Main -> Documentation -> Product Updates -> Description of the Open SiteSearch 4.1.2 Release

Description of the Open SiteSearch 4.1.2 Release


Table of Contents

Document Conventions
New Functionality and Software Enhancements
   Feature List
   Affected Component: All
   Affected Component: WebZ
   Affected Component: WebZ and Database Builder
   Affected Component: Database Builder
Bug Fixes


This document provides a detailed list of the new functionality, software enhancements, and bug fixes included with the Open SiteSearch suite 4.1.2 release. Read this document before upgrading an existing version of the Open SiteSearch software to version 4.1.2. SiteSearch 4.1.2 includes the functionality of versions 4.0.0, 4.0.0a, 4.0.1, 4.0.2, 4.1.0, and 4.1.1 as well as new software features, enhancements, and bug fixes.

Important Note: After you carefully review this document, refer to Upgrading to Open SiteSearch 4.1.2 for specific instructions about upgrading your current SiteSearch environment to version 4.1.2.

Document Conventions

Throughout this document:

  • <WebZ_root> refers to the location of your WebZ environment
  • 4.0.x refers to any SiteSearch 4 version prior to 4.1.0; that is, 4.0.0, 4.0.0a, 4.0.1, or 4.0.2.
  • 4.1.x refers to SiteSearch 4.1.0 or 4.1.1.
  • OBI, version 1, refers to the WebZ Out-of-the-Box Interface, version 1.
  • A continuation character (\) sometimes appears in examples for readability.
  • (new) after a file or directory name indicates a new file or directory introduced in version 4.1.2.
  • (removed) after a file or directory name indicates that the file or directory was removed in version 4.1.2.

New Functionality and Software Enhancements

Important Note: The SS4_1_2.jar and pears. jar file contain the software byte code and replaces the .jar file(s) included in previous versions of the Open SiteSearch suite.

Feature List

The following list summarizes the new functionality and software enhancements included in SiteSearch 4.1.2, grouped by component.

All Components


WebZ and Database Builder

Database Builder

Affected Component: All

Affected Files

Support for Linux Operating System

SiteSearch 4.1.2 adds Linux as a supported operating system. SiteSearch has been tested for compatibility with Red Hat Linux, version 6.2, on the Linux X86 platform.


Removing Support for HP-UX Operating System

SiteSearch 4.1.2 no longer supports the HP-UX operating system.


Return to Feature List

Affected Component: WebZ

Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

Affected Files

Compatibility with IPIG-Compliant Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Services

SiteSearch 4.1.1 introduced a WebZ ILL client that sends ILL requests that conform to the ILL Protocol Implementors Group (IPIG) profile. SiteSearch 4.1.2 is compatible with the following IPIG-compliant ILL services:

SiteSearch 4.1.2 provides three generic ILL server configuration files in <WebZ_root>/ini/servers:

  • OclcISOILL.ini (for OCLC ILL Direct Request and other ILL services that accept BER-encoded ILL requests)
  • EmailILL.ini (for sending ILL requests to a designated e-mail address)
  • MimeEmailILL.ini (for sending an ILL request as a multi-part MIME attachment to an e-mail message)

These files replace the single IllService.ini configuration file provided in earlier SiteSearch versions.

In addition, SiteSearch 4.1.2 provides vendor-specific configuration files, sample ILL request forms, and ILL extended verbs for the IPIG-compliant ILL services listed above.

To configure your WebZ environment to send ILL requests to one of these services, you add information about the ILL service to:

You can configure your WebZ environment to work with one ISOILL verb, one MIME e-mail verb, and one e-mail verb per interface style. However, by using ILL profiling and the Access component, you can use additional ILL services by associating institutions with the ILL services they use on a per-database basis.



