Open SiteSearch 4.1.1

Class WebZUserHistory


public class WebZUserHistory
extends UserHistory

The WebZUserHistory class maintains information for a user's WebZ transaction and also provides methods to retrieve the information. The UserStateObject maintains a Vector containing a list of WebZUserHistory objects to collect a total view of their Z3950 activities. This information is used to generate statistics for a user's Z3950 activities.

See Also:
UserStateObject, ZUserData, UserHistory

Field Summary
          integer data type defining for a Z3950 AccessControl command.
static int CLOSE
          integer data type defining for a Z39.50 Close Activity (9).
protected  ZDb db
          ZDb object containing the database Object used in the search/scan/present.
protected  boolean dbGroupSearchFlag
          boolean data type indicating whether the search is a DbGroup type database search.
protected  String dbName
          String data type containing the database name used in searches/scans/presents.
protected  boolean dedup
          boolean data type defining whether the sort is a dedup type.
static int DEDUP
          integer data type defining for an DEDUP activity (14).
protected  String dedupedResultSetName
          String data type containing the deduped result set name for a SEARCH entry that has a dedup associated with it.
static int DELETE
          integer data type defining for a Z39.50 DeleteResultSet Activity (8).
protected  String elementSetName
          String data type containing the elementSetName for Z3950 presents.
static int EXTSVC
          integer data type defining for an EXTENDED SERVICES activity (13).
protected  String fmtClass
          String data type containing the formatting class name specified in the widgets of the request (fmtclass).
protected  String host
          String data type containing the hostname for a Z3950 connection.
static int ILL
          integer data type defining for an ILL Activity (12).
protected  Object ILLTxn
          IllTxnInfo object containing ISOILL transaction Information.
protected  Vector imageObjects
          Vector object containing a list of ImageInfo objects for a resultSet that contains information on how to retrieve image objects from the newton db.
static int INIT
          integer data type defining a Z3950 Init Activity (2).
static int ITEMORDER
          integer data type defining for an ExtendedServices ItemOrder Activity (10).
protected  int numrecs
          integer data type containing the number of records retrieved in a search or present.
protected  String originalResultSetName
          String data type containing the original result set name for a sorted or deduped result.
protected  int port
          integer data type containing the port for a Z3950 connection.
static int PRESENT
          integer data type defining for a Z39.50 Present Activity (5).
static int PRICE
          integer data type defining for an ExtendedServicesPrice Request Activity (11).
protected  String queryParserMessage
          String data type containing the query parser error message.
protected  boolean ranked
          boolean data type indicating whether the search is a ranked search.
protected  int requestLen
          integer data type containing the length of the outgoing Z3950 request.
protected  int responseLen
          integer data type containing the length of the incoming Z3950 response.
protected  String resultSetName
          String data type containing the search result set name.
static int SCAN
          integer data type defining for a Z39.50 Scan Activity (4).
static int SEARCH
          integer data type defining for a Z39.50 Search Activity (3).
protected  DbResults[] searchResults
          Array of DbResults objects maintaining the results of a Z3950 Query.
protected  DataPairs searchTermInfo
          DataPairs object containing the search/scan term and possibly the limits.
static int SORT
          integer data type defining for a Z39.50 Sort Activity (6).
protected  String[] sortKeys
          String array object containing the input sort keys for a Z3950 sort.
protected  int[] sortOrders
          integer array object containing the input sort orders for sorting.
protected  int startRecno
          integer data type containing the starting record number of the returned records in a search or present.
static int STOP
          integer data type defining for a Z39.50 TriggerResource Activity (7).
protected  boolean tempDb
          boolean data type indicating whether the search is for a temporary database (tdbname).
protected  int zcode
          integer data type containing the Z3950 error code.
Fields inherited from class ORG.oclc.jassi.UserHistory
action, defaultActions, endtime, peerHostAddress, SHUTDOWN, START, status, threadId, timestamp
Method Summary
static void add(UserStateObject user, int action)
          Adds a WebZUserHistory object to the user's history for the specified type of activity.
 ZDb db()
          Returns the ZDb database object used in Z3950 request.
 boolean dbGroupSearchFlag()
          Returns a boolean indicating that this was a search to a DbGroup database.
 String dbName()
          Returns a String containing the database name used in the Z3950 request.
 String decodeAction(int action)
          Retrieves a String containing a textual representation of the numeric input action.
 String elementSetName()
          Returns a String containing the elementSetName for the present request.
static int entryNumber(Vector history, String resultSetName)
          Locates the entry number of the SEARCH WebZUserHistory object from the input Vector of history entries and the resultsetName.
static WebZUserHistory findEntry(Vector history, int action)
          Locates the last WebZUserHistory object from the Vector of WebZUserHistory entries based on the input action.
static WebZUserHistory findEntry(Vector history, int action, String resultSetName)
          Locates the last WebZUserHistory object from the Vector of WebZUserHistory entries based on the input action and resultSetName.
