Main -> Documentation -> The WebZ Interface -> WebZ Rules-Based Formatting -> Formatting Configuration Files

Formatting Configuration Files

Content and Role of the Formatting Configuration File
Sharing Formatting Configuration Files
Predefined Formatting Configuration Files


This topic describes the content and role of formatting configuration files in rules-based formatting as demonstrated in the Out-of-the-Box Interface (OBI), version 1.

Content and Role of the Formatting Configuration File

Formatting configuration files contain the central components of rules-based formatting functionality. They are the housing for display specifications, rule specifications, and field specifications. Like many other configuration files, a formatting configuration file is divided into sections so that you can quickly find, create, and modify such things as labels, field definitions, and indicators in one location.

Example Formatting Configuration File

Looking below at a portion of the MarcArticleFormats.ini file, for the OBI, version 1, you can see some of the typical specifications found in a formatting configuration file. (The following example is for the brief format.)

Formatting configuration file example

Sharing Formatting Configuration Files

Some formatting specifications are the same from one formatting configuration file to another. Rather than redefine these specifications individually for each formatting configuration file, they can be defined once in their own configuration file and then shared with other files using the #include statement. (For example, several formatting configuration files for the OBI, version 1 include MarcArticleRules.ini by default.)

#include "format/obiv1/MarcArticleRules.ini"

Predefined Formatting Configuration Files

To view the complete list of formatting configuration files shipped with SiteSearch 4.1.0 look in the directory, <WebZ_root>ini/format/obiv1 on your system.

See Also

Formatting Specifications

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