,
                                               String separator,
                                               String trailer,
                                               DataDir dir,
                                               String fieldList,
                                               String subFieldList)


public final void addBinarySubfieldsFromFields(String label,
                                               String separator,
                                               String trailer,
                                               DataDir dir,
                                               String fieldList,
                                               String subFieldList,
                                               boolean fieldsDataOrdered,
                                               boolean subfieldsDataOrdered)


public final void addBinarySubfieldsFromFields(DataDir dir,
                                               String fieldList,
                                               String subFieldList,
                                               String fieldLabel,
                                               String fieldSeparator,
                                               String fieldTrailer,
                                               String subfieldLabel,
                                               String subfieldSeparator,
                                               String subfieldTrailer,
                                               boolean fieldsDataOrdered,
                                               boolean subfieldsDataOrdered)
Appends the binary data retrieved from the DataDir object for the specified list of subfields found in the input field list pulled from the data in the requested data order and adds it to the formatting buffer - it inserts the input field label before the data, separates fields with the field separator and appends the field trailer to the data - it inserts the subfield label before a list of subfields, separates them with the subfield separator and terminates them with the subfield terminator. This method assumes the data in the directory is in binary format and uses the DataDir.getInt() method to retrieve it.
dir - the DataDir
fieldList - the list of field tags to retrieve from the data
subFieldList - the list of subfield tags to retrieve from the fields specified in the fieldList
fieldLabel - the String to prepend before the data
fieldSeparator - the string to separate repeating fields
fieldTrailer - the String to append after all data collected
subfieldLabel - the String to prepend before the subfield data
subfieldSeparator - the string to separate the subfield data retrieved from the record
subfieldTrailer - the String to append after all the subfield data in a field is collected
fieldsDataOrdered - flag indicating the order to retrieve the field data from the record where true indicates data ordered in the record and false indicates format list ordered
subfieldsDataOrdered - flag indicating the order to retrieve the subfield data from the record where true indicates data ordered in the record and falseindicates format list ordered


public final void addAnchorAndSubfieldData(DataDir dir,
                                           String primaryFields,
                                           String anchorSubfields,
                                           String noanchorSubfields,
                                           String anchorIndex,
                                           boolean combineAnchorFields,
                                           int breakOnRepeatingField,
                                           String fieldSeparator,
                                           String anchorSeparator,
                                           String subfieldSeparator,
                                           boolean fieldsDataOrdered,
                                           boolean subfieldsDataOrdered,
                                           boolean createAnchors,
                                           String anchorCommand,
                                           String anchorNext,
                                           String anchorBad,
                                           String context,
                                           String anchorWidgets,
                                           String anchorTarget)
Invokes the getAnchorAndSubfield data to create a formatted string containing that is appended to the current formatting buffer using the input fields String, anchor subfields String, and non-anchor subfields String.
dir - the DataDir Object containing the input record
primaryFields - the list of field tags to retrieve from the data
anchorSubfields - the list of subfields to create anchors from the input fieldList
noanchorSubfields - the list of subfield tags to retrieve from the fields specified in the fieldList which will not become anchors
anchorIndex - the search index label to use when creating the query type anchors
combineAnchorFields - boolean flag indicating whether the data in the anchor subfields should be combined to create a single anchor or each field should become an individual query anchor.
breakOnRepeatingSubfield - fieldId that indicates to add the Field Separator string
fieldSeparator - the String that separates multiple fields
anchorSeparator - the String that separates anchor data
subfieldSeparator - the String that separates the subfields that are not anchors
subfieldsDataOrdered - flag indicating the order to retrieve the subfield data from the record where true indicates data ordered in the record and false indicates format list ordered
createAnchors - flag indicating whether to actually create query type anchors from the input data record.
anchorCommand - the URL command for the query: i.e: /WebZ/QUERY
anchorNext - the next= command to include in the query anchor
anchorBad - the bad= command to include in the query anchor
context - the user's sessionid
anchorWidgets - any additional widgets to include in the query anchor
anchorTarget - the html target= value to include in the query anchor
String containing the formatted data including anchors


public final String getAnchorAndSubfieldData(DataDir dir,
                                             String primaryFields,
                                             String anchorSubfields,
                                             String noanchorSubfields,
                                             String anchorIndex,
                                             boolean combineAnchorFields,
                                             int breakOnRepeatingField,
                                             String fieldSeparator,
                                             String anchorSeparator,
                                             String subfieldSeparator,
                                             boolean fieldsDataOrdered,
                                             boolean subfieldsDataOrdered,
                                             boolean createAnchors,
                                             String anchorCommand,
                                             String anchorNext,
                                             String anchorBad,
                                             String context,
                                             String anchorWidgets,
                                             String anchorTarget)
Creates a formatted String from the input DataDir object containing anchors of the specified subfields and text for the non-anchor subfields. This method converts the input data to Latin1 and does Diacritic substitution for display of special characters in HTML.
dir - the DataDir Object containing the input record
primaryFields - the list of field tags to retrieve from the data
anchorSubfields - the list of subfields to create anchors from the input fieldList
noanchorSubfields - the list of subfield tags to retrieve from the fields specified in the fieldList which will not become anchors
anchorIndex - the search index label to use when creating the query type anchors
combineAnchorFields - boolean flag indicating whether the data in the anchor subfields should be combined to create a single anchor or each field should become an individual query anchor.
breakOnRepeatingSubfield - fieldId that indicates to add the Field Separator string
fieldSeparator - the String that separates multiple fields
anchorSeparator - the String that separates anchor data
subfieldSeparator - the String that separates the subfields that are not anchors
subfieldsDataOrdered - flag indicating the order to retrieve the subfield data from the record where true indicates data ordered in the record and false indicates format list ordered
createAnchors - flag indicating whether to actually create query type anchors from the input data record.
anchorCommand - the URL command for the query: i.e: /WebZ/QUERY
anchorNext - the next= command to include in the query anchor
anchorBad - the bad= command to include in the query anchor
context - the user's sessionid
anchorWidgets - any additional widgets to include in the query anchor
anchorTarget - the html target= value to include in the query anchor
String containing the formatted data including anchors


public final void addAnchorAndSubfieldData(DataDir dir,
                                           String primaryFields,
                                           String[] anchorSubfields,
                                           String noanchorSubfields,
                                           String[] anchorIndex,
                                           boolean[] combineAnchorFields,
                                           int breakOnRepeatingField,
                                           String fieldSeparator,
                                           String[] anchorSeparator,
                                           String subfieldSeparator,
                                           boolean fieldsDataOrdered,
                                           boolean subfieldsDataOrdered,
                                           boolean createAnchors,
                                           String anchorCommand,
                                           String anchorNext,
                                           String anchorBad,
                                           String context,
                                           String anchorWidgets,
                                           String anchorTarget)


