Main -> Documentation -> Product Updates -> Upgrading to Open SiteSearch 4.1.0

Upgrading to Open SiteSearch 4.1.0


Table of Contents

Document Conventions
Applying 4.1.0 Bug Fixes to an Existing SiteSearch Environment
Determining Your Upgrade Path
Integrating 4.0.2 Customization into a SiteSearch 4.1.0 Interface
Adding Your 4.0.2 Customized Interface to SiteSearch 4.1.0
Integrating 4.1.0 Features into Your 4.0.2 Customized Interface
Appendix A - Java Classes Modified in SiteSearch 4.1.0


This document provides instructions for integrating customizations from an existing SiteSearch 4.0.2 environment into the Open SiteSearch 4.1.0 software on UNIX or Windows NT systems.

WARNING: If you have customized your SiteSearch environment, you must follow one of the upgrade procedures described in this document. DO NOT install the 4.1.0 software package into your existing environment. You will lose all of your changes by installing version 4.1.0 on top of an existing environment.


Before completing the instructions in this document, you must:

  • have an installed SiteSearch 4.0.2 environment.
    • If you do not have an installed SiteSearch 4.0.2 environment and you are a new SiteSearch customer, you should refer to Installing the Open SiteSearch Suite instead of these upgrade instructions.
    • If you have an installed SiteSearch 4.0.1, 4.0.0a, or 4.0.0 environment, contact SiteSearch Product Support for information about upgrading to SiteSearch 4.1.0.
  • review the Description of the Open SiteSearch 4.1.0 Release for a complete list of the bug fixes, new functionality, and software enhancements included in the 4.1.0 release.

Document Conventions

  • <WebZ_root> refers to your existing Open SiteSearch 4.0.2 environment.
  • <NewWebZ_root> refers to the directory where you install the Open SiteSearch 4.1.0 software.
  • <WebZwork_root> refers to a directory with a backup copy of your existing 4.0.2 environment. You compare files in <WebZwork_root> with those in <NewWebZ_root> and apply customizations you made in <WebZwork_root> to <NewWebZ_root>. While this occurs, you allow patrons to access the <WebZ_root> environment during the upgrade.
  • <fullpath to JDK> is the full path to your Java Development Kit (JDK) installation.

Applying 4.1.0 Bug Fixes to an Existing SiteSearch Environment

With SiteSearch 4.1.0, it is not possible to integrate bug fixes by adding the SS4_1_0.jar file to an existing environment and changing references to the CLASSPATH to this file in a number of configuration files. The extent and nature of the enhancements in the 4.1.0 release do not allow this type of upgrade.

Both upgrade procedures described in this document allow you to integrate your customizations to version 4.0.2 into a 4.1.0 environment, which allows you to take advantage of the bug fixes available with version 4.1.0.

Determining Your Upgrade Path

Choose one of these two upgrade paths for moving from SiteSearch 4.0.2 to SiteSearch 4.1.0:

Integrating 4.0.2 Customization into a SiteSearch 4.1.0 Interface

This upgrade path allows you to immediately take advantage of all the new features and enhancements in version 4.1.0, including rules-based formatting, vocabulary-assisted searching, and combined result sets and de-duplication. The HTML files in version 4.1.0 have been modified to the extent that we consider them to be a new version of the WebZ OBI – OBI, version 1. The interface includes three interface styles: frames-based, non-frames, and resource sharing. HTML files make consistent use of style table references, include action-specific images, and reference new gadgets. Vocabulary-assisted searching and combined result sets and de-duplication require version 4.1.0 HTML files and new gadgets, rules-based formatting, and the enhancements to interface styles made in version 4.1.0.

We recommend that you take this upgrade path unless you have greatly customized your 4.0.2 environment, such as developing your own interface. If you created your own formatting classes, you can still use them in version 4.1.0, although we suggest that you transition to rules-based formatting.

Adding Your Customized 4.0.2 Interface to SiteSearch 4.1.0

This upgrade path allows you to retain extensive changes you have made to your interface, and provides the bug fixes available in the 4.1.0 release. However, it requires you to add new features to your interface one at a time. In addition, combined result sets and de-duplication require so many revised HTML files that we do not recommend adding these features to a 4.0.2 interface.

Integrating 4.0.2 Customization Into a SiteSearch 4.1.0 Interface

The following procedure describes how to integrate customization you made to SiteSearch 4.0.2 into a new interface in SiteSearch 4.1.0. Follow the instructions below carefully to preserve the changes you have made to the SiteSearch software. Print these instructions and use them as a checklist for upgrading your environment.

Important: Perform and test these instructions in a test environment before implementing your customized 4.1.0 software in a production environment.

Procedure Overview

  • Making a copy of your existing SiteSearch environment, in a new directory, <WebZwork_root>.
  • Installing all 4.1.0 components you have licensed in another new directory, <NewWebZ_root>.
  • Apply changes you made to your 4.0.2 environment by comparing the files you customized to those in <NewWebZ_root> and updating files in <NewWebZ_root> accordingly.
  • Verifying that the SiteSearch 4.1.0 environment in <NewWebZ_root> operates properly.
  • Making <NewWebZ_root> your new production environment.


1. Make a copy of your existing 4.0.2 environment in a new directory (<WebZwork_root>).

  • Stop the Web server, the WebZ system, and, if you are providing user authorization through the WebZ interface, the SQL server in your <WebZ_root> environment.
  • Copy the <WebZ_root> environment into the <WebZwork_root> directory.
  • Restart the Web server, SQL server, and WebZ system in <WebZ_root>.

