Open SiteSearch 4.1.1


UC_AE - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.qnorm.BaseTermNormalizer
integer object defining special character for UC_AE (0xCA).
UC_OE - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.qnorm.BaseTermNormalizer
integer object defining special character for UC_OE (0xCF).
UC_THORN - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.qnorm.BaseTermNormalizer
integer object defining special character for UC_THORN (0xDC).
UCDecoder - class ORG.oclc.ecat.util.UCDecoder.
This class implements a robust character decoder.
UCDecoder() - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.ecat.util.UCDecoder
UCEncoder - class ORG.oclc.ecat.util.UCEncoder.
This class implements a robust character encoder.
UCEncoder() - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.ecat.util.UCEncoder
UINT - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.access.api.ColMetaData
String containing the column type constant Unsigned integer values
UKMARC_SYNTAX - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.Z39presentApi
UKMARC record syntax; see the Z39.50 specification.
UListCopiesFmt - class
The UListCopiesFmt class formats records from the Union Lists (a FirstSearch database) for display in the WebZ interface.
UListCopiesFmt() - Constructor for class
Constructs a UListCopiesFmt object.
UMLAUT - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.fmts.Diacritic
UNABLE_TO_PERFORM - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.isoill.IsoIll
UNAUTHORIZED - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.AccessClient
integer data type defining an authorization status - User unauthorized.
UNAVAILABLE_HOLD_ITEMS - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.sip.SipApi
unchanged - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.Z39sortApi
UNDERSCORE - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.qparse.Z3958ParserConstants
unescape(String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.jassi.Action
Decodes a URL encoded HTTP request.
unescape(String) - Static method in class ORG.oclc.qparse.Util
UNFILLED_RESULTS - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.isoill.IsoIll
unfixMARC(DataDir) - Method in class ORG.oclc.mantisbase.util.XMLTranslater
uniformTitle - Variable in class ORG.oclc.isoill.IllTxnInfo
A String object containing the uniform title of a bibliographic item.
uniformTitleFields - Static variable in class
String containing the tag for the uniform title field (240)
uniformTitleSubfields - Static variable in class
String containing the tag for the uniform title subfields (*) (data ordered)
uniformTitleSubjectField - Static variable in class
String containing the tag for the uniform title as subject field (630)
uniformTitleSubjectHotSubfield - Static variable in class
String containing the tag for the subfield of the uniform title as subject field (630) to make hot (01)
uniformTitleSubjectNotHotSubfields - Static variable in class
String containing the tag for the rest of the subfields for the uniform title as subject field (630)
UNIMARC_SYNTAX - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.Z39presentApi
UNIMARC record syntax; see the Z39.50 specification.
UNIVERSAL - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.ber.ASN1
UniversalID - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.Z39initApi
An Init parameter; see the Z39.50 specification.
UNKNOWN_ERROR - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessException
UNKNOWN_ERROR - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.access.api.AuthoException
UNKNOWN_RESULT - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.isoill.IsoIll
unknownSessionId - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.Diagnostic1
UNORDERED - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.isoill.IsoIll
unparsableFormatForUnnormalizedValue - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.Diagnostic1
UNPROTECTED - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.jassi.UserStateObject
UnrecognizedRecordHandlerException - exception ORG.oclc.RecordHandler.UnrecognizedRecordHandlerException.
UnrecognizedRecordHandlerException() - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.RecordHandler.UnrecognizedRecordHandlerException
UnrecognizedRecordHandlerException(String) - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.RecordHandler.UnrecognizedRecordHandlerException
unRegister() - Method in class ORG.oclc.opserve.opsmanager.OpsManager
unRegister() - Method in interface ORG.oclc.ops.OpsClient
Unregisters the server with the OpsClient.
UNRENEWED_ITEMS - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.sip.SipApi
unSetButton(String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.mantis.verbs.MVerb
unsetLogin() - Static method in class ORG.oclc.Telnet.socket.TelnetWrapper
Turns off the default login of TelnetWrappers.
unsort(String, Object) - Method in class ORG.oclc.db.Db
Unsort the hitlist.
unsort(String, Object) - Method in class ORG.oclc.db.DbNewton
Unsort the hitlist.
unsort(String, Object) - Method in class ORG.oclc.db.DbDeleted
Unsort the hitlist.
unsort(String, Object) - Method in class ORG.oclc.db.DbRemoteZ
Unsort the hitlist.
