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About Interface Style Configuration Files


Document Conventions

Interface Styles
Interface Style Configuration Files
Location of Interface Style Configuration Files
Organization of Interface Style Configuration Files
Determining How or Where an Interface Setting Is Used

Document Conventions

  • <WebZ_root> is the location of your WebZ environment.
  • 4.0.x refers to any SiteSearch 4 version prior to 4.1.0; that is, 4.0.0, 4.0.0a, 4.0.1, or 4.0.2.


This document introduces you to interface style configuration files. Related documents provide reference information about:

Interface Styles

An interface style defines specific aspects of the WebZ interface – fonts, colors, images, HTML pages, targets (for a frames-based interface), and gadgets referenced in HTML pages to build the interface. You can have more than one interface style in your WebZ system and present the appropriate interface style to a patron based on his or her authorization profile by using the Access component.

The Record Builder application included with Database Builder uses interface styles in a similar manner, but you should not modify the Record Builder interface.

Interface Style Configuration Files

An interface style configuration file the information necessary to set up an interface style for establishing a particular look and feel to the WebZ (or Record Builder) interface.

Another related configuration file, the interface display configuration file, contains similar information about the gadgets used to format records returned in response to search results submitted by patrons.

Location of Interface Style Configuration Files

Interface style configuration files reside in the <WebZ_root>/ini/interface directory. For SiteSearch 4.1.0, WebZ interface style configuration files are located are in subdirectories underneath this directory:

Interface style configuration files for Record Builder are stored in the /rbv0 directory.

For SiteSearch 4.0.x, all interface style file configuration files are located in the <WebZ_root>/ini/interface directory.

Organization of Interface Style Configuration Files

Like other WebZ and Record Builder configuration files, interface style configuration files contain a number of sections. Each section contains a number of variables, each with a particular value.

The sections in interface styles are similar (although not identical) for all SiteSearch versions. See Interface Style Configuration Files - Sections and Variables for more information.

Determining How or Where an Interface Setting Is Used

It is not always clear from the name of a variable just how or where the variable is used in the interface. In general, variables can be referenced by HTML entities, WebZ classes, or both. Thus, as you work with or modify the variable settings in an interface style configuration file, you often need to determine just how the setting is used in the interface before you modify it.

A recommended method for locating variables is to use a search tool to scan through the HTML files for a particular section name and/or a variable name. If the variable or section does not occur in the HTML files, then the variable is probably used only by a WebZ class. For example, if you want to know how the colors.toolbg setting is used in the interface, you could search the HTML files for "colors.toolbg". Though search tools may vary, at a minimum the results of the search should indicate the names of each file that contains it and its location in the file.

If the variable does not occur in the HTML files, search the Java source files included with your WebZ system. For example, suppose you searched for "colors.Database" in the HTML files and got no results. The next step is to search the source files. When searching source files for an interface setting, search for a phrase like ""colors" or ""Databases," (where the double-quote mark that precedes each word is significant). The search result will indicate which classes reference the particular variable. You can then examine the source code of the classes for detailed information on how the variable is used.


Examples of adequate search tools for locating variables would be the grep command (for UNIX) or the WinDiff utility or the Find File or Folders application (for Windows NT). For the Find File or Folders application, you must use the advanced settings to specify a search for files that contain a specific text string.

See Also

Introduction to WebZ
Interface Display Configuration Files
ObiTopics.ini Configuration File

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