Main -> Documentation ->The WebZ Interface -> Formatting Your Display |
This topic provides you with procedures for defining and modifying a display format using WebZ rules-based formatting functionality. These procedures assume your basic understanding of files and constructs used in the rules-based formatting process, such as formatting configuration files, interface display configuration files, and formatting specifications. If any of these components are unfamiliar to you or you are unsure how they relate to formatting data in the WebZ interface, we strongly recommended that you read or reread the topics that cover them before performing any of the following procedures. To define or modify a format for the WebZ interface using rules, you perform the following eight procedures: 1.
Design the
format. With the exception of 7 and 8, you do not have to perform these procedures sequentially. Procedures 5 and 6 need to be performed only when you define an entirely new format, since the name of the new format must be cross-referenced in the appropriate database and interface display configuration files. See Also |