unspecified - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.AccessControl
unspecified - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.Z39closeApi
Close reason; see Z39.50 specification.
unspecifiedError - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.Diagnostic1
unsupportedAttributeCombination - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.Diagnostic1
unsupportedAttributeSet - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.Diagnostic1
unsupportedAttributeType - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.Diagnostic1
unsupportedCodedValueForTerm - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.Diagnostic1
unsupportedCombinationOfDbs - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.Diagnostic1
unsupportedCompletenessAttribute - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.Diagnostic1
unsupportedDistanceForProximity - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.Diagnostic1
unsupportedMissingDataAction - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.Diagnostic1
unsupportedPositionAttribute - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.Diagnostic1
unsupportedProximityRelation - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.Diagnostic1
unsupportedProximityUnitCode - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.Diagnostic1
unsupportedRelationAttribute - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.Diagnostic1
unsupportedSearch - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.Diagnostic1
unsupportedStructureAttribute - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.Diagnostic1
unsupportedTermValueforUseAttribute - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.Diagnostic1
unsupportedTruncationAttribute - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.Diagnostic1
unsupportedUseAttribute - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.Diagnostic1
unsupportedValueOfPositionInResponse - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.Diagnostic1
UPDATE - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.IClient
UPDATE - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.db.Db
UPDATE - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.opserve.opsmanager.OpsManager
UPDATE - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.mantis.MantisAuth
update() - Static method in class ORG.oclc.zbase.server.ZBase
update(boolean) - Method in class ORG.oclc.ecat.util.MessageDigest
update(byte) - Method in class ORG.oclc.ecat.util.MessageDigest
The basic unit of digestifying is the byte.
update(byte) - Method in class ORG.oclc.ecat.util.CRC16
update CRC with byte b
update(byte) - Method in class ORG.oclc.ecat.util.MD5
update adds the passed type to the input buffer
update(byte[]) - Method in class ORG.oclc.ecat.util.MessageDigest
update(byte[], int, int) - Method in class ORG.oclc.sip.SipChecksum
Updates the current checksum with the specified array of bytes.
update(DataDir) - Method in class ORG.oclc.mantis.verbs.MSAVE
Update the database record by using Z39.50 Extended Services Update.
update(DataDir, Element, TagFile, Hashtable, MantisUtil) - Static method in class ORG.oclc.mantis.MantisXML
update(DataDir, String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class ORG.oclc.mantisbase.util.BatchUpdate
update(DataDir, TagFile, Hashtable, MantisUtil) - Method in class ORG.oclc.mantis.MantisHook
update(int) - Method in class ORG.oclc.sip.SipChecksum
Updates the current checksum with the specified byte.
update(int) - Method in class ORG.oclc.ecat.util.MessageDigest
update(int[]) - Method in class ORG.oclc.ecat.util.MessageDigest
update(long) - Method in class ORG.oclc.ecat.util.MessageDigest
update(long[]) - Method in class ORG.oclc.ecat.util.MessageDigest
update(MantisUtil, EditSessionInfo) - Method in class ORG.oclc.mantis.verbs.MUPDATE
Update the database record by using Z39.50 Extended Services Update.
update(short) - Method in class ORG.oclc.ecat.util.MessageDigest
update(short[]) - Method in class ORG.oclc.ecat.util.MessageDigest
update(String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.jassi.JaSSIOpsManager
update(String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.jassi.JaSSIUserHistory
Update the stat with the http response header.
update(String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.opserve.opsmanager.OpsManager
update(String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.zbase.server.ZBaseOpsManager
Override for server specific functionality.
update(String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.ecat.util.MessageDigest
Add the bytes in the String 'input' to the current digest.
update(String, String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class ORG.oclc.mantisbase.util.BatchUpdate
update(UserStateObject, int, DataPairs, String, ZDb, int, int, String, int, int) - Static method in class ORG.oclc.webz.WebZUserHistory
Updates the current WebZUserHistory scan entry with the results of the Z3950 scan request.
update(UserStateObject, int, int) - Static method in class ORG.oclc.webz.WebZUserHistory
Updates a WebZUserHistory entry with the current time/status.
update(UserStateObject, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class ORG.oclc.webz.WebZUserHistory
Updates a WebZUserHistory entry with the current time/status, zcode, and message lengths.
update(UserStateObject, int, int, String, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class ORG.oclc.webz.WebZUserHistory
Updates the current WebZUserHistory init entry with the results of the Z3950 init request.