public final void addAnchorAndSubfieldDataWithIndicators(DataDir dir,
                                                         String primaryFields,
                                                         String indicator1,
                                                         String indicator2,
                                                         String[] subfields,
                                                         String[] anchorIndex,
                                                         boolean[] combineFields,
                                                         int breakOnRepeatingField,
                                                         String fieldSeparator,
                                                         String[] subfieldSeparator,
                                                         boolean fieldsDataOrdered,
                                                         boolean[] subfieldsDataOrdered,
                                                         boolean createAnchors,
                                                         boolean cleanUpQuery,
                                                         String anchorCommand,
                                                         String anchorNext,
                                                         String anchorBad,
                                                         String context,
                                                         String anchorFormat,
                                                         String anchorFmtclass,
                                                         String anchorWidgets,
                                                         String anchorTarget)
Invokes the getAnchorAndSubfieldData with the input indicators to create a formatted string containing that is appended to the current formatting buffer using the input fields String, anchor subfields array, and non-anchor subfields String.
dir - the DataDir Object containing the input record
primaryFields - the list of field tags to retrieve from the data
indicator1 - the String containing the valid indicator1 values, a comma separated list of values
indicator2 - the String containing the valid indicator2 values, a comma separated list of values
subfields - the list of subfield tags to retrieve from the fields specified in the fieldList
anchorIndex - an array of search index labels to use when creating the query type anchors, if the value is null, then no anchor is built
combineFields - an array of boolean flags to indicate whether the data in the subfields should be combined to create a single unit or each field should become an individual units separated by the sfld separator.
breakOnRepeatingSubfield - fieldId that indicates to add the Field Separator string
fieldSeparator - the String that separates multiple fields
subfieldSeparator - the String that separates the subfields
subfieldsDataOrdered - flag indicating the order to retrieve the subfield data from the record where true indicates data ordered in the record and false indicates format list ordered
createAnchors - flag indicating whether to actually create query type anchors from the input data record.
anchorCommand - the URL command for the query: i.e: /WebZ/QUERY
anchorNext - the next= command to include in the query anchor
anchorBad - the bad= command to include in the query anchor
context - the user's sessionid
anchorFormat - the elementSetName for the format= widget in the anchor
anchorFmtclass - the fmtclass= widget in the anchor
anchorWidgets - any additional widgets to include in the query anchor
anchorTarget - the html target= value to include in the query anchor


public final String getAnchorAndSubfieldData(DataDir dir,
                                             String primaryFields,
                                             String[] anchorSubfields,
                                             String noanchorSubfields,
                                             String[] anchorIndex,
                                             boolean[] combineAnchorFields,
                                             int breakOnRepeatingSubfield,
                                             String fieldSeparator,
                                             String[] anchorSeparator,
                                             String subfieldSeparator,
                                             boolean fieldsDataOrdered,
                                             boolean subfieldsDataOrdered,
                                             boolean createAnchors,
                                             String anchorCommand,
                                             String anchorNext,
                                             String anchorBad,
                                             String context,
                                             String anchorWidgets,
                                             String anchorTarget)
Creates a formatted String from the input DataDir object containing anchors of the specified subfields and text for the non-anchor subfields - also has the capability to specify primary anchors and secondary anchors where the output could contain: ANCHOR-TEXT-ANCHOR which is useful in formatting data such as subject headings in MARC-type records. This method converts the input data to Latin1 and does Diacritic substitution for display of special characters in HTML.
dir - the DataDir Object containing the input record
primaryFields - the list of field tags to retrieve from the data
anchorSubfields - an array containing the primary and secondary list of subfields to create anchors from the input fieldList
noanchorSubfields - the list of subfield tags to retrieve from the fields specified in the fieldList which will not become anchors
anchorIndex - an array of search index labels to use when creating the query type anchors
combineAnchorFields - an array of boolean flags to indicate whether the data in the anchor subfields should be combined to create a single anchor or each field should become an individual query anchor.
breakOnRepeatingSubfield - fieldId that indicates to add the Field Separator string
fieldSeparator - the String that separates multiple fields
anchorSeparator - array of Strings defining the String that separates anchor data
subfieldSeparator - the String that separates the subfields that are not anchors
subfieldsDataOrdered - flag indicating the order to retrieve the subfield data from the record where true indicates data ordered in the record and false indicates format list ordered
createAnchors - flag indicating whether to actually create query type anchors from the input data record.
anchorCommand - the URL command for the query: i.e: /WebZ/QUERY
anchorNext - the next= command to include in the query anchor
anchorBad - the bad= command to include in the query anchor
context - the user's sessionid
anchorWidgets - any additional widgets to include in the query anchor
anchorTarget - the html target= value to include in the query anchor
String containing the formatted data including anchors


public final String getAnchorAndSubfieldData(DataDir dir,
                                             String primaryFields,
                                             String[] anchorSubfields,
                                             String noanchorSubfields,
                                             String[] anchorIndex,
                                             boolean[] combineAnchorFields,
                                             int breakOnRepeatingSubfield,
                                             String fieldSeparator,
                                             String[] anchorSeparator,
                                             String subfieldSeparator,
                                             boolean fieldsDataOrdered,
                                             boolean subfieldsDataOrdered,
                                             boolean createAnchors,
                                             String anchorCommand,
                                             String anchorNext,
                                             String anchorBad,
                                             String context,
                                             String anchorFormat,
                                             String anchorFmtclass,
                                             String anchorWidgets,
                                             String anchorTarget)
Invokes the getAnchorAndSubfieldData method with wildcard indicator values so that there is no filtering based on indicators.
dir - the DataDir Object containing the input record
primaryFields - the list of field tags to retrieve from the data
anchorSubfields - an array containing the primary and secondary list of subfields to create anchors from the input fieldList
noanchorSubfields - the list of subfield tags to retrieve from the fields specified in the fieldList which will not become anchors
anchorIndex - an array of search index labels to use when creating the query type anchors
combineAnchorFields - an array of boolean flags to indicate whether the data in the anchor subfields should be combined to create a single anchor or each field should become an individual query anchor.
breakOnRepeatingSubfield - fieldId that indicates to add the Field Separator string
fieldSeparator - the String that separates multiple fields
anchorSeparator - array of Strings defining the String that separates anchor data
subfieldSeparator - the String that separates the subfields that are not anchors
subfieldsDataOrdered - flag indicating the order to retrieve the subfield data from the record where true indicates data ordered in the record and false indicates format list ordered
createAnchors - flag indicating whether to actually create query type anchors from the input data record.
anchorCommand - the URL command for the query: i.e: /WebZ/QUERY
anchorNext - the next= command to include in the query anchor
anchorBad - the bad= command to include in the query anchor
context - the user's sessionid
anchorWidgets - any additional widgets to include in the query anchor
anchorTarget - the html target= value to include in the query anchor
String containing the formatted data including anchors