You will work in the <WebZwork_root> directory during this procedure, while still providing patron access to the <WebZ_root> environment until you complete the upgrade.

2. Create a new directory (NewWebZ_root>) for your new 4.1.0 environment.


This directory becomes your new <WebZ_root> environment after you complete these upgrade instructions.

3. Install all the version 4.1.0 SiteSearch components you have licensed in <NewWebZ_root>. See Installing and Configuring the Open SiteSearch Suite for an overview of the installation process and the links in that document for installation instructions for each SiteSearch component.

4. Edit your CLASSPATH environment variable for the 4.1.0 environment. Your CLASSPATH must contain the following information:

        .: <fullpath to JDK>/lib/\

(1) In the example above, backslash ("\") characters are included for readability only. Do NOT add them to the CLASSPATH variable.

(2) Edit the CLASSPATH variable so that its entries appear exactly in the order shown in the example.

(3) For more information about setting the CLASSPATH variable, see Configuring the CLASSPATH Variable for UNIX or Configuring the CLASSPATH Variable for NT in Installing and Configuring the SiteSearch Suite.

UNIX Administrators: After you edit your CLASSPATH variable, log out of your UNIX session and log back in to activate the new settings.

5. Test the 4.1.0 installation and examine the new features introduced in version 4.1.0.

6. The WebZ OBI, version 1, includes frames-based, no-frames, and resource sharing interface styles. The frames-based and no-frames based interface styles are available with either green or blue color schemes; the resource sharing style is a variant of frames-based interface with a blue color scheme. The green color scheme is similar to that used in the OBI shipped with SiteSearch 4.0.2.

You can add your customizations to interface styles, display gadget configuration files, and HTML files to any or all of these interfaces. Before going any further, decide which interface(s) you wish to customize. The following files in <NewWebZ_root>/ini/interface/obiv1 pertain to each of the styles listed above:

frameGreenStyle.ini   Frames-based, green color scheme
noframeGreenStyle.ini   No-frames, green color scheme
frameBlueStyle.ini   Frames-based, blue color scheme
noframeBlueStyle.ini   No-frames, blue color scheme
frameRssStyle.ini   Frames-based, blue color scheme, for resource sharing

View any of these files to see the other configuration files associated with each style.

7. Divide <WebZwork_root>/ini/defaultStyle.ini into a base style and individual files for colors, fonts, images, and pages/targets. See Base Interface Style Files in the 4.1.0 release notes for more information about base styles.

8. Incorporate your customizations to <WebZwork_root>/ini/defaultStyle.ini into the 4.1.0 interface style files:

  • Compare the following files with the UNIX diff utility or another utility that can identify the differences between two files:
    <WebZ_root>/ini/interface/    <NewWebZ_root>/ini/interface/obiv1/
    colorsOurstyle.ini   colorsGreen.ini and/or colorsBlue.ini
    fontsOurstyle.ini   fontsArial.ini
    imagesOurstyle.ini   imagesGreen.ini and/or imagesBlue.ini
    pagesOurstyle.ini   pagesFrame.ini and/or pagesNoFrame.ini
    BaseStyleOurstyle.ini   BaseStyle.ini and/or BaseNoFrameStyle.ini
  • Use a text editor to edit the appropriate file(s) in <NewWebZ_root>/ini/interface/obiv1/ to add your customizations.
    • Do not remove any new sections from the 4.1.0 interface style files.
    • In SiteSearch 4.1.0, brief.html (or nfbrief.html) replaces results.html and full.html (or nffull.html) replaces replaces record.html. Therefore, do not edit the [pages] section references that refer to these files.
    • You may wish to rename the edited files with names that are more descriptive of your own default style.
    • If you rename any interface style files, make sure that other files that refer to them (such as BaseStyle.ini, BaseFrameStyle.ini, and the files listed in step 6 refer to their new names).
9. Repeat steps 7-8 for your other interface style files, as needed.

10. Incorporate your customizations to <WebZwork_root>/ini/interface/DisplayGadgets.ini into <NewWebZ_root>:

  • Use the UNIX diff utility or another utility that can detect the difference between two files to compare <WebZwork_root>/ini/interface/DisplayGadgets.ini to <NewWebZ_root>/ini/interface/obiv1/frameDisplayGadgets.ini and/or noframeDisplayGadgets.ini.
  • Use a text editor to edit <NewWebZ_root>/ini/interface/obiv1/frameDisplayGadgets.ini and/or noframeDisplayGadgets.ini to add your customizations. You may also wish to rename the edited files with names that are more descriptive of your own default style.
11. Repeat step 10 for your other interface display gadgets configuration files, as needed.
12. Use the UNIX diff utility (or another utility that can identify the differences between two files) to identify the differences between <WebZwork_root>/htdocs/index.html and <NewWebZ_root>/htdocs/obiv1/index.html. Then modify <NewWebZ_root>/htdocs/obiv1/index.html to add your customization to this file.

13. Have your modified any other version 4.0.2 HTML files or created any of your own HTML files?

  • Yes. Go to step 14.
  • No. Go to step 16.

14. Review the list of HTML files referenced in the [pages] section of <NewWebZ_root>_/ini/interface/pagesFrame.ini. If you are using the resource sharing style (frameRssStyle), check the files in the [pages] section of frameRssStyle.ini as well. Have you modified any of these files in any way?

  • Yes. For each file that you modified:
    • Use the UNIX diff utility (or another utility that can identify the differences between two files) to identify the differences between your customized 4.0.2 version in <WebZwork_root>/htdocs/html and the 4.1.0 version in <NewWebZ_root>/htdocs/obiv1/html.

