Open SiteSearch 4.1.1

Class UUEncoder


public class UUEncoder
extends CharacterEncoder

This class implements a Berkeley uu character encoder. This encoder was made famous by uuencode program. The basic character coding is algorithmic, taking 6 bits of binary data and adding it to an ASCII ' ' (space) character. This converts these six bits into a printable representation. Note that it depends on the ASCII character encoding standard for english. Groups of three bytes are converted into 4 characters by treating the three bytes a four 6 bit groups, group 1 is byte 1's most significant six bits, group 2 is byte 1's least significant two bits plus byte 2's four most significant bits. etc. In this encoding, the buffer prefix is:

     begin [mode] [filename]
This is followed by one or more lines of the form:
	(len)(data)(data)(data) ...
where (len) is the number of bytes on this line. Note that groupings are always four characters, even if length is not a multiple of three bytes. When less than three characters are encoded, the values of the last remaining bytes is undefined and should be ignored. The last line of data in a uuencoded file is represented by a single space character. This is translated by the decoding engine to a line length of zero. This is immediately followed by a line which contains the word 'end[newline]'

See Also:
CharacterEncoder, UUDecoder

Fields inherited from class ORG.oclc.ecat.util.CharacterEncoder
Constructor Summary
          Default - buffer begin line will be: begin 644 encoder.buf
UUEncoder(String fname)
          Specifies a name for the encoded bufer, begin line will be: begin 644 [FNAME]
UUEncoder(String fname, int newMode)
          Specifies a name and mode for the encoded bufer, begin line will be: begin [MODE] [FNAME]
Methods inherited from class ORG.oclc.ecat.util.CharacterEncoder
encodeBuffer, encodeBuffer, encodeBuffer, readFully
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public UUEncoder()
Default - buffer begin line will be:
	begin 644 encoder.buf


public UUEncoder(String fname)
Specifies a name for the encoded bufer, begin line will be:
	begin 644 [FNAME]


public UUEncoder(String fname,
                 int newMode)
Specifies a name and mode for the encoded bufer, begin line will be:
	begin [MODE] [FNAME]

Open SiteSearch 4.1.1