      EmailILL.ini (new)
      IllService.ini (removed)
      MimeEmailILL.ini (new)
      MnScuISOILL.ini (new)
      MnScuMimeEmailILL.ini (new)
      OclcISOILL.ini (new)
      PigasusISOILL.ini (new)
      RlgMimeEmailILL.ini (new)
      TlcISOILL.ini (new)


      MnScuillform.html (new)
      Pigasusillform.html (new)
      Rlgillform.html (new)
      Tlcillform.html (new)
    MnScuISOILL (new)
    MnScuMimeILLEmail (new)
    PigasusISOILL (new)
    RlgMimeILLEmail (new) (new)

ILL Profiling

SiteSearch 4.1.2 adds ILL profiling, the ability for each institution associated with your WebZ system to specify an ILL service a per-database basis. For example, a WebZ environment with four databases and patrons from two institutions could configure ILL processing as follows:

Institution Database ILL Service
Inst. #1 DB #1 E-mail ILL to
DB #4 E-mail ILL to
Inst. #2 DB #1 PigasusISOILL
DB #2 PigasusISOILL
DB #3 E-mail ILL to
DB #4 PigasusISOILL

You specify this information in the WebZ Access database, accessdb. In SiteSearch 4.1.2, accessdb's authos table has an instkey column instead of an instsym column. The instkey column is the new link to the inst table. Another new column in the inst table, illdbkey, links an institution to a new table, illdbkey. This table contains the ILL services that each institution wishes to use for each database in the WebZ environment for which you have enabled patron-initiated ILL.

To indicate that WebZ should use ILL profiling when processing an ILL request from a particular database, you set the illservice variable in the [database] section of the database's configuration file as follows:

illservice = profiled

all database configuration files
     shipped with WebZ

<WebZ_root>/mysql/accessdb.dump (UNIX)

<WebZ_root>/accesssql/accessdb.sql (Windows NT)


ILL Double Check

SiteSearch 4.1.2 introduces ILL double check and demonstrates this feature in the OBI, version 1.

Double check allows you to configure WebZ to determine whether a particular library catalog holds an item before allowing a patron to request the item via ILL. If the database searched contains the item, the double check screen (<WebZ_root>/htdocs/obiv1/html/doublecheck.html) appears and shows the library's holdings for the item.

If you configure double check to allow the patron to submit an ILL request even if the library catalog has the item, the double check screen includes links (buttons) to the ILL request form and the full record display.

If you configure double check to prevent the patron from submitting an ILL request if the library holds the item, the double check screen includes only a link to the full record display.

For double check to function properly, the database to be searched needs:

There are two ways to configure double check:

  • by style, using new variables in the [defaults] section of the interface style configuration file to specify the database to search and whether to allow the patron to request the item if the database contains the item.
  • institution-specific, using new columns in the WebZ Access database, accessdb, to specify the database to search and whether to allow the patron to request the item if the database contains the item by institution. By associating patron logins (autho/password combinations) with an institution, the accessdb structure allows you to specify a patron's home library as the library to search.

In addition to the configuration changes noted above, a new illconfirmbutton variable in the [anchors] section of the interface style configuration file, BaseStyle.ini, (which is commented out by default), needs to be uncommented.

    doublecheck.html (new)

all database configuration files
     shipped with WebZ

     IllDoubleCheck.ini (new)


<WebZ_root>/mysql/accessdb.dump (UNIX)

<WebZ_root>/accesssql/accessdb.sql (Windows NT) (new)
    DoubleCheckHeader (new)

Example Extended Verb for E-mail ILL

MyILLEmail is an example class that demonstrates extending the ILLEmail verb (ORG.oclc.isoill.ILLEmail). Specifically, it overrides ILLEmail's buildMsg() method to show how to modify the format of the e-mail message that contains the ILL request.

Return to Feature List

WebZ Interface

Affected Files

Limit Number of Databases in Custom Topic

SiteSearch 4.1.2 allows you to limit the number of databases in a patron-created custom topic. This limitation may be useful for optimal performance. The OBI, version 1 uses <WebZ_root>/htdocs/obiv1/html/definetopic.html as the screen for customizing or defining topics.

You specify the number maximum number of databases that a custom topic can contain in a new variable, maxtopicdbs, in the [defaults] section of the interface style configuration file (<WebZ_root>/ini/interface/obiv1/BaseStyle.ini in the OBI, version 1). If the patron creates or modifies a topic with more databases than specified in maxtopicdbs, he/she receives an error message and must remove databases from the topic before proceeding.