update(UserStateObject, int, Object, int) - Static method in class ORG.oclc.webz.WebZUserHistory
Updates the current WebZUserHistory ISOILL entry with the results of the ILL transaction.
update(UserStateObject, int, String, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class ORG.oclc.webz.WebZUserHistory
Updates the current WebZUserHistory deleteResultSet entry with the results of the Z3950 deleteresultset status.
update(UserStateObject, int, String, String, DbResults[], boolean, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class ORG.oclc.webz.WebZUserHistory
Updates the current WebZUserHistory dedup entry with the results of the Z3950 dedup request.
update(UserStateObject, int, String, String, String[], int[], boolean, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class ORG.oclc.webz.WebZUserHistory
Updates the current WebZUserHistory sort entry with the results of the Z3950 sort request.
update(UserStateObject, int, String, String, String, String, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class ORG.oclc.webz.WebZUserHistory
Updates the current WebZUserHistory present entry with the results of the Z3950 present request.
update(UserStateObject, int, ZDb, String, DbResults[], DataPairs, String, String, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, int, String, int, int) - Static method in class ORG.oclc.webz.WebZUserHistory
Updates the current WebZUserHistory search entry with the results of the Z3950 query request.
updateASCII(String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.ecat.util.MessageDigest
Treat the string as a sequence of ISO-Latin1 (8 bit) characters.
updateCache(String, int, int, String, String, Vector) - Method in class ORG.oclc.webz.ZUserData
Update the cache with the current data
UpdateCurrecno - class ORG.oclc.fmts.rules.UpdateCurrecno.
The UpdateCurrecno class is a record formatting rule that updates the UserStateObject entity "currecno" with the current value of the input record number.
UpdateCurrecno() - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.fmts.rules.UpdateCurrecno
updateDbs(Vector) - Method in class
Replace the allowed database list for this TopicEntry
updateElement(int, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.mantis.MantisXML
Update an element given its ID and new value.
UPDATEFAILED - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.mantisbase.util.Msg
updatefile - Variable in class ORG.oclc.mantis.MantisUtil
updateInfo(DataDir, String, DataPairs) - Method in class ORG.oclc.webz.ImageInfo
Updates the ImageInfo object for the input DataDir record object by creating retrieval keys to all the nodes matching the input path.
updateInterval - Variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.DatabaseInfo
Update cycle/interval for this database
updateLastTxnTime(String, RequestManager) - Static method in class ORG.oclc.jassi.JaSSI
updateLongName(String) - Method in class
Change the longName of this TopicEntry
updateNode(DataPairs, int) - Method in class ORG.oclc.mantis.MantisXML
Footprint into updateNode.
updateOpenedFiles(int) - Method in class ORG.oclc.db.Db
Update the opened files count.
updateResource(String, Hashtable, String, Object, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessConnection
Updates a database table with changes provided.
updateStatus - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.Z39esUpdateApi
An extended services Db Update parameter; see the Z39.50 specification.
updateStatus(boolean) - Method in class ORG.oclc.opserve.opsmanager.OpsManager
updateStatus(boolean) - Method in interface ORG.oclc.ops.OpsClient
Updates the server status with the OpsClient where the boolean indicates that the client should force the information out immediately.
updateStructure(int, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.mantis.MantisXML
Updates an the structure or the content as well as the structure of an element according to the specified action.
updateTemplate(DataPairs, Element) - Method in class ORG.oclc.mantis.MantisXML
Walk the element tree and get the corresponding values from the widgets.
updateTransRate() - Method in class ORG.oclc.opserve.opsmanager.OpsManager
updateTransRate() - Method in interface ORG.oclc.ops.OpsClient
Updates the transaction rate times for the server.
updateTree(DataPairs, int, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.mantis.MantisXML
Footprint into updateTree.
updateTree(Element, DataPairs, int, String, boolean) - Method in class ORG.oclc.mantis.MantisXML
Footprint into updateTree.
updateTree(Element, int, String, boolean) - Method in class ORG.oclc.mantis.MantisXML
Updates an element tree with updates provided from the widgets, as well as from the action generated from the user.
updateTree(int, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.mantis.MantisXML
Footprint into updateTree.
updateType - Variable in class ORG.oclc.mantis.MantisUtil
uri - Variable in class ORG.oclc.jassi.Action
String representing the URI from the URL in the current transaction.
url - Variable in class ORG.oclc.kilroy.harvester.MyURL
url - Variable in class ORG.oclc.kilroy.util.RedirectEntry
url - Variable in class ORG.oclc.mantis.MantisInfo
URL - class ORG.oclc.mantis.hooks.URL.
