Open SiteSearch 4.1.1


a - Variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.TermInfo
The use/structure attributes in the Z3950 response.
ABB_OP_AND - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.qparse.IndexMap
integer defining the value for search operator 'and'.
ABB_OP_NEAR - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.qparse.IndexMap
integer defining the value for search operator 'near'.
ABB_OP_OR - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.qparse.IndexMap
integer defining the value for search operator 'or'.
ABB_OP_WITH - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.qparse.IndexMap
integer defining the value for search operator 'with'.
abbrev - Variable in class ORG.oclc.qparse.Map
String data type containing the index abbreviation.
ABIIFullTextFmt - class
The ABIIFullTextFmt class formats the full text of records from the ABI Inform database for display in the WebZ interface.
ABIIFullTextFmt() - Constructor for class
Constructs a ABIIFullTextFmt object.
abstractTag - Static variable in class
String containing abstract tag (520/1)
abstractTag - Static variable in class
String containing the tag for the abstract (520/1)
AC_ACCESS_TYPE - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.isoill.IsoIll
AC_ENUMMERATED_PROMPT - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.isoill.IsoIll
AC_PASSWORD - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.isoill.IsoIll
AC_PROMPT_ID - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.isoill.IsoIll
AC_PROMPT_RESPONSE - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.isoill.IsoIll
AC_USERID - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.isoill.IsoIll
accept(File, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.mantis.util.MyFilenameFilter
acceptConnection() - Method in class ORG.oclc.zbase.server.ZBase
acceptConnection() - Method in class ORG.oclc.zbroker.ZBroker
access - Variable in class ORG.oclc.db.DbUserData
The access object for profiling a user on an access server.
ACCESS_SRV_LOCKED - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.access.api.AuthoException
accessAllowed(Object) - Method in class ORG.oclc.db.Db
Determines whether the user is authorized to search the database and throws the appropriate exception indicating whether some action needs to be taken.
accessAllowed(Object) - Method in class ORG.oclc.db.DbNewton
accessAllowed(Object) - Method in class ORG.oclc.db.DbDeleted
Determines whether the user is authorized to search the database and throws the appropriate exception indicating whether some action needs to be taken.
accessAllowed(Object) - Method in class ORG.oclc.db.DbRemoteZ
Checks to see if the user has access to the database and throws the appropriate exception if not.
AccessBerApi - interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi.
The AccessBerApi interface defines values used to BER encode messages to and from the AccessServer.
accessClient - Variable in class ORG.oclc.mantis.hooks.RBInfoDisplay
accessClient - Variable in class ORG.oclc.mantis.verbs.MVerb
AccessClient - interface ORG.oclc.access.AccessClient.
The AccessClient interface defines the methods that must be implemented by all classes designed to perform access control for users in the SiteSearch system.
AccessConnectInfo - class ORG.oclc.access.AccessConnectInfo.
The AccessConnectInfo class maintains configuration for connecting to a SiteSearch Access Server.
AccessConnectInfo() - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.access.AccessConnectInfo
Constructs an AccessConnectInfo object.
AccessConnectInfo(String, IniFile) - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.access.AccessConnectInfo
Constructs an AccessConnectInfo object using the configuration information from the input IniFile object.
AccessConnectInfo(String, String, int) - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.access.AccessConnectInfo
Constructs an AccessConnectInfo object for the input server name, on the input host and port.
AccessConnectInfo(String, String, int, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.access.AccessConnectInfo
Constructs an AccessConnectInfo object for the input server name, on the input host and port.
AccessConnection - class ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessConnection.
The AccessConnection connects to the SiteSearch AccessServer and provides the BER interface coding and decoding.
AccessConnection(String, int, int) - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessConnection
Constructs an AccessConnection object
accessControl - Variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.Z39session
A Z39accessControl access control object that can be re-used.
accessControl - Variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.client.Z39scan
AccessControl object created when an access control request is received.
accessControl - Variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.client.Z39search
AccessControl object created when an access control request is received.
accessControl - Variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.client.Z39accessControl
AccessControl object created when an access control request is received.
accessControl - Variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.client.Z39extsvc
AccessControl object created when an access control request is received.
AccessControl - class ORG.oclc.z39.AccessControl.
AccessControl defines the code/message values for an Access Control request.
ACCESSCONTROL - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.webz.WebZUserHistory
integer data type defining for a Z3950 AccessControl command.
AccessControl() - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.z39.AccessControl
AccessControl(DataDir) - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.z39.AccessControl
Constructs an AccessControl object using the input DataDir object containing access control request information.
AccessControl(DataDir) - Method in class ORG.oclc.zbase.server.TransactionHandler
Z3950 AccessControl Response.
AccessControl(DataDir, Object) - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.z39.AccessControl
Constructs an AccessControl object using the input DataDir object containing access control request information.
AccessControl(int, Object) - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.z39.AccessControl
Constructs an AccessControl object using the input type and additional Information.
accessControl(Object, Object) - Method in class ORG.oclc.db.Db
Process the information from an AccessControl response to set user specific authorization information.
accessControl(Object, Object) - Method in class ORG.oclc.db.DbNewton
Process the information from an AccessControl response to set user specific authorization information.
accessControl(Object, Object) - Method in class ORG.oclc.db.DbDeleted
Process the information from an AccessControl response to set user specific authorization information.
accessControl(Object, Object) - Method in class ORG.oclc.db.DbRemoteZ
Process the information from an AccessControl response to set user specific authorization information.
accessControlFailure - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.Diagnostic1
accessControlInterruptedCommand - Variable in class ORG.oclc.webz.ZUserData
accessControlInterruptedCommand() - Method in class ORG.oclc.webz.ZUserData
Returns an integer containing the WebZUserHistory action number for which the command was interrupted because a bad autho was passed to a remote server in ZBase.
accessControlRequest - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.Z39api
A PDU name; see the Z39.50 specification.
accessControlResponse - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.Z39api
A PDU name; see the Z39.50 specification.
AccessException - exception ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessException.
The AccessException class is used for throwing exceptions from the authorization process.
AccessException() - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessException
Constructs a new AccessException object by setting the code to SUCCESS and the extraMsg to null.
AccessException(int) - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessException
Constructs a new AccessException object by setting the code to the input errcode and the extraMsg to null.
AccessException(int, String) - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessException
Constructs a new AccessException object by setting the code and the message to the input parameter values.
ACCESSION - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.mantis.verbs.MSAVE
accessNotAllowed - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.Z39deleteApi
deleteResultSet status; see Z39.50 specification.
AccessServerConnect - interface ORG.oclc.serverconnect.AccessServerConnect.
The AccessServerConnect interface defines the methods that must be implemented to add a new Access Server to the JaSSI environment.
ACCESSTIME - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.mantis.verbs.MSAVE
accessToDatabaseDenied - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.Diagnostic1
AccessUserData - class ORG.oclc.jassi.access.AccessUserData.
The AccessUserData class maintains one or more AccessClient objects created for a user to provide access control.
AccessUserData() - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.jassi.access.AccessUserData
Constructs an AccessUserData object.
ACCORDING_TO_RESPONDER_POLICY_POH - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.isoill.IsoIll
ACCOUNT_NUMBER - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.isoill.IsoIll
acInfo - Variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.server.Z39accessControl
ACS_STATUS - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.sip.SipApi
action - Variable in class ORG.oclc.jassi.RequestManager
Action object used within this RequestManager object.
action - Variable in class ORG.oclc.jassi.UserHistory
The type of action.
action - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.Z39trcApi
see Z39.50 specification.
action - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.Z39esUpdateApi
An extended services parameter; see the Z39.50 specification.
action - Variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.server.Z39trc
Specified by the origin.
action - Variable in class ORG.oclc.mantis.MantisHook
action - Variable in class ORG.oclc.mantis.HookData
action - Variable in class ORG.oclc.mantis.verbs.MVerb
Action - class ORG.oclc.jassi.Action.
The Action class is a container of information for the user's current HTTP request and all subsequent Next command transactions.
action() - Method in class ORG.oclc.jassi.UserHistory
Returns the type of action.
Action() - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.jassi.Action
Constructs an Action Object.
Action(UserStateObject, HttpMessage) - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.jassi.Action
Constructs a Action object using input parameters of a UserStateObject object and an HttpMessage object.
actionNode - Variable in class ORG.oclc.mantis.verbs.MVerb
actions - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.jassi.JaSSIUserHistory
Textual names for the actions are the offsets into the array that matches the action integer code.
ACTIVATE - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.opserve.opsmanager.OpsManager
activate() - Method in class ORG.oclc.jassi.JaSSIOpsManager
Executes the activate command.
activate() - Method in class ORG.oclc.opserve.opsmanager.OpsManager
activate() - Method in class ORG.oclc.zbase.server.ZBaseOpsManager
Override for server specific functionality.
activate() - Method in class ORG.oclc.zbroker.ZBrokerOpsManager
Override for server specific functionality.
ACUTE - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.fmts.Diacritic
aDataBaseIsLocked - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.Diagnostic1
ADD - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.sip.Hold
Add a hold
add_escapes(String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.qparse.ParseException
Used to convert raw characters to their escaped version when these raw version cannot be used as part of an ASCII string literal.
add(DataDir) - Method in class ORG.oclc.ber.DataDir
Add a DataDir as the last child of this one.
add(DataDir, int) - Method in class ORG.oclc.ber.DataDir
Add a DataDir as a child of this one at a specified offset.
add(DataDir, int, int) - Method in class ORG.oclc.ber.DataDirTree
add(DataDir, int, int, byte[], int, int) - Method in class ORG.oclc.ber.DataDirTree
add(IndexMap, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.qparse.DbAttributes
add(int, int) - Method in class ORG.oclc.ber.DataDir
Add a non-leaf child of this DataDir.
add(int, int, byte[]) - Method in class ORG.oclc.ber.DataDir
Add a leaf DataDir to the directory with an array of 8-bit byte data.
add(int, int, byte[], int, int) - Method in class ORG.oclc.ber.DataDir
Add a leaf DataDir to the directory with data contained in a byte array.
add(int, int, DataDirObject) - Method in class ORG.oclc.ber.DataDir
Add a leaf DataDir to the directory with DataDirObject data.
add(int, int, int) - Method in class ORG.oclc.ber.DataDir
Add a leaf DataDir to the directory with INTEGER data.
add(int, int, long) - Method in class ORG.oclc.ber.DataDir
Add a leaf DataDir to the directory with LONG data.
add(int, int, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.ber.DataDir
Add a leaf DataDir to the directory with String data.
add(int, int, String, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.ber.DataDir
Add a leaf DataDir to the directory with String data.
add(String, Object) - Method in class ORG.oclc.db.Connections
add(String, String, String, Object) - Method in class ORG.oclc.db.Connections
Associate a user with a connection object.
add(UserStateObject, int) - Static method in class ORG.oclc.webz.WebZUserHistory
Adds a WebZUserHistory object to the user's history for the specified type of activity.
add1stChild(VTree) - Method in class ORG.oclc.util.VTree
Add a child which will be the first child in the list.
add1stSibling(VTree) - Method in class ORG.oclc.util.VTree
Add856 - class ORG.oclc.fmts.rules.Add856.
The Add856 class is a record formatting rule that handles the MARC 856 field.