public final String getAnchorAndSubfieldDataWithIndicators(DataDir dir,
                                                           String primaryFields,
                                                           String indicator1,
                                                           String indicator2,
                                                           String[] subfields,
                                                           String[] anchorIndex,
                                                           boolean[] combineFields,
                                                           int breakOnRepeatingSubfield,
                                                           String fieldSeparator,
                                                           String[] subfieldSeparator,
                                                           String[] subfieldAnchorSeparator,
                                                           boolean fieldsDataOrdered,
                                                           boolean[] subfieldsDataOrdered,
                                                           boolean createAnchors,
                                                           boolean cleanForQuery,
                                                           String anchorCommand,
                                                           String anchorNext,
                                                           String anchorBad,
                                                           String context,
                                                           String anchorFormat,
                                                           String anchorFmtclass,
                                                           String anchorWidgets,
                                                           String anchorTarget)
Creates a formatted String from the input DataDir object containing anchors of the specified subfields and text for the non-anchor subfields - also has the capability to specify primary anchors and secondary anchors where the output could contain: ANCHOR-TEXT-ANCHOR which is useful in formatting data such as subject headings in MARC-type records. This method converts the input data to Latin1 and does Diacritic substitution for display of special characters in HTML.
dir - the DataDir Object containing the input record
primaryFields - the list of field tags to retrieve from the data
indicator1 - the String containing the valid indicator1 values, a comma separated list of values
indicator2 - the String containing the valid indicator2 values, a comma separated list of values
subfields - an array containing the list of subfields to to create anchors from the input fieldList
anchorIndex - an array of search index labels to use when creating the query type anchors
combineAnchorFields - an array of boolean flags to indicate whether the data in the anchor subfields should be combined to create a single anchor or each field should become an individual query anchor.
breakOnRepeatingSubfield - fieldId that indicates to add the Field Separator string
fieldSeparator - the String that separates multiple fields
subfieldSeparator - array of Strings defining the String that separates display data in the anchor.
subfieldAnchorSeparator - array of Strings defining the String that separates the subfields that go in the anchor part of the string, only is valid when the 'combine' fields option is in effect.
subfieldsDataOrdered - flag indicating the order to retrieve the subfield data from the record where true indicates data ordered in the record and false indicates format list ordered
createAnchors - flag indicating whether to actually create query type anchors from the input data record.
cleanQueryFlag - indicates whether to use the cleanForQuery() method in the term
anchorCommand - the URL command for the query: i.e: /WebZ/QUERY
anchorNext - the next= command to include in the query anchor
anchorBad - the bad= command to include in the query anchor
context - the user's sessionid
anchorFormat - the elementSetName for the format= widget in the anchor
anchorFmtclass - the fmtclass= widget in the anchor
anchorWidgets - any additional widgets to include in the query anchor
anchorTarget - the html target= value to include in the query anchor
String containing the formatted data including anchors


public final void addSubfieldsFromFields(DataDir dir,
                                         String fieldList,
                                         String subFieldList)
Invokes the addSubfieldsFromFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields pulled in FORMAT ORDER using an empty label and trailer string and a default field field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer.
dir - the DataDir
fieldList - the list of field tags to retrieve from the data
subFieldList - the list of subfields to pull


public final void addSubfieldsFromFields(DataDir dir,
                                         String fieldList,
                                         String subFieldList,
                                         boolean fieldsDataOrdered,
                                         boolean subfieldsDataOrdered)
Invokes the addSubfieldsFromFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields pulled in the requested order using an empty label and trailer string and a default field field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer.
dir - the DataDir
fieldList - the list of field tags to retrieve from the data
subFieldList - the list of subfields to pull
fieldsDataOrdered - flag indicating the order to retrieve the field data from the record where true indicates data ordered in the record and false indicates format list ordered
subfieldsDataOrdered - flag indicating the order to retrieve the subfield data from the record where true indicates data ordered in the record and falseindicates format list ordered


public final void addSubfieldsFromFields(String separator,
                                         DataDir dir,
                                         String fieldList,
                                         String subFieldList)
Invokes the addSubfieldsFromFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields pulled in FORMAT ORDER using an empty label and trailer string and the input field separator string to add data to the formatting buffer.
dir - the DataDir
fieldList - the list of field tags to retrieve from the data
subFieldList - the list of subfields to pull


public final void addSubfieldsFromFields(String separator,
                                         DataDir dir,
                                         String fieldList,
                                         String subFieldList,
                                         boolean fieldsDataOrdered,
                                         boolean subfieldsDataOrdered)
Invokes the addSubfieldsFromFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields pulled in the requested order using an empty label and trailer string and the input field separator string to add data to the formatting buffer.
dir - the DataDir
fieldList - the list of field tags to retrieve from the data
subFieldList - the list of subfields to pull
fieldsDataOrdered - flag indicating the order to retrieve the field data from the record where true indicates data ordered in the record and false indicates format list ordered
subfieldsDataOrdered - flag indicating the order to retrieve the subfield data from the record where true indicates data ordered in the record and falseindicates format list ordered


public final void addSubfieldsFromFields(String label,
                                         String trailer,
                                         DataDir dir,
                                         String fieldList,
                                         String subFieldList)
Invokes the addSubfieldsFromFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields pulled in FORMAT ORDER with the input label and trailer strings and a default field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer.
label - the String to prepend before the data
trailer - the String to append after all data collected
dir - the DataDir
fieldList - the list of field tags to retrieve from the data
subFieldList - the list of subfields to pull


public final void addSubfieldsFromFields(String label,
                                         String trailer,
                                         DataDir dir,
                                         String fieldList,
                                         String subFieldList,
                                         boolean fieldsDataOrdered,
                                         boolean subfieldsDataOrdered)
Invokes the addSubfieldsFromFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields pulled in the requested order with the input label and trailer strings and a default field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer.
label - the String to prepend before the data
trailer - the String to append after all data collected
dir - the DataDir
fieldList - the list of field tags to retrieve from the data
subFieldList - the list of subfields to pull
fieldsDataOrdered - flag indicating the order to retrieve the field data from the record where true indicates data ordered in the record and false indicates format list ordered
subfieldsDataOrdered - flag indicating the order to retrieve the subfield data from the record where true indicates data ordered in the record and falseindicates format list ordered


public final void addSubfieldsFromFields(String label,
                                         String separator,
                                         String trailer,
                                         DataDir dir,
                                         String fieldList,
                                         String subFieldList)
Invokes the addSubfieldsFromFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields pulled in FORMAT ORDER with the input label, separator, and trailer strings to add data to the formatting buffer.
label - the String to prepend before the data
separator - the string to separate data retrieved from the record
trailer - the String to append after all data collected
dir - the DataDir
fieldList - the list of field tags to retrieve from the data
subFieldList - the list of subfields to pull


public final void addSubfieldsFromFields(String label,
                                         String separator,
                                         String trailer,
                                         DataDir dir,
                                         String fieldList,
                                         String subFieldList,
                                         boolean fieldsDataOrdered,
                                         boolean subfieldsDataOrdered)
Invokes the addSubfieldsFromFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields pulled in the requested data order and adds it to the formattting buffer - it inserts the input label before the data, separates ALL data fields with the input separator and appends the input trailer to the buffer.
label - the String to prepend before the data
separator - the string to separate data retrieved from the record
trailer - the String to append after all data collected
dir - the DataDir
fieldList - the list of field tags to retrieve from the data
subFieldList - the list of subfield tags to retrieve from the fields specified in the fieldList
fieldsDataOrdered - flag indicating the order to retrieve the field data from the record where true indicates data ordered in the record and false indicates format list ordered
subfieldsDataOrdered - flag indicating the order to retrieve the subfield data from the record where true indicates data ordered in the record and falseindicates format list ordered


public final void addSubfieldsFromFields(DataDir dir,
                                         String fieldList,
                                         String subFieldList,
                                         String fieldLabel,
                                         String fieldSeparator,
                                         String fieldTrailer,
                                         String subfieldLabel,
                                         String subfieldSeparator,
                                         String subfieldTrailer,
                                         boolean fieldsDataOrdered,
                                         boolean subfieldsDataOrdered,
                                         int breakOnRepeatingSubfield)
Appends the String data retrieved from the DataDir object for the specified list of subfields found in the input field list pulled from the data in the requested data order and adds it to the formatting buffer - it inserts the input field label before the data, separates fields with the field separator and appends the field trailer to the data - it inserts the subfield label before a list of subfields, separates them with the subfield separator and terminates them with the subfield terminator. This method converts the input data to Latin1 and does Diacritic substitution for display of special characters in HTML.
dir - the DataDir
fieldList - the list of field tags to retrieve from the data
subFieldList - the list of subfield tags to retrieve from the fields specified in the fieldList
fieldLabel - the String to prepend before the data
fieldSeparator - the string to separate repeating fields
fieldTrailer - the String to append after all data collected
subfieldLabel - the String to prepend before the subfield data
subfieldSeparator - the string to separate the subfield data retrieved from the record
subfieldTrailer - the String to append after all the subfield data in a field is collected
fieldsDataOrdered - flag indicating the order to retrieve the field data from the record where true indicates data ordered in the record and false indicates format list ordered
subfieldsDataOrdered - flag indicating the order to retrieve the subfield data from the record where true indicates data ordered in the record and falseindicates format list ordered
breakOnRepeatingSubfield - fieldId that indicates to add the Field Separator string