Add Full Text Button to Brief Results Screen in OBI

The [brief] and [nfbrief] display specifications in the ABI Inform formatting configuration file (<WebZ_root>/ini/format/obiv1/reference/ABIIFormats.ini) contain a new formatting rule, BriefFullTextButton. This new rule adds the full text button to the brief record display when full text is available for a citation.


(Show DRA Holdings on Brief Record Display

The AddBriefHoldings formatting rule now contains code that allows you to display DRA holdings information on the brief record display.


Create Hotlink from Phrase in Interface Style Configuration File

A new formatting rule, AddAnchor, creates a hotlink from the value of a variable stored in the [anchors] section of the interface style configuration file (&StyleTable.anchors.variable_name). The rule's anchor parameter indicates the relevant variable in the [anchors] section.

ORG.oclc.fmts.rules.AddAnchor (new)

Handle Preformatted Text in Full Text Records

When the FormatRecord gadget prepares the HTML for a full text record, it now brackets the formatted record with the preformatted (<pre> and </pre>) tags to retain the formatting in the full text record.


Better Error Message When No Indexes Available

The IndexSelect gadget now displays the message "[No indexes available]" when creating a drop-down list of indexes and no indexes have been specified in the [IndexLists] section of the database configuration file.


Sort Databases and Topics by Longname

In SiteSearch 4.1.2, the databases on the database list screen (<WebZ_root>/htdocs/obiv1/html/dblist.html in the OBI, version 1) and the databases within a topic appear sorted by Longname (name as you wish it to appear in the WebZ interface). In previous SiteSearch versions, the sort occurred on Dbname (the name that WebZ uses to identify the database).

Open Hotlink Created by AddHTTPAnchor in New Browser Window

A new optional parameter (target) in the AddHTTPAnchor formatting rule allows you to specify the target (generally a new window) for opening the page specified in the hotlink that this formatting rule creates.


New Parameters for AddRecordData Formatting Rule

The AddRecordData formatting rule (ORG.oclc.fmts.rules.AddRecordData) now accepts three new optional parameters:



doHtmlDiacritics Override the value of the doHtmlDiacritics parameter for the display specification of which the rule specification is a part. This affects only the data formatted by this rule.
maxLength   Specify the maximum number of characters shown for this field in the record display. If the data exceeds the maxLength, the rule truncates the field display at the maximum length and ends it with "...".
missingData Specify a value to display for the field if the record contains no data in the field(s) indicated in the rule's field specification.

Increase Access to Selected Methods Related to Styles in GadgetAndStyleLoader

Several methods in GadgetAndStyleLoader were made static so that styles can be added outside the Init class.



Return to Feature List

Access Component

Affected Files

Changes to AccessClient Interface

SiteSearch 4.1.2 changes to the WebZ Access component resulted in modifications to the AccessClient interface (ORG.oclc.access.AccessClient).

This class has three new methods: setLocale(), getLocale(), and get(), and changes to the getRemoteAutho() and getRemotePassword() methods.

If you wrote your own Access client, you must modify it accordingly. If your Access client extends ORG.oclc.jassi.access.DefaultAccessClient, it should function correctly if you recompile it.


ZBroker Authorization by Internet Protocol (IP) Address

It is now possible to authorize other Z39.50 clients by their IP addresses if they access your WebZ environment through ZBroker. See Authorizing Remote Z39.50 Clients by IP Address for more information.



Return to Feature List

Database and Server Configuration

Affected Files

FirstSearch 5.0 Database Configuration Files

WebZ includes FirstSearch 5.0 versions of the database configuration files for all FirstSearch databases in the Out-of-the-Box Interface.

The names of some of the databases (and their configuration files) are different for some of these databases. Therefore, <WebZ_root>/ini/databases.ini now contains their new names, as does the sample WebZ Access database file (<WebZ_root>/mysql/accessdb.dump).