Add856() - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.fmts.rules.Add856
addAbstract(DataDir, boolean) - Method in class
Formats the abstract and adds it to the HTML Specifications for the abstract field: 520/1
addAbstract(DataDir, boolean) - Method in class
Formats the abstract and adds it to the HTML Specifications for the abstract field: 520/1
addAllAsSubfield(int, char, DataDir) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.MarcBuilder
Adds all the sub-Elements of the input Directory node to the Marc record as subfields of the input tag using the input character subfield identifer.
addAllWithOriginalSubfield(int, DataDir) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.MarcBuilder
Adds all the sub-Elements of the input Directory node to the Marc record as subfields of the input tag using their original subfield character.
addAlternateTitle(DataDir, boolean) - Method in class
Formats the alternate titles and adds them to the HTML Specifications for the alternate title fields: 246/* 247/*
addAnchorAndSubfieldData(DataDir, String, String[], String, String[], boolean[], int, String, String[], String, boolean, boolean, boolean, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.FormatBerUtil
addAnchorAndSubfieldData(DataDir, String, String, String, String, boolean, int, String, String, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.FormatBerUtil
Invokes the getAnchorAndSubfield data to create a formatted string containing that is appended to the current formatting buffer using the input fields String, anchor subfields String, and non-anchor subfields String.
addAnchorAndSubfieldDataWithIndicators(DataDir, String, String, String, String[], String[], boolean[], int, String, String[], boolean, boolean[], boolean, boolean, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.FormatBerUtil
Invokes the getAnchorAndSubfieldData with the input indicators to create a formatted string containing that is appended to the current formatting buffer using the input fields String, anchor subfields array, and non-anchor subfields String.
addAnchorEachField(DataDir, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.FormatBerUtil
Appends a http:// hot-link anchor to the formatting buffer for each field in the fieldlist from the input DataDir object.
addAnchorEachSubfield(DataDir, String, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.FormatBerUtil
Appends a http:// hot-link anchor to the formatting buffer for each subfield in the fieldlist from the input DataDir object.
addAnotherResponse(String, int, int) - Method in class ORG.oclc.z39.oclcUserInformation7
Add an additional set of response data to the current response.
addArg(String, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.mantis.MantisHook
addAuthor(DataDir, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class
Formats the authors and add them to the HTML Specifications for the author fields: 100/1,17,4,2,3,5,6 700/1,17,4,2,3,5,6 Make 100/1 a hotlink with au: as the indextag Use period "." as a terminator Use period space space ".
addAuthor(DataDir, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class
Formats the authors and add them to the HTML Specifications for the author fields: 100/1,17,2,3,4,6 (1 hot) rest specific order 110/1,2,10,14,03,04,11,12,16,17,20 (1-2 merged as a hot) rest specific order 700/1,17,02,03,04,06,20,14,16 (1 hot) rest specific order 710/1,2,10,14,03,04,11,12,16,17,20 (1-2 merged as a hot) rest specific order Use period "." as a terminator Use period space space ".
addBinaryFields(DataDir, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.FormatBerUtil
Invokes the addBinaryFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields added in FORMAT ORDER using an empty label and trailer string and a default field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer.
addBinaryFields(DataDir, String, boolean) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.FormatBerUtil
Invokes the addBinaryFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields added in the requested order using an empty label and trailer string and a default field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer
addBinaryFields(String, DataDir, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.FormatBerUtil
Invokes the addBinaryFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields added in FORMAT ORDER using an empty label and trailer string and the input field separator string to add data to the formatting buffer.
addBinaryFields(String, DataDir, String, boolean) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.FormatBerUtil
Invokes the addBinaryFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields pulled in the requested data order using an empty label and trailer string and the input field separator string to add data to the formatting buffer.
addBinaryFields(String, String, DataDir, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.FormatBerUtil
Invokes addBinaryFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields pulled in FORMAT ORDER with the input label and trailer strings and a default field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer.
addBinaryFields(String, String, DataDir, String, boolean) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.FormatBerUtil
Invokes addBinaryFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields pulled in the requested order with the input label and trailer strings and a default field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer.
addBinaryFields(String, String, String, DataDir, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.FormatBerUtil
Invokes addBinaryFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields pulled in FORMAT ORDER with the input label, separator, and trailer strings.
addBinaryFields(String, String, String, DataDir, String, boolean) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.FormatBerUtil
Appends the binary data retrieved from the DataDir object for the specified list of fields to the formatting buffer - it inserts the input labels and trailers and uses the input separator String between fields.
addBinarySubfieldsFromFields(DataDir, String, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.FormatBerUtil
Invokes the addBinarySubfieldsFromFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields pulled in FORMAT ORDER using an empty label and trailer string and a default field field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer.
addBinarySubfieldsFromFields(DataDir, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.FormatBerUtil
Invokes the addBinarySubfieldsFromFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields pulled in the requested order using an empty label and trailer string and a default field field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer.
addBinarySubfieldsFromFields(DataDir, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.FormatBerUtil
Appends the binary data retrieved from the DataDir object for the specified list of subfields found in the input field list pulled from the data in the requested data order and adds it to the formatting buffer - it inserts the input field label before the data, separates fields with the field separator and appends the field trailer to the data - it inserts the subfield label before a list of subfields, separates them with the subfield separator and terminates them with the subfield terminator.
addBinarySubfieldsFromFields(String, DataDir, String, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.FormatBerUtil
Invokes the addBinarySubfieldsFromFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields pulled in FORMAT ORDER using an empty label and trailer string and the input field separator string to add data to the formatting buffer.
addBinarySubfieldsFromFields(String, DataDir, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.FormatBerUtil
Invokes the addBinarySubfieldsFromFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields pulled in the order requested using an empty label and trailer string and the input field separator string to add data to the formatting buffer.
addBinarySubfieldsFromFields(String, String, DataDir, String, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.FormatBerUtil
Invokes the addBinarySubfieldsFromFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields pulled in FORMAT ORDER with the input label and trailer strings and a default field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer.
addBinarySubfieldsFromFields(String, String, DataDir, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.FormatBerUtil
Invokes the addBinarySubfieldsFromFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields pulled in the requested order with the input label and trailer strings and a default field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer.
addBinarySubfieldsFromFields(String, String, String, DataDir, String, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.FormatBerUtil
addBinarySubfieldsFromFields(String, String, String, DataDir, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.FormatBerUtil
addBits(int, int, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.ber.DataDir
Add a leaf DataDir which contains a BITSTRING to a directory.
addBookMark(int) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.WebZFormatter
Appends a record book mark Hot-Link to the FormatBerUtil object formatting buffer using the input record number.
addBookMark(int, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.WebZFormatter
Appends a record book mark Hot-Link to the FormatBerUtil object formatting buffer using the input record number.
addBookMark(int, String, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.WebZFormatter
Appends a record book mark Hot-Link to the FormatBerUtil object formatting buffer using the input record number and an additional string of FETCH information.
AddBriefHoldings - class ORG.oclc.fmts.rules.AddBriefHoldings.
The AddBriefHoldings class is a record formatting rule that creates a 'brief' MARC holdings display containing only the Location, Call-Number, Collection, and Notes data when available.
AddBriefHoldings() - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.fmts.rules.AddBriefHoldings
addBriefHoldings(DataDir) - Method in class
Formats the holdings and adds them to the HTML for brief holdings (results screen).
addByAttribute(Attribute[], String, int) - Method in class ORG.oclc.z39.TermInfo
Add these attributes to this term.
addByAttribute(TermInfo, String, Attribute[]) - Method in class ORG.oclc.z39.TermInfo
Merge the byAttribute of otherTerm with the byAttribute of this term.
addChallengeInfo(DataDir) - Method in class ORG.oclc.z39.AccessControl
Adds the diagnostic in the default format to the parent directory
addChild(Element, Element) - Method in interface
Adds a child to this element.
addChild(Element, Element) - Method in class
Adds a child to this element.
addChild(Element, Element) - Method in class
Adds a child Element to the document.
addChild(Element, int, int) - Method in interface
Adds a child to this element.
addChild(Element, int, int) - Method in class
Adds a child to this element.
addChild(Tree) - Method in class ORG.oclc.util.Tree
Add a child to a node.
addChild(VTree) - Method in class ORG.oclc.util.VTree
Add a child to a node.
addCODEN(DataDir, boolean) - Method in class
Formats the CODEN and adds it to the HTML Specifications for the CODEN field: 030/1
addColumn(String, String, String, int, String, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.access.api.MetaData
Adds information about a table column to the MetaData
AddCompoundSubjectPhrase - class ORG.oclc.fmts.rules.AddCompoundSubjectPhrase.
The AddCompoundSubjectPhrase class is the record formatting rule that creates a formatted string for Subject fields in the FirstSearch Z39.50 databases using the field specifications in the RuleSpec and the HTML or Text specifications defined in the DisplayUserData object to delimit the data found in the input record.
AddCompoundSubjectPhrase() - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.fmts.rules.AddCompoundSubjectPhrase
addConference(DataDir, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class
Formats the conferences and adds them to the HTML Specifications for the conference fields: 111/1,2,10,14,04,03,11,12,16,17,20 (specific order) 711/1,2,10,14,04,03,11,12,16,17,20 (specific order)
addContents(DataDir, boolean) - Method in class
Formats the contents and adds them to the HTML Specifications for the contents field: 505/1, 20, 7, 18 (specific order)
addCountry(DataDir, boolean) - Method in class
Formats the country and adds it to the HTML Specifications for the language field: 260/1
AddDatabaseName - class ORG.oclc.fmts.rules.AddDatabaseName.
The AddDatabaseName class is a record formatting rule that adds the long Database Name for the current record to the output formatting buffer.
AddDatabaseName() - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.fmts.rules.AddDatabaseName
addDatabaseNo(DataDir, boolean) - Method in class
Formats the database number field and adds it to the HTML Specifications for the database number field: 069/1
addDatabaseToDbList(String, int) - Method in class ORG.oclc.webz.ZUserData
Adds the dbname to the user's list of valid databases with the status set to the incoming status
addDb(String, Object) - Method in class
addDbName(String) - Method in class
Add a database to this TopicEntry allowed database list
addDbtoList(ZDb) - Method in class ORG.oclc.webz.ZUserData
Adds a ZDb object to the user's database table.
addDefaultDiagFormat(DataDir) - Method in class ORG.oclc.z39.Diagnostic1
Adds the diagnostic in the default format to the parent directory
addDescriptors(DataDir, boolean, boolean) - Method in class
Formats the descriptors and adds them to the HTML Specifications for the descriptors field: 653/1 (1 is hot)
addDiagnostic(Diagnostic1) - Method in class ORG.oclc.z39.DbResults
Save a Diagnostic
addDiagnostic(int, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.z39.DbResults
Create a Diagnostic
addDiagnostics(PartialResults) - Method in class ORG.oclc.db.PartialResults
Combine another PartialResults with this partialResults.
addDir(DataDir, String[], int[]) - Static method in class ORG.oclc.z39.oclcDuplicateCriteria
addDocumentType(DataDir, boolean) - Method in class
Formats the document type and adds it to the HTML Specifications for the document type field: 073/1
addDuplicate(int) - Method in class ORG.oclc.db.DedupedSort
Add a duplicate record to the list containing the offset into the original result set for the record.
addDuplicate(int, int, String, DuplicateCriteria) - Method in class ORG.oclc.db.DedupedSort
Add a duplicate record to the list containing the offset into the original result set for the record.
addEdition(DataDir, boolean) - Method in class
Formats the edition and adds it to the HTML Specifications for the edition field: 250/1-2
addElement(String, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.jassi.DataPairs
Adds the input name/value Strings to the end of this DataPairs vector as a DataPair object.
addError(Element, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.mantis.MantisHook
addEscapes(String) - Static method in class ORG.oclc.qparse.TokenMgrError
Replaces unprintable characters by their espaced (or unicode escaped) equivalents in the given string
addESpecData(DataDir, String[]) - Static method in class ORG.oclc.z39.DuplicateCriteria
Adds the applicable portion of the record data into an Element Specification Format - 1 structure.
addExtendedServicesSupported(String, String) - Static method in class ORG.oclc.z39.server.Z39extsvc
Method to add specification of additional classes that implement the ExtSvcHandler class for handling extended services in the Z3950 Server.
