Main -> Documentation -> Getting Started -> Installing and Configuring the Open SiteSearch Suite -> Installing the WebZ Extension (Version 4.1.2a)

Installing the WebZ Extension (Version 4.1.2a)

Table of Contents

Document Conventions
Installation Methods
UNIX Installation Procedure
Windows NT Installation Procedure


This document explains how to install the WebZ (Web Server) extension for version 4.1.2a of the Open SiteSearch suite. OCLC SiteSearch 4.1.2a replaces SiteSearch 4.1.2 as the latest SiteSearch software release. SiteSearch 4.1.2a includes all the new features, software enhancements, and bug fixes included in SiteSearch 4.1.2, as well as additional enhancements and bug fixes.

See Installing the WebZ Extension (Version 4.1.0/4.1.1) or Installing the WebZ Extension (Version 4.0.x) for installing previous versions of the WebZ extension.

The WebZ extension allows a Web server to route requests from a patron to the appropriate JaSSI server in the WebZ system. After installing the WebZ extension, you must specifically configure your Web server to use the WebZ extension.

Supported Web servers

The WebZ software includes WebZ extensions for the following Web servers:

For UNIX-Based Servers

  • Apache
  • Netscape/iPlanetâ„¢ Fast Track and Enterprise Servers

For NT Servers

  • Netscape/iPlanetâ„¢ Fast Track and Enterprise Servers
  • Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS)

See OCLC SiteSearch Suite System Requirements for the version(s) of each Web server that WebZ supports.


A freeware version of the Apache Web server, including a customized, built-in WebZ extension, is shipped with the WebZ extension installer for UNIX (currently, Apache is available only for UNIX). To use this preconfigured server, select Apache when prompted for the Web server during installation.


You must install the entire Apache Web server even if you intend to use an existing Apache server to run the Open SiteSearch Suite. The Web server installation package contains the WebZ extension module that you need to configure your existing Apache server to access WebZ.

Netscape and IIS

A WebZ extension is also available for Netscape's iPlanetâ„¢ Enterprise edition and FastTrack edition Web servers and Microsoft's Internet Information Server (IIS). To install the WebZ extension for either of these servers, select the desired option when prompted for the Web server during installation. After installing the WebZ extension, you must add the extension to the Web server's configuration to access WebZ. See Configuring Netscape to Use the WebZ Extension or Configuring Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) to Use the WebZ Extension, as appropriate.

Important: Do not set a document root in Netscape or IIS until after you install both the WebZ Extension and WebZ. These servers use the same directory for HTML documents. If you set the document root before installing both these products, you create a root directory for HTML documents (htdocs) that the installer cannot override.

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Before completing this installation, review the Open SiteSearch Suite System Requirements and Installing and Configuring the Open SiteSearch Suite documents to ensure that you meet the system requirements and have all of the information that you need to install the WebZ extension successfully.

Document Conventions

  • <WebServer_root> refers to the location of your Web server.
  • <WebZ_root> refers to the location of your WebZ environment.
  • Items or commands you must type appear in single quotes, like this: "apache". Type them without the quotes.

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Installation Methods

For UNIX systems, OCLC recommends that you install the WebZ extension for SiteSearch 4.1.2a before installing any other Open SiteSearch suite components. The installation procedure uses a Perl script. In previous SiteSearch versions, this was called the Perl installation procedure.

For Windows NT systems, there is no separate WebZ extension installer for SiteSearch 4.1.2a. The WebZ installer includes WebZ extension components needed for Windows NT in SiteSearch 4.1.2a.

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UNIX Installation Procedure

Before you install the WebZ extension, make sure that you have the following installation files:

  • ss4_1_2a.webserver.tar.Z

Time Required for Installation

Plan on about 10 minutes to install the WebZ extension using the Perl script. The specific time required depends on the speed of your processor and the system load at the time you perform the installation.


Follow the instructions below to install the WebZ extension using Perl scripts.

Note:   Plan to install SiteSearch software (WebZ Extension, WebZ, and Database Builder, if applicable) under the same user name (user account). To conform to good UNIX system administration practices, we recommend that you do not use root as the user name.

1. Create a new directory for the Open SiteSearch suite. Copy the ss4_1_2a.webserver.tar.Z and files into this directory. This procedure refers to this directory as your <WebZ_root> directory.


If you are installing on UNIX and plan to use the preconfigured Apache server that comes with SiteSearch, OCLC recommends that you install the Apache server and Open SiteSearch Suite software in the same directory if you are only using the server to run SiteSearch.

2. Type "" at the command prompt in the <WebServer_root> directory and press Enter to start the installation scripts.

3. You see a number of messages, followed by this prompt:

Installing the Web Server Extension for Open SiteSearch WebZ - 4_1_2a.
Do you want to continue? [y]

Press Enter or type "y".