public final void addSubfieldsFromFields(DataDir dir,
                                         String fieldList,
                                         String[] subFieldList,
                                         String fieldLabel,
                                         String fieldSeparator,
                                         String fieldTrailer,
                                         String[] subfieldLabel,
                                         String[] subfieldSeparator,
                                         String[] subfieldTrailer,
                                         boolean fieldsDataOrdered,
                                         boolean[] subfieldsDataOrdered,
                                         int breakOnRepeatingSubfield)
Invokes the addSubfieldsFromFieldsWithValidIndicators mmethod with indicator values that will are valid every time ("*"), so that the subfield data gets appended to the output buffer.
dir - the DataDir
fieldList - the list of field tags to retrieve from the data
subFieldList - array of subfield tags to retrieve from the fields specified in the fieldList
fieldLabel - the String to prepend before the data
fieldSeparator - the string to separate repeating fields
fieldTrailer - the String to append after all data collected
subfieldLabel - array of Strings to prepend before the subfield data
subfieldSeparator - array of the strings to separate the subfield data retrieved from the record
subfieldTrailer - array of Strings to append after all the subfield data in a field is collected
fieldsDataOrdered - flag indicating the order to retrieve the field data from the record where true indicates data ordered in the record and false indicates format list ordered
subfieldsDataOrdered - array of flags indicating the order to retrieve the subfield data from the record where true indicates data ordered in the record and falseindicates format list ordered
breakOnRepeatingSubfield - fieldId that indicates to add the Field Separator string


public final void addSubfieldsFromFieldsWithValidIndicators(DataDir dir,
                                                            String indicator1,
                                                            String indicator2,
                                                            String fieldList,
                                                            String[] subFieldList,
                                                            String fieldLabel,
                                                            String fieldSeparator,
                                                            String fieldTrailer,
                                                            String[] subfieldLabel,
                                                            String[] subfieldSeparator,
                                                            String[] subfieldTrailer,
                                                            boolean fieldsDataOrdered,
                                                            boolean[] subfieldsDataOrdered,
                                                            int breakOnRepeatingSubfield)
Validates that the indicator values are found in the data, then appends the String data retrieved from the DataDir object for the specified list of subfields found in the input field list pulled from the data in the requested data order and adds it to the formatting buffer - it inserts the input field label before the data, separates fields with the field separator and appends the field trailer to the data - it inserts the subfield label before a list of subfields, separates them with the subfield separator and terminates them with the subfield terminator. This method converts the input data to Latin1 and does Diacritic substitution for display of special characters in HTML.
dir - the DataDir
indicator1 - the String containing the valid indicator1 values, a comma separated list of values
indicator2 - the String containing the valid indicator2 values, a comma separated list of values
fieldList - the list of field tags to retrieve from the data
subFieldList - the list of subfield tags to retrieve from the fields specified in the fieldList
fieldLabel - the String to prepend before the data
fieldSeparator - the string to separate repeating fields
fieldTrailer - the String to append after all data collected
subfieldLabel - array of Strings to prepend before the subfield data
subfieldSeparator - array of the strings to separate the subfield data retrieved from the record
subfieldTrailer - array of Strings to append after all the subfield data in a field is collected
fieldsDataOrdered - flag indicating the order to retrieve the field data from the record where true indicates data ordered in the record and false indicates format list ordered
subfieldsDataOrdered - array of flags indicating the order to retrieve the subfield data from the record where true indicates data ordered in the record and falseindicates format list ordered
breakOnRepeatingSubfield - fieldId that indicates to add the Field Separator string


public final void FetchHotLink(String command,
                               int recno,
                               String resultSet,
                               String format,
                               String fmtclass,
                               String next,
                               String bad,
                               String context,
                               String otherAnchorInfo,
                               String anchorTarget,
                               String anchorData)
Appends a FETCH type hot-link anchor to the current formatting buffer using the input command, record number, resultset, format, formatting class, next and bad pages, and additional anchor input.
command - string indicating the action to take. i.e. "/WebZ/FETCH"
recno - the record number to retrieve
resultSet - the name of the resultSet to retrive from
format - the elementSetName for the retrieval request. i.e. "F" or "B"
fmtclass - the number of the fmtclass to use. For default classes, send null
next - the specification of the next action. i.e. "html/record.html"
bad - the specification of the action to take when an error occurs
context - the user's session-Id retrieved from the userState
otherAnchorInfo - a string of other widgets to add to the command
anchorTarget - a string specifying the target info
anchorData - a string specifying either the image or the text for the hot link


public static final String MakeFetchHotLink(String command,
                                            int recno,
                                            String resultSet,
                                            String format,
                                            String fmtclass,
                                            String next,
                                            String bad,
                                            String context,
                                            String otherAnchorInfo,
                                            String anchorTarget,
                                            String anchorData)
Creates a String containing a FETCH type hot-link anchor using the input command, record number, resultset, format, formatting class, next and bad pages, and additional anchor input.
command - string indicating the action to take. i.e. "/WebZ/FETCH"
recno - the record number to retrieve
resultSet - the name of the resultSet to retrive from
format - the elementSetName for the retrieval request. i.e. "F" or "B"
fmtclass - the number of the fmtclass to use. For default classes, send null
next - the specification of the next action. i.e. "html/record.html"
bad - the specification of the action to take when an error occurs
context - the user's session-Id retrieved from the userState
otherAnchorInfo - a string of other widgets to add to the command
anchorTarget - a string specifying the target info
anchorData - a string specifying either the image or the text for the hot link


public static final String MakeFetchURL(String command,
                                        int recno,
                                        String resultSet,
                                        String format,
                                        String fmtclass,
                                        String next,
                                        String bad,
                                        String context,
                                        String otherAnchorInfo)
Creates a String containing a FETCH type URL using the input command, record number, resultset, format, formatting class, next and bad pages, and additional anchor input.
command - string indicating the action to take. i.e. "/WebZ/FETCH"
recno - the record number to retrieve
resultSet - the name of the resultSet to retrive from
format - the elementSetName for the retrieval request. i.e. "F" or "B"
fmtclass - the number of the fmtclass to use. For default classes, send null
next - the specification of the next action. i.e. "html/record.html"
bad - the specification of the action to take when an error occurs
context - the user's session-Id retrieved from the userState
otherAnchorInfo - a string of other widgets to add to the command


public final void QueryHotLink(String command,
                               String indexLabel,
                               String term,
                               boolean cleanQueryFlag,
                               String format,
                               String fmtclass,
                               String next,
                               String bad,
                               String context,
                               String otherAnchorInfo,
                               String anchorTarget,
                               String anchorData)
Invokes the QueryHotLink method for the input command, index label, term, clean for query flag, format, formatting class, next and bad pages, and additional anchor input with a default field separator of null.
command - string indicating the action to take. i.e. "/WebZ/QUERY"
indexLabel - the string for the index label
term - the query string
cleanQueryFlag - indicates whether to use the cleanForQuery() method in the term
format - the elementSetName for the retrieval request. i.e. "F" or "B"
fmtclass - the number of the fmtclass to use. For default classes, send null
next - the specification of the next action. i.e. "html/record.html"
bad - the specification of the action to take when an error occurs
context - the user's session-Id retrieved from the userState
otherAnchorInfo - a string of other widgets to add to the command
anchorTarget - a string specifying the target info
anchorData - a string specifying either the image or the text for the hot link