    Note: If you modified results.html or record.html, compare these files to their 4.1.0 counterparts – brief.html and full.html. Do NOT move results.html and record.html to <NewWebZ_root>/htdocs/obiv1/html.
    • For a frames-based interface, edit the 4.1.0 files in <NewWebZ_root>/htdocs/obiv1/html accordingly. For a no-frames interface, edit the no-frames files in <NewWebZ_root>/htdocs/obiv1/html accordingly. (See <NewWebZ_root>/ini/interface/obiv1/pagesnoFrame.ini for a list of analogous no-frames files.)
    • Repeat the two previous steps for the 4.0.2 HTML error files in <WebZwork_root>/htdocs/error and the 4.1.0 version in <NewWebZ_root>/htdocs/obiv1/error.
  • No. Have you created any of your own HTML files?
    • Yes. Go to step 15.
    • No. Go to step 17.

15. For each HTML file you have created:

  • Edit the file so that any URLs it contains conform to the RFC-2396 compliant syntax introduced in Version 4.1.0, where the user sessionid appears after the question mark in the URL. The following example shows "before" and "after" versions of the URL syntax:
    Before - Old (4.0.x) URL syntax

    After - New (4.1) URL syntax
  • Copy the modified file to <NewWebZ_root>/htdocs/obiv1/html.

16. Do you have any customized image files in <WebZwork_root/htdocs/images?

  • Yes. Copy these files to <NewWebZ_root>/htdocs/obiv1/images. Then verify that your interface style file for images (such as <NewWebZ_root>/ini/interface/obiv1/imagesGreen.ini or imagesBlue.ini) contains entity references to these files.
  • No. Go directly to step 17.

17. Apply your customizations from database configuration files in <WebZwork_root>/ini/dbs to their 4.1.0 counterparts:

  • Use the UNIX diff utility or another utility that can detect the difference between two files to compare each file in <WebZwork_root>/ini/dbs to the file of the same name in <NewWebZ_root>/ini/dbs.
  • Use a text editor to modify the appropriate file(s) in <NewWebZ_root>/ini/dbs.

    (1) Do not remove the new sections from database configuration files.

    (2) We recommend that you use the [format] references in the 4.1.0 versions of database configuration files. These references implement rules-based formatting, which allows you to modify display formats through modifying configuration files instead of modifying or writing Java formatting classes. They are also necessary for vocabulary-assisted searching, combined results, and de-duplication.

18. Copy any additional database configuration files from <WebZwork_root>/ini/dbs to <NewWebZ_root>/ini/dbs. They will still function in SiteSearch 4.1.0, but you should look at the new sections in the version 4.1.0 database configuration files and incorporate these sections, as applicable. The release notes for SiteSearch 4.1.0 provide an overview of each new section.

19. Update the .ini files in <NewWebZ_root>/ini and server .ini files in <NewWebZ_root>/ini/servers with any customization to these files you made in your 4.0.2 environment.

  • Use the UNIX diff utility to identify the differences between the .ini files in <WebZwork_root>/ini/ and each /ini subdirectory and their counterparts in <NewWebZ_root>.
  • Edit each .ini file in <NewWebZ_root>/ini/ to incorporate any customization you made to the file.

    (1) In <NewWebZ_root>/ini/JaSSIServer.ini, do not modify the values for the TimeoutPage and FailurePage variables in the [JaSSI] section. Also, note the new memory thresholds for the JaSSIServer.

    (2) <WebZwork_root>/ini/AccessTools.ini and IniConvert.ini were removed in SiteSearch 4.1.0. You do not need to copy these files to <NewWebZ_root>.

    (3) Some server configuration files in <NewWebZ_root>/ini/servers no longer contain default values.

  • Copy any additional server files in <WebZwork_root>/ini/servers to <NewWebZ_root>/ini/servers.

20. Are you using WebZ in conjunction with the OCLC ILL Direct Request Service?

  • Yes. If you are using location configuration files:
    • Copy <WebZwork_root>/locations.ini to <NewWebZ_root>/ini.
    • Copy all the files from <WebZwork_root>/ini/loc to <NewWebZ_root>/ini/loc.
  • No. Go directly to step 21.

21. Appendix A contains a list of Java classes modified in version 4.1.0. Have you modified any of these classes in any way in your 4.0.2 environment?

  • Yes. For each file you have modified:
    • Use the UNIX diff utility (or another utility that can identify the differences between two files) to identify the differences between the 4.1.0 version in <WebZwork_root> and the customized 4.0.2 in <WebZwork_root>.
    • Edit the customized class in <WebZwork_root> accordingly.
    • Recompile the customized class.
  • No. Go directly to step 22.

22. Are you using the Access component and an SQL database (accessdb) to provide authorization through the WebZ interface?

  • Yes. Go to step 23.
  • No. Go step 24.

23. Use a database utility to dump the contents of your accessdb database to a text file.

  • UNIX mSQL users:
    • Start mSQL and then issue the following command at the command prompt in <WebZwork_root>/msql/bin:

      msqldump -f ../msql.conf accessdb > accessdb.newdump

    • Copy accessdb.newdump to <NewWebZ_root>/msql.
    • Follow the procedure Configuring the Access Component for WebZ (UNIX), beginning with step 4, except that you will import accessdb.newdump (the file that contains your Access database) into the new accessdb database in step 5 instead of the sample data file.
  • Windows NT users:
    • Follow the directions provided for your relational database management software (RDBMS) to create a text file containing the contents of your accessdb database.
    • Copy the database dump to <NewWebZ_root>accessdbsql.
    • Follow the procedure Configuring the Access Component for WebZ (Windows NT), beginning with step 3, except that you will import the file that contains your Access database into the new accessdb database in step 4 instead of the sample data file.

