Open SiteSearch 4.1.1

Class TermFinderInfo


public class TermFinderInfo
extends Object

The TermFinderInfo class describes the TermFinder and Related Term List search options for a database. It defines the search indices to use, the sample size of records to create the Related Term List and whether the database supports adjacency searches to retrieve the related term list in the term finder search.

See Also:
TermFinderLoader, IniFile, Db, Map

Field Summary
 boolean displayComponentPostings
          boolean data type indicating whether to attempt to retrieve the postings counts for the Thesuarus terms, where the default value is false.
 int sampleSize
          integer data type defining the number of records to use as the sample size when formulating the Related Term list from the TermFinder search, where the default is 15.
 Map termFinderSearchIndex
          Map object containing the index specification for the index to use when searching to retrieve a Term List in the Term Finder search.
 Map termListSearchIndex
          Map object containing the index specification for the index to use when searching the target for one of the Related Terms List found in the term finder search.
 boolean useAdjacencyInTermFinderSearch
          boolean data type defining whether the Term Finder search supports using the adjacency operator with to retrieve the Related Term List, where the default is false.
Constructor Summary
TermFinderInfo(Db databaseObject, IniFile dbIni)
          Constructs a TermFinderInfo object for the input database object and the associated input configuration file.
Method Summary
 String toString()
          Generates a string representation of the object.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public Map termFinderSearchIndex
Map object containing the index specification for the index to use when searching to retrieve a Term List in the Term Finder search.


public Map termListSearchIndex
Map object containing the index specification for the index to use when searching the target for one of the Related Terms List found in the term finder search.


public boolean useAdjacencyInTermFinderSearch
boolean data type defining whether the Term Finder search supports using the adjacency operator with to retrieve the Related Term List, where the default is false.


public int sampleSize
integer data type defining the number of records to use as the sample size when formulating the Related Term list from the TermFinder search, where the default is 15.


public boolean displayComponentPostings
boolean data type indicating whether to attempt to retrieve the postings counts for the Thesuarus terms, where the default value is false.
Constructor Detail


public TermFinderInfo(Db databaseObject,
                      IniFile dbIni)
Constructs a TermFinderInfo object for the input database object and the associated input configuration file.
databaseObject - the Db object for the database
dbIni - the IniFile object containing db configuration
Method Detail


public String toString()
Generates a string representation of the object.
toString in class Object

Open SiteSearch 4.1.1