beginLine and beginColumn describe the position of the first character
of this token; endLine and endColumn describe the position of the
last character of this token.
beginLine and beginColumn describe the position of the first character
of this token; endLine and endColumn describe the position of the
last character of this token.
Class object containing the brief ber formatting class used
to create 'small' ber records for ElementSetNames starting
with 'B' requesting the BER record syntax.
Class object containing the brief marc formatting class
to create 'small' marc records for ElementSetNames starting
with 'B' requesting a MARC record syntax.
The BriefSearchResultsHeader class is a gadget that creates the HTML string
for the record header information on a brief search result including
the record number and the jump bar
It uses the parameters contained in a RequestManager object
and the parameters for the gadget read from the configuration
files to build the appropriate output.
Class object containing the brief Text formatting class
to create 'small' text records for ElementSetNames starting
with 'B' requesting the SUTRS record syntax.
Builds the a set of TABLE rows, each of which contains an HTML anchors
for each TopicEntry the Vector.
NOTE: If topicList, matches the global vector of TopicEntry(s),
then return the statically built dbPageHotLinks String.
Builds the a set of TABLE rows, each of which contains an HTML anchors
for each TopicEntry the Vector.
NOTE: If topicList, matches the global vector of TopicEntry(s),
then return the statically built dbPageHotLinks String.
Builds the a set of TABLE rows, each of which contains an HTML anchors
for each TopicEntry the Vector.
NOTE: If topicList, matches the global vector of TopicEntry(s),
then return the statically built dbPageHotLinks String.
Generates a String containing the HTML for the data record generated
by the database formatting class using the parameters
containined in the RequestManager object and the name of the gadget.
Generates a String containing the HTML for the information displayed
before a set of brief records in a search including the record number and
the JumpBar.
Generates a String containing the HTML for the Topic & Database names with
associated postings from a scan request using the parameters
contained in the
RequestManager object and the name of the gadget.
Generates a String containing the HTML tables for the scan results
using the parameters containined in the RequestManager
object and the name of the gadget.
Generates a String containing the HTML for the search screen
headers using the parameters containined in the RequestManager
object and the name of the gadget.
Generates a String containing the HTML for the search screen
headers using the parameters containined in the RequestManager
object and the name of the gadget.
Generates a String containing the HTML for the brief bookmark
records using the parameters containined in the RequestManager
object and the name of the gadget.
Generates a String containing the HTML for the Topic & Database names with
associated postings from a search request using the parameters contained in the
RequestManager object and the name of the gadget.
Generates a String containing the HTML for the tabbar on the
search screens using the parameters containined in the RequestManager
object and the name of the gadget.
Generates a String containing the HTML for the Topic & Database names with
associated postings from a search request using the parameters contained in the
RequestManager object and the name of the gadget.
Generates a String containing the HTML for the index radio
buttons for the currently selected database using the parameters
containined in the RequestManager object and the name of the gadget.
Generates a String containing the HTML for the holdings records
associated with the input citation using the parameters
containined in the RequestManager object and the name of the gadget.
Generates a String containing the HTML for the data record generated
by the database formatting class using the parameters
containined in the RequestManager object and the name of the gadget.
Generates a String containing the HTML for the quick search
topic name check boxes using the parameters containined
in the RequestManager object and the name of the gadget.
Generates a String containing the HTML for the record navigation
JumpBar using the parameters containined in the RequestManager
object and the name of the gadget.
Generates a String containing the HTML for the index select list for the
currently selected database using the parameters containined
in the RequestManager object and the name of the gadget.
Generates a String containing the HTML for the limits for the
currently selected database using the parameters containined
in the RequestManager object and the name of the gadget.
Generates a String containing the HTML for the search screen
headers using the parameters containined in the RequestManager
object and the name of the gadget.
Generates a String containing the HTML for the image navigation
JumpBar using the parameters containined in the RequestManager
object and the name of the gadget.
Generates a String containing the HTML for the image thumbnails
using the parameters containined in the RequestManager
object and the name of the gadget.
Generates a String containing the HTML necessary to display
an image for a database containing a series of images,
using the parameters containined in the RequestManager
object and the name of the gadget.
Generates a String containing the HTML table for the toolbar anchors
using the parameters containined in the RequestManager
object and the name of the gadget.
Generates a String containing an HTML representation of a user's
current state using the the parameters containined
in the RequestManager object and the name of the gadget.
Generates a String containing the HTML for the e-mail bookmark
records using the parameters containined in the RequestManager
object and the name of the gadget.
Generates a String containing the HTML for the sort select list for the
currently selected database using the parameters containined
in the RequestManager object and the name of the gadget.
Generates a String containing the HTML for the term list and thesaurus
term display headers using the parameters containined in the RequestManager
object and the name of the gadget.
Generates a String containing the HTML for the topic name anchors
using the parameters containined in the RequestManager object
and the name of the gadget.
Generates a String containing the HTML for the isoill request form using
the parameters containined in the RequestManager object and
the name of the gadget.
Generates a String containing the HTML for the full bookmark
records using the parameters containined in the RequestManager
object and the name of the gadget.
Generates a String containing the HTML for the information displayed
before a set of brief records in a search including the record number and
the JumpBar.
Generates a String containing the HTML for the database anchors
using the parameters containined in the RequestManager object
and the name of the gadget.
Generates a String containing the HTML for the holdings records
associated with the input citation using the parameters
containined in the RequestManager object and the name of the gadget.
Generates a String containing the HTML table for the menubar anchors
using the parameters containined in the RequestManager
object and the name of the gadget.
Generates a String containing the HTML for the search screen
headers using the parameters containined in the RequestManager
object and the name of the gadget.
Generates a String containing the HTML for the data record generated
by the database template's Display Hooks using the parameters
containined in the RequestManager object and the name of the gadget.
Generates a String containing the HTML for the search screen
headers using the parameters containined in the RequestManager
object and the name of the gadget.
Generates a String containing the HTML for the data record generated
by the database template's Display Hooks using the parameters
containined in the RequestManager object and the name of the gadget.
Generates a String containing the HTML for the limits for the
currently selected database using the parameters containined
in the RequestManager object and the name of the gadget.