static WebZUserHistory findEntry(Vector history, String resultSetName)
          Locates a WebZUserHistory object for a SEARCH, DEDUP, or SORT based on the input resultSetName from the input Vector of WebZUserHistory entries.
 String fmtClass()
          Returns a String containing the fmtClass for the present request.
static ZDb getLastDbGroup(Vector history, boolean includeTDbSearches)
          Locates the last ZDb object used in a SEARCH from the input Vector of WebZUserHistory entries.
static DbResults[] getLastDbResults(Vector history, boolean includeTDbSearches)
          Locates the last DbResults array used in a SEARCH from the input Vector of WebZUserHistory entries.
static DbResults[] getLastDbResults(Vector history, String resultSetName)
          Locates the last DbResults array used in a SEARCH from the input Vector of WebZUserHistory entries.
static WebZUserHistory getLastPresent(Vector history, String elementSetName, boolean includeTDbSearches)
          Locates the last Present history entry for the input element set name.
static String getLastResultSet(Vector history, boolean includeTDbSearches)
          Locates a String containing the last resultset name used from the input Vector of WebZUserHistory objects.
static Vector getResultSets(Vector history)
          Creates a Vector object containing a list of SEARCH resultSetNames from the input Vector of WebZUserHistory entries.
 String host()
          Returns a String containing the hostname for a Z3950 connect.
 int numrecs()
          Returns an integer containing the number of records retrieved on search/present request.
 String originalResultSetName()
          Returns a String containing the ORIGINAL search resultSetName for a sorted result.
 int port()
          Returns an integer containing the port for a Z3950 connect.
 String queryParserMessage()
          Returns the Z39.50 parser error.
 int requestLen()
          Returns an integer containing the length of the outgoing Z3950 request
 int responseLen()
          Returns an integer containing the length of the incoming Z3950 response
 String resultSetName()
          Returns a String containing the search resultSetName.
 DbResults[] searchResults()
          Returns a DbResults array for a SEARCH result.
 String searchTerm()
          Returns a String containing the search/scan term that was sent on the Z3950 request.
 String searchTermLimit()
          Returns a String containing the search term limit that was sent on the Z3950 request.
 void setDbResults(DbResults[] searchResults)
          Resets the DbResults[] object to the input array.
 String[] sortKeys()
          Returns a String array containing the input sort keys used in a Z3950 sort request.
 int[] sortOrders()
          Returns an integer array containing the input sort orders for Z3950 sort request.
 boolean tempDb()
          Returns a boolean indicating that this was search to a temp database (tdbname).
 String toString()
          Generates a String representation of this object.
static void update(UserStateObject user, int action, DataPairs queryInfo, String dbName, ZDb db, int status, int zcode, String parserMessage, int zrequestLen, int zresponseLen)
          Updates the current WebZUserHistory scan entry with the results of the Z3950 scan request.
static void update(UserStateObject user, int action, int status)
          Updates a WebZUserHistory entry with the current time/status.
static void update(UserStateObject user, int action, int status, int zcode, int zrequestLen, int zresponseLen)
          Updates a WebZUserHistory entry with the current time/status, zcode, and message lengths.
static void update(UserStateObject user, int action, int port, String host, int status, int zcode, int zrequestLen, int zresponseLen)
          Updates the current WebZUserHistory init entry with the results of the Z3950 init request.
static void update(UserStateObject user, int action, Object txnInfo, int status)
          Updates the current WebZUserHistory ISOILL entry with the results of the ILL transaction.
static void update(UserStateObject user, int action, String resultSetName, int status, int zcode, int zrequestLen, int zresponseLen)
          Updates the current WebZUserHistory deleteResultSet entry with the results of the Z3950 deleteresultset status.
static void update(UserStateObject user, int action, String resultSetName, String dedupResultSetName, DbResults[] dedupedResults, boolean tempDb, int status, int zcode, int zrequestLen, int zresponseLen)
          Updates the current WebZUserHistory dedup entry with the results of the Z3950 dedup request.
static void update(UserStateObject user, int action, String resultSetName, String sortResultSetName, String[] sortKeys, int[] sortOrders, boolean tempDb, int status, int zcode, int zrequestLen, int zresponseLen)
          Updates the current WebZUserHistory sort entry with the results of the Z3950 sort request.
static void update(UserStateObject user, int action, String dbName, String resultSetName, String elementSetName, String fmtClass, int startRecno, int numrecs, int status, int zcode, int zrequestLen, int zresponseLen)
          Updates the current WebZUserHistory present entry with the results of the Z3950 present request.
static void update(UserStateObject user, int action, ZDb db, String resultSetName, DbResults[] results, DataPairs queryInfo, String elementSetName, String fmtClass, int numrecs, boolean fDbGroup, boolean tempDb, boolean ranked, int status, int zcode, String parserMessage, int zrequestLen, int zresponseLen)
          Updates the current WebZUserHistory search entry with the results of the Z3950 query request.
 int zcode()
          Returns an integer containing a Z39.50 error code.
Methods inherited from class ORG.oclc.jassi.UserHistory
action, endtime, status, threadId, timestamp
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected DbResults[] searchResults
Array of DbResults objects maintaining the results of a Z3950 Query.
See Also:


protected String resultSetName
String data type containing the search result set name.


protected String originalResultSetName
String data type containing the original result set name for a sorted or deduped result.


protected String dedupedResultSetName
String data type containing the deduped result set name for a SEARCH entry that has a dedup associated with it.


protected DataPairs searchTermInfo
DataPairs object containing the search/scan term and possibly the limits.


protected boolean dbGroupSearchFlag
boolean data type indicating whether the search is a DbGroup type database search.


protected boolean tempDb
boolean data type indicating whether the search is for a temporary database (tdbname).


protected boolean ranked
boolean data type indicating whether the search is a ranked search.


protected String elementSetName
String data type containing the elementSetName for Z3950 presents.


protected String fmtClass
String data type containing the formatting class name specified in the widgets of the request (fmtclass).


protected int numrecs
integer data type containing the number of records retrieved in a search or present.


protected int startRecno
integer data type containing the starting record number of the returned records in a search or present.


protected String dbName
String data type containing the database name used in searches/scans/presents.


protected ZDb db
ZDb object containing the database Object used in the search/scan/present.


protected String[] sortKeys
String array object containing the input sort keys for a Z3950 sort.


protected int[] sortOrders
integer array object containing the input sort orders for sorting.


protected boolean dedup
boolean data type defining whether the sort is a dedup type.


protected Vector imageObjects
Vector object containing a list of ImageInfo objects for a resultSet that contains information on how to retrieve image objects from the newton db.


protected Object ILLTxn
IllTxnInfo object containing ISOILL transaction Information.


protected String host
String data type containing the hostname for a Z3950 connection.


protected int port
integer data type containing the port for a Z3950 connection.


protected int requestLen
integer data type containing the length of the outgoing Z3950 request.


protected int responseLen
integer data type containing the length of the incoming Z3950 response.


