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Pippin Tablefile Parameter

You can use the pippin utility's -ztablefile parameter to define characters to be removed from the data, characters to be replaced with other characters, and delimiters used to separate words in an index. To serve as a reference, the syntax used to execute the pippin utility from the UNIX prompt is as follows:

pippin -hheadername -ddirectoryname [-xindexfile] -nnipfile -iinputfile [-eerrorfile] [-mmax]
[-sskipnum] [-ztablefile] [-cdescname] [-prestart_filename] [-gsgmltagefile]
[-fr] [-fx] [-fs] [-fv] [-h]

Tablefile is a text file containing any or all of the following sections that are described in more detail through the links provided below:

If you create a tablefile for a database using the pippin utility, include the location of the file in the database information when you register your database with SSDOT or edit the existing database registration to include the information.


This section defines which characters to remove from the data. For each character to be removed include the following line:

collapsibleNNNN = XXXX

where NNNN is a nonnegative decimal integer, and XXXX represents the value of the character to be removed, and is either:

  • a decimal integer between 0 and 255, or
  • the string '0x' followed by a two-digit hexadecimal number between 00 and FF. The hexadecimal number is not case sensitive and requires two digits, thus, '0x0A' is legal, but '0xA' is not.

A list of collapsible definitions does not require sequential numbering.


To remove all hyphens ('-') from the data using the collapsible tablefile definition, either of these lines is correct:

collapsible1 = 45
collapsible1 = 0a2D


This section defines which characters will be replaced with other data during indexing. To replace a single character with another character(s), include the following line:

replacementNNNN = XXXX:YYYY[,ZZZZ,...,]

where NNNN is a nonnegative decimal integer, XXXX is the value of the character to be replaced, and YYYY is the value of the replacement. Additional replacement characters can be defined by including a comma and a replacement value (i.e., ZZZZ). XXXX and YYYY are either decimal or hexadecimal numbers as described in the Collapsible description above.


To replace every hyphen ('-') with a period ('.') in index terms using the replacements tablefile definition, these lines are legal:

replacement1 = 45:46
replacement1 = 0a2D:0a2E

To replace every hyphen ('-') with three periods, these lines are legal:

replacement1 = 45:46, 46, 46
replacement1 = 0a2D:0a2E, 0a2E, Oa2E


This section defines characters to be used as delimiters with the adddelim() and wrddelim() indexing routines. To define delimiters, you must first edit your database description (.dsc) file to include adddelim() or wrddelim() in the appropriate index definition(s). Only those indexes containing one of the these routines will use the delimiters defined in this section. To define a delimiter, include the following line:

delimiter NNNN = XXXX

where NNNN is a nonnegative decimal integer, and XXXX is the value of the character to be used as a delimiter. XXXX can be either decimal or hexadecimal format as described in the Collapsible section above.


The following characters may not be defined as delimiters: numeric characters 0 thru 9, upper- and lower-case alphabetic characters (A thru Z), single hyphens ('-'), and the ampersand ('&').

See Also

The Pippin Utility
Creating a Database Description (.dsc) File
Index Definitions
Index Routines
Open SiteSearch Database Builder Utility Programs

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