4. You receive a series of prompts asking you for information needed to complete the installation. Accept the default value that appears by pressing Enter at the prompt (a bracketed value appears after most prompts; this is the default). If there is no default or the default value is incorrect, type the necessary information and press Enter. Definitions of each prompt, in the order in which they appear, follow.




Directory of Perl interpreter

Full path name of the Perl interpreter.


Operating System

Operating system of your host environment. Enter the value for your operating system from those shown:

"aix" (AiX)
"linux" (LINUX)
"irix" (IRIX)
"sol" (Solaris)


WebZ Server Installation Directory

Full path name of the <WebServer_root> directory. /sitesearch/ss_prod

Web Server

Web server you use to access WebZ. Type "apache" or "netscape" and press Enter.


Web Server Document Root Directory

Full path name of the directory that contains the Web server HTML files.


If you select the Apache Web server, the installer places the HTML and image files associated with the Apache server in this directory. For the Apache server, the document root directory should be <WebServer_root>/htdocs/obiv1.

<WebServer_root>/htdocs/obiv1, e.g., /sitesearch/ss_prod/htdocs/obiv1

Web Server CGI-BIN Directory

Full path name of the directory that contains any Common Gateway Interface (CGI) scripts used for the Web server and WebZ operations. <WebServer_root>/cgi-bin e.g., /sitesearch/ss_prod/cgi-bin

Web Server Document Root Directory

Full path name of the directory that contains all of the HTML and image files associated with the Web server and WebZ. This directory MUST be the same document root directory that you defined in the WebZ Extension installation. <WebServer_root>/htdocs/obiv
e.g., /sitesearch/ss_prod/htdocs/obiv1
WebZ Installation Root Directory

Full path name of the WebZ environment.

e.g., /sitesearch/ss_prod

Web Server Host Name

Name of the host system where the Web server resides.

Host Name IP Address Internet Protocol (IP) address of the host system where the Web server resides

Web Server Port

Port number where you intend to run your Web server on the host system.


Process Username

User name of the Open SiteSearch suite system administrator.


Process Groupname Name of the UNIX group that has file permissions to the files and directories in the <WebServer_root> directory.


Server Admin Email

Electronic mail (e-mail) address of the Open SiteSearch suite system administrator.

5. A verification screen appears. Check this screen to ensure that the information you entered is correct. An example of the verification screen is shown below:

     Directory of Perl Interpreter: /usr/bin/perl
                  Operating System: sol
                   Web Server Type: apache
 Web Server Installation Directory: <WebServer_root>
Web Server Document Root Directory: <WebServer_root>/htdocs
      Web Server CGI-BIN Directory: <WebServer_root>/cgi-bin
  WebZ Installation Root Directory: <WebZ_root>
              Web Server Host Name: hostname
              Host Name IP Address:
                   Web Server Port: 80
                  Process Username: username
                  Web Server Group: groupname
                Server Admin Email: username@hostname

Is this correct? [y]

6. Is everything on the verification screen correct?

  • Yes. Continue the installation by pressing Enter.
  • No. Type "n" and press Enter to cycle through the prompts again. Edit any value that you need to change. When the verification screen appears again, press Enter to continue with the installation.

7. The installation begins and the following message appears:

Beginning the installation of the Web Server Extension for
    Open SiteSearch WebZ - 4_1_2a
This may take a few minutes, please wait.

While the installation proceeds, you will see a number of messages. If no messages appear for a little while, do not be concerned. This part of the installation should take no more than 15 minutes.

8. When the installation script finishes, you see a message similar to the following:

Web Server Extension for Open SiteSearch WebZ - 4_1_2a -
Installer script finished!

updating cache ./config.cache
creating ./config.status

Some UNIX platforms return an error message stating that the installer was unable to update the cache. However, this does not affect the installation. If you receive this message, ignore it.

9. Complete all the necessary configuration instructions for your Web server. The following documents provide configuration information for each type of supported Web server:


You must complete all of the required configuration procedures before using SiteSearch. However, if you are using Netscape, do not set a document root for until after you install both the WebZ Extension and WebZ. This Web server uses the same directory for HTML documents. If you set the document root before installing both these products, you create a root directory for HTML documents (htdocs) that the installer cannot override.

10. Proceed to the WebZ installation procedure.

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Windows NT Installation Procedure

For SiteSearch 4.1.2a running under Windows NT, the WebZ installation procedure installs both the WebZ extension and WebZ. There is no longer a separate WebZ extension installer for Windows NT for SiteSearch 4.1.2a. See the WebZ installation procedure for more information.

See Also

Configuring an Existing 1.3.x Apache Web Server to Use the WebZ Extension
Configuring Netscape to Use the WebZ Extension
Configuring Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) to Use the WebZ Extension
Installing and Configuring the Open SiteSearch Suite
Installing WebZ (Version 4.1.2a)
Installing Database Builder (Version 4.1.2a)
Starting and Stopping the Apache Server

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Last Modified: August 31, 2007