24. Are you using Database Builder?

  • Yes. Go to step 25.
  • No. Go to step 32. You are ready to test the 4.1.0 environment.

25. Copy your individual local database directories in the <WebZwork_root>/dbbuilder/dbs directory into <NewWebZ_root>/dbbuilder/dbs. You do not need to copy the Database Builder sample database, localERIC, into the <NewWebZ_root> environment.

26. Verify that you copied your individual local database .ini files from <WebZwork_root>/ini/dbs to <NewWebZ_root>/ini/dbs during step 18. You do not need to copy the .ini file for the Database Builder sample database, localERIC.ini, into the <NewWebZ_root> environment.

27. Copy each local database's <WebZwork_root>/dbbuilder/ssdot/info/dbname.reg file into the <NewWebZ_root>/dbbuilder/ssdot/info/ directory, where dbname is the local database name. This step allows the 4.1.0 SSDOT program to recognize each local database without reregistering each database.

28. Start the SSDOT program, located in <NewWebZ_root>/dbbuilder/ssdot. Type "l" and press Enter to list the registered databases within the 4.1.0 SSDOT environment. Verify that all of your local databases are recognized in the 4.1.0 environment.

29. Edit the registration information for each local database, changing items 2 through 12 to point to the <NewWebZ_root> environment instead of the <WebZwork_root> environment. Exit SSDOT.

30. Are you planning to use Database Builder's Record Builder application?

  • Yes. Go to step 31.
  • No. Go to step 33. You are ready to test the <NewWebZ_root> environment.

31. Set the startup and maximum sizes of the memory allocation pool for the JaSSIRB server. Open <NewWebZ_root>/scripts/ssmgr.hostname (where hostname is the name of the system where you installed your SiteSearch environment. Edit the jassi section of this file as follows:

  • For sites using the Java Development Kit (JDK) 1.1.x: Add -ms32m -mx32m, as shown in bold blue text.
      if [ $# -eq 1 ] 
        java -ms32m -mx32m ORG.oclc.jassi.JaSSI $ROOTDIR/ini/JaSSIServer.ini &
          Java -ms32m -mx32m ORG.oclc.jassi.JaSSI $ROOTDIR/ini/$ININAME & 
  • For sites using JDK 1.2: Add -Xms32m -Xmx32m, as shown in bold blue text:
     if [ $# -eq 1 ] 
       Java -Xms32m -Xmx32m ORG.oclc.jassi.JaSSI $ROOTDIR/ini/JaSSIServer.ini &
          Java -Xms32m -Xmx32m ORG.oclc.jassi.JaSSI $ROOTDIR/ini/$ININAME & 

32. Edit the following variables in the [servername] section of <WebZ_root>/ini/JaSSIServer_rb.ini so that they read as follows:

LowUsedMemory  = 20000

MedUsedMemory  = 30000

HighUsedMemory = 40000

33. Test the <NewWebZ_root> environment. Start the Web server, SQL server (if necessary), and the WebZ system. Start a new WebZ user session in a Web browser, and perform several searches. Make sure to check all of the WebZ functionality through the interface, such as:

Debug any problems that have been introduced with this integration using the Troubleshooting the WebZ System document.

34. When you are satisfied that the <NewWebZ_root> environment is functioning properly, make it your new production environment.


Adding Your 4.0.2 Customized Interface to SiteSearch 4.1.0

The following procedure describes how to add your customized 4.0.2 interface into a new 4.1.0 environment. Follow the instructions below carefully to preserve the changes you have made to the SiteSearch software. Print these instructions and use them as a checklist for upgrading your environment.

Important: Perform and test these instructions in a test environment before implementing your customized 4.1.0 software in a production environment.

Procedure Overview

The upgrade procedure involves the following activities:

  • Making a copy of your existing SiteSearch environment, in a new directory, <WebZwork_root>.
  • Installing all 4.1.0 components you have licensed in another new directory, <NewWebZ_root>.
  • Copying your customized 4.0.2 files from <WebZwork_root> into separate directories in <NewWebZ_root>.
  • Verifying that the SiteSearch environment in <NewWebZ_root> operates properly with your 4.0.2 files.
  • Deciding which 4.1.0 features and enhancements you wish to implement and modifying your files accordingly.
  • Making <NewWebZ_root> your new production environment.

The upgrade takes advantage of a new feature added in Version 4.1.0, the ability to version WebZ interfaces, by creating new directories for your customized 4.0.2 environment in a SiteSearch version 4.1.0 environment. The 4.1.0 environment gives you access to bug fixes and new and revised Java classes and gadgets introduced in this version.


1. Make a copy of your existing 4.0.2 environment in a new directory (<WebZwork_root>).

  • Stop the Web server, the WebZ system, and, if you are providing user authorization through the WebZ interface, the SQL server in your <WebZ_root> environment.
  • Copy the <WebZ_root> environment into the <WebZwork_root> directory.
  • Restart the Web server, SQL server, and WebZ system in <WebZ_root>.

You will work in the <WebZwork_root> directory during this procedure, while still providing patron access to the <WebZ_root> environment until you complete the upgrade.

2. Create a new directory (<NewWebZ_root>) for your new 4.1.0 environment.


This directory becomes your new <WebZ_root> environment after you complete these upgrade instructions.

3. Edit your CLASSPATH environment variable for the 4.1.0 environment. Your CLASSPATH must contain the following information:

        .: <fullpath to JDK>/lib/\

(1) In the example above, backslash ("\") characters are included for readability only. Do NOT add them to the CLASSPATH variable.