public final void QueryHotLink(String command,
                               String indexLabel,
                               String term,
                               boolean cleanQueryFlag,
                               String format,
                               String fmtclass,
                               String next,
                               String bad,
                               String context,
                               String otherAnchorInfo,
                               String anchorTarget,
                               String anchorData,
                               String separator)
Appends a QUERY type hot-link anchor to the current formatting buffer the input command, index label, term, clean for query flag, format, formatting class, next and bad pages, and additional anchor input.
command - string indicating the action to take. i.e. "/WebZ/QUERY"
indexLabel - the string for the index label
term - the query string
cleanQueryFlag - indicates whether to use the cleanForQuery() method in the term
format - the elementSetName for the retrieval request. i.e. "F" or "B"
fmtclass - the number of the fmtclass to use. For default classes, send null
next - the specification of the next action. i.e. "html/record.html"
bad - the specification of the action to take when an error occurs
context - the user's session-Id retrieved from the userState
otherAnchorInfo - a string of other widgets to add to the command
anchorTarget - a string specifying the target info
anchorData - a string specifying either the image or the text
separator - a string specifying either the image or the text for the hot link


public final void QueryHotLink(String command,
                               String indexLabel,
                               DataDir dir,
                               String fieldList,
                               boolean cleanQueryFlag,
                               String format,
                               String fmtclass,
                               String next,
                               String bad,
                               String context,
                               String otherAnchorInfo,
                               String anchorTarget)
Appends a QUERY type hot-link anchor to the current formatting buffer based on the data from the input DataDir object for the specified fields for the command, index label, clean for query flag, format, formatting class, next and bad pages, and additional anchor input. Each data field retrieved generates an individual link.
command - string indicating the action to take. i.e. "/WebZ/QUERY"
indexLabel - the string for the index label
dir - the record object
fieldList - the list of fields to make anchors out of
cleanQueryFlag - indicates whether to use the cleanForQuery() method in the term
format - the elementSetName for the retrieval request. i.e. "F" or "B"
fmtclass - the number of the fmtclass to use. For default classes, send null
next - the specification of the next action. i.e. "html/record.html"
bad - the specification of the action to take when an error occurs
context - the user's session-Id retrieved from the userState
otherAnchorInfo - a string of other widgets to add to the command
anchorTarget - a string specifying the target info


public final void QueryHotLink(String command,
                               String indexLabel,
                               DataDir dir,
                               String fieldList,
                               String subFieldList,
                               boolean cleanQueryFlag,
                               String format,
                               String fmtclass,
                               String next,
                               String bad,
                               String context,
                               String otherAnchorInfo,
                               String anchorTarget)
Appends a QUERY type hot-link anchor to the current formatting buffer based on the data from the input DataDir object for the specified subfields from the field list in FORMAT ORDER for the input command, index label, clean for query flag, format, formatting class, next and bad pages, and additional anchor input. Each data field retrieved generates an individual link.
command - string indicating the action to take. i.e. "/WebZ/QUERY"
indexLabel - the string for the index label
dir - the record object
fieldList - the list of fields
subFieldList - the list of subfields to retrieve from the fields to make anchors out of
cleanQueryFlag - indicates whether to use the cleanForQuery() method in the term
format - the elementSetName for the retrieval request. i.e. "F" or "B"
fmtclass - the number of the fmtclass to use. For default classes, send null
next - the specification of the next action. i.e. "html/record.html"
bad - the specification of the action to take when an error occurs
context - the user's session-Id retrieved from the userState
otherAnchorInfo - a string of other widgets to add to the command
anchorTarget - a string specifying the target info


public final void QueryHotLink(String command,
                               String indexLabel,
                               DataDir dir,
                               String fieldList,
                               String subFieldList,
                               boolean cleanQueryFlag,
                               String format,
                               String fmtclass,
                               String next,
                               String bad,
                               String context,
                               String otherAnchorInfo,
                               String anchorTarget,
                               boolean dataOrdered)
Appends a QUERY type hot-link anchor to the current formatting buffer based on the data from the input DataDir object for the specified subfields from the field list in the requested data order for the input command, index label, clean for query flag, format, formatting class, next and bad pages, and additional anchor input. Each data field retrieved generates an individual link.
command - string indicating the action to take. i.e. "/WebZ/QUERY"
indexLabel - the string for the index label
dir - the record object
fieldList - the list of fields
subFieldList - the list of subfields to retrieve from the fields to make anchors out of
cleanQueryFlag - indicates whether to use the cleanForQuery() method in the term
format - the elementSetName for the retrieval request. i.e. "F" or "B"
fmtclass - the number of the fmtclass to use. For default classes, send null
next - the specification of the next action. i.e. "html/record.html"
bad - the specification of the action to take when an error occurs
context - the user's session-Id retrieved from the userState
otherAnchorInfo - a string of other widgets to add to the command
anchorTarget - a string specifying the target info
dataOrdered - flag indicating the order to retrieve data from the record where true indicates data ordered in the record.


public final void QueryHotLink(String command,
                               String indexLabel,
                               DataDir dir,
                               String fieldList,
                               boolean cleanQueryFlag,
                               String format,
                               String fmtclass,
                               String next,
                               String bad,
                               String context,
                               String otherAnchorInfo,
                               String anchorTarget,
                               String separator,
                               String terminator)
Appends a QUERY type hot-link anchor to the current formatting buffer based on the data from the input DataDir object for the specified fields in FORMAT ORDER for the input command, index label, clean for query flag, format, formatting class, next and bad pages, and additional anchor input - separating each data field anchor with the input separator and appending the input terminator to the buffer.
command - string indicating the action to take. i.e. "/WebZ/QUERY"
indexLabel - the string for the index label
dir - the record object
fieldList - the list of fields to make anchors out of
cleanQueryFlag - indicates whether to use the cleanForQuery() method in the term
format - the elementSetName for the retrieval request. i.e. "F" or "B"
fmtclass - the number of the fmtclass to use. For default classes, send null
next - the specification of the next action. i.e. "html/record.html"
bad - the specification of the action to take when an error occurs
context - the user's session-Id retrieved from the userState
otherAnchorInfo - a string of other widgets to add to the command
anchorTarget - a string specifying the target info
separator - a string to use as a field separator
terminator - a string to terminate the complete set of links


public final void QueryHotLink(String command,
                               String indexLabel,
                               DataDir dir,
                               String fieldList,
                               boolean cleanQueryFlag,
                               String format,
                               String fmtclass,
                               String next,
                               String bad,
                               String context,
                               String otherAnchorInfo,
                               String anchorTarget,
                               String separator,
                               String terminator,
                               boolean dataOrdered)
Appends a QUERY type hot-link anchor to the current formatting buffer based on the data from the input DataDir object for the specified fields pulled in the requested order for the input command, index label, clean for query flag, format, formatting class, next and bad pages, and additional anchor input - separating each data field anchor with the input separator and appending the input terminator to the buffer.
command - string indicating the action to take. i.e. "/WebZ/QUERY"
indexLabel - the string for the index label
dir - the record object
fieldList - the list of fields to make anchors out of
cleanQueryFlag - indicates whether to use the cleanForQuery() method in the term
format - the elementSetName for the retrieval request. i.e. "F" or "B"
fmtclass - the number of the fmtclass to use. For default classes, send null
next - the specification of the next action. i.e. "html/record.html"
bad - the specification of the action to take when an error occurs
context - the user's session-Id retrieved from the userState
otherAnchorInfo - a string of other widgets to add to the command
anchorTarget - a string specifying the target info
separator - a string to use as a field separator
terminator - a string to terminate the complete set of links
dataOrdered - flag indicating the order to retrieve data from the record where true indicates data ordered in the record.