AddFetchAnchor - class ORG.oclc.fmts.rules.AddFetchAnchor.
The AddFetchAnchor class is a record formatting rule that creates a FETCH hot-link for the input fields.
AddFetchAnchor() - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.fmts.rules.AddFetchAnchor
addFieldData(int, int) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.MarcBuilder
Adds a new Marc Field for the input tag and integer data.
addFieldData(int, int, boolean) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.MarcBuilder
Adds a new Marc Field for the input tag and integer data and adds a new Marc node for the tag if the input boolean is true.
addFieldData(int, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.MarcBuilder
Adds a new Marc Field for the input tag and String data.
addFieldData(int, String, boolean) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.MarcBuilder
Adds a new Marc Field for the input tag and String data and adds a new Marc node for the tag if the input boolean is true.
addFields(DataDir, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.FormatBerUtil
Invokes the addFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields in FORMAT ORDER using an empty label and trailer string and a default field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer.
addFields(DataDir, String, boolean) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.FormatBerUtil
Invokes the addFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields using an empty label and trailer string and a default field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer.
addFields(String, DataDir, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.FormatBerUtil
Invokes the addFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields in FORMAT ORDER using an empty label and trailer string and the input field separator string to add data to the formatting buffer.
addFields(String, DataDir, String, boolean) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.FormatBerUtil
Invokes the addFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields using an empty label and trailer string and the input field separator string to add data to the formatting buffer.
addFields(String, String, DataDir, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.FormatBerUtil
Invokes addFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields in FORMAT ORDER with the input label and trailer strings and a default field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer.
addFields(String, String, DataDir, String, boolean) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.FormatBerUtil
Invokes addFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields with the input label and trailer strings and a default field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer.
addFields(String, String, String, DataDir, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.FormatBerUtil
Invokes addFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields in FORMAT ORDER with the input label, separator, and trailer strings.
addFields(String, String, String, DataDir, String, boolean) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.FormatBerUtil
Appends the String data retrieved from DataDir object for the specified list of fields to the formatting buffer - it inserts the input labels and trailers and uses the input separator String between fields.
AddFormattedDupData - class ORG.oclc.fmts.rules.AddFormattedDupData.
The AddFormattedDupData class is a record formatting rule that appends formatted data from duplicate records held in the parameter to the class defined by the variable entityname.
AddFormattedDupData() - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.fmts.rules.AddFormattedDupData
addFrequency(DataDir, boolean) - Method in class
Formats the frequency and adds it to the HTML Specifications for the frequency field: 310/1
addFrom(DataDir, boolean) - Method in class
Formats the from fields and adds them to the HTML Specifications for the from fields: 773/20,19,1,7,4,24 510,1,2,30 When displaying the 773 fields, add " ISSN: " before subfield 24
AddFSABIISubjects - class ORG.oclc.fmts.rules.AddFSABIISubjects.
The AddFSABIISubjects class is the record formatting rule that creates a formatted string for Subject fields in the FirstSearc Z39.50 ABII Database using the field specifications in the RuleSpec and the HTML or Text specifications defined in the DisplayUserData object to delimit the data found in the input record.
AddFSABIISubjects() - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.fmts.rules.AddFSABIISubjects
AddFSMedlineSubjects - class ORG.oclc.fmts.rules.AddFSMedlineSubjects.
The AddFSMedlineSubjects class is the record formatting rule that creates a formatted string for Subject fields in the FirstSearc Z39.50 Medline Database using the field specifications in the RuleSpec and the HTML or Text specifications defined in the DisplayUserData object to delimit the data found in the input record.
AddFSMedlineSubjects() - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.fmts.rules.AddFSMedlineSubjects
AddFullTextButton - class ORG.oclc.fmts.rules.AddFullTextButton.
The AddFullTextButton class is a record formatting rule that creates a FETCH hot-link to display Full-Text for a record when the data in the input field matches the data specified as the the matching criteria.
AddFullTextButton() - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.fmts.rules.AddFullTextButton
addGovDocNo(DataDir, boolean) - Method in class
Formats the government document number and adds it to the HTML Specifications for the government document number field: 074/1
AddHoldings - class ORG.oclc.fmts.rules.AddHoldings.
The AddHoldings class is a record formatting rule that creates a MARC holdings display for the input record.
AddHoldings() - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.fmts.rules.AddHoldings
addHoldings(DataDir) - Method in class
addHoldings(DataDir, boolean) - Method in class
Formats the holdings and adds them to the HTML Specifications for the holdings fields: 920/1-3 (OR) 2003/16 - DRA Holdings (OR) 1002/0/2 -- recordsyntax=OPAC (OR) 1002/0/16 -- recordsyntax=NOTIS_OPAC
addHoldings(DataDir, String, String, String) - Method in class
Formats the holdings and adds them to the HTML Specifications for the holdings fields: 920/1-3 (OR) 1002/2/2/16/16, 0/16/2/16, 1002/0/16 (OR) 1002/0/2
AddHTTPAnchor - class ORG.oclc.fmts.rules.AddHTTPAnchor.
The AddHTTPAnchor class is a record formatting rule that creates an HTTP (http://) hot-link for the input fields.
AddHTTPAnchor() - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.fmts.rules.AddHTTPAnchor
AddILL920FieldSendToList - class ORG.oclc.fmts.rules.AddILL920FieldSendToList.
The AddILL920SendToList class is a record formatting rule that creates a String containing a sendToList of blank-delimited OCLC symbols and saves it in the user state for an Interlibrary Loan Request(ILL) based on the data in the Marc Record 920/a field.
AddILL920FieldSendToList() - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.fmts.rules.AddILL920FieldSendToList
AddILLData - class ORG.oclc.fmts.rules.AddILLData.
The AddILLData class is a record formatting rule that creates data fields for an Interlibrary Loan Request(ILL).
AddILLData() - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.fmts.rules.AddILLData
AddILLDatabaseName - class ORG.oclc.fmts.rules.AddILLDatabaseName.
The AddILLDatabaseName class is a record formatting rule that saves the name of the database for the input record in the user state for an Interlibrary Loan Request(ILL).
AddILLDatabaseName() - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.fmts.rules.AddILLDatabaseName
AddILLOclcNum - class ORG.oclc.fmts.rules.AddILLOclcNum.
The AddILLOclcNum class is a record formatting rule that retrieves an OCLC Number from the input record and saves it in the user state for an Interlibrary Loan Request(ILL).
AddILLOclcNum() - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.fmts.rules.AddILLOclcNum
AddILLSendToList - class ORG.oclc.fmts.rules.AddILLSendToList.
The AddILLSendToList class is a record formatting rule that creates a String containing a sendToList of blank-delimited OCLC symbols and saves it in the user state for an Interlibrary Loan Request(ILL).
AddILLSendToList() - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.fmts.rules.AddILLSendToList
AddImageDisplayAnchor - class ORG.oclc.fmts.rules.AddImageDisplayAnchor.
The AddImageDisplayAnchor class is a record formatting rule that creates an anchor to display the images associated with the input record.
AddImageDisplayAnchor() - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.fmts.rules.AddImageDisplayAnchor
addIncludes(DataDir, boolean) - Method in class
Formats the includes and adds them to the HTML Specifications for the includes field: 505/'*' Use period space dash dash (".
addIndent(int) - Method in class ORG.oclc.xml.util.XMLOutputStream
Set the relative indenting level.
addIndicators(int, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.MarcBuilder
Add the indicators to the Marc field for the input marc tag and String data.
addinfo() - Method in class ORG.oclc.webz.WebZErrors
Returns a String containing the error message.
addinfo() - Method in class ORG.oclc.z39.Diagnostic1
Accessor method to Diagnostic msg
addISBN(DataDir, boolean, boolean) - Method in class
Formats the ISBN and adds it to the HTML Specifications for the ISBN field: 020/1
addISBN(DataDir, boolean, boolean) - Method in class
Formats the ISBN and adds it to the HTML Specifications for the ISBN field: 020/1
addISSN(DataDir, boolean, boolean) - Method in class
Formats the ISSN and adds it to the HTML Specifications for the ISSN field: 022/1
addISSN(DataDir, boolean, boolean, boolean, int) - Method in class
Formats the ISSN and adds it to the HTML Specifications for the ISSN field: 022/1 Generate a link to the holdings using the author, title, and from information.
additionalInfo - Variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.AccessControl
Object containing information to pertinent to the access control request, such as a list of database names requiring authorization.
additionalInfo() - Method in class ORG.oclc.z39.AccessControl
Returns the Object containing the additionalInformation needed to for creating the access control challenge request.
additionalRanges - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.Z39presentApi
Search/Present parameter; see Z39.50 specification.
additionalRangesParameterUnsupported - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.Diagnostic1
additionalSearchInfo - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.Z39searchApi
Search/Present paramter; see Z39.50 specification.
addKey(String, String) - Method in class
Add a new key entry.
addLanguage(DataDir, boolean) - Method in class
Formats the language and adds it to the HTML Specifications for the language field: 546/1
addlBilling - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.Z39esOrderApi
An extended services item order parameter; see the Z39.50 specification.
addLibraries(DataDir, boolean) - Method in class
Formats the libraries and adds them to the HTML Specifications for the libraries field: 948/8
addLibraries(DataDir, boolean, boolean) - Method in class
Formats the libraries field and adds it to the string being built Specifications for the libraries field: 948/8
addLoadedNameSpace(Atom) - Method in class ORG.oclc.xml.parser.DTD
add a loaded name space name to the list
AddLocalHoldingsButton - class ORG.oclc.fmts.rules.AddLocalHoldingsButton.
The AddLocalHoldingsButton class is a record formatting rule that adds a hot-link button to go search the database's Holdings database to display any local holdings for the record.