protected String queryParserMessage
String data type containing the query parser error message.


protected int zcode
integer data type containing the Z3950 error code.


public static final int INIT
integer data type defining a Z3950 Init Activity (2).


public static final int SEARCH
integer data type defining for a Z39.50 Search Activity (3).


public static final int SCAN
integer data type defining for a Z39.50 Scan Activity (4).


public static final int PRESENT
integer data type defining for a Z39.50 Present Activity (5).


public static final int SORT
integer data type defining for a Z39.50 Sort Activity (6).


public static final int STOP
integer data type defining for a Z39.50 TriggerResource Activity (7).


public static final int DELETE
integer data type defining for a Z39.50 DeleteResultSet Activity (8).


public static final int CLOSE
integer data type defining for a Z39.50 Close Activity (9).


public static final int ITEMORDER
integer data type defining for an ExtendedServices ItemOrder Activity (10).


public static final int PRICE
integer data type defining for an ExtendedServicesPrice Request Activity (11).


public static final int ILL
integer data type defining for an ILL Activity (12).


public static final int EXTSVC
integer data type defining for an EXTENDED SERVICES activity (13).


public static final int DEDUP
integer data type defining for an DEDUP activity (14).


public static final int ACCESSCONTROL
integer data type defining for a Z3950 AccessControl command. (15).
Method Detail


public String decodeAction(int action)
Retrieves a String containing a textual representation of the numeric input action.
decodeAction in class UserHistory


public static final void add(UserStateObject user,
                             int action)
Adds a WebZUserHistory object to the user's history for the specified type of activity.
user - the UserStateObject
action - the type of history entry to create


public static final void update(UserStateObject user,
                                int action,
                                ZDb db,
                                String resultSetName,
                                DbResults[] results,
                                DataPairs queryInfo,
                                String elementSetName,
                                String fmtClass,
                                int numrecs,
                                boolean fDbGroup,
                                boolean tempDb,
                                boolean ranked,
                                int status,
                                int zcode,
                                String parserMessage,
                                int zrequestLen,
                                int zresponseLen)
Updates the current WebZUserHistory search entry with the results of the Z3950 query request.
user - the UserStateObject
action - the type of history entry
db - the Database object used in the search
resultSet - the Z39.50 search resultSet name
results - the structure containing the search results broken down by database
query - the input query info containing both the search term + limits
elementSetName - the element set name for record retrieval
fmtClass - the fmtclass specified on the fetch.
numrecs - the number of records returned
fDbGroup - flag indicating whether the results are from a DbGroup database search
fTemp - flag indicating whether the results are from a temp database(tdbname) search
ranked - flag indicating whether the results are from a ranked search
status - the status of the action
zcode - the z3950 error code
parserMessage - the query parser exception message
zrequestLen - the request length
zresponseLen - the response length
See Also:


public static final void update(UserStateObject user,
                                int action,
                                String dbName,
                                String resultSetName,
                                String elementSetName,
                                String fmtClass,
                                int startRecno,
                                int numrecs,
                                int status,
                                int zcode,
                                int zrequestLen,
                                int zresponseLen)
Updates the current WebZUserHistory present entry with the results of the Z3950 present request.
user - the UserStateObject
action - the type of history entry
dbName - the name of the database
resultSet - the Z39.50 search resultSet name
elementSetName - the Z39.50 elementSetName
numrecs - the number of records requested
status - the status of the action
zcode - the z3950 error code
zrequestLen - the request length
zresponseLen - the response length


public static final void update(UserStateObject user,
                                int action,
                                String resultSetName,
                                int status,
                                int zcode,
                                int zrequestLen,
                                int zresponseLen)
Updates the current WebZUserHistory deleteResultSet entry with the results of the Z3950 deleteresultset status.
user - the UserStateObject
action - the type of history entry
resultSetName - the Z39.50 search resultSet name
status - the status of the action
zcode - the z3950 error code
zrequestLen - the request length
zresponseLen - the response length