public static final String MakeQueryHotLink(String command,
                                            String indexLabel,
                                            String term,
                                            boolean cleanQueryFlag,
                                            String format,
                                            String fmtclass,
                                            String next,
                                            String bad,
                                            String context,
                                            String otherAnchorInfo,
                                            String anchorTarget,
                                            String anchorData)
Invokes the MakeQueryHotLink method for the input command, index label, term, clean for query flag, format, formatting class, next and bad pages, and additional anchor input with a default data trailer string of null.
command - string indicating the action to take. i.e. "/WebZ/QUERY"
indexLabel - the string for the index label
term - the query string
cleanQueryFlag - indicates whether to use the cleanForQuery() method in the term
format - the elementSetName for the retrieval request. i.e. "F" or "B"
fmtclass - the number of the fmtclass to use. For default classes, * send null
next - the specification of the next action. i.e. "html/record.html"
bad - the specification of the action to take when an error occurs
context - the user's session-Id retrieved from the userState
otherAnchorInfo - a string of other widgets to add to the command
anchorTarget - a string specifying the target info
anchorData - a string specifying either the image or the text for the hot link


public static final String MakeQueryHotLink(String command,
                                            String indexLabel,
                                            String term,
                                            boolean cleanQueryFlag,
                                            String format,
                                            String fmtclass,
                                            String next,
                                            String bad,
                                            String context,
                                            String otherAnchorInfo,
                                            String anchorTarget,
                                            String anchorData,
                                            String trailer)
Creates a String containing a QUERY type hot-link anchor for the input command, index label, term, clean for query flag, format, formatting class, next and bad pages, and additional anchor input, and trailer string.
command - string indicating the action to take. i.e. "/WebZ/QUERY"
indexLabel - the string for the index label
term - the query string
cleanQueryFlag - indicates whether to use the cleanForQuery() method in the term
format - the elementSetName for the retrieval request. i.e. "F" or "B"
fmtclass - the number of the fmtclass to use. For default classes, * send null
next - the specification of the next action. i.e. "html/record.html"
bad - the specification of the action to take when an error occurs
context - the user's session-Id retrieved from the userState
otherAnchorInfo - a string of other widgets to add to the command
anchorTarget - a string specifying the target info
anchorData - a string specifying either the image or the text for the hot link
trailer - a string to append to the anchor - if null, a space is added


public static final String MakeQueryURL(String command,
                                        String indexLabel,
                                        String term,
                                        boolean cleanQueryFlag,
                                        String format,
                                        String fmtclass,
                                        String next,
                                        String bad,
                                        String context,
                                        String otherURLInfo)
Creates a String containing a QUERY type URL for the input the input command, index label, term, clean for query flag, format, formatting class, next and bad pages, and additional anchor input.
command - string indicating the action to take. i.e. "/WebZ/QUERY"
indexLabel - the string for the index label
term - the query string
cleanQueryFlag - indicates whether to use the cleanForQuery() method in the term
format - the elementSetName for the retrieval request. i.e. "F" or "B"
fmtclass - the number of the fmtclass to use. For default classes, send null
next - the specification of the next action. i.e. "html/record.html"
bad - the specification of the action to take when an error occurs
context - the user's session-Id retrieved from the userState
otherAnchorInfo - a string of other widgets to add to the command
anchorTarget - a string specifying the target info
anchorData - a string specifying either the image or the text for the hot link


public final String getFormattedBinaryFields(DataDir dir,
                                             String fieldList)
Invokes the getFormattedBinaryFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields using a default field separator of SPACE and uses the default retrieval order of FORMAT ORDER.
dir - the DataDir
fieldList - the list of field tags to retrieve from the data
String with the field data in it


public final String getFormattedBinaryFields(DataDir dir,
                                             String fieldList,
                                             boolean dataOrdered)
Invokes the getFormattedBinaryFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields using a default field separator of SPACE to pull the data in the requested data order.
dir - the DataDir
fieldList - the list of field tags to retrieve from the data
dataOrdered - flag indicating the order to retrieve data from the record where true indicates data ordered in the record.
String with the field data in it


public final String getFormattedBinaryFields(String separator,
                                             DataDir dir,
                                             String fieldList,
                                             boolean dataOrdered)
Creates a String containing the binary data retrieved from the input DataDir object for the specified list of fields pulled in the requested order and separates individual fields with the input separator string. This method assumes the data in the directory is in binary format and uses the DataDir.getInt() method to retrieve it.
separator - the string to separate data retrieved from the record
dir - the DataDir
fieldList - the list of field tags to retrieve from the data
dataOrdered - flag indicating the order to retrieve data from the record where true indicates data ordered in the record.
a string with the field data in it


public final String getFormattedBinarySubfieldsFromFields(DataDir dir,
                                                          String fieldList,
                                                          String subFieldList)
Invokes the getFormattedBinarySubfieldsFromFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields using a default field separator of SPACE and a default retrieval order of FORMAT order.
dir - the DataDir
fieldList - the list of field tags to retrieve from the data
subFieldList - the list of subfield tags to retrieve from each field
a string with the field data in it


public final String getFormattedBinarySubfieldsFromFields(DataDir dir,
                                                          String fieldList,
                                                          String subFieldList,
                                                          boolean fieldsDataOrdered,
                                                          boolean subfieldsDataOrdered)
Invokes the getFormattedBinarySubfieldsFromFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields using a default field separator of SPACE and the input data retrieval orders.
dir - the DataDir
fieldList - the list of field tags to retrieve from the data
subFieldList - the list of subfield tags to retrieve from each field
fieldsDataOrdered - flag indicating the order to retrieve the field data from the record where true indicates data ordered in the record and false indicates format list ordered
subfieldsDataOrdered - flag indicating the order to retrieve the subfield data from the record where true indicates data ordered in the record and falseindicates format list ordered
a string with the field data in it


public final String getFormattedBinarySubfieldsFromFields(String separator,
                                                          DataDir dir,
                                                          String fieldList,
                                                          String subFieldList,
                                                          boolean fieldsDataOrdered,
                                                          boolean subfieldsDataOrdered)
Creates a String containing the binary data retrieved from the DataDir object for the specified list of subfields found in the input field list and separates individual fields with the input separator string. This method assumes the data in the directory is in binary format and uses the DataDir.getInt() method to retrieve it.
separator - the string to separate data retrieved from the record
dir - the DataDir
fieldList - the list of field tags to retrieve from the data
subFieldList - the list of subfield tags to retrieve from each field
fieldsDataOrdered - flag indicating the order to retrieve the field data from the record where true indicates data ordered in the record and false indicates format list ordered
subfieldsDataOrdered - flag indicating the order to retrieve the subfield data from the record where true indicates data ordered in the record and falseindicates format list ordered
a string with the field data in it