AddLocalHoldingsButton() - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.fmts.rules.AddLocalHoldingsButton
addMantisTreeID(Document) - Method in class ORG.oclc.mantis.MantisXML
addMantisTreeID(Document, Element, boolean) - Method in class ORG.oclc.mantis.MantisXML
addMap(Map) - Method in class ORG.oclc.qparse.IndexMap
Adds a new Map object to the IndexMap.
addMeeting(DataDir, boolean) - Method in class
Formats the meetings and adds them to the HTML Specifications for the meeting fields: 411/1 811/1
addMultiTitleBookMark(DataDir, int, String, String, String) - Method in class
Adds a title with bookmark widgit that includes a record number (left aligned)
addMultiTitleBookMark(DataDir, int, String, String, String) - Method in class
Adds a title with bookmark widgit that includes a record number (left aligned)
addMultiTitleBookMark(DataDir, int, String, String, String) - Method in class
Adds a title with bookmark widgit that includes a record number (left aligned)
addMultiTitleBookMark(DataDir, int, String, String, String) - Method in class
Adds a title with bookmark widgit that includes a record number (left aligned)
addMultiTitleBookMark(DataDir, int, String, String, String) - Method in class
Adds a title with bookmark widgit that includes a record number (left aligned)
addNameSpace(Atom, Atom) - Method in class ORG.oclc.xml.parser.DTD
add a pair to the name space hashtable
addNameSpace(Atom, Atom) - Method in class ORG.oclc.xml.util.NameSpaceContext
add name space.
addnlNoLetters - Variable in class ORG.oclc.isoill.IllTxnInfo
A String object containing additional numbers and letters (DRSS only)
addNode(Element, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.mantis.MantisXML
Add an exact replicate of the specified element (minus the data) to the parent's child list.
addNotes(DataDir) - Method in class
Formats the notes and adds them to the HTML Specifications for the notes field: 500/'*' Output in data order Characters before a ':' become the label Characters after a ':' become the data in the field Fields go on a new line
addOccurrences(String, int) - Method in class ORG.oclc.z39.byAttributes
Adds a new database name and postings count to this attribute combination.
addOID(int, int, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.ber.DataDir
Add a leaf DataDir to a directory which contains an OID.
addOIDandData(DataDir, String, DataDir) - Static method in class ORG.oclc.z39.userInformationField
Add the object identifier and information structure to the parent directory
addOIDandData(DataDir, String, DataDir) - Static method in class ORG.oclc.z39.OtherInformation
Add the object identifier and information structure to the parent directory
addOIDandData(DataDir, String, DataDir, int) - Static method in class ORG.oclc.z39.OtherInformation
Add the object identifier and information structure to the parent directory with an alternate fldid
addOIDandData(DataDir, String, int, int) - Static method in class ORG.oclc.z39.OtherInformation
Add the object identifier and information structure to the parent directory with an alternate fldid
addOnlySubfield(int, char, DataDir) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.MarcBuilder
Adds only the sub-Elements of the input Directory node to the Marc record as subfields of the input tag if they match the input character subfield identifer.
addOrganization(DataDir, boolean) - Method in class
Formats the organizations and adds them to the HTML Specifications for the organization fields: 110/1-2 410/1-2
addOrganizationsAsSubjects(DataDir, boolean, boolean) - Method in class
Formats the organizations as subjects and adds them to the HTML Specifications for the subject headings fields: 610/1,2,10,14,03,04,11,12,16,17,20, 24, 25, 26 (1, 2, 24, 25,26 all hot independently) 10, 14, 03, 04, 11, 12, 16, 17, 20 in that specific order; 24-26 are data ordered Use " -- " to separate the subheadings (24-26) from the other hot fields
addOtherNotes(DataDir, boolean) - Method in class
Formats the other notes and adds them to the HTML Specifications for the other notes fields: 500/* (data ordered) 502/* (data ordered) 504/* (data ordered) 506/* (data ordered) 507/* (data ordered) 508/* (data ordered) 510/* (data ordered) 590/* (data ordered)
addPerformers(DataDir, boolean) - Method in class
Formats the performers and adds them to the HTML Specifications for the performer fields: 511/1
addPersonsAsSubjects(DataDir, boolean, boolean) - Method in class
Formats the persons as subjects and adds them to the HTML Specifications for the subject headings fields: 600/1,17,02,03,04,06 24, 25, 26 (1, 24-26 all hot independently) 17, 02, 03, 04, 06 in that specific order; 24-26 are data ordered Use " -- " to separate the subheadings (24-26) from the other hot fields
addPhysDesc(DataDir, boolean) - Method in class
Formats the physical description and adds them to the HTML Specifications for the physical description fields: 256/1-3 300/1-3
addPublication(DataDir, boolean, boolean) - Method in class
Formats the publications and adds them to the HTML Specifications for the publication fields: 260/1,2,3,4,5,6,7,11,12 (specific order) 261/1,2,3,4,5,6,7,11,12 (specific order) 262/1,2,3,4,5,6,7,11,12 (specific order)
addPublicationDates(DataDir, boolean, boolean) - Method in class
Formats the publication dates and adds them to the HTML Specifications for the publication dates field: 362/1
addPublisher(DataDir, boolean) - Method in class
Formats the publisher and adds it to the HTML Specifications for the publisher field: 260/2
AddRecordData - class ORG.oclc.fmts.rules.AddRecordData.
The AddRecordData class is the DEFAULT record formatting rule that creates a formatted string from the data fields specified in the RuleSpec and uses the the HTML or Text specifications defined in the DisplayUserData object to delimit the data found in the input record.
AddRecordData() - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.fmts.rules.AddRecordData
AddRecordNumber - class ORG.oclc.fmts.rules.AddRecordNumber.
The AddRecordNumber class is a record formatting rule that adds the input record Number value to the output formatting buffer.
AddRecordNumber() - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.fmts.rules.AddRecordNumber
addRecords(int, DataDir, DbPresentData[], int[]) - Method in class ORG.oclc.z39.server.Z39present
addRecordType(DataDir, boolean) - Method in class
Formats the record type and adds it to the HTML Specifications for the record type field: 945/1
addResource(String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.z39.oclcAccessControl1
Adds a resourceName entry for the input userId and password.
addResource(String, String, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.z39.oclcAccessControl1
Adds a resourceName entry for the input userId and password.
address - Variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.ContactInfo
Mailing address, in human readable text
ADDRESS - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.mantis.verbs.MSAVE
addRow(String, Hashtable) - Method in class ORG.oclc.jassi.access.JaSSIAccessClient
Adds a row to the input table the database.
addRow(String, Hashtable) - Method in class ORG.oclc.jassi.access.RBAccessClient
Adds a row to the input table the database.
AddSaveButton - class ORG.oclc.fmts.rules.AddSaveButton.
The AddSaveButton class is a record formatting rule that creates a BookMark hot-link for the record and adds it to the formatting buffer.
AddSaveButton() - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.fmts.rules.AddSaveButton
addSeries(DataDir, boolean) - Method in class
Formats the series information and adds it to the HTML Specifications for the series fields: 400/1,17,02,03,04,06,20,22 (specific order) 410/1,02,10,14,03,04,11,12,16,17,20,22 (specific order) 411/1,02,10,14,04,03,11,12,16,17,20,22 (specific order) 440/1,22 (specific order) 490/1 800/1,17,02,03,04,06,20,22 (specific order) 810/1,02,10,14,03,04,11,12,16,17,20,22 (specific order) 830/* (data ordered)
addServer(String, String, int, int, int) - Method in class ORG.oclc.opserve.opsmanager.LoadBalancer
Add a server to the load balancer list.
addSibling(Tree) - Method in class ORG.oclc.util.Tree
addSibling(VTree) - Method in class ORG.oclc.util.VTree
addSubFieldData(int, char, int) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.MarcBuilder
Adds a new Marc Subfield for the input tag, character subfield identifier, and integer data.
addSubFieldData(int, char, int, boolean) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.MarcBuilder
Adds a new Marc Subfield for the input tag, character subfield identifier, integer data, and creates a new Marc node for the tag if the input boolean is true.
addSubFieldData(int, char, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.MarcBuilder
Adds a new Marc Subfield for the input tag, character subfield identifier, String data and the subfield is added under the existing tag if it already exists.
addSubFieldData(int, char, String, boolean) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.MarcBuilder
Adds a new Marc Subfield for the input tag, character subfield identifier, String data, and creates a new Marc Node if the input boolean is true.
addSubFieldData(int, int, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.MarcBuilder
Adds a new Marc Subfield for the input tag, integer subfield identifier, and String data.
addSubFieldData(int, int, String, boolean) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.MarcBuilder
Adds a new Marc Subfield for the input tag, integer subfield identifier, String data, and creates a new Marc node for the tag if the input boolean is true.
addSubfieldsFromFields(DataDir, String, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.FormatBerUtil
Invokes the addSubfieldsFromFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields pulled in FORMAT ORDER using an empty label and trailer string and a default field field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer.
addSubfieldsFromFields(DataDir, String, String[], String, String, String, String[], String[], String[], boolean, boolean[], int) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.FormatBerUtil
Invokes the addSubfieldsFromFieldsWithValidIndicators mmethod with indicator values that will are valid every time ("*"), so that the subfield data gets appended to the output buffer.
addSubfieldsFromFields(DataDir, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.FormatBerUtil
Invokes the addSubfieldsFromFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields pulled in the requested order using an empty label and trailer string and a default field field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer.
addSubfieldsFromFields(DataDir, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, boolean, boolean, int) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.FormatBerUtil
Appends the String data retrieved from the DataDir object for the specified list of subfields found in the input field list pulled from the data in the requested data order and adds it to the formatting buffer - it inserts the input field label before the data, separates fields with the field separator and appends the field trailer to the data - it inserts the subfield label before a list of subfields, separates them with the subfield separator and terminates them with the subfield terminator.
addSubfieldsFromFields(String, DataDir, String, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.FormatBerUtil
Invokes the addSubfieldsFromFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields pulled in FORMAT ORDER using an empty label and trailer string and the input field separator string to add data to the formatting buffer.
addSubfieldsFromFields(String, DataDir, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.FormatBerUtil
Invokes the addSubfieldsFromFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields pulled in the requested order using an empty label and trailer string and the input field separator string to add data to the formatting buffer.
addSubfieldsFromFields(String, String, DataDir, String, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.FormatBerUtil
Invokes the addSubfieldsFromFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields pulled in FORMAT ORDER with the input label and trailer strings and a default field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer.
addSubfieldsFromFields(String, String, DataDir, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.FormatBerUtil
Invokes the addSubfieldsFromFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields pulled in the requested order with the input label and trailer strings and a default field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer.
addSubfieldsFromFields(String, String, String, DataDir, String, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.FormatBerUtil
Invokes the addSubfieldsFromFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields pulled in FORMAT ORDER with the input label, separator, and trailer strings to add data to the formatting buffer.
addSubfieldsFromFields(String, String, String, DataDir, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.FormatBerUtil
Invokes the addSubfieldsFromFields method for the input DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields pulled in the requested data order and adds it to the formattting buffer - it inserts the input label before the data, separates ALL data fields with the input separator and appends the input trailer to the buffer.
addSubfieldsFromFieldsWithValidIndicators(DataDir, String, String, String, String[], String, String, String, String[], String[], String[], boolean, boolean[], int) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.FormatBerUtil
Validates that the indicator values are found in the data, then appends the String data retrieved from the DataDir object for the specified list of subfields found in the input field list pulled from the data in the requested data order and adds it to the formatting buffer - it inserts the input field label before the data, separates fields with the field separator and appends the field trailer to the data - it inserts the subfield label before a list of subfields, separates them with the subfield separator and terminates them with the subfield terminator.
addSubjectHeadings(DataDir, boolean, boolean) - Method in class
Formats the subject headings and adds them to the HTML Specifications for the subject headings fields: 650/1, 24, 25, 26 (all hot independently) 651/1, 2, 24, 25, 26 (all hot independently) 652/1, 2, 24, 25, 26 (all hot independently) 690/1, 24, 25, 26 (all hot independently) Use " -- " to separate the subheadings (24-26) from the other hot fields
addSubjects(DataDir, boolean, boolean) - Method in class
Formats the subjects and adds them to the HTML Specifications for the ISBN field: 020/1 650/1,2,24,25,26 651/1,2,24,25,26 600/1,2,3,8,14,15,24,25,26 610/1,2,24,25,26 690/1 Make all subfields hot individually Use sh: as the hotlink index
addTab(StringBuffer, boolean, String, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.gadgets.SearchTabbar
Adds a tab cell to the current tab buffer for the input command.
