Open SiteSearch 4.1.1

Class ScanResults


public class ScanResults
extends Object
implements GadgetBuilder

The ScanResults class is a gadget that builds the HTML tables containing the results from a database SCAN for display in the SiteSearch OBI. It uses the parameters contained in a RequestManager object and the parameters for the gadget read from the configuration files to build the appropriate output. If an error occurs, an string indicating a formatting failure is returned.

The user object scanresults contains the results of the scan request. A 2 sided table display is built containing the terms retrieved with a breakdown of the number of terms per database. Anchors are created with /WebZ/QUERY commands to retrieve the records associated with each scan term. For multi database scans, an anchor is built for each database as well as the combined database.

See Also:

Constructor Summary
          Constructs a ScanResults object.
Method Summary
 String buildit(RequestManager rMngr, String name)
          Generates a String containing the HTML tables for the scan results using the parameters containined in the RequestManager object and the name of the gadget.
 String toString()
          Generates a String representation of the object.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ScanResults()
Constructs a ScanResults object.
Method Detail


public String buildit(RequestManager rMngr,
                      String name)
Generates a String containing the HTML tables for the scan results using the parameters containined in the RequestManager object and the name of the gadget.
Specified by:
buildit in interface GadgetBuilder
rMngr - object containing input parameters for the request.
name - the name of the gadget - the section name in the configuration file defining the particular gadget.


public String toString()
Generates a String representation of the object.
Specified by:
toString in interface GadgetBuilder
String -  
toString in class Object

Open SiteSearch 4.1.1