URL() - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.mantis.hooks.URL
urlDecode(String) - Static method in class ORG.oclc.ecat.util.cgi_lib
URL decode a string. Data passed through the CGI API is URL encoded by the browser.
URLEncoder - class ORG.oclc.util.URLEncoder.
The class contains a utility method for converting a String into a MIME format called "x-www-form-urlencoded" format.
URLString - Variable in class ORG.oclc.access.AccessConnectInfo
String data type containing the URL for secure socket connection
usage() - Method in class ORG.oclc.db.DbDemo
usageRestrictions - Variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.TargetInfo
Restrictions pertaining to this target, in human readable text
use - Variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.restrictorWords
Use - Variable in class ORG.oclc.qparse.Map
integer data type for the Z3950 use attribute value.
use() - Method in class ORG.oclc.z39.TermComponentPostings
Accessor method to the attributes
useAdjacencyInTermFinderSearch - Variable in class ORG.oclc.webz.TermFinderInfo
boolean data type defining whether the Term Finder search supports using the adjacency operator with to retrieve the Related Term List, where the default is false.
useAttributeRequiredAndMissing - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.Diagnostic1
useLowerCase - Variable in class ORG.oclc.access.AccessConnectInfo
Boolean data type indicating whether to change autho and password to all lower case.
useLowerCase() - Method in class ORG.oclc.access.AccessConnectInfo
Returns a boolean indicating whether to change autho and password to all lower case.
user - Variable in class ORG.oclc.fmts.WebZFormatter
UserStateObject object containing the user's state.
user - Variable in class ORG.oclc.gadgets.FormatRecords
UserStateObject containing the user specific context.
user - Variable in class ORG.oclc.gadgets.SearchHeader
user - Variable in class ORG.oclc.jassi.RequestManager
UserStateObject object for the current user.
user - Variable in class ORG.oclc.jassi.access.DefaultAccessClient
User object;
user - Variable in class
The current user.
user - Variable in class ORG.oclc.webz.Verb
UserStateObject object containing the user's state.
user - Variable in class ORG.oclc.webz.DisplayUserData
user - Variable in class ORG.oclc.mantis.EditSessionInfo
user - Variable in class ORG.oclc.mantis.MantisXML
user - Variable in class
The current user.
user - Variable in class
user - Variable in class
The current user.
user - Variable in class
user - Variable in class
The current user.
user - Variable in class
The current user.
USER_ERROR_REPORT - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.isoill.IsoIll
user_fee - Variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.DatabaseInfo
Whether there is a charge to access this database
USER_HOLDING_STATE - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.HoldingServer.HoldingASN1
A PDU name; see "Holding Online System Design" specification.
USER_LOG - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.opserve.opsmanager.OpsManager
USER_STATUS_REPORT - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.isoill.IsoIll
user() - Method in interface ORG.oclc.access.AccessClient
Returns an Object containing user information which has been associated with the AccessClient object.
user() - Method in class ORG.oclc.jassi.access.DefaultAccessClient
Returns a UserStateObject containing user information which has been associated with the AccessClient object.
user() - Method in class ORG.oclc.jassi.access.JaSSIAccessClient
Returns an Object containing user information which has been associated with the AccessClient object - in this client, a UserStateObject.
user() - Method in class ORG.oclc.jassi.access.RBAccessClient
Returns an Object containing user information which has been associated with the AccessClient object - in this client, a UserStateObject.
user() - Method in class ORG.oclc.zbase.access.ZBaseAccessClient
Retrieves the Object defining the user data associated with the AccessClient.
user() - Method in class ORG.oclc.zbase.access.DefaultAccessClient
Get the ZBaseUser object for the user.
UserApplicationContext - interface ORG.oclc.jassi.UserApplicationContext.
The UserApplicationContext interface defines methods for managing application specific context for a user, such as the user's Z3950 context containing sockets, search history, and accessible databases.
USERDB - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.access.api.MetaData
USERDBKEY - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.access.api.ColMetaData
String containing the column purpose constant for the user's database key
userDefinedTopic - Variable in class
Flag to indicate for this user only
userDefinedTopic() - Method in class
Check the user-defined (for this user only) charateristic for this TopicEntry.