public static final void update(UserStateObject user,
                                int action,
                                Object txnInfo,
                                int status)
Updates the current WebZUserHistory ISOILL entry with the results of the ILL transaction.
user - the UserStateObject
action - the type of history entry
txnInfo - the IllTxnInfo object.
status - the status of the action


public static final void update(UserStateObject user,
                                int action,
                                String resultSetName,
                                String dedupResultSetName,
                                DbResults[] dedupedResults,
                                boolean tempDb,
                                int status,
                                int zcode,
                                int zrequestLen,
                                int zresponseLen)
Updates the current WebZUserHistory dedup entry with the results of the Z3950 dedup request.
user - the UserStateObject
action - the type of history entry
resultSetName - the Z39.50 search resultSet name
dedupResultSetName - the name of the dedup result set
dedupedResults - the structure containing the search results broken down by database
sortKeys - the sort keys used in the request
sortOrders - the sort orders used in the request
tempDb - flag indicating that is a sort for a tempDb
status - the status of the action
zcode - the z3950 error code
zrequestLen - the request length
zresponseLen - the response length


public static final void update(UserStateObject user,
                                int action,
                                String resultSetName,
                                String sortResultSetName,
                                String[] sortKeys,
                                int[] sortOrders,
                                boolean tempDb,
                                int status,
                                int zcode,
                                int zrequestLen,
                                int zresponseLen)
Updates the current WebZUserHistory sort entry with the results of the Z3950 sort request.
user - the UserStateObject
action - the type of history entry
resultSetName - the Z39.50 search resultSet name
sortKeys - the sort keys used in the request
sortOrders - the sort orders used in the request
tempDb - flag indicating that is a sort for a tempDb
status - the status of the action
zcode - the z3950 error code
zrequestLen - the request length
zresponseLen - the response length


public static final void update(UserStateObject user,
                                int action,
                                DataPairs queryInfo,
                                String dbName,
                                ZDb db,
                                int status,
                                int zcode,
                                String parserMessage,
                                int zrequestLen,
                                int zresponseLen)
Updates the current WebZUserHistory scan entry with the results of the Z3950 scan request.
user - the UserStateObject
action - the type of history entry
queryInfo - the input scan term data info
dbName - the name of the database
db - the database object used in the scan.
status - the status of the action
zcode - the z3950 error code
parserMessage - the query parser exception message
zrequestLen - the request length
zresponseLen - the response length


public static final void update(UserStateObject user,
                                int action,
                                int port,
                                String host,
                                int status,
                                int zcode,
                                int zrequestLen,
                                int zresponseLen)
Updates the current WebZUserHistory init entry with the results of the Z3950 init request.
user - the UserStateObject
action - the type of history entry
port - the port number
host - the host name
status - the status of the action
zcode - the z3950 error code
zrequestLen - the request length
zresponseLen - the response length


public static final void update(UserStateObject user,
                                int action,
                                int status,
                                int zcode,
                                int zrequestLen,
                                int zresponseLen)
Updates a WebZUserHistory entry with the current time/status, zcode, and message lengths.
user - the UserStateObject
action - the type of history entry
status - the status of the action
zcode - the z3950 error code
zrequestLen - the request length
zresponseLen - the response length


public static final void update(UserStateObject user,
                                int action,
                                int status)
Updates a WebZUserHistory entry with the current time/status.
user - the UserStateObject
action - the type of history entry
status - the status of the action


public static final WebZUserHistory findEntry(Vector history,
                                              int action,
                                              String resultSetName)
Locates the last WebZUserHistory object from the Vector of WebZUserHistory entries based on the input action and resultSetName.
history - the Vector of user's history objects
action - the type of history entry
resultSetName - the Z39.50 resultSetName


public static final WebZUserHistory findEntry(Vector history,
                                              int action)
Locates the last WebZUserHistory object from the Vector of WebZUserHistory entries based on the input action.
history - the Vector of user's history objects
action - the type of activity