(2) Edit the CLASSPATH variable so that its entries appear exactly in the order shown in the example.

(3) For more information about setting the CLASSPATH variable, see Configuring the CLASSPATH Variable for UNIX or Configuring the CLASSPATH Variable for NT in Installing and Configuring the SiteSearch Suite.

UNIX Administrators: After you edit your CLASSPATH variable, log out of your UNIX session and log back in to activate the new settings.

4. Install all the version 4.1.0 SiteSearch components you have licensed in <NewWebZ_root>. See Installing and Configuring the Open SiteSearch Suite for an overview of the installation process and the links in that document for installation instructions for each SiteSearch component.

5. Test the 4.1.0 installation.

6. Have you created any of your own formatting classes?

  • Yes. Copy the class package that contains your custom formatting classes to <NewWebZ_root>/classes.
  • No. Go directly to step 7.
7. Create a new directory for your version 4.0.2 HTML files underneath <NewWebZ_root>/htdocs, such as <NewWebZ_root>/htdocs/ourfilesv0, where ourfilesv0 is the new directory's name.
8. Copy index.html from <WebZwork_root>/htdocs to <NewWebZ_root>/htdocs/ourfilesv0.

10. Create the following subdirectories in <NewWebZ_root>/htdocs/ourfilesv0:

  • <NewWebZ_root>/htdocs/ourfilesv0/error
  • <NewWebZ_root>/htdocs/ourfilesv0/html
  • <NewWebZ_root>/htdocs/ourfilesv0/images
11. Copy your HTML and image files from <WebZwork_root>/htdocs/html, <WebZwork_root>/htdocs/error, and <WebZwork_root>/htdocs/images to <NewWebZ_root>/htdocs/ourfilesv0/html, <NewWebZ_root>/htdocs/ourfilesv0/html, and <NewWebZ_root>/htdocs/ourfilesv0/images, respectively.

12. Are you running UNIX and using the Apache Web server?

  • Yes. Modify <NewWebZ_root>/httpd/apache_1.3.6/conf/httpd.conf so that it refers to <NewWebZ_root>/htdocs/ourfilesv0 by opening this file in a text editor and these lines so that they read:
    DocumentRoot <NewWebZ_root>/htdocs/ourfilesv0
    <Directory <NewWebZ_root>/htdocs/ourfilesv0"> ...

    Alias /icons/ <NewWebZ_root>/htdocs/ourfilesv0/icons/ <Directory <NewWebZ_root>/htdocs/ourfilesv0/icons/"> ...
    ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "<NewWebZ_root>/htdocs/ourfilesv0/CGI-bin/"
  • No. Make similar modifications to those for Apache in your Web server's configuration file(s).

14. Have you created or modified any gadgets in your 4.0.2 environment?

  • Yes.
    • Copy any gadgets you have created from <WebZwork_root>/ORG/oclc/classes/gadgets to <NewWebZ_root>/classes/ORG/oclc/gadgets.
    • For any gadgets you have modified:
      • See Appendix A for a list of the gadgets modified in version 4.1.0.
      • Compare your gadget to the modified gadget to find your customizations to the gadget.
      • Edit the gadget in <NewWebZ_root>/classes/ORG/oclc/gadgets so that it contains your customizations.
      • Recompile the gadget.
  • No. Go to step 15.

15. Add your interface style and display gadgets configuration files to <NewWebZ_root>:

  • Create an ourfilesv0 directory under <NewWebZ_root>/ini/interface for your interface style and display gadgets files.
  • Copy the files in <WebZwork_root>/ini/interface to <NewWebZ_root>/ini/interface/ourfilesv0.

16. Edit <NewWebZ_root>/ini/JaSSIServer.ini as follows:

  • Make a copy of JaSSIServer.ini with a new name, such as <NewWebZ_root>/ini/JaSSIServer.ini.orig.
  • Change the DocumentRoot variable in the JaSSI section so that it refers to your HTML files:
DocumentRoot = <NewWebZ_root>/htdocs/ourfilesv0
  • If you have created any class packages for custom formatting classes, add them to the [PackageOrder] section:

  • Change the [InterfaceStyles] and [InterfaceDisplayGadgets] sections so that they refer to your files, such as this:
    default = interface/ourfilesv0/defaultStyle.ini
    red     = interface/ourfilesv0/redStyle.ini
    #default = interface/obiv1/frameGreenStyle.ini #noframe = interface/obiv1/noframeBlueStyle.ini #rss = interface/obiv1/frameRssStyle.ini
    default = interface/ourfilesv0/DisplayGadgets.ini 
    red = interface/ourfilesv0/DisplayGadgets.ini
    #default = interface/obiv1/frameDisplayGadgets.ini #noframe = interface/obiv1/noframeDisplayGadgets.ini #rss = interface/obiv1/noframeDisplayGadgets.ini
  • Change the [Topics] section so that it refers to your ObiTopics.ini file, such as this:
    inifile = interface/ourfilesv0/ObiTopics.ini

17. Add the following lines to the [defaults] section of each of the interface style files in <NewWebZ_root>/ini/interface/ourfilesv0:

nameSpace = /WebZ/
QueryCommand = /WebZ/QUERY
FetchCommand = /WebZ/FETCH
ScanCommand = /WebZ/SCAN

18. Add your databases.ini file to <NewWebZ_root>/ini:

  • Make a copy of <NewWebZ_root>/ini/databases.ini with a new name, such as <NewWebZ_root>/ini/databases.ini.orig.
  • Copy <WebZwork_root>/databases.ini to <NewWebZ_root>/ini.