UserHistory - class ORG.oclc.jassi.UserHistory.
The UserHistory class is an abstract class that maintains information about user actions within the system.
UserHistory(int) - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.jassi.UserHistory
Constructs a UserHistory object using the input action type.
UserHolding - class ORG.oclc.HoldingServer.UserHolding.
UserHolding() - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.HoldingServer.UserHolding
UserHolding(String, long, String, String, char) - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.HoldingServer.UserHolding
UserHolding(String, String, long, String, String, char) - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.HoldingServer.UserHolding
userid - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.Z39extsvcApi
An extended services parameter; see the Z39.50 specification.
userId - Variable in class ORG.oclc.jassi.UserStateObject
String containing the user's sessionid.
userId - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.Z39initApi
An Init parameter; see the Z39.50 specification.
userId - Variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.ExtSvcData
String data type containing the userId for the ES request - an optional input parameter.
userId - Variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.oclcAccessControl1
String data type containing the resource userID.
userInfo - Variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.Z39session
Additional userInformation for the z3950 server init.
userInformation - Variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.server.Z39init
userInformationField - class ORG.oclc.z39.userInformationField.
userInformationField is used in the Init transaction.
UserInformationField - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.Z39api
UserInformation field; see the Z39.50 specification.
userInformationField() - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.z39.userInformationField
userKey - Variable in class ORG.oclc.mantis.EditSessionInfo
UserLog - class ORG.oclc.log.UserLog.
UserLog() - Method in class ORG.oclc.log.UserLog
Construct a UserLog object.
UserLog() - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.log.UserLog
users - Variable in class ORG.oclc.db.Db
USERS_CNTRY - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.HoldingServer.InstInfo
User's cntry not user's state
USERS_STATE - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.HoldingServer.InstInfo
User's cntry and user's state
UserStateObject - class ORG.oclc.jassi.UserStateObject.
The UserStateObject class contains persistent user state data that is maintained for the user's session.
UserStateObject(String) - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.jassi.UserStateObject
Constructs a UserStateObject object using the input parameter sessionid.
useSortAttributes - Variable in class ORG.oclc.webz.Sort
boolean data type indicating whether to encode the Z3950 request using the SortAttributes tag - see Z3950 specification.
useSortAttributes() - Method in class
Get the flag indicating how to encode the Z39.50 Sort Request - whether to use the sortAttributes encoding - see the Z39.50 standard.
useSortAttributes() - Method in class ORG.oclc.webz.Sort
Returns a boolean indicating whether to use the sortAttributes encoding of the Z3950 Sort Request - see the Z3950 standard.
usMailPrice - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.Z39esOrderApi
A Delivery type in the OrderPrice Response
usMailPrices - Variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.ESOrderPrice
all usMailPrices
UTF8 - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.fmts.FormatBerUtil
integer data type indicating that the input data should be treated as UTF8 data.
util - class ORG.oclc.z39.server.util.
Util - class ORG.oclc.qparse.Util.
The Util class is a collection of utility methods used to locate and manipulate escaped characters ('\') with query terms.
Util - class ORG.oclc.util.Util.
Util - class ORG.oclc.ecat.util.Util.
Util - class ORG.oclc.mantis.util.Util.
util() - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.z39.server.util
Util() - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.qparse.Util
Util() - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.util.Util
Util() - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.ecat.util.Util
Util() - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.mantis.util.Util
UtilButtons - class ORG.oclc.mantis.gadgets.UtilButtons.
UtilButtons() - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.mantis.gadgets.UtilButtons
UUDecoder - class ORG.oclc.ecat.util.UUDecoder.
This class implements a Berkeley uu character decoder.
UUDecoder() - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.ecat.util.UUDecoder
UUEncoder - class ORG.oclc.ecat.util.UUEncoder.
This class implements a Berkeley uu character encoder.
UUEncoder() - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.ecat.util.UUEncoder
Default - buffer begin line will be: begin 644 encoder.buf
UUEncoder(String) - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.ecat.util.UUEncoder
Specifies a name for the encoded bufer, begin line will be: begin 644 [FNAME]
UUEncoder(String, int) - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.ecat.util.UUEncoder
Specifies a name and mode for the encoded bufer, begin line will be: begin [MODE] [FNAME]

Open SiteSearch 4.1.1