     AcxiomBiz.ini (new) – replaces
     AcxiomHome.ini (new) – replaces
     AppliedSciTechAbstracts.ini (new)
          replaces AppliSci.ini
     AppliSci.ini (removed)
     ArtFirst.ini (removed)
     ArticleFirst.ini (new) – replaces
     ArtsHum.ini (removed)
     ArtsHumanities.ini (new) – replaces
     BasicBIOSIS.ini (new)  – replaces
     INSPEC.ini (new) – replaces Inspec.ini
     Inspec.ini (removed)
     MEDLINE.ini (new) – replaces Medline.ini
     Medline.ini (removed)
     ProCDBiz.ini (removed)
     ProCDHome.ini (removed)
     Psyc.ini (removed)
     PsycFirst.ini (new) – replaces Psyc.ini
     SocialSciAbstracts.ini (new) – replaces SocSciIndx.ini
     SocSciIndx.ini (removed)
     UnionList.ini (new) – replaces UList.ini
     UList.ini (removed)

     BasicBIOSISFormats.ini (new)
     ContentsFirstFormats.ini (new)
     ERICFormats.ini (new)
     FSAcxiomFormats.ini (new)
     FSAppSciTechFormats.ini (new)
     FSInspecFormats.ini (new)
     FSMedlineFormats.ini (new)
     FSRILMFormats.ini (new)
     FSSocSciAbsFormats.ini (new)
     FSUnionListFormats.ini (new)
     FSWorldCatFormats.ini (new)
     RILMMarcArticleILLFormat.ini (new)


<WebZ_root>/mysql/accessdb.dump (UNIX)

<WebZ_root>/accesssql/accessdb.sql (Windows NT)

ORG.oclc.qnorm.RemoteZFSSubjects (new)

Access to FirstSearch 5.0 Test Databases

The FirstSearch.ini server configuration file includes a public autho and password that provides access to FirstSearch test databases in the FirstSearch test environment. At this time, available test databases are WorldCat, ArticleFirst, and Union Lists. As other databases become available in the test environment, the public autho and password will provide access to these databases as well.


Return to Feature List


Affected Files

Access to Direct Article Access for FirstSearch Databases

SiteSearch 4.1.2 now supports the third-party linked text and Electronic Collections Online .pdf files added for Z39.50 access to FirstSearch 5.0 databases. SiteSearch 4.1.2 creates the URLs with links to this information in full-text SUTRS records requested with elementSetName=t.


Enhancements to NewtonDbBaseTermNormalizer

The default query normalization (filter) class for local databases, ORG.oclc.qnorm.NewtonDbBaseTermNormalizer, has two new optional parameters:




Specify a list of characters that cause a break between terms in a phrase when submitting a query, such as the hyphens in the phrase:

   Geology--Florida--Caladesi Island

To use a space as a delimiter, insert it within a list of other delimiters, such as:

   delimiters=\ -

The default is no delimiters.


Indicate that extra spaces should be collapsed into a single space when submitting a query.

Possible values are true or false, where the default is false.

To use these parameters, add them to the appropriate [index_definition] section of the database's configuration file.


New Method in MarcBuilder

The MarcBuilder class has a new method, addNewTagWithAllSubfields(). This method allows MARC records with repeating tags and their subfields to be data ordered.


Return to Feature List

Affected Component: WebZ and Database Builder

Affected Files

MySQL Shipped as SQL Database for Access Component (UNIX only)

For UNIX systems, MySQL replaces mSQL as the SQL relational database for the SiteSearch Access component. MySQL is a very fast, multithreaded, multi-user, and robust SQL database server. MySQL is a widely-used open source relational database management system so it is freely available and continuously enhanced by its user community.

UNIX only:
/mysql/ (new directory)

<WebZ_root>/msql (removed)

      mysql (new)
      mysql_rb (new)
      msql (removed)
      msql_rb (removed)

Enhanced Authentication Controls During Login

Three new controls prevent unauthorized access to your WebZ environment or Record Builder application. You configure these controls with optional variables in the WebZ and Record Builder Access client configuration files (<WebZ_root>/ini/servers/Access.ini and Access_rb.ini, respectively):




(Access.ini only)

Prevents patron from logging in when a system error occurs during the authentication process.

The Record Builder Access client already prevents logging in if a system error occurs, so this variable does not apply to Access_rb.ini.

StripChars   Specifies character(s) to be automatically stripped from an autho or password before processing.
BlockChars   Specifies character(s) that, if present in an autho or password, trigger an authorization failure and prevent further processing.



