Open SiteSearch 4.1.1

Class AddLocalHoldingsButton


public class AddLocalHoldingsButton
extends AddRecordData
implements DisplayRule

The AddLocalHoldingsButton class is a record formatting rule that adds a hot-link button to go search the database's Holdings database to display any local holdings for the record. The HTML or Text specifications defined in the DisplayUserData object are used to delimit data found in the input record to create the formatted text.

The parameters this rule recognizes are:

The QUERY command to use when there is an index specified in the descriptiotn to create a query, where the default, if not specified, is &StyleTable.defaults.QueryCommand;.

A true/false value indicating whether any filtering should be done by the formatting class on the data that goes into the query anchor. The default value is true.

The dbname to search for local holdings where the default, if not specified, is the Holdings database specified in the inifile. This can be a space separated list of database names.

The dbgroup containing the search attributes to search with when the dbname specified contains more than one database name.

The next= page in the anchor, where the default, if not specified, is &StyleTable.pages.holdingsDisplay;.

The bad= page in the anchor, where the default, if not specified, is &StyleTable.pages.holdingsDisplay;.

The target value for the anchor where the default, if not specified, is &StyleTable.targets.recordDisplay;.

value indicating where to display the data from the field where the accepted settings are:

The name of the data wrapper entry that has the string to append before the field display label, default, if not specified, is the wrapper element named beforeFieldLabel.

The name of the data wrapper entry that has the string to append after the field display label, where the default, if not specified, is the wrapper element named afterFieldLabel.

The name of the data wrapper entry that has the string to append after the field data, where the default, if not specified, is the wrapper element named fieldTrailer.

The name of the data wrapper entry that has the string to append before the anchor where the default, if not specified, is the wrapper element named beforeFTAnchor.

The name of the data wrapper entry that has the string to append after the anchor where the default, if not specified, is the wrapper element named afterFTAnchor.

See Also:
RuleSpec, FormatBerUtil, DisplayUserData

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void doRule(DataDir dir, int recordNumber, RuleSpec ruleSpec, FormatBerUtil fmtUtil, DisplayUserData userData)
          Creates a FETCH hot-link to display Full-Text for the input record based on the fields specified in the RuleSpec object and the matching criteria specified in the rules parameters.
Methods inherited from class ORG.oclc.fmts.rules.RuleUtil
appendEntityData, getData, getData, getWrapperData, getWrapperData, getWrapperDataFromRuleParm, labelMaker, saveDataInEntity
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public AddLocalHoldingsButton()
Method Detail


public void doRule(DataDir dir,
                   int recordNumber,
                   RuleSpec ruleSpec,
                   FormatBerUtil fmtUtil,
                   DisplayUserData userData)
Creates a FETCH hot-link to display Full-Text for the input record based on the fields specified in the RuleSpec object and the matching criteria specified in the rules parameters.
Specified by:
doRule in interface DisplayRule
dir - the DataDir object containing the data record
recordNumber - the record number of the item within the list
ruleSpec - the field specification for locating the data
fmtUtil - the FormatBerUtil object containing the current formatted data buffer and the formatting utilities.
userData - the DisplayUserData object containing the user's context for formatting the data records.
doRule in class AddRecordData

Open SiteSearch 4.1.1