addTable(String, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.access.api.MetaData
Adds a table to the MetaData
addText(int) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.FormatBerUtil
Appends the input integer value to the formatting buffer.
addText(String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.FormatBerUtil
Appends the input String to the formatting buffer.
addThisFrom(DataDir, boolean) - Method in class
Formats the from fields and adds them to the HTML Specifications for the from fields: 773/20,4,7
addThisFrom(DataDir, boolean) - Method in class
Formats the from fields and adds them to the HTML Specifications for the from fields: 773/20,4,7
addThisFrom(DataDir, boolean) - Method in class
Formats the from fields and adds them to the HTML Specifications for the from fields: 773/20,4,7
addThisMeeting(DataDir, boolean) - Method in class
Formats the meetings and adds them to the HTML Specifications for the meeting fields: 773/19,1
addThisMeeting(DataDir, boolean) - Method in class
Formats the meetings and adds them to the HTML Specifications for the meeting fields: 773/19,1
addThisMeeting(DataDir, boolean) - Method in class
Formats the meetings and adds them to the HTML Specifications for the meeting fields: 773/19,1
addThreadInfo(HttpMessage, RequestManager) - Static method in class ORG.oclc.jassi.JaSSI
addTitle(DataDir, boolean, boolean, int) - Method in class
Adds a title with bookmark widgit Specifications for the title field: 245/02,03,08,11,14,16,19,06,07 (1 hot) (specfic order)
addTitleBookMark(DataDir, int, String, String, String) - Method in class
Adds a title with bookmark widgit
addUniformTitle(DataDir, boolean) - Method in class
Formats the uniform titles and adds them to the HTML Specifications for the uniform title fields: 240/* 130/*
addUniformTitleAsSubject(DataDir, boolean, boolean) - Method in class
Formats the uniform title as subject and adds it to the HTML Specifications for the uniform title as subject field: 630/1-23, 24, 25, 26 (all hot independently) (data ordered) Use " -- " to separate the subheadings (24-26) from the other hot fields
addUTF(DataDir, int, int, char[], int, int) - Method in class ORG.oclc.ber.DataDirTree
addUTF(DataDir, int, int, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.ber.DataDirTree
addUTF(int, int, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.ber.DataDir
Add a leaf DataDir to the directory with String data.
addWarning(Element, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.mantis.MantisHook
AddWrapperData - class ORG.oclc.fmts.rules.AddWrapperData.
The AddWrapperData class is a record formatting rule that appends the wrapper data item to the output formatting buffer.
AddWrapperData() - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.fmts.rules.AddWrapperData
addYear(DataDir) - Method in class
Formats the year field and adds it to the HTML Specifications for the year field: 260/3 773/7 Only use the 773/7 if 260/3 is not present
addYear(DataDir) - Method in class
Formats the year field and adds it to the HTML Specifications for the year field: 362/1
addYear(DataDir, boolean, boolean) - Method in class
Formats the year field and adds it to the HTML Specifications for the year field: 260/3
adjustBeginLineColumn(int, int) - Method in class ORG.oclc.qparse.ASCII_UCodeESC_CharStream
Method to adjust line and column numbers for the start of a token.
ADMIN - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.IClient
ADMIN - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.mantis.verbs.MSAVE
AdministratorSetup - class ORG.oclc.mantis.gadgets.AdministratorSetup.
AdministratorSetup() - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.mantis.gadgets.AdministratorSetup
AdvancedQuery - class
The AdvancedQuery class is a specialized QUERY Verb for the advanced search page in the SiteSearch OBI designed to set up the correct parameters for using a full record display formatting class rather than a brief display.
AdvancedQuery() - Constructor for class
Constructs an AdvancedQuery object.
affiliations - Variable in class ORG.oclc.isoill.IllPatronInfo
String containing the library affiliations (OCLC extension).
affiliations - Variable in class ORG.oclc.webz.ILLServer
String data type indicating default Affiliations.
affiliations() - Method in class ORG.oclc.webz.ILLServer
Returns a String containing the default Affiliations.
alert(Object) - Method in class ORG.oclc.opserve.opsmanager.OpsManager
alert(Object) - Method in interface ORG.oclc.ops.OpsClient
Sends an object to the OpsClient containing operations alert information.
all - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.Z39deleteApi
deleteFunction - all
ALL - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.HoldingServer.HoldingInfo
allContentChecksAreDone - Variable in class ORG.oclc.resources.html.HTMLResource
allDbNames - Variable in class
Space seperated sorted list of allowed dbnames
allDbNames() - Method in class
Retrieves a space separated list of all the database names for this TopicEntry.
allNames(DbResults[]) - Static method in class ORG.oclc.z39.DbResults
Given an array of DbResults, create a string with all the dbnames
allowableFunctionsForPermissions - Variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.ExtSvcData
Integer data type containing the allowable functions for permissions in the ES request - an optional input parameter.
allowTruncation() - Method in class ORG.oclc.qparse.Map
Returns boolean indicating whether to look for truncation masks ('#', '*', or '?') in search terms.
allowWithin() - Method in class ORG.oclc.qparse.Map
Returns boolean indicating whether to target supports within relation operator (r=104;)
allRecords - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.Z39esExportApi
An extended services export parameter; see the Z39.50 specification.
allServers() - Static method in class ORG.oclc.jassi.ServerMngr
Returns the Hashtable containing all the server objects.
ALPHA - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.qnorm.BaseTermNormalizer
integer object defining special character for Alpha (0x71).
ALREADY_FORWARDED - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.isoill.IsoIll
ALREADY_TRIED_LIST - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.isoill.IsoIll
alternateId - Variable in class ORG.oclc.qparse.Map
integer data type for the newton IndexId for local databases and the "real" use attribute value for remote Z39 databases.
alternateIdString - Variable in class ORG.oclc.qparse.Map
String data type containing the alternateId value that is mapped from the incoming Z3950 use/structure attributes.
alternateThesaurusDb() - Method in class ORG.oclc.webz.Db
Returns the String containing the name of the alternate thesaurus database.
alternateThesaurusDb() - Method in class ORG.oclc.webz.ZDb
Returns the String containing the name of the alternate thesaurus database.
alternateThesaurusDbName - Variable in class ORG.oclc.webz.Db
String data type containing the name of an alternate associated thesaurus database.
alternateTitleFields - Static variable in class
String containing the tag for the alternate title fields (246, 247)
alternateTitleSubfields - Static variable in class
String containing the tag for the alternate title subfields (*) (data ordered)
alternativeTerm - Variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.TermInfo
The alternative term for the term.
alternativeTerm() - Method in class ORG.oclc.z39.TermInfo
Accessor method to the alternativeTerm.
AMBIGUOUS_AUTHO - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessException
and - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.Z39searchApi
Query parameter for Search request; see Z39.50 specification.
AND - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.qparse.Z3958ParserConstants
and_not - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.Z39searchApi
Query parameter for Search request; see Z39.50 specification.
ANGSTROM - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.fmts.Diacritic
anotherIniFile - Variable in class ORG.oclc.access.AccessConnectInfo
String containing an additional configuration file
answer - Variable in class ORG.oclc.isoill.IllRequest
IllAnswer object containing an ISO10161 APDU which is returned from OCLC if the request is loaded to the Review file
ANSWER - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.isoill.IsoIll
ANY - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.qparse.IndexMap
integer data type defining the value for the Z3950 use attribute any.
ANY - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.xml.parser.ContentModel
app_page - Variable in class ORG.oclc.mantis.verbs.MVerb
appendData(FormatBerUtil, String, String, String, String, String, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.rules.AddBriefHoldings
appendEntityData(String, FormatBerUtil, String, DisplayUserData) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.rules.RuleUtil
Appends the data retrieved from the input entity name to the output formatting buffer held in the FormatBerUtil object.
appendErrorInfo(int) - Method in class ORG.oclc.gadgets.SearchResultsDbList
Create the results info when there are no postings, for errors, include the diagnostic message.
appendErrorInfo(int) - Method in class ORG.oclc.gadgets.DbListforSearchResult
Create the results info when there are no postings, for errors, include the diagnostic message.
appendFetchLink(int) - Method in class ORG.oclc.gadgets.SearchResultsDbList
Create a Fetch link for the database to get to the results records.
appendFetchLink(int) - Method in class ORG.oclc.gadgets.DbListforSearchResult
Create a Fetch link for the database to get to the results records.
appendHoldingsData(DataDir) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.MarcBuilder
Parses the OCLC Library Holdings Directory tag (277) to create the MarcNode in field 948.
appendParmstoNext(String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.jassi.RequestManager
Appends the input parameter String to the existing Next command.
appendSubFieldData(int, char, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.MarcBuilder
Appends data to existing Marc Subfield for the input tag, character subfield identifier, and String data.
appendSubFieldData(int, int, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.MarcBuilder
Appends data to an existing Marc Subfield for the input tag, integer subfield identifier, and String data.
appendToAppletPost(String, Object) - Method in class ORG.oclc.mantis.MantisXML
Add an object to the hashtable of the applet that simulates a form post.
applet - Variable in class ORG.oclc.mantis.MantisXML
appletEntities - Variable in class ORG.oclc.mantis.MantisXML
appletParamList - Variable in class ORG.oclc.mantis.MantisXML
appletPost - Variable in class ORG.oclc.mantis.MantisXML
applicableKeys - Variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.DuplicateCriteria
Array object of Strings containing the applicable portion of the record key specification.
applicablePortionOfRecord - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.Z39dedupApi
dedup parameter; see Z39.50 specification.
APPLICATION - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.ber.ASN1
applicationContext() - Method in class ORG.oclc.jassi.UserStateObject
Returns a hashtable containing the UserApplicationContext objects.
appName - Variable in class ORG.oclc.mantis.MantisXML
appVersion - Variable in class ORG.oclc.mantis.MantisXML
arbitrary - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.ber.ASN1
ARCHInfo - class ORG.oclc.mantis.hooks.ARCHInfo.
ARCHInfo() - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.mantis.hooks.ARCHInfo
ArchivebookMarkFmt - class
The ArchivebookMarkFmt class formats records from the ISP databases following the ARCHIVE database schema for display in the WebZ interface.
ArchivebookMarkFmt() - Constructor for class
Constructs a ArchivebookMarkFmt object.
ArchivebookMarkfullFmt - class
The ArchivebookMarkfullFmt class formats records from the ISP databases following the ARCHIVE database schema for display in the WebZ interface.
ArchivebookMarkfullFmt() - Constructor for class
Constructs a ArchivebookMarkfullFmt object.
ArchivebriefFmt - class
The ArchivebriefFmt class formats records from the ISP databases following the ARCHIVE database schema for display in the WebZ interface.
ArchivebriefFmt() - Constructor for class
Constructs a ArchivebriefFmt object.
ArchivefullFmt - class
The ArchivefullFmt class formats records from the ISP databases following the ARCHIVE database schema for display in the WebZ interface.
ArchivefullFmt() - Constructor for class
Create a ArchivefullFmt object
ArchivemultiFullFmt - class
The ArchivemultiFullFmt class formats records from the ISP databases following the ARCHIVE database schema for display in the WebZ interface.
ArchivemultiFullFmt() - Constructor for class
Constructs a ArchivemultiFullFmt object.
args - Variable in class ORG.oclc.mantis.MantisHook
ary - Variable in class ORG.oclc.util.IniData
AS_ACCESS_EXCEPTION - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
Integer value containing the BER field id of an AccessException.