Convert 4.1.1 to 4.1.2 Database Table Structure

Since the latest versions of the Access databases for WebZ (accessdb) and Record Builder (rbdb) use a different table structure than that of previous versions, SiteSearch 4.1.2 provides a utility to convert an existing 4.1.x mSQL, MySQL, or NT SQL database to the 4.1.2 structure. The utility:

  • creates a .dump file of the data from the existing database
  • creates a new empty database with the 4.1.2 table structure
  • adds the existing data to the appropriate columns in the new database. New columns in each record are blank are blank after conversion.

You can use a converted database without modification, although you must provide appropriate data in the new columns to take advantage of the 4.1.2 features that require this data.


Return to Feature List

Affected Components: Database Builder

Record Builder Application

Affected Files

Support for Dublin Core Qualifiers/DCQ Database Framework

SiteSearch 4.1.2 adds support for qualified Dublin Core elements.

A new database framework introduced in SiteSearch 4.1.2, DCQ, uses the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, Version 1.1 and qualifiers, as described in Dublin Core Qualifiers. This is the same set of elements used in the DC(2) database framework. The qualifiers included in the DCQ framework are identical to those used in CORC at the time of the SiteSearch 4.1.2 release.

The main differences between the DC(2) and DCQ database frameworks are:

Uses schemes and qualifiers to refine and clarify data elements. Uses schemes and modifiers (SiteSearch 4.1.1) or qualifiers (SiteSearch 4.1.2) to refine and clarify data elements.

Each qualifier is associated with certain schemes. When you select a qualifier, you must select a scheme from a list associated with that qualifier.

Schemes and modifiers (qualifiers) are independent of one another. You can assign any allowable scheme and any allowable modifier to any data element.

Qualifiers and modifiers are synonymous. For consistency with DCQ, the DC(2) database framework, the Save database, and the sample Parks and Scores databases shipped with SiteSearch 4.1.2 have these changes in their template.xml, field,xml, and dc.dtd files:

  • Replace "modifier" with "qualifier" in labels and element names
  • Change the namespace for scheme and qualifier elements from RB to DC

The DCQ database framework has its own template.xml and field.xml files. New hooks support the DCQ template.

It is possible to convert a database built using the DC(2) database framework to the DCQ framework.


<WebZ_root>/dbbuilder/dbs/dcq/ (new directory and subdirectories)





<WebZ_root>/ini/dbs/localdcq_rb.ini (new)

    DC3DropDownSetup (new)
    DC3ElementHook (new)
    DC3URLHook (new)

Constant Data for Workforms

SiteSearch 4.1.2 supports application of constant data to specified elements in a DC(2), DCQ, or MARCCatalog database. Applying constant data refers to adding predefined values for some elements (fields) on a data entry workform. There are two ways to apply constant data:

  • Automatically. Automatically add constant data to a workform (Edit Record screen) after creating a new record.
  • Manually. Add constant data by selecting Apply constant data from the Available actions list on the Edit Record screen.

In either case, the metadata specialist can edit or delete the constant data once it appears in a text entry field.

You configure use of constant data for a database by:

  • adding a constantxml variable to the template definition section [ttemplate_definition] of its database configuration file to specify the file that contains this workform's constant data
  • specifying the elements (fields) for which you want to provide constant data and the constant data values in the file referenced in the constantxml variable.
  • Adding an applyConstantData variable to indicate whether to apply the constant data manually (applyConstantData = manual) or automatically (applyConstantData = auto).

As long as you base workforms on the same template, you can create multiple workforms for the same database, each of which has different constant data values.

Record Builder demonstrates the use of multiple workforms and both manual and automatic application of constant data for the DCQ and DC(2) database frameworks.



      constant.xml (new)
      constant2.xml (new)

      constantBKS.xml (new)
      constantBLN.xml (new)
      constantCOM.xml (new)
      constantMAP.xml (new)

      constantMIX.xml (new)
      constantREC.xml (new)
      constantSCO.xml (new)
      constantSER.xml (new)
      constantVIS.xml (new)



ORG.oclc.mantis.ConstantDataHook (new)
    MARCConstantDataHook (new)

Authorization Privilege Levels

Record Builder provides improved control over record editing and review privileges in SiteSearch 4.1.2 if you it configure it to use the Access component.