Steps 19-21 involve moving the database configuration files, server configuration files, and location configuration files shipped with SiteSearch 4.1.0 into subdirectories underneath the default directories for each type of file. This allows you to retain these files in case you ever need to refer to them and to separate them from your customized versions of these files.

19. Add your database configuration files to <NewWebZ_root>/ini/dbs:

  • Create a directory for the 4.1.0 version of the database configuration files, such as <NewWebZ_root>/ini/dbs/newdbs.
  • Did you install Database Builder in your SiteSearch 4.1.0 environment?
    • Yes. Move all the files from <NewWebZ_root>/ini/dbs (except for Lock.ini and those with names that end in "_rb.ini", such as JaSSIServer_rb.ini) to <NewWebZ_root>/ini/dbs/newdbs.
    • No. Move all the files from <NewWebZ_root>/ini/dbs to <NewWebZ_root>/ini/dbs/newdbs.
  • Copy your database configuration files from <WebZwork_root>/ini/dbs to <NewWebZ_root>/ini/dbs.

Your database configuration files refer to formatting classes, either those provided with SiteSearch 4.0.2 or your own custom formatting classes. To implement the rules-based formatting introduced in SiteSearch 4.1.0, see rules-based formatting in this document.

20. Add your server configuration files to <NewWebZ_root>/ini/servers:

  • Create a directory for the 4.1.0 versions of the server configuration files, such as <NewWebZ_root>/ini/servers/newservers.
  • Did you install Database Builder in your SiteSearch 4.1.0 environment?
    • Yes. Move all the files from <NewWebZ_root>/ini/servers (except those with names that end in "_rb.ini", such as Access_rb.ini) to <NewWebZ_root>/ini/servers/newservers.
    • No. Move all the files from <NewWebZ_root>/ini/servers/ to <NewWebZ_root>/ini/servers/newservers.
  • Copy your server configuration files from <WebZwork_root>/ini/servers to <NewWebZ_root>/ini/servers.

21. Are you using WebZ in conjunction with the OCLC ILL Direct Request Service?

  • Yes. If you are using location configuration files:
    • Make a copy of <NewWebZ_root>/ini/locations.ini with a new name, such as <NewWebZ_root>/ini/locations.ini.orig.
    • Copy <WebZwork_root>/ini/locations.ini to <NewWebZ_root>/ini.
    • Create a directory for the 4.1.0 versions of the location configuration files, such as <NewWebZ_root>/ini/loc/newloc.
    • Move all the files from <NewWebZ_root>/ini/loc to <NewWebZ_root>/ini/loc/newloc.
    • Copy your location configuration files from to <WebZwork_root>/ini/loc to <NewWebZ_root>/ini/loc.
  • No. Go directly to step 22.

22. Modify <NewWebZ_root>/ini/servers/ZBase.ini to disable merged result sets (a 4.1.0 default) by editing the lines below as follows:

SupportsMergeReads = false
UseDefaultResultSetName = false
QueryType = 101

23. Are you using the Access component and an SQL database (accessdb) to provide authorization through the WebZ interface?

  • Yes. Go to step 24.
  • No. Go step 25.

24. Use a database utility to dump the contents of your accessdb database to a text file.

  • UNIX mSQL users:
    • Start mSQL and then issue the following command at the command prompt in <WebZwork_root>/msql/bin:

      msqldump -f ../msql.conf accessdb > accessdb.newdump

    • Copy accessdb.newdump to <NewWebZ_root>/msql.
    • Follow the procedure Configuring the Access Component for WebZ (UNIX), beginning with step 4, except that you will import accessdb.newdump (the file that contains your Access database) into the new accessdb database in step 5 instead of the sample data file.
  • Windows NT users:
    • Follow the directions provided for your relational database management software (RDBMS) to create a text file containing the contents of your accessdb database.
    • Copy the database dump to <NewWebZ_root>accessdbsql.
    • Follow the procedure Configuring the Access Component for WebZ (Windows NT), beginning with step 3, except that you will import the file that contains your Access database into the new accessdb database in step 4 instead of the sample data file.

25. Are you using Database Builder?

  • Yes. Go to step 26.
  • No. Go to step 33. You are ready to test using your 4.0.2 interface within SiteSearch 4.1.0.

26. Copy your individual local database directories in the <WebZwork_root>/dbbuilder/dbs directory into <NewWebZ_root>/dbbuilder/dbs. You do not need to copy the Database Builder sample database, localERIC, into the <NewWebZ_root> environment.

27. Verify that you copied your individual local database .ini files from <WebZwork_root>/ini/dbs to <NewWebZ_root>/ini/dbs during step 18. You do not need to copy the .ini file for the Database Builder sample database, localERIC.ini, into the <NewWebZ_root> environment.

28. Copy each local database's <WebZwork_root>/dbbuilder/ssdot/info/dbname.reg file into the <NewWebZ_root>/dbbuilder/ssdot/info/ directory, where dbname is the local database name. This step allows the 4.1.0 SSDOT program to recognize each local database without reregistering each database.

29. Start the SSDOT program, located in <NewWebZ_root>/dbbuilder/ssdot. Type "l" and press Enter to list the registered databases within the 4.1.0 SSDOT environment. Verify that all of your local databases are recognized in the 4.1.0 environment.

30. Edit the registration information for each local database, changing items 2 through 12 to point to the <NewWebZ_root> environment instead of the <WebZwork_root> environment. Exit SSDOT.