AS_ACCESS_FAILURE - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
Integer value containing the BER field id of the result code of a failed authorizaton attempt.
AS_ACCESS_REQUEST - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
Integer value containing the BER field id of a request to the AccessServer.
AS_ACCESS_RESPONSE - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
Integer value containing the BER field id of a response from the AccessServer.
AS_ACCESS_TYPE - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
AS_AUTHO_BY_DOMAIN - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
Integer value containing the BER field id of an authoByDomain request.
AS_AUTHO_BY_IP - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
Integer value containing the BER field id of an authoByIp request.
AS_AUTHO_BY_NAME - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
Integer value containing the BER field id of an authoByName request.
AS_AUTHO_EXCEPTION - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
Integer value containing the BER field id of an AuthoException.
AS_AUTHO_FAILURE - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
Integer value containing the BER field id of the result code of an invalid authorization.
AS_AUTHO_SUCCESS - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
Integer value containing the BER field id of the result code of a successful response.
AS_AUTHO_TABLE - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
Integer value containing the BER field id of the name of the AUTHOS table.
AS_AUTHOS_CHECK - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
Integer value containing the BER field id of an authos check flag.
AS_CHANGE_AUTHO - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
AS_CHANGES - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
Integer value containing the BER field id of a Hashtable of changes parameter.
AS_CITY - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
AS_CLIENTID - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
AS_COL_LENGTH - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
Integer value containing the BER field id of the columnLength in the MetaData.
AS_COL_LINK - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
Integer value containing the BER field id of the columnLinks in the MetaData.
AS_COL_NAME - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
Integer value containing the BER field id of the columnName in the MetaData.
AS_COL_PURPOSE - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
Integer value containing the BER field id of the columnPurpose in the MetaData.
AS_COL_TYPE - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
Integer value containing the BER field id of the columnType in the MetaData.
AS_COLUMN - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
Integer value containing the BER field id of a columnName parameter.
AS_COLUMN_METADATA - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
Integer value containing the BER field id of the ColMetaData returned from the AccessServer.
AS_COUNTRY - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
AS_CREATE_AUTHO - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
AS_CREATE_GROUP - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
AS_DB_TABLE - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
Integer value containing the BER field id of the name of the DBS table.
AS_DBMETADATA - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
Integer value containing the BER field id of the database MetaData returned from the AccessServer.
AS_DBNAME_NAME - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
Integer value containing the BER field id of the name of the DBNAME in the DBS table.
AS_DELETE_RESOURCE - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
Integer value containing the BER field id of deleteResource request.
AS_DEPT - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
AS_DISPLAYOPS - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
AS_DOMAIN - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
Integer value containing the BER field id of a domain name parameter.
AS_EMAIL - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
AS_END_SESSION - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
Integer value containing the BER field id of an endUserSession request.
AS_EXCEPTION_CODE - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
Integer value containing the BER field id of the numerical code of an exception.
AS_EXCEPTION_MSG - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
Integer value containing the BER field id of the text message of an exception.
AS_FIND_AUTHO - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
AS_GET_ALLSESSIONS - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
AS_GET_LIST - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
AS_GET_METADATA - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
Integer value containing the BER field id of a getMetaData request.
AS_GET_NUMSESSIONS - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
AS_GET_STYLE - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
AS_GROUP - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
AS_GROUPS - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
AS_INSERT_RESOURCE - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
Integer value containing the BER field id of an insertResource request.
AS_INST_ID - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
AS_INT_LEVEL - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
AS_IP - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
Integer value containing the BER field id of an IP address parameter.
AS_LIST_GROUP - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
AS_LOAD_PFAUTHO - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
AS_LOAD_PUD - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
AS_MASTER_NAME - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
Integer value containing the BER field id of the name of the MASTER in the AUTHOS table.
AS_METADATA - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
Integer value containing the BER field id of the MetaData returned from the AccessServer.
AS_NAME - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
AS_NEW_AUTHO - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
AS_NEW_PASSWORD - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
AS_NUM_ACCTS - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
AS_NUM_SESSIONS - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
AS_OBJECT_TYPE - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
AS_OCLC_RESULTS - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
Integer value containing the BER field id of AuthoResults returned from the AccessServer.
AS_OPERATOR - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
Integer value containing the BER field id of an operator parameter.
AS_PASSWORD - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
Integer value containing the BER field id of a password parameter.
AS_PHONE - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
AS_PO - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
AS_PUD_DB - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
AS_PUD_NAME - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
AS_PUD_NAMES - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
AS_PUD_VALUE - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
AS_PUD_VALUES - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
AS_REGION - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
AS_RESULT_CODE - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
Integer value containing the BER field id of the result code node of a response.
AS_ROW - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
Integer value containing the BER field id of a Vector of rows parameter.
AS_SAVE_PFAUTHO - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
AS_SAVE_PUD - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
AS_SELECT_RESOURCE - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
Integer value containing the BER field id of a selectResource request.
AS_SELECT_RESOURCES - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
AS_SERVER_TYPE - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
Integer value containing the BER field id of a serverType parameter.
AS_SESSIONS_NAME - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
Integer value containing the BER field id of the name of the SESSIONS in the AUTHOS table.
AS_SET_WARNING - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
AS_STATUS - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
AS_STREET - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
AS_STRING - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
AS_SYSTEM - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
AS_TABLE - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
Integer value containing the BER field id of a tableName parameter.
AS_TBLMETADATA - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
Integer value containing the BER field id of table MetaData returned from the AccessServer.
AS_UPDATE_RESOURCE - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
Integer value containing the BER field id of an updateResource request.
AS_UPDATE_SESSION - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
AS_URKEY - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
AS_USER_AUTHO_NAME - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
Integer value containing the BER field id of the name of the AUTHO in the AUTHOS table.
AS_USER_DB_TABLE - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
Integer value containing the BER field id of the name of the USERDB table.
AS_USER_ID - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
Integer value containing the BER field id of an authoName parameter.
AS_USER_NO - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
Integer value containing the BER field id of a user number parameter.
AS_VALID_AUTHO_NAME - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
Integer value containing the BER field id of a validAuthoName request.
AS_VALID_IP - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
Integer value containing the BER field id of a validIp request.
AS_VALUE - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
Integer value containing the BER field id of a value parameter.
AS_VECTOR_DESC - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
AS_VECTOR_STRINGS - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
AS_ZIP - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessBerApi
ASCII - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.fmts.FormatBerUtil
integer data type indicating the input data is in ASCII format 1.
ASCII_UCodeESC_CharStream - class ORG.oclc.qparse.ASCII_UCodeESC_CharStream.
An implementation of interface CharStream, where the stream is assumed to contain only ASCII characters (with java-like unicode escape processing).
ASCII_UCodeESC_CharStream(InputStream, int, int) - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.qparse.ASCII_UCodeESC_CharStream
ASCII_UCodeESC_CharStream(InputStream, int, int, int) - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.qparse.ASCII_UCodeESC_CharStream
ASCII_UCodeESC_CharStream(Reader, int, int) - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.qparse.ASCII_UCodeESC_CharStream
ASCII_UCodeESC_CharStream(Reader, int, int, int) - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.qparse.ASCII_UCodeESC_CharStream
ASCII(byte[], byte[], int) - Static method in class ORG.oclc.util.NwtConv
ASCIIResource - class ORG.oclc.resources.ascii.ASCIIResource.
ASCIIResource(String) - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.resources.ascii.ASCIIResource
asciiToEbcdic(byte[], byte[], int) - Static method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.Latin1Conv
Converts an array of ASCII characters into an array of EBCDIC characters.
asciiToLatin1(byte[], byte[], int) - Static method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.Latin1Conv
Converts an array of ASCII characters into an array of ASCII/Latin1 characters.
asciiToLatin1(byte[], int) - Static method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.FormatBerUtil
Converts the input array of bytes for the specified length from ascii to Latin1 and returns the new String.
asciiToLatin1(DataDir) - Static method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.FormatBerUtil
Converts the String data contained in the input DataDir object from ascii to Latin1 and returns the new String.
asciiToLatin1(String) - Static method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.FormatBerUtil
Converts the input String data from ascii to Latin1 and returns the the new String.
asciiToLatin1(String, int) - Static method in class ORG.oclc.fmts.FormatBerUtil
Converts the input String data for the specified length from ascii to Latin1 and returns the new String.
ASIS - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.fmts.FormatBerUtil
integer data type indicating the input data should be treated as is - no data conversion necessary 3.
asmRec(BerString) - Method in class ORG.oclc.ber.DataDir
Assembles a BER record from a DataDir into a BerString object.
ASN1 - class ORG.oclc.ber.ASN1.
ASN1 is the constant data needed for BerString and DataDir.
ASN1() - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.ber.ASN1
asn1class - Variable in class ORG.oclc.ber.DataDir
asn1class() - Method in class ORG.oclc.ber.DataDir
Accessor method for asn1class for this DataDir.
asn1Len() - Method in class ORG.oclc.ber.BerString
Find the length of a BER record.
asn1Module - Variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.CategoryList
An ASN.1 definition of the record for this category.
assembleDir(DataDir) - Method in class ORG.oclc.z39.DbResults
assemble a directory node with the DbResults information
associatedDbs - Variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.DatabaseInfo
Associated databases
ASTNested - class ORG.oclc.qparse.ASTNested.
ASTNested(int) - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.qparse.ASTNested
ASTNested(Z3958Parser, int) - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.qparse.ASTNested
ASTProxGroup - class ORG.oclc.qparse.ASTProxGroup.
ASTProxGroup(int) - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.qparse.ASTProxGroup
ASTProxGroup(Z3958Parser, int) - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.qparse.ASTProxGroup
ASTProxOp - class ORG.oclc.qparse.ASTProxOp.
ASTProxOp(int) - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.qparse.ASTProxOp
ASTProxOp(Z3958Parser, int) - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.qparse.ASTProxOp
ASTSearchGroup - class ORG.oclc.qparse.ASTSearchGroup.
ASTSearchGroup(int) - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.qparse.ASTSearchGroup
ASTSearchGroup(Z3958Parser, int) - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.qparse.ASTSearchGroup
ASTSGPrime - class ORG.oclc.qparse.ASTSGPrime.
ASTSGPrime(int) - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.qparse.ASTSGPrime
ASTSGPrime(int, String) - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.qparse.ASTSGPrime
ASTSGPrime(Z3958Parser, int) - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.qparse.ASTSGPrime
ASTStart - class ORG.oclc.qparse.ASTStart.
ASTStart(int) - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.qparse.ASTStart
ASTStart(Z3958Parser, int) - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.qparse.ASTStart
ASTTerm - class ORG.oclc.qparse.ASTTerm.
ASTTerm(int) - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.qparse.ASTTerm
ASTTerm(int, String, Map) - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.qparse.ASTTerm
ASTTerm(int, String, String, String) - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.qparse.ASTTerm
ASTTerm(Z3958Parser, int) - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.qparse.ASTTerm
ASTValue - class ORG.oclc.qparse.ASTValue.
ASTValue(int) - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.qparse.ASTValue
ASTValue(Z3958Parser, int) - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.qparse.ASTValue
ASTValueGroup - class ORG.oclc.qparse.ASTValueGroup.
ASTValueGroup(int) - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.qparse.ASTValueGroup
ASTValueGroup(Z3958Parser, int) - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.qparse.ASTValueGroup
ATC - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.oclcUserInformation8
ATN - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.oclcUserInformation8
Atom - class ORG.oclc.xml.util.Atom.