public static final WebZUserHistory findEntry(Vector history,
                                              String resultSetName)
Locates a WebZUserHistory object for a SEARCH, DEDUP, or SORT based on the input resultSetName from the input Vector of WebZUserHistory entries.
history - the Vector of user's history objects
resultSetName - the Z39.50 resultset name


public static final int entryNumber(Vector history,
                                    String resultSetName)
Locates the entry number of the SEARCH WebZUserHistory object from the input Vector of history entries and the resultsetName.
history - the Vector of user's history objects
resultSetName - the Z39.50 resultset name
int (-1 indicates not found)


public static final String getLastResultSet(Vector history,
                                            boolean includeTDbSearches)
Locates a String containing the last resultset name used from the input Vector of WebZUserHistory objects.
history - the Vector of user's history objects
includeTDbSearches - flag indicating whether to include temporary database searches in the lookup.


public static final DbResults[] getLastDbResults(Vector history,
                                                 boolean includeTDbSearches)
Locates the last DbResults array used in a SEARCH from the input Vector of WebZUserHistory entries.
history - the Vector of user's history objects
includeTDbSearches - flag indicating whether to include temporary database searches in the lookup.


public static final WebZUserHistory getLastPresent(Vector history,
                                                   String elementSetName,
                                                   boolean includeTDbSearches)
Locates the last Present history entry for the input element set name.
history - the Vector of user's history objects
elementSetName - the ESN to look for.
includeTDbSearches - flag indicating whether to include temporary database searches in the lookup.
WebZUserHistory object or null.


public static final DbResults[] getLastDbResults(Vector history,
                                                 String resultSetName)
Locates the last DbResults array used in a SEARCH from the input Vector of WebZUserHistory entries.
history - the Vector of user's history objects
includeTDbSearches - flag indicating whether to include temporary database searches in the lookup.


public static final ZDb getLastDbGroup(Vector history,
                                       boolean includeTDbSearches)
Locates the last ZDb object used in a SEARCH from the input Vector of WebZUserHistory entries.
history - the Vector of user's history objects
includeTDbSearches - flag indicating whether to include temporary database searches in the lookup.


public static final Vector getResultSets(Vector history)
Creates a Vector object containing a list of SEARCH resultSetNames from the input Vector of WebZUserHistory entries.
history - the Vector of user's history objects


public DbResults[] searchResults()
Returns a DbResults array for a SEARCH result.
See Also:


public String resultSetName()
Returns a String containing the search resultSetName.
String -  


public String originalResultSetName()
Returns a String containing the ORIGINAL search resultSetName for a sorted result.
String -  


public String searchTerm()
Returns a String containing the search/scan term that was sent on the Z3950 request.


public String searchTermLimit()
Returns a String containing the search term limit that was sent on the Z3950 request.


public boolean dbGroupSearchFlag()
Returns a boolean indicating that this was a search to a DbGroup database.


public boolean tempDb()
Returns a boolean indicating that this was search to a temp database (tdbname).


public String elementSetName()
Returns a String containing the elementSetName for the present request.


public String fmtClass()
Returns a String containing the fmtClass for the present request.


public int numrecs()
Returns an integer containing the number of records retrieved on search/present request.


public String dbName()
Returns a String containing the database name used in the Z3950 request.


public ZDb db()
Returns the ZDb database object used in Z3950 request.


public String[] sortKeys()
Returns a String array containing the input sort keys used in a Z3950 sort request.


public int[] sortOrders()
Returns an integer array containing the input sort orders for Z3950 sort request.


public String host()
Returns a String containing the hostname for a Z3950 connect.


public int port()
Returns an integer containing the port for a Z3950 connect.


public void setDbResults(DbResults[] searchResults)
Resets the DbResults[] object to the input array.


public int requestLen()
Returns an integer containing the length of the outgoing Z3950 request


public int responseLen()
Returns an integer containing the length of the incoming Z3950 response


public int zcode()
Returns an integer containing a Z39.50 error code.


public String queryParserMessage()
Returns the Z39.50 parser error.


public String toString()
Generates a String representation of this object.
toString in class UserHistory

Open SiteSearch 4.1.1