31. Are you planning to use Record Builder?

  • Yes. Go to step 32.
  • No. Go to step 34. You are ready to test using your 4.0.2 interface within SiteSearch 4.1.0.

32. Set the startup and maximum sizes of the memory allocation pool for the JaSSIRB server. Open <NewWebZ_root>/scripts/ssmgr.hostname (where hostname is the name of the system where you installed your SiteSearch environment. Edit the jassi section of this file as follows:

  • For sites using the Java Development Kit (JDK) 1.1.x: Add -ms32m -mx32m, as shown in bold blue text.
      if [ $# -eq 1 ] 
        Java -ms32m -mx32m ORG.oclc.jassi.JaSSI $ROOTDIR/ini/JaSSIServer.ini &
          Java -ms32m -mx32m ORG.oclc.jassi.JaSSSI $ROOTDIR/ini/$ININAME & 
  • For sites using JDK 1.2: Add -Xms32m -Xmx32m, as shown in bold blue text:
     if [ $# -eq 1 ] 
       Java -Xms32m -Xmx32m ORG.oclc.jassi.JaSSI $ROOTDIR/ini/JaSSIServer.ini &
          Java -Xms32m -Xmx32m ORG.oclc.jassi.JaSSI $ROOTDIR/ini/$ININAME & 

33. Edit the following variables in the [servername] section of <WebZ_root>/ini/JaSSIServer_rb.ini so that they read as follows:

LowUsedMemory  = 20000

MedUsedMemory  = 30000

HighUsedMemory = 40000

34. Test using your customized 4.0.2 interface within <NewWebZ_root>. Start the Web server, SQL server (if necessary), and the WebZ system. Start a new WebZ user session in a Web browser, and perform several searches. Make sure to check all of the WebZ functionality through the interface, such as:

Debug any problems that have been introduced with this integration using the Troubleshooting the WebZ System document.

35. See Integrating 4.1.0 Features into Your Customized 4.0.2 Interface to add 4.1.0 functionality to your customized 4.0.2 interface as desired.
36. After you integrate all desired 4.1.0 features, make <NewWebZ_root> your new production environment.

Integrating 4.1.0 Features into Your Customized 4.0.2 Interface

Notes: (1) These procedures only apply if you added your customized 4.0.2 interface to a SiteSearch 4.1.0 environment. If you customized a 4.1.0 interface with your changes to SiteSearch 4.0.2, you already have access to all 4.1.0 features.

(2) For any of these procedures, follow the steps in a SiteSearch environment that is not running.

The release notes for SiteSearch 4.1.0 contain enough information to allow you to adopt many enhancements introduced in version 4.1.0. This section addresses the following features that require additional instructions for implementing them into a customized environment:

Rules-Based Formatting

You can adopt rules-based formatting on a database-by-database basis. Follow this procedure to implement rules-based formatting for one or more databases:

1. Open the database's configuration file in <NewWebZ_root>/ini/dbs with a text editor.

2. Remove (or comment out) the references to formatting classes in the [Formats] section of the file, such as this example:

full =

3. Add references to formatting rules to the file:

  • Open the database configuration file with the same name in <NewWebZ_root>/ini/newdbs.
  • Copy the all references to formatting rules in the [Formats] section, such as these examples from ABII.ini:
    full = format/obiv1/ABIIFormats.ini
    brief = format/obiv1/MarcArticleFormats.ini
    bookmark = format/obiv1/MarcArticleFormats.ini
  • Paste these references into the [Formats] section of the database configuration file.
  • Save and close the database configuration file.
4. Repeat steps 1-3 for additional databases, as desired.

5. Incorporate changes to display gadgets configuration files needed to support rules-based formatting:

  • Copy <NewWebZ_root>/ini/interface/ourfilesv0/displayGadgets.ini to <NewWebZ_root>/ini/interface/ourfilesv0/displayGadgets.ini.orig. Repeat for any other display gadgets configuration files.
  • Did you modify <WebZwork_root>/ini/interface/displayGadgets.ini when it was part of your 4.0.2 environment?
    • Yes.
      • Use the diff utility (UNIX) or another utility that can find the differences between files (such as windiff in Windows NT) to compare <NewWebZ_root>/ini/interface/ourfilesv0/displayGadgets.ini to <NewWebZ_root>/ini/interface/obiv0/displayGadgets.ini.

      Note: You are comparing your displayGadgets.ini file to the one in <NewWebZ_root>/ini/interface/obiv0.
      • Incorporate your changes into <NewWebZ_root>/ini/interface/obiv1/displayGadgets.ini.
    • No. Copy <NewWebZ_root>/ini/interface/obiv0/displayGadgets.ini to <NewWebZ_root>/ini/interface/ourfilesv0/displayGadgets.ini.
6. To modify the formatting for a particular database, see Formatting Your Display.

Combined Result Sets and De-Duplication

This is a complex process. The steps you need to follow will vary from site to site. Contact SiteSearch Product Support for more information.

Vocabulary-Assisted Searching

Before you begin this procedure, read WebZ and Vocabulary-Assisted Searching and Vocabulary-Assisted Searching in the WebZ Out-of-the-Box Interface (OBI) to understand how vocabulary-assisted searching works and how the OBI, version 1, implements it.

As WebZ and Vocabulary-Assisted Searching indicates, you can implement for a database vocabulary-assisted searching whether or not there is a thesaurus database associated with the database. Provided that you possess a proper license for the thesaurus, SiteSearch 4.1.0 supports specialized thesauri for ERIC and PsycInfo. It also supports use of the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) thesaurus with Medline and the Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) with WorldCat. For other thesauri, contact SiteSearch Support.