This is a general purpose object to allow efficient sharing of duplicate strings in the system.
attachHoldings(RequestManager, Vector, String, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.gadgets.FormatRecordsAndAttachHoldings
AttDef - class ORG.oclc.xml.parser.AttDef.
This object describes an attribute type and potential values.
Attribute - class ORG.oclc.z39.Attribute.
Attribute is a class for AttributeElements.
Attribute - class ORG.oclc.xml.util.Attribute.
This class encapsulates an attribute name and value pair.
ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.mantisbase.util.TagFile
Attribute() - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.xml.util.Attribute
Construct empty attribute.
Attribute(DataDir) - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.z39.Attribute
Create an Attribute from a DataDir.
Attribute(int, int) - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.z39.Attribute
Create an Attribute from a specified type and value.
Attribute(Name, Object) - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.xml.util.Attribute
Construct attribute with given name and value.
attributeDescription - Variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.AttributeType
List of attributes of this type
AttributeDescription - class ORG.oclc.z39.AttributeDescription.
AttributeDescription is defined in Z39-50-recordSyntax explain.
AttributeDescription(DataDir) - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.z39.AttributeDescription
Construct an AttributeDescription from the DataDir.
AttributeDescription(String, int) - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.z39.AttributeDescription
Construct an AttributeDescription with the specified name and value.
AttributeList - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.Z39api
Exported definition
AttributeList - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.Z39sortApi
sort parameter; see Z39.50 specification.
attributenum - Variable in class ORG.oclc.mantisbase.util.XMLTranslater
attributes - Variable in class ORG.oclc.webz.Db
DbAttributes object contains the set of index specificat
attributes - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.Z39sortApi
sort parameter; see Z39.50 specification.
attributes - Variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.server.Z39scan
Attributes - class ORG.oclc.xml.util.Attributes.
A class that encapsulates a list of attribute/value pairs.
attributes() - Method in class ORG.oclc.db.DbRemoteZ
Retrieve the DbAttributes object.
attributes() - Method in class ORG.oclc.z39.TermComponentPostings
Accessor method to the attributes
attributes() - Method in class ORG.oclc.xml.util.ReadOnlyAttributes
Return an Enumeration for iterating through the attributes.
Attributes() - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.xml.util.Attributes
Construct empty attributes collection.
Attributes(int) - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.xml.util.Attributes
Construct attributes collection with given number of empty slots.
Attributes(ReadOnlyAttributes) - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.xml.util.Attributes
Construct attributes collection by copying the passed attributes.
Attributes(Vector) - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.xml.util.Attributes
Construct attributes collection using the vector of attributes.
attributeSet - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.Attribute
attributeSet - Variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.AttributeSetInfo
AttributeSetInfo - class ORG.oclc.z39.AttributeSetInfo.
AttributeSetInfo is an Explain record.
AttributeSetInfo() - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.z39.AttributeSetInfo
AttributeSetInfo(DataDir) - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.z39.AttributeSetInfo
Decodes the DataDir representation of an AttributeSetInfo Explain record into an AttributeSetInfo object.
attributeSetNotSupportedInType1 - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.Diagnostic1
attributesMatch(Attribute[]) - Method in class ORG.oclc.z39.byAttributes
Compare the input Attribute object to this object.
attributesPlusTerm - Variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.server.Z39search
AttributesPlusTerm - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.Z39api
Exported definition
attributesPlusTerm() - Method in class ORG.oclc.z39.TermComponentPostings
attributeType - Variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.AttributeSetInfo
Array of Attributes in this set
AttributeType - class ORG.oclc.z39.AttributeType.
AttributeType is referenced in AttributeSetInfo.
AttributeType - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.Attribute
AttributeType() - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.z39.AttributeType
AttributeType(DataDir) - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.z39.AttributeType
Decodes the DataDir representation of an AttributeType description into an AttributeType object.
AttributeUtil - class ORG.oclc.z39.AttributeUtil.
Utility class to find the attributes from a query
AttributeUtil() - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.z39.AttributeUtil
AttributeValue - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.Attribute
attrlist - Variable in class
The attribute list.
AUDIO_RECORDING_HMT - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.isoill.IsoIll
AUDIO_RECORDING_SM - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.isoill.IsoIll
Auth - class ORG.oclc.mantis.hooks.Auth.
Auth() - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.mantis.hooks.Auth
authCtrlToggle - Variable in class ORG.oclc.mantis.hooks.MARCHook
autho - Variable in class ORG.oclc.jassi.access.DefaultAccessClient
String data type containing the user's input authorization.
autho - Variable in class ORG.oclc.webz.ZDb
String data type containing the authorization for the database.
autho - Variable in class ORG.oclc.webz.ILLServer
String data type containing the default authorization for ILL.
autho - Variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.Z39session
Authorization to use for this session
autho - Variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.server.Z39init
autho - Variable in class ORG.oclc.zbroker.ZServer
The default autho.
autho - Variable in class ORG.oclc.mantis.verbs.MVerb
autho() - Method in interface ORG.oclc.access.AccessClient
Returns a String containing the authorization associated with the user.
autho() - Method in class ORG.oclc.jassi.access.DefaultAccessClient
Returns a String containing the authorization associated with the user.
autho() - Method in class ORG.oclc.jassi.access.JaSSIAccessClient
Returns a String containing the authorization associated with the user.
autho() - Method in class ORG.oclc.jassi.access.RBAccessClient
Returns a String containing the authorization associated with the user.
autho() - Method in class ORG.oclc.webz.ILLServer
Returns a String containing the Default authorization for ILL.
autho() - Method in class ORG.oclc.zbase.access.ZBaseAccessClient
Retrieves the String containing the authorization associated with the user.
autho() - Method in class ORG.oclc.zbase.access.DefaultAccessClient
Get the authorization associated with the user.
authoByDomain(String, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessConnection
Returns profiling information by performing authorization by domain name Looks up DNS with the ip.
authoByIP(String, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessConnection
Returns profiling information by performing authorization by IP.
authoByName(String, String, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessConnection
Returns profiling information by performing authorization by name and password.
authoByName(String, String, String, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.access.api.AccessConnection
Returns profiling information by performing authorization by name, system, and password.
AuthoException - exception ORG.oclc.access.api.AuthoException.
The AuthoException class is used for throwing exceptions from the authorization process, indicating that this is an invalid authorization.
AuthoException() - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.access.api.AuthoException
Constructs a new AuthoException object by setting the code to SUCCESS and the extraMsg to null.
AuthoException(int) - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.access.api.AuthoException
Constructs a new AuthoException object by setting the code to the input errcode and the extraMsg to null.
AuthoException(int, String) - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.access.api.AuthoException
Constructs a new AuthoException object by setting the code and the message to the input parameter values.
author - Variable in class
String containing the record's author (using for Holdings retrieval)
author - Variable in class
String containing the record's author (using for Holdings retrieval)
author - Variable in class ORG.oclc.isoill.IllTxnInfo
A String object containing the author of this bibliographic item.
AUTHOR - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.mantis.verbs.MSAVE
authorAllSubFields - Static variable in class
String containing a list of subfields to be used for authors when no hot link is generated
authorBreakSubfield110_710 - Static variable in class
String containing the tag for the subfields of author fields (110, 710) to break on
authoRequired - Variable in class ORG.oclc.webz.ZServer
String data type indicating whether the remote server requires an autho-password.
authoRequired() - Method in class ORG.oclc.webz.ZServer
Returns a boolean indicating whether the remote server requires an authorization/password.
AuthoResults - class ORG.oclc.access.api.AuthoResults.
The AuthoResults class contains the profiling information retrieved from a user authorization.
AuthoResults() - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.access.api.AuthoResults
Constructs an empty AuthoResults object.
AuthoResults(DataDir, MetaData) - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.access.api.AuthoResults
Constructs an AuthosResults object from the BER-encoded data returned from the AccessServer and the MetaData object.
AuthoResults(MetaData) - Constructor for class ORG.oclc.access.api.AuthoResults
Constructs an AuthoResults object and initializes the MetaData object which contains information about the database table.
authorField100 - Static variable in class
String containing the tag for the first author field (100)
authorField110 - Static variable in class
String containing the tag for the second author field (110)
authorField700 - Static variable in class
String containing the tag for the third author field (700)
authorField710 - Static variable in class
String containing the tag for the fourth author field (710)
authorFields - Static variable in class
String containing the BER field tags for authors (100, 700)
authorFields - Static variable in class
String containing the tags for authors (100, 110, 700, 710)
authorFldid100 - Static variable in class
Integer containing the field id for the first author field (100)
authorFldid110 - Static variable in class
Integer containing the field id for the second author field (110)
authorFldid700 - Static variable in class
Integer containing the field id for the third author field (700)
authorFldid710 - Static variable in class
Integer containing the field id for the fourth author field (710)
authorHotlinkAllTag - Static variable in class
String containing the tags for the author fields to be hotlinked (100/1, 700/1)
authorHotlinkTag - Static variable in class
String containing the tag for the author field to be hotlinked (100/1)
authorHotSubfields100 - Static variable in class
String containing the tag for the subfields of author fields (100) to make hotlinks (01)
authorHotSubfields110_710 - Static variable in class
String containing the tags for the subfields of author fields (110, 710) to make hotlinks (01, 02)
authorHotSubfields700 - Static variable in class
String containing the tag for the subfields of author fields (700) to make hotlinks (01)
authorIndex - Static variable in class
String containing the index tag for the authors
authorIndexTag - Static variable in class
String containing the author index tag
authoritativeDisplayTerm - Variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.horizonScanOtherInformation
String array containing the Authoritative Display Terms.
authoritativeSearchTerm - Variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.horizonScanOtherInformation
String array containing the Authoritative Search Terms.
authoritativeTerm - Variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.notisScanOtherInformation
String data type containing the Authoritative Term.
AuthorityQuery - class
AuthorityQuery() - Constructor for class
Constructs a AuthorityQuery object.
authorization - Variable in class ORG.oclc.isoill.IllPatronInfo
String containing the OCLC ILL authorization.
AUTHORIZATION - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.access.api.MetaData
AUTHORIZATION - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.access.api.ColMetaData
String containing the column purpose constant for authorization
AUTHORIZATION_DENIED - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.access.api.AuthoException
AUTHORIZATION_EXISTS - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.access.api.AuthoException
authorizationByDNSRequired() - Method in class ORG.oclc.access.AccessConnectInfo
Returns a boolean indicating whether name Authorization by IP is required.
authorizationByDNSRequired() - Method in interface ORG.oclc.serverconnect.AccessServerConnect
Retrieves a boolean indicating whether Authorization by DNS is required.
authorizationByIPRequired() - Method in class ORG.oclc.access.AccessConnectInfo
Returns a boolean indicating whether name Authorization by IP is required.
authorizationByIPRequired() - Method in interface ORG.oclc.serverconnect.AccessServerConnect
Retrieves a boolean indicating whether Authorization by IP is required.
authorizationByNameRequired() - Method in class ORG.oclc.access.AccessConnectInfo
Returns a boolean indicating whether name Authorization by Name is required.
authorizationByNameRequired() - Method in interface ORG.oclc.serverconnect.AccessServerConnect
Retrieves a boolean indicating whether Authorization by Name is required.
authorizationRequired - Variable in class ORG.oclc.access.AccessConnectInfo
Boolean data type indicating whether any type of authorization is required.
authorizationRetries - Variable in class ORG.oclc.access.AccessConnectInfo
Integer data type indicating how many authorization retries are allowed.
authorizationRetries() - Method in class ORG.oclc.access.AccessConnectInfo
Returns an integer containing the number of times a user may try to log on.
authorizationStatus - Variable in class ORG.oclc.jassi.access.DefaultAccessClient
The user's authorizationStatus;
authorizationStatus - Variable in class ORG.oclc.webz.ZDb
integer data type containing the user's authorization status for the the database, default = NO_AUTHORIZATION.
authorizationStatus() - Method in class ORG.oclc.jassi.access.JaSSIAccessClient
Returns an integer containing the Authorization status for the user.
authorizationStatus() - Method in class ORG.oclc.jassi.access.RBAccessClient
Returns an integer containing the Authorization status for the user.
authorizationStatus() - Method in class ORG.oclc.webz.ZDb
Returns an integer indicating the Authorization status for the database.
