Returns boolean indicating whether the user has a database list that is
customized for their session(profiled) or the globally available
database list defined for all users.
boolean data type indicating whether this index should appear in any
of the [indexlists] when the shorthand notation is used such as
'all', 'phrases', 'words'.
The historyscreen class creates a list of HTML checkboxes from
the user's search history information, which include dbnames, query(es),
postings and resultsetname(s).
The HoldingsSearchKey class is a record formatting rule that
creates a string containing a search key that can be used
to create a separate search to retrieve holdings information
for a record, as in the DRA model where the holdings are found
in a separate database.
horizonScanOtherInformation is used to hold the authoritative information
returned in the OtherInformation field of a Scan response from a HORIZON
server, identified by the OID = "1.2.840.10003.10.1000".
The HttpMessage class reads in the HTTP request from the
Standard HTTPD Server, stores the sessionid and threadid values
passed in the SessionID and ThreadID HTTP headers, and checks
the Content-length to see if there is an HTTP body message present.