Like other HTML pages, you are encouraged to customize the HTML pages that support vocabulary-assisted searching in any manner you wish. However, we recommend that you move the HTML files and images provided in the OBI, version 1, into your customized WebZ environment and verify that vocabulary-assisted searching functions properly before beginning to customize this interface.

1. Implement rules-based formatting for the databases for which you want to enable vocabulary-assisted searching. WebZ ships with formatting rules, but no formatting classes, for displaying term lists or thesaurus trees.

2. Copy these HTML files from <NewWebZ_root>/htdocs/obiv1/html to <NewWebZ_root>/htdocs/ourfilesv0/html:

  • termfindersearch.html
  • termlist.html
  • thestree.html

2. Copy these HTML files from <NewWebZ_root>/htdocs/obiv1/error to <NewWebZ_root>/htdocs/ourfilesv0/error:

  • badtermfinder.html
  • voasnotsupported.html

3. Copy these images files from <NewWebZ_root>/htdocs/obiv1/images to <NewWebZ_root>/htdocs/ourfilesv0/images:

  • btn_term_finder_grn.gif
  • btn_termlist_grn.gif
  • btn_scope_note_grn.gif
  • btn_tree_display_grn.gif

4. Add these references to the [pages] section of each of your interface file styles:

searchactive7     = html/termfindersearch.html
searchactive11 = error/voasnotsupported.html termlistresults = html/termlist.html tasresults = html/thestree.html badtermlistsearch = error/badtermfinder.html badtassearch = error/badtermfinder.html

5. Are you using a frames-based interface?

  • Yes. Add these references to the [targets] section of each of your interface style files:
    rtlistResults     = target="main"
    rtlisttermDisplay = target="rtlistterms"
    tasResults        = target="main" 
    tastermDisplay    = target="tasterms" 
  • No. Go directly to step 6.

6. Add these references to the [images] section of each of your interface style files:

termfinder = /images/btn_term_finder_grn.gif
termlist = /images/btn_termlist_grn.gif
scopenote = /images/btn_scope_note_grn.gif
treedisplay = /images/btn_tree_display_grn.gif

7. Add these references to the [colors] section of each of your interface style files:

rtlresults      = #dfdcc4
tasNarrowTerm   = #feffbe 
tasBroadTerm    = #cccc99
tasRelatedTerm  = #dfdcc4
tasMainTerm     = #dfdcc4 
tasScopeNote    = #999966
tasDisplayBG    = #cccc99

8. Follow one of these procedures, as applicable, for each database for which you want to implement vocabulary-assisted searching:

9. Start the WebZ system.
10. Test vocabulary-assisted searching in each applicable database. The system should work as described in Vocabulary-Assisted Searching in the WebZ Out-of-the-Box Interface.
11. Customize the HTML pages and images for vocabulary-assisted searching as desired.


Base Interface Styles

This procedure describes how to convert an existing interface style (using defaultStyle.ini as an example) to a base style and individual style files for fonts, colors, images, and HTML pages. This configuration improves performance and allows you to store information common to a number of interface styles in a base style. For example, it allows you to store common information for both frames and non-frames interfaces in a single base style.

1. Back up your current defaultStyle.ini file.
2. Create new three .ini files for fonts, colors, and images: colorsOurstyle.ini, fontsOurstyle.ini and imagesOurstyle.ini, respectively, where Ourstyle is the name of the new style.
3. Move the [colors] section from defaultStyle.ini to colorsOurstyle.ini.
4. Move the [fonts] section from defaultStyle.ini to fontsOurstyle.ini.
5. Move the [images] section from defaultStyle.ini to imagesOurstyle.ini.
6. Create a new .ini file named pagesOurstyle.ini for HTML page definitions and, if applicable, target definitions.
7. Move the [pages] section from defaultStyle.ini to pagesOurstyle.ini. If you are using a frames-based interface, move the [targets] section from defaultStyle.ini to pagesOurstyle.ini.
8. Rename defaultStyle.ini as BaseStyleOurstyle.ini. This file should contain the remainder of your defaultStyle.ini file: [defaults] section, gadget references, [messages] section, and [anchors] section.

9. Create a new .ini file (pagesFrameOurstyle.ini for a frames-based interface or pagesNoFrameOurstyle.ini for a no-frames interface) and add these lines to the file:

base* = interface/ourfilesv0/BaseStyleOurstyle.ini
base* = interface/ourfilesv0/pagesOurstyle.ini

10. Create a new defaultStyle.ini file and add these lines to the file:

base* = interface/ourfilesv0/fontsOurstyle.ini 
base* = interface/ourfilesv0/colorsOurstyle.ini
base* = interface/ourfilesv0/imagesOurstyle.ini
base* = interface/ourfilesv0/pagesFrameOurstyle.ini
Note: If you are using a no-frames interface, change the file reference in the last line above to pagesNoFrameOurstyle.ini.

This is the style file that JaSSIServer.ini references in its [InterfaceStyles] section.

<-- Back to Integrating 4.0.2 Customization Into a SiteSearch 4.1.0 Interface

Per-Database Enhancements

Examine the database configuration files shipped with version 4.1.0 for the databases you use to see how the following enhancements have been implemented:

Then modify your database configuration files accordingly to adopt these enhancements.

Appendix A - Java Classes Modified in SiteSearch 4.1.0








See Also

Installing the WebZ (Web Server) Extension (Version 4.1.0)
Installing WebZ (Version 4.1.0)
Installing Database Builder (Version 4.1.0)

Description of the Open SiteSearch 4.1.0 Release

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