SiteSearch 4.1.1 allowed you to assign the following privileges to metadata specialists to perform Record Builder activities:

  • searching a database (search)
  • submitting records to a database (write)
  • deleting records from a database (delete)
  • viewing XML templates from within (view)

SiteSearch 4.1.2 adds two additional privilege levels – edit and review. Edit level privileges permit a metadata specialist to edit records from a target database, but not to submit them to the target database. Instead, the specialist adds the records to the Save database, where another staff member with review privileges reviews the records, edits them if needed, and then submits them to the target database.

In the Access component, each privilege level has an associated numerical value (interface level). In rbdb, the Record Builder Access database, the interfacelevel column in the authos table stores the interface level assigned to each autho. The Access component uses this value to set up Available actions lists consistent with the user's authorization level upon login.

The following table shows the relationship between activities, privileges, interface levels, and the autho in the sample rbdb database assigned each interface level.



   Interface Level   


Search and display records from the database search 1 RBLite
Edit records and add to Save database edit


Submit records to target database
write 5 RBCataloger
Delete records from target database delete 5 RBCataloger
Review and approve records in the Save database review 7 RBReviewer
View XML templates admin 10 RBAdmin

In addition, the type column in rbdb's access table allows you to assign privileges to user groups (to which you assign individual authos) on a per-database basis. This allows you to customize access for each user.

Also note that:

  • rbdb.dump no longer contains the RBGuest autho
  • the default autho and password on the Record Builder login screen (<WebZ_root>/htdocs/rbv0/index.html) is now RBCataloger.


<WebZ_root>/mysql/rbdb.dump (UNIX)

<WebZ_root>/accesssql/rbv0/rbdb.sql (Windows NT)

Available Actions List Consistent with Authorization Level

In SiteSearch 4.1.1, the Available actions list on the Edit Record and View Record screens showed all possible Record Builder actions even if the metadata specialist did not possess the authorization level to carry out these actions.

In SiteSearch 4.1.2 the Available actions list includes only the actions for which the metadata specialist has the proper authorization level. For example, if a metadata specialist does not have write privileges for a target database, the Available actions list does not contain the "Submit record" option.


Assign Default Database by Autho

In SiteSearch 4.1.x, a Record Builder user must a select a default database before using the Open Record or Open Browse options. In SiteSearch 4.1.2, a user's authorization record in the authos table of Record Builder's Access component database (rbdb) can contain a default database in a new column, defaultdb. If configured to use the Access component (click here for UNIX and here for Windows NT, Record Builder checks this value when authorizing a user and sets the user's default database accordingly.

<WebZ_root>/mysql/rbdb.dump (UNIX)

<WebZ_root>/accesssql/rbv0/rbdb.sql (Windows NT)

Record Status Options

SiteSearch 4.1.2 provides new, customizable record status options to aid in tracking records through your workflow. The status values shipped with Record Builder and their definitions are:

Status    Definition
Imported   Record added to the Save database by batch or single-record import (reserved for future use).
New Default status for new record added to the Save database, unless otherwise modified.
In-process Temporary record not fully catalogued and not ready for review.
Complete Completed record ready for review.
In-review Record in the review process.
Incomplete Record that has been reviewed but requires editing before submitting it to the target database.
Approved Record ready for submission to the target database.
Delete Record to be deleted from the Save database without adding it to the target database.

These options work in conjunction with the enhanced control over cataloging privileges introduced in SiteSearch 4.1.2. For example, a new cataloger with edit privileges (see the RBTrainee autho in the rbdb sample database) can create a new record and add it to the Save database with a status of New, In-process, or Complete. A reviewer can search the Save database for records with a status of Complete, review these records, and then change their status accordingly.

You can modify the status values as needed, although you must be cautious about removing status values that may currently be in use. The [RecordStatus_Cataloger] and [RecordStatus_Reviewer] indexes of the <WebZ_root>/ini/dbs/localSave_rb.ini configuration file (the database configuration file for the Save database) contain a list of the status values available to catalogers and reviewers, respectively. The restrictor values defined for these indexes control the status values available for data entry and searching the Save database. (See More Access Points in Save Database for Record Review.)




