boolean data type indicating whether the server supports mulitple
database names in search/scan requests - the OCLC
ZBase server supports this feature (default=true).
boolean data type indicating whether the server supports reconnections
for the same Z3950 session - the OCLC ZBase server supports
this feature (default=true).
boolean data type indicating whether this database definition is for a
Group database - a type of global database definition for
cross database searches and scans (default=false).
Appends a FETCH type hot-link anchor to the current formatting buffer
using the input command, record number, resultset, format, formatting
class, next and bad pages, and additional anchor input.
String data type defining the name of the index for the whole field,
so that all subfields in the description
should be grouped together as one anchor for each occurrence of the field.
Builds a Vector object containing a list of DataDir objects
for the specified list of input fields where the data is
collected in input FORMAT LIST ORDER.
Builds a Vector object containing a list of DataDir objects
for the specified list of input fields where the data is
collected in the order defined by the input data ordered flag.
Builds a Vector object containing a list of DataDir objects
for the specified list of input fields where the data is
collected in the order defined by the input data ordered flag.
Each object which implements BasicFileStats
should add themselves to this vector when they are instantiated and
remove themselves when they are closed.
The FormatRecords class is a gadget that invokes a database
record formatting class to be executed on the object in the user state
named UnformattedRecordData containing a Vector of unformatted
record data objects in order to create an HTML string representation
of the data.
The FormatRecordsAndAttachHoldings class is a gadget that
searches a holdings database associated with the display
database records to retrieve associated holdings data and
attach it to the citation record so that the FormatRecord
gadget can create an HTML string containing both the
citation data and the associated holdings information.
The FormatRecordsWithDuplicates class is a gadget that invokes a database
record formatting class to be executed on the object in the user state
named UnformattedRecordData containing a Vector of unformatted
record data objects in order to create an HTML string representation
of the data.
boolean data type indicating whether the server supports a search
response with per-db results - the OCLC ZBase
Z3950 server supports this feature (default=false).
Class object containing the full Text formatting class
to create full text records for ElementSetNames starting
with 'T' requesting a SUTRS record syntax.
Class object containing the full marc formatting class
to create full MARC records for ElementSetNames starting
with 'F' requesting a MARC record syntax.
The FullRecordHeader class is a gadget that creates the HTML string
for the record header information on a database record full display,
including the record number, jumpbar, prev, next, and anchor to
return to the brief display.
The fullscreen class creates/updates the UserStateObject entities
PrevRec, NextRec, FullTextLink, ILLLink and
NOTE: the ILLLLink anchor nly appears if it is avaliable for that database.
Class object containing the full Text formatting class
to create text records for ElementSetNames starting
with 'F' requesting the SUTRS record syntax.
The FullTextHeader class is a gadget that creates the HTML string
for the record header information on a database record full text display,
including the database name, record number, and return button.