public final String getFormattedFields(DataDir dir,
                                       String fieldList)
Invokes the getFormattedFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields using a default separator of SPACE the doDiacritics boolean set to true, and the default data retrieval order of FORMAT order.
dir - the DataDir
fieldList - the list of field tags to retrieve from the data
a string with the field data in it


public final String getFormattedFields(DataDir dir,
                                       String fieldList,
                                       boolean doDiacritics,
                                       boolean dataOrdered)
Invokes the getFormattedFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields using a default separator of SPACE, the input doDiacritics boolean value, and the input data retrival order.
dir - the DataDir
fieldList - the list of field tags to retrieve from the data
doDiacritics - indicates whether to do the Diacritic substitution
dataOrdered - flag indicating the order to retrieve the field data from the record where true indicates data ordered in the record and false indicates format list ordered
a string with the field data in it


public final String getFormattedFields(String separator,
                                       DataDir dir,
                                       String fieldList)
Invokes the getFormattedFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields using the input separator, the doDiacritics boolean set to true and the default retrieval order of FORMAT order.
separator - the string to separate data retrieved from the record
dir - the DataDir
fieldList - the list of field tags to retrieve from the data
a string with the field data in it


public final String getFormattedFields(String separator,
                                       DataDir dir,
                                       String fieldList,
                                       boolean doDiacritics)
Invokes the getFormattedFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields using the input separator, the input doDiacritics value and the default retrieval order of FORMAT order.
separator - the string to separate data retrieved from the record
dir - the DataDir
fieldList - the list of field tags to retrieve from the data
doDiacritics - indicates whether to do the Diacritic substitution
a string with the field data in it


public final String getFormattedFields(String separator,
                                       DataDir dir,
                                       String fieldList,
                                       boolean doDiacritics,
                                       boolean dataOrdered)
Creates a String containing data retrieved from the input DataDir object for the specified list of fields pulled in the requested order(FORMAT/DATA) - it separates individual fields with the separator string and does HTML Diacritic substitution on the data if the doDiacritics boolean value is true.
separator - the string to separate data retrieved from the record
dir - the DataDir
fieldList - the list of field tags to retrieve from the data
doDiacritics - indicates whether to do the Diacritic substitution
dataOrdered - flag indicating the order to retrieve the field data from the record where true indicates data ordered in the record and false indicates format list ordered
a string with the field data in it


public final String getFormattedSubfieldsFromFields(DataDir dir,
                                                    String fieldList,
                                                    String subFieldList)
Invokes the getFormattedSubfieldsFromFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields using a default field separator of SPACE and the doDiacritics boolean value of true and the default retrieval order of FORMAT order.
dir - the DataDir
fieldList - the list of field tags to retrieve from the data
subFieldList - the list of subfield tags to retrieve from each field
a string with the field data in it


public final String getFormattedSubfieldsFromFields(DataDir dir,
                                                    String fieldList,
                                                    String subFieldList,
                                                    boolean fieldsDataOrdered,
                                                    boolean subfieldsDataOrdered)
Invokes the getFormattedSubfieldsFromFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields using a default field separator of SPACE and the doDiacritics boolean value of true and the input data retrieval order.
dir - the DataDir
fieldList - the list of field tags to retrieve from the data
subFieldList - the list of subfield tags to retrieve from each field
fieldsDataOrdered - flag indicating the order to retrieve the field data from the record where true indicates data ordered in the record and false indicates format list ordered
subfieldsDataOrdered - flag indicating the order to retrieve the subfield data from the record where true indicates data ordered in the record and falseindicates format list ordered
a string with the field data in it


public final String getFormattedSubfieldsFromFields(DataDir dir,
                                                    String fieldList,
                                                    String subFieldList,
                                                    boolean doDiacritics)
Invokes the getFormattedSubfieldsFromFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields using a default field separator of SPACE and the input doDiacritics boolean value and the default data retrieval order of FORMAT ordered.
dir - the DataDir
fieldList - the list of field tags to retrieve from the data
subFieldList - the list of subfield tags to retrieve from each field
doDiacritics - indicates whether to do the Diacritic substitution
a string with the field data in it


public final String getFormattedSubfieldsFromFields(String separator,
                                                    DataDir dir,
                                                    String fieldList,
                                                    String subFieldList)
Invokes the getFormattedSubfieldsFromFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields using the input field separator and the doDiacritics boolean value of true and the default data retrieval order of FORMAT ordered.
separator - the string to separate data retrieved from the record
dir - the DataDir
fieldList - the list of field tags to retrieve from the data
subFieldList - the list of subfield tags to retrieve from each field
a string with the field data in it


public final String getFormattedSubfieldsFromFields(String separator,
                                                    DataDir dir,
                                                    String fieldList,
                                                    String subFieldList,
                                                    boolean doDiacritics)
Invokes the getFormattedSubfieldsFromFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields using the input field separator and the input doDiacritics boolean value and the default data retrieval order of FORMAT ordered.
separator - the string to separate data retrieved from the record
dir - the DataDir
fieldList - the list of field tags to retrieve from the data
subFieldList - the list of subfield tags to retrieve from each field
doDiacritics - indicates whether to do the Diacritic substitution
a string with the field data in it


public final String getFormattedSubfieldsFromFields(String separator,
                                                    DataDir dir,
                                                    String fieldList,
                                                    String subFieldList,
                                                    boolean doDiacritics,
                                                    boolean fieldsDataOrdered,
                                                    boolean subfieldsDataOrdered)
Creates a String containing data retrieved from the input DataDir object for the specified list of subfields from the field list pulled from the data in the requested order - it separates individual fields with the separator string and does HTML Diacritic substitution on the data if the doDiacritics boolean value is true.
separator - the string to separate data retrieved from the record
dir - the DataDir
fieldList - the list of field tags to retrieve from the data
subFieldList - the list of subfield tags to retrieve from each field
doDiacritics - indicates whether to do the Diacritic substitution
fieldsDataOrdered - flag indicating the order to retrieve the field data from the record where true indicates data ordered in the record and false indicates format list ordered
subfieldsDataOrdered - flag indicating the order to retrieve the subfield data from the record where true indicates data ordered in the record and falseindicates format list ordered
a string with the field data in it


public final String getFormattedSubfieldsFromFields(DataDir dir,
                                                    String fieldList,
                                                    String[] subFieldList,
                                                    String fldSeparator,
                                                    String[] sfldSeparator,
                                                    boolean fieldsDataOrdered,
                                                    boolean[] subfieldsDataOrdered,
                                                    boolean doDiacritics)
Invokes the getFormattedSubfieldsFromFieldsWithValidIndicators method with indicator values that will keep all subfields ("*").
dir - the DataDir
fieldList - the list of field tags to retrieve from the data
subFieldList - array of subfield tags to retrieve from each field
fldSeparator - the string to separate fields in the data retrieved from the record
sfldSeparator - array of strings used to separate subfields in the subfieldlist
fieldsDataOrdered - flag indicating the order to retrieve the field data from the record where true indicates data ordered in the record and false indicates format list ordered
subfieldsDataOrdered - array of booleans indicating the order to retrieve the subfield data from the record where true indicates data ordered in the record and falseindicates format list ordered
doDiacritics - indicates whether to do the Diacritic substitution
a string with the field data in it


