Main -> Documentation -> OCLC SiteSearch Record Builder -> Record Builder Interface -> Screens -> Edit Record

Edit Record Screen


The Record Builder application's Edit Record screen allows you to enter data for a new record or to edit an existing record in a local database.

When Displayed

Record Builder displays the Edit Record screen when you do one of the following:


Dublin Core (with Qualifiers) (DCQ) default workform for a new record (beginning with SiteSearch 4.1.2)

    Edit Record screen-new record

Dublin Core(2) default workform for a new record

    Edit Record screen-new record


In SiteSearch 4.1.1, the drop-down lists are Scheme and Modifier. Modifier is equivalent to Qualifier in SiteSearch 4.1.2..

MARC Catalog Sound Recording workform with data

    Edit Record screen - existing record

Usage Notes

  • When you open a blank record, Record Builder adds the database's name and the record's preliminary identifier (such as new-1, new-2, etc.) to the Current EditSession list.
  • When you open an existing record, Record Builder adds the database's name and the record's identifier to the Current EditSession list. The lock symbol (Locked symbol) indicates that the record is locked. When a record is locked, no other Record Builder user can edit this record, nor can patrons view the record through the WebZ interface.
  • Enter data in the fields relevant to the record. Type data in the field or select a value from a drop-down list. See Data Entry Fields and Buttons for more information about fields and buttons on this screen.
  • If the Current EditSession information includes Results button, Previous record button or Next record button buttons, you can click these buttons to return to the Search Results screen, view the previous record on the Search Results screen, or view the next record on the Search Results screen, respectively.

Next Action

Take one of the following actions:

In all cases, Record Builder displays a message asking you to confirm your action.

After you submit the record to the database or cancel edits, Record Builder unlocks the record. Other Record Builder staff can now edit the record. The record's database and identifier still appears in the Current EditSession list, but the lock symbol changes (Unlocked symbol ) to show that the record is no longer locked.

Data Entry Fields

The following table describes the types of data entry fields used on the Edit Record screen.

Field Example(s) Description
  Indicate the status of the
Single-entry field Field that can contain a single entry. Type the value in the text box.
Multiple-entry field

Repeatable field (one that can contain multiple entries):

  • Type the field value in the text box. The value can be longer than the number of lines shown.
  • Click Add button to add another entry.
  • Click Delete button to remove both the text box and the entry (if the field has more than one entry) or to remove the entry (if the field has only one entry).
  • Click Help button (if this button is available) to view online help for this field in a second browser window.

Repeatable field with scheme and modifier

Repeatable field with scheme

Repeatable field with a scheme (controlled vocabulary that is the source of the content of the field) and/or a modifier (term that refines or specifies the meaning of the content of the field):

  • Select the scheme from the Scheme drop-down list.
  • If there is a modifier, select it from the Modifier drop-down list.
  • Type the field value in the text box. The value can be longer than the number of lines shown.
  • Click Add button to add another entry.
  • Click Delete button to remove both the text box and the entry (if the field has more than one entry) or to remove the entry (if the field has only one entry).
  • Click Accept  button (if this button is available) to turn the entry into an authorized entry and lock down the scheme and/or modifier. If the scheme is URL, make the URL into a hyperlink.
  • Click Edit button (if this button is available) to open the field for editing and/or change the scheme or modifier selection.
Repeatable field with scheme and drop-down list

Repeatable field with a scheme and a drop-down list:

  • Select the scheme from the Scheme drop-down list.
  • Select the field value from the unnamed drop-down list.
  • Click Add button to add another entry.
  • Click Delete button to remove both the text box and the entry (if the field has more than one entry) or to remove the entry (if the field has only one entry).


Button Action
Add button Add another entry for this field.
Delete button

If there are multiple entries for this field, delete this entry.

If there is only one entry for this field, delete the data in the field.

Accept  button

Lock down a scheme, and if the entry is a URL, turn the entry into a hyperlink. If the field's purpose is to specify the name and location of an image file, the hyperlink allows you to view the image in a second browser window while editing the record.

Edit button Edit the data in a field that has been made into a hyperlink.
Obtain online help for this field in a second browser window.

Available Actions List

The upper-right corner of the Edit Record screen (see Examples) contains a drop-down list labeled Available actions. The table that follows describes each of the items on this list. Beginning with SiteSearch 4.1.2, if the SiteSearch Access component controls access to Record Builder, the items on the Available Actions list vary, depending on the privilege level (interfacelevel) assigned to a particular user name.

Item Action
View record Display all the data in the record in read-only mode.
Submit record

Submit the record as it now appears on the screen to the database. This is equivalent to saving the record in the database.

Export record Export selected record to a pre-defined directory on the host server.
Export record as . . . Export selected record locally to user's workstation.
Delete record Permanently remove the record from the database.
Copy record Make a copy of the record and open the copy of the record so that you can edit it.
Cancel changes Discard any changes you made to the record since you have opened it for editing.
View XML

View the XML (Extensible Markup Language) tree for this record.

View template View the blank XML workform used as the basis for the data entry form used for the record.
View template (pop.) Same as View template, but the XML now contains the data in the record. This is the XML tree (populated template) that Record Builder maintains in the record's EditSession object while you are editing it.
Apply constant data
(beginning with 4.1.2)
Add any constant data defined for the workform to the record. If you have already added data to any fields for which constant data has been defined, Record Builder adds another instance of each field to contain the constant data. You can modify and/or delete the constant data values as desired.
Save record Save the record in the Save database, a temporary storage location for records that are incomplete, in progress, or awaiting review.

See Also

New Record Screen
Search Results Screen
A Walkthrough of the Record Builder Interface

Performing Online Record Updates to Local Databases with Record Builder
Record Builder Database Frameworks

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