More Access Points in Save Database for Record Review

The Record Builder Search Saved Records screen in SiteSearch 4.1.2 includes additional options for locating records in the Save database. These options include:

  • New Date Range and Reviewer indexes
  • The ability to limit searches by record status and the name (autho) of the cataloger who created the record

These supplement the indexes introduced in SiteSearch 4.1.1 for searching the Save database, such as Title, Notes, Record ID, Save ID, Database, Created On, and Modified On.

ORG.oclc.mantis.gadgets.Limits (new)



Clarify Workflow After Searching Save Database

SiteSearch 4.1.2 clarifies the available actions after searching for a record(s) in the Save database by modifying the icons and menu options on the Search Saved Results screen. The following table describes these changes. In the table, the columns labeled 4.1.2 and 4.1.1 refer to the icons and the actions shown on the Available actions list in SiteSearch 4.1.2 and 4.1.2, respectively.



Record Admin Info
Edit administrative information about record in Save database. Although some bibliographic fields are displayed, they cannot be edited.
Edit Record

Edit Record
Open record for editing using the Edit Record screen and remove it from the Save database. After editing the record, the metadata specialist may, depending on privilege level, submit the record to the Save database again for review or submit the record to the target database.
Restore Record

Delete Record
Delete record from Save database.
Delete Record

Copy and Edit Record
Open record for editing using the Edit Record screen but retain a copy of the record in the Save database.
Copy Saved Record


    admin_short.gif (new)


Guidelines for Customizing DC Templates

The SiteSearch Help Zone now contains guidelines for customizing DC templates. OCLC recommends customizing a template when you are planning a new database and before the database contains data.

The guidelines cover the following customizations for both DCQ and DC(2) database frameworks:

  • Adding new elements under a new XML namespace (local or domain-specific)
  • Adding or removing schemes or qualifiers (qualifiers are called modifiers in the version 4.1.1 DC(2) database framework
  • Adding constant data for one or more elements
  • Removing elements not used for a particular database

See Customizing DC Templates for more information and links to procedural and reference documents about template customization.


Modify Repeatable Fields without Jumping to Top of Workform

In SiteSearch 4.1.2, when a metadata specialist clicks the button to add another instance of a repeatable data element or field on the Edit Record screen, or Record Builder no longer jumps to the top of the workform. Instead, Record Builder places the cursor in the text box of the newly added field. This also occurs when deleting a repeatable field, turning an identifier field into a hyperlink, or editing the hyperlink.


Return to Feature List


Affected Files

Batch Load Record Builder Journal Files

Prior to SiteSearch 4.1.2, the procedure for recovering a corrupted database updated with Record Builder involved restoring a database backup and manually apply each Record Builder journal file against the database using commands on SSDOT's Advanced Options menu. Since each journal file contains one transaction, this could require numerous manual updates.

SiteSearch 4.1.2 adds two more items to SSDOT's Advanced Options menu to apply the journal files to the backup in batch mode:

  • 7. Add journal records to database and create index terms (Pippin)
  • 8. Add REPLACE journal records ONLY to database (Pippin -fo flag)

After applying all the journal files, SSDOT copies each Record Builder journal file to an /archive directory underneath the database's /journal directory.


sgmlconv -p

To batch load SGML data into a local database updated with Record Builder, you need to run the sgmlconv utility with the -p flag to create BER records in a format compatible with Record Builder. A new option on SSDOT's BER Records menu, 5. Convert data to BER-formatted records (SGMLconv with -p flag), allows you to do this through SSDOT rather than executing sgmlconv from the command line.


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Bug Fixes

SiteSearch Component
Affected File(s)
BR135: HTML Page Using Toolbar Gadget Appears Blank in Netscape 4.5 WebZ ORG.oclc.gadgets.ToolbarAnchor
BR134: Characters with Diacritics Missing When Viewing Search Results from DC(2) Database with Record Builder Database Builder <WebZ_root>/ini/format/rbv0/
BR133: Diacritics Truncated at First Character When Editing or Viewing Record from DC(2) Database with Record Builder Database Builder <WebZ_root>/classes/lib/SS4_1_2.jar
BR131: Thumbnails Not Reordered After Sorting Result Set WebZ <WebZ_root>/classes/lib/SS4_1_2.jar
BR130: ZBase Does Not Update Patron's List of Authorized Databases Upon Reauthorization WebZ <WebZ_root>/classes/lib/SS4_1_2.jar
BR129: Subfield Label and Trailer in Formatting Rule Do Not Appear in Display WebZ ORG.oclc.fmts.FormatBerUtil
BR128: ZBroker Sessions Not Removed After They Time Out WebZ <WebZ_root>/classes/lib/SS4_1_2.jar
BR127: Alt Message for Save Button on Brief Display Does Not Contain Record Number WebZ
BR126: Holdings Associated with Wrong Record After Sorting De-Duplicated Result Set WebZ <WebZ_root>/classes/lib/SS4_1_2.jar
BR125: Unable to E-mail Bookmarked Records or ILL Requests WebZ