public final String getFormattedSubfieldsFromFieldsWithValidIndicators(DataDir dir,
                                                                       String indicator1,
                                                                       String indicator2,
                                                                       String fieldList,
                                                                       String[] subFieldList,
                                                                       String fldSeparator,
                                                                       String[] sfldSeparator,
                                                                       boolean fieldsDataOrdered,
                                                                       boolean[] subfieldsDataOrdered,
                                                                       boolean doDiacritics,
                                                                       int breakOnRepeatingSfld)
Validates that the indicator values are found in the data, then creates a String containing data retrieved from the input DataDir object for the specified list of subfields from the field list pulled from the data in the requested order - it separates individual fields with the separator string and does HTML Diacritic substitution on the data if the doDiacritics boolean value is true.
dir - the DataDir
indicator1 - the String containing the valid indicator1 values, a comma separated list of values
indicator2 - the String containing the valid indicator2 values, a comma separated list of values
fieldList - the list of field tags to retrieve from the data
subFieldList - array of subfield tags to retrieve from each field
fldSeparator - the string to separate fields in the data retrieved from the record
sfldSeparator - array of strings used to separate subfields in the subfieldlist
fieldsDataOrdered - flag indicating the order to retrieve the field data from the record where true indicates data ordered in the record and false indicates format list ordered
subfieldsDataOrdered - array of booleans indicating the order to retrieve the subfield data from the record where true indicates data ordered in the record and falseindicates format list ordered
doDiacritics - indicates whether to do the Diacritic substitution
a string with the field data in it


public final void addAnchorEachField(DataDir dir,
                                     String fieldList)
Appends a http:// hot-link anchor to the formatting buffer for each field in the fieldlist from the input DataDir object.
dir - the directory to the data
fieldList - the list of fields to locate in the directory


public final void addAnchorEachSubfield(DataDir dir,
                                        String fieldList,
                                        String subFieldList)
Appends a http:// hot-link anchor to the formatting buffer for each subfield in the fieldlist from the input DataDir object.
dir - the directory to the data
fieldList - the list of fields to locate in the directory
subFieldList - the list of subfields to retrieve from each field


public static final String cleanForQuery(String s)
Creates a String that has escaped the input text of special characters used in the query parser. It also collapses out hanging punctuation from the search term.

The escape characters are:
, : { } = ( ) ? * #

s - the input string
a filtered string


public static final String deweyClean(String s)
Creates a String that has stripped the input text of non-dewey characters - puts "." in after third number regardless only numbers allowed
s - the input string
a filtered string


public static final String splitLine(String s,
                                     int lineLength,
                                     String indent)


public static Vector fieldVector(DataDir dir,
                                 String fieldList)
Builds a Vector object containing a list of DataDir objects for the specified list of input fields where the data is collected in input FORMAT LIST ORDER.
dir - the data directory input
fieldList - the comma delimited list of tag paths. '*' indicates all fields
Vector of dataDir objects


public static Vector fieldVector(DataDir dir,
                                 String fieldList,
                                 boolean dataOrdered)
Builds a Vector object containing a list of DataDir objects for the specified list of input fields where the data is collected in the order defined by the input data ordered flag.
dir - the data directory input
fieldList - the comma delimited list of tag paths. '*' indicates all fields
dataOrdered - flag indicating the order to retrieve data from the record where true indicates data ordered in the record.
Vector of dataDir objects


public static Vector fieldVector(DataDir dir,
                                 String fieldList,
                                 boolean dataOrdered,
                                 int breakOnRepeatingField)
Builds a Vector object containing a list of DataDir objects for the specified list of input fields where the data is collected in the order defined by the input data ordered flag.
dir - the data directory input
fieldList - the comma delimited list of tag paths. '*' indicates all fields
dataOrdered - flag indicating the order to retrieve data from the record where true indicates data ordered in the record.
Vector of dataDir objects


public final boolean indicatorsExist(DataDir dir,
                                     String indicator1,
                                     String indicator2)
Determines whether the indicator1 and indicator2 field in the input DataDir node matches the input indicator1 and indicator2 values - where the DataDir node points to the constructed node that contains the indicator, eg: 650 node of a marc record.
dir - the DataDir object
indicator1 - comma separated string(0,1,2) of indicator1 values where null or '*' mean any indicator value is okay
indicator2 - comma separated string(0,1,2) of indicator2 values where null or '*' mean any indicator value is okay
boolean true/false indicating existence of fields


public final boolean indicator2Exist(DataDir dir,
                                     String indicator2)
Determines whether the indicator2 field in the input DataDir node matches the input indicator2 value - where the DataDir node points to the constructed node that contains the indicator, eg: 650 node of a marc record.
dir - the DataDir object
indicator2 - comma separated string(0,1,2) of indicator2 values. null or '*' means any indicator value is okay
boolean true/false indicating existence of fields


public final boolean indicator1Exist(DataDir dir,
                                     String indicator1)
Determines whether the indicator1 field in the input DataDir node matches the input indicator1 value - where the DataDir node points to the constructed node that contains the indicator, eg: 650 node of a marc record.
dir - the DataDir object
indicator1 - comma separated string(0,1,2) of indicator1 values where null or '*' mean any indicator value is okay
boolean true/false indicating existence of fields


public final boolean fieldsExist(DataDir dir,
                                 String fieldList)
Determines whether the fields in the input fieldList exist in the input DataDir record.
dir - the DataDir object
fieldList - comma separated string(0,1,2) or range string (0-2) of the fields in the record.
boolean true/false indicating existence of fields


public static final boolean fieldInList(String fieldList,
                                        int fieldId)
Returns a boolean indicating whether the input fieldId is a member of the input list of fields.
fieldList - the list of fields to look in
fieldId - the fieldId to look for.
true when the fieldId exists in the fieldList


public final boolean fieldsExist1(DataDir dir,
                                  String fieldList)
Returns a boolean indicating whether the specified fields exist in the input DataDir object.
dir - the DataDir object
fieldList - a comma separated string listing tag paths to look for
boolean true/false indicating existence of fields


public final String toString()
Generates a String representation of the current contents of the formatting buffer.
toString in class Object


public final String getFormattedSubfieldsInOrder(Vector dirVector,
                                                 String subfieldList,
                                                 String separator,
                                                 boolean stringData,
                                                 boolean doDiacritics)
Format the data from the input vector in order as specified by the subfieldList string.
dirVecor - the Vector containing the DataDirs
subfieldList - the String containing the order of the subfields to be output
separator - the String to use between subfields
stringData - a boolean to indicate the data is string data not binary
doDiacritics - flag to indicate whether data should have diacritic processing
converted String


public final String getFormattedSubfieldsInOrder(DataDir dir,
                                                 String subfieldList,
                                                 String separator,
                                                 boolean stringData,
                                                 boolean doDiacritics)
Format the data from the input vector in order as specified by the subfieldList string.
dirVecor - the Vector containing the DataDirs
subfieldList - the String containing the order of the subfields to be output
separator - the String to use between subfields
stringData - a boolean to indicate the data is string data not binary
doDiacritics - flag to indicate whether data should have diacritic processing
converted String


public final String getFormattedSubfieldsInDataOrder(Vector dirVector,
                                                     String separator,
                                                     boolean stringData,
                                                     boolean doDiacritics)
Format the data from the input vector in the order it was found in the record
dirVecor - the Vector containing the DataDirs
separator - the String to use between subfields
stringData - a boolean to indicate the data is string data not binary
doDiacritics - flag to indicate whether data should have diacritic processing
converted String


public final Vector sortFields(Vector dirVector,
                               String fieldList)
Sorts the input Vector Object containing DataDir objects in the input field order.

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