Authorize - class
The Authorize class validates a client's access either an authization/password pair or IP address.
Authorize() - Constructor for class
Constructs an Authorize object.
authorizeByDNS(String) - Method in interface ORG.oclc.access.AccessClient
Performs a Domain Name authorization using the input IP address string.
authorizeByDNS(String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.jassi.access.DefaultAccessClient
Saves the input IP address and always returns true.
authorizeByDNS(String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.jassi.access.JaSSIAccessClient
Performs a Domain Name type authorization using the input IP address and returns a boolean indicating success or failure.
authorizeByDNS(String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.zbase.access.ZBaseAccessClient
Dummy method in ZBase to perform a Domain Name authorization.
authorizeByDNS(String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.zbase.access.DefaultAccessClient
Perform a Domain Name authorization.
authorizeByIP(String) - Method in interface ORG.oclc.access.AccessClient
Performs an IP Address authorization using the input IP address string.
authorizeByIP(String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.jassi.access.DefaultAccessClient
Saves the input IP Address authorization and always returns true.
authorizeByIP(String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.jassi.access.JaSSIAccessClient
Performs an IP Address type authorization using the input IP address and returns a boolean indicating success or failure.
authorizeByIP(String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.zbase.access.ZBaseAccessClient
Dummy method in ZBase to perform an IP Address authorization.
authorizeByIP(String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.zbase.access.DefaultAccessClient
Perform an IP Address authorization.
authorizeByName(String, String) - Method in interface ORG.oclc.access.AccessClient
Performs an autho/password Authorization using the input authorization and password strings.
authorizeByName(String, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.jassi.access.DefaultAccessClient
Saves the input autho/password Authorization and always returns true.
authorizeByName(String, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.jassi.access.JaSSIAccessClient
Performs an authorization by name using the input authorization and password and returns a boolean indicating success or failure.
authorizeByName(String, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.jassi.access.RBAccessClient
Performs an authorization by name using the input authorization and password and returns a boolean indicating success or failure.
authorizeByName(String, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.zbase.access.ZBaseAccessClient
Performs an autho/password Authorization.
authorizeByName(String, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.zbase.access.DefaultAccessClient
Perform an autho/password Authorization.
authorizeByName(String, String, String) - Method in interface ORG.oclc.access.IClient
Performs an autho/password Authorization using the input authorization, application type (e.g., searcher, cataloger) and password strings.
authorizeByName(String, String, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.jassi.access.RBAccessClient
Performs an authorization by name using the input authorization and password and returns a boolean indicating success or failure.
authorized - Variable in class ORG.oclc.jassi.access.DefaultAccessClient
boolean data type indicating whether this user has been authorized.
AUTHORIZED_BY_DNS - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.AccessClient
integer data type defining an authorization status - User unauthorized by Domain Name.
AUTHORIZED_BY_IP - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.AccessClient
integer data type defining an authorization status - User unauthorized by IP Address.
AUTHORIZED_BY_NAME - Static variable in interface ORG.oclc.access.AccessClient
integer data type defining an authorization status - User unauthorized by Name.
authorizedByDNS() - Method in interface ORG.oclc.access.AccessClient
Returns a boolean indicating whether the user is authorized by DNS address.
authorizedByDNS() - Method in class ORG.oclc.jassi.access.DefaultAccessClient
Returns a boolean indicating whether the user is authorized by DNS address which is always true.
authorizedByDNS() - Method in class ORG.oclc.jassi.access.JaSSIAccessClient
Returns a boolean indicating whether the user is authorized by DNS address.
authorizedByDNS() - Method in class ORG.oclc.jassi.access.RBAccessClient
Returns a boolean indicating whether the user is authorized by DNS address.
authorizedByDNS() - Method in class ORG.oclc.zbase.access.ZBaseAccessClient
Determines whether the user has been authorized by DNS address.
authorizedByDNS() - Method in class ORG.oclc.zbase.access.DefaultAccessClient
Determine whether the user is authorized by DNS address.
authorizedByIP() - Method in interface ORG.oclc.access.AccessClient
Returns a boolean indicating whether the user is authorized by IP address.
authorizedByIP() - Method in class ORG.oclc.jassi.access.DefaultAccessClient
Returns a boolean indicating whether the user is authorized by IP address which is always true.
authorizedByIP() - Method in class ORG.oclc.jassi.access.JaSSIAccessClient
Returns a boolean indicating whether the user is authorized by IP address.
authorizedByIP() - Method in class ORG.oclc.jassi.access.RBAccessClient
Returns a boolean indicating whether the user is authorized by IP address.
authorizedByIP() - Method in class ORG.oclc.zbase.access.ZBaseAccessClient
Determines whether the user has been authorized by IP address.
authorizedByIP() - Method in class ORG.oclc.zbase.access.DefaultAccessClient
Determine whether the user is authorized by IP address.
authorizedByName() - Method in interface ORG.oclc.access.AccessClient
Returns a boolean indicating whether this user is authorized by Name.
authorizedByName() - Method in class ORG.oclc.jassi.access.DefaultAccessClient
Returns a boolean indicating whether the user is authorized by Name which is always true.
authorizedByName() - Method in class ORG.oclc.jassi.access.JaSSIAccessClient
Returns a boolean indicating whether this user is authorized by Name.
authorizedByName() - Method in class ORG.oclc.jassi.access.RBAccessClient
Returns a boolean indicating whether this user is authorized by Name.
authorizedByName() - Method in class ORG.oclc.zbase.access.ZBaseAccessClient
Determines whether the user has been authorized by Name.
authorizedByName() - Method in class ORG.oclc.zbase.access.DefaultAccessClient
Determine whether the user is authorized by Name.
authorizedDbs - Variable in class ORG.oclc.jassi.access.DefaultAccessClient
the list of authorized dbs from the access server.
authorizeErrorCode() - Method in interface ORG.oclc.access.AccessClient
Returns an integer containing the error code for failed authorizations.
authorizeErrorCode() - Method in class ORG.oclc.jassi.access.DefaultAccessClient
Returns an int containing the the error code for failed authorizations.
authorizeErrorCode() - Method in class ORG.oclc.jassi.access.JaSSIAccessClient
Returns an integer containing the error code for failed authorizations which is an error Code from AccessClient.
authorizeErrorCode() - Method in class ORG.oclc.jassi.access.RBAccessClient
Returns an integer containing the error code for failed authorizations which is an error Code from AccessClient.
authorizeErrorCode() - Method in class ORG.oclc.zbase.access.ZBaseAccessClient
Retrieves an integer containing the error code for failed authorizations which is the appropriate Z3950 init failure code reason.
authorizeErrorCode() - Method in class ORG.oclc.zbase.access.DefaultAccessClient
Get the error code for failed authorizations.
authorizeErrorMessage() - Method in interface ORG.oclc.access.AccessClient
Returns a String containing the error message for failed authorizations.
authorizeErrorMessage() - Method in class ORG.oclc.jassi.access.DefaultAccessClient
Returns a String containing the error message for failed authorizations.
authorizeErrorMessage() - Method in class ORG.oclc.jassi.access.JaSSIAccessClient
Returns a String containing the error message for failed authorizations which is the error Message from AccessClient or empty string("").
authorizeErrorMessage() - Method in class ORG.oclc.jassi.access.RBAccessClient
Returns a String containing the error message for failed authorizations which is the error Message from AccessClient or empty string("").
authorizeErrorMessage() - Method in class ORG.oclc.zbase.access.ZBaseAccessClient
Retrieves a String containing the error message for failed authorizations.
authorizeErrorMessage() - Method in class ORG.oclc.zbase.access.DefaultAccessClient
Get the error message for failed authorizations - return empty string("") always, no authorizations fail.
authorizescreen - class
The authorizescreen class creates prepares the authorize screen for display.
authorizescreen() - Constructor for class
Constructs an authorizescreen object
authorNotHotSubFields - Static variable in class
String containing a list of subfields to be used for non-hotlinked portion of the author display
authorNotHotSubfields100 - Static variable in class
String containing the tags for the rest of the subfields for author fields (100) - (17,02,03,04,06) (specific order)
authorNotHotSubfields110_710 - Static variable in class
String containing the tags for the rest of the subfields for author fields (110, 710) - (10,14,03,04,11,12,16,17,20) (specific order)
authorNotHotSubfields700 - Static variable in class
String containing the tags for the rest of the subfields for author fields (700) - (17,02,03,04,06,20,14,16) (specific order)
authorOfArticle - Variable in class ORG.oclc.isoill.IllTxnInfo
A String object containing the author of a part of a bibliographic item.
authorSeparator - Static variable in class
String containing the separator for authors
authorSeparator - Static variable in class
String containing the separator for authors
authorTerminator - Static variable in class
String containing the terminator for authors
authorTerminator - Static variable in class
String containing the terminator for authoers
authosEquals(String, String) - Method in interface ORG.oclc.access.AccessClient
Compares the input autho and password to the existing autho/password to see if there is a match.
authosEquals(String, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.jassi.access.DefaultAccessClient
Compares the input autho and password to the existing autho/password.
authosEquals(String, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.jassi.access.JaSSIAccessClient
Compares the input autho and password to the existing autho/password.
authosEquals(String, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.jassi.access.RBAccessClient
Compares the input autho and password to the existing autho/password.
authosEquals(String, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.zbase.access.ZBaseAccessClient
Compares the input autho and password to the existing autho/password to check for equality.
authosEquals(String, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.zbase.access.DefaultAccessClient
Compare the input autho and password to the existing autho/password
authWarnMsg(String, String) - Method in class ORG.oclc.mantis.verbs.MVerb
autoDedupEverySearch - Variable in class ORG.oclc.webz.DedupKeys
boolean data type indicating that this database should automatically dedup on every search.
autoDedupEverySearch() - Method in class ORG.oclc.webz.DedupKeys
Returns a boolean indicating whether every search does automatic dedup request.
automapfile - Variable in class ORG.oclc.mantis.MantisUtil
autosize(ElementInfoObject) - Static method in class ORG.oclc.mantis.MantisXML
Get the correct height from looking at the specified hieght, total content, as well as the autosize flag.
availabilityDate - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.fmts.zbase.OPACapi
available - Variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.DatabaseInfo
Whether this database is currently available for access
available() - Method in class ORG.oclc.Telnet.socket.TelnetIO
Returns bytes available to be read.
available() - Method in class ORG.oclc.Telnet.socket.TelnetWrapper
Returns bytes available to be read.
availableNow - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.fmts.zbase.OPACapi
availableThru - Static variable in class ORG.oclc.fmts.zbase.OPACapi
avRecordSize - Variable in class ORG.oclc.z39.DatabaseInfo
Estimate of average record size, in bytes

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