BR124: Record Builder System Failure Errors with Netscape 6/Record Builder Netscape 6 Compatibility Issues Database Builder See Record Builder Fixes for Netscape 6 Compatibility
BR123: WebZ System Failure Errors with Netscape 6/WebZ Netscape 6 Compatibility Issues WebZ See WebZ Fixes for Netscape 6 Compatibility
BR122: Concatenated Words in Indexes for Local Databases Database Builder <WebZ_root>/classes/lib/SS4_1_2.jar
BR121: Article Author Missing from ILL Request WebZ <WebZ_root>/ini/format/obiv1/
BR119: Unlimited User Sessions Per Autho Not Working WebZ <WebZ_root>/classes/lib/SS4_1_2.jar
BR118: Cross-Database Image Navigation Problems When Result Sets Not Combined WebZ



BR117: Methods in JaSSIAccessClient Protected WebZ <WebZ_root>/classes/lib/SS4_1_2.jar
BR116: New Records in Record Builder Sample Databases May Not Have Unique IDs Database Builder <WebZ_root>/ini/dbs/localparks_rb.ini
BR115: Null Pointer Exception After Submitting Direct-to-Lender OCLC ILL Request WebZ <WebZ_root>/classes/lib/SS4_1_2.jar
BR114: .pdf Files Not Displayed in Separate Window in WebZ/Unable to Mask URLs to Images WebZ



BR113: Restrictors Ignored on Local Databases Built on OSF/1 WebZ
Database Builder
BR112: Inconsistent Return of DRA Holdings Across Result Sets WebZ <WebZ_root>/classes/lib/SS4_1_2.jar
BR111: Sort Button Appears When Postings Exceed Sort Threshold in Topic Search WebZ
BR110: De-duplication Affects Databases Searched in Subsequent Searches WebZ
BR109: Nonpublic Note Data Displayed WebZ ORG.oclc.fmts.rules.Add856
BR108: Input Data with Diacritics Truncated at First Diacritic WebZ
Database Builder
BR107: NullPointerException Thrown From Record Present Subsequent to Access Control Challenge WebZ <WebZ_root>/classes/lib/SS4_1_2.jar
BR106: Edited Records Saved in Record Builder Missing Edits Database Builder



BR105: Faulty ILL Error Message WebZ <WebZ_root>/classes/lib/SS4_1_2.jar
BR104: E-mail Error Messages Not Displayed WebZ <WebZ_root>/classes/lib/SS4_1_2.jar
BR103: Record Numbering Error in Record Builder Database Builder ORG.oclc.mantis.hooks.Auth
BR102: Runaway WebZ Server Processes WebZ <WebZ_root>/classes/lib/SS4_1_2.jar
BR101: Apache Memory Leak WebZ Extension <WebZ_root>/httpd/apache_1.3.11/bin/
BR098: Handling Missing Records Returned from a Z39.50 Server WebZ <WebZ_root>/classes/lib/SS4_1_2.jar

BR097: Lost Search History

WebZ <WebZ_root>/classes/lib/SS4_1_2.jar
BR096: Incorrect System Error Thrown in Record Builder Database Builder

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See Also

Upgrading to Open SiteSearch 4.1.2
Description of the Open SiteSearch 4.1.1 Release
Description of the Open SiteSearch 4.1.0 Release
Description of the Open SiteSearch 4.0.2 Release
Description of the Open SiteSearch 4.0.1 Release
Description of the Open SiteSearch 4.0.0a Patch
Open SiteSearch Suite Known Bug List (by Category)


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