Main -> Documentation -> WebZ System Administration -> WebZ Configuration Files -> ZBrokerServer.ini Configuration File

ZBrokerServer.ini Configuration File


Document Conventions
File Location
Sections and Variables in ZBrokerServer.ini
Authorizing Remote Z39.50 Clients by IP Address
ZBrokerServer.ini File Example


The ZBrokerServer.ini file contains configuration information for the OCLC SiteSearch WebZ software to allow external Z39.50 clients to access the ZBase server.

The ZBrokerServer.ini file contains several sections (appearing as [section_name]), and each section contains one or more variables that define various server operations. This document describes the sections and variables in ZBrokerServer.ini, with a separate table for each section. A ZBrokerServer.ini file example appears after the tables.

Important Note:   Upon installation, the ZBroker server is not configured to immediately start with the WebZ system. Although this configuration file is included in your environment, you must add the server to the OpServe.ini file before the Operations (OpServe) component can access ZBroker and allow external clients to connect to the server.

Document Conventions

  • <WebZ_root> is the location of your WebZ environment.
  • "Default value" is the value of a variable when WebZ was initially installed on your system.
  • Unless otherwise specified, all variables must contain a value; they cannot be left empty.
  • "External Z39.50 clients" refers to clients who search ZBase directly without going through the JaSSI server and the WebZ interface.

File Location

The ZBrokerServer.ini file is located in the <WebZ_root>/ini directory of your SiteSearch installation.

Sections and Variables in ZBrokerServer.ini

ZBrokerServer.ini contains the following sections:

[ZBroker] Section



Defines the port that the ZBroker server will run on. Port 210 is the standard Z39.50 access point. A ZBroker server connects to this port so that external clients have a consistent port to connect to for ZBase access.


The ZBroker files should have the same owner as that of your other SiteSearch files. See SiteSearch Environment Ownership for more information.

However, in a UNIX environment, your operating system may require that processes that control port numbers under 1024 be owned by the root account. To conform to good UNIX system administration practices, we recommend that you use another workaround or choose a port number greater than 1024 for the ZBroker port instead of making the root account the owner of the ZBroker process.

(the standard Z39.50 access point)


Specifies the location of the configuration files for the WebZ system. WebZ appends this path to all of the configuration files referenced in the ZBrokerServer.ini file that do not have a full path name.



Defines the maximum number of simultaneous users allowed on a ZBroker server at one time. If a server reaches its maximum number of users, the server stops "listening" to the specified port, and the ZBroker server starts a new ZBroker server to accept new remote sessions from the port. The original server shuts down after all of its users log off or time out.



Specifies the location of the startup script for ZBroker and the command used to start a ZBroker server. Only the ZBroker server itself uses this command to launch a new server as described for the MaxClientConnections variable.

<WebZ_root>/scripts/ssmgr.hostname zbroker


  • <WebZ_root>/scripts/ is the location of the script
  • ssmgr.hostname zbroker is the start command
(beginning with version 4.1.2)

Indicates that you want to authorize non-SiteSearch Z39.50 clients that access your WebZ environment via ZBroker by their Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. Possible values are TRUE (authorize by IP address) or FALSE (do not authorize by IP address). See Authorizing Remote Z39.50 Clients by IP Address for more information.

FALSE (if not specified)

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[ZServer] Section



Provides the name of the WebZ server that the ZBroker forwards Z39.50 requests to, allowing external Z39.50 clients to search local databases and remote Z39.50 and non-Z39.50 resources.

(do not change this value)


Defines the name and location of the server configuration file for the WebZ server specified in the name variable in this section. The system precedes this value with the value of the IniFileRoot variable in the [ZBroker] section of this file.


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[Timers] Section



Specifies how long, in seconds, a user session remains idle before the ZBroker automatically logs the user off the server.

(15 min.)


Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, that the ZBroker server should wait on a response from another server across an open socket.

(2 min.)


Defines how often, in seconds, ZBroker should perform housekeeping tasks. ZBroker ensures that the rolling intervals for servers, users, and statistics logs function correctly and flushes the logs if necessary. The server also reports its current system load statistics to the OpServe.

This variable does not control how often garbage collection occurs; the Java Virtual Machine performs garbage collection dynamically.

(10 min.)

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[ServerTrace] Section



Specifies the level of detail in the trace messages written to the ZBroker server log file.

You can also set ZBroker logging manually with the settrace command in the ssadmin interface.



Provides the location of the directory ZBroker uses to store its server logs.



Provides the base name that ZBroker uses to write out server log files. ZBroker adds the sessionid, time, and date stamps to this base name before saving the server log.


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[SessionTrace] Section



Specifies the level of detail in the trace messages written to the ZBroker user log file.

You can also set ZBroker logging manually with the settrace command in the ssadmin interface.



Provides the location of the directory where ZBroker stores user log files.



Provides the base name that ZBroker uses to write out user log files. ZBroker adds the sessionid, time, and date stamps to this base name before saving the user log.


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[Operations] Section



Specifies the location of the Operations directory where ZBroker reads server load balancing values. The other WebZ servers have access to ZBroker's load balancing values in this directory.



Identifies the type of server defined in this configuration file. The OpServe uses this information to execute administrative tasks for the ZBroker server.

(do not change this value)


Defines the location of the host environment configuration file used by the WebZ software. This file contains information such as the ID, name, and load distribution percentage of the servers hosting the WebZ system. This file is located in the directory specified by the IniFileRoot variable in the [ZBroker] section of this file.


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Authorizing Remote Z39.50 Clients by IP Address

Beginning with SiteSearch 4.1.2, follow these steps to configure and test IP authorization of remote Z39.50 clients that access your SiteSearch environment.

ZBroker/ZBase Configuration

1. Add ZBroker to the [ServerType] section of the OpServe.ini configuration file.
2. Add this line to the [ZBroker] section of the ZBrokerServer.ini configuration file:

UseIPAsAutho = true

3. Set the CheckNameAuthos variable in the [ZBase] section of the WebZ Access Client configuration file (<WebZ_root>/ini/servers/Access.ini) to true:

CheckNameAuthos = true

4. Stop and then restart WebZ (click here for UNIX; click here for Windows NT).

Verifying Proper ZBroker IP Authorization

5. Turn on logging for the ZBroker server. Within ssadmin, enter the following command:

settrace -t zbroker trace_all ServerLog

6. Check the log for the zbroker server: <WebZ_root>/logs/ The ZBroker Server Initialization section at the top of the log should contain this line near the bottom of this section:

Use IP as Autho : true

Verifying that Authorization by IP Functions Correctly

7. Turn on logging for the Access server. Within ssadmin, enter the following command:

settrace -t access trace_all ServerLog

8. Access ZBase via ZBroker. Note the IP address of the system you are using.

9. Check the log for the Access server: <WebZ_root>/logs/ Make sure that the log contains the IP address of the system you just used to access ZBase.

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ZBrokerServer.ini File Example

# ZBroker.ini
# program to manage external z39.50 connections
# from other than SiteSearch 4.0 clients
# replacement for wrkc process # to run on port 210, must have 'root' as # the owner of the process.

port = 210
IniFileRoot = <WebZ_root>/ini
MaxClientConnections = 100
StartCommand = <WebZ_root>/scripts/ssmgr.hostname zbroker
name = ZBase
inifile = servers/ZBase.ini
# Given in seconds
UserSessionIdleTimeout = 900
ReadTimeout = 120
HouseKeepingInterval = 600
traceLevel = TRACE_NONE
traceDirectory = <WebZ_root>/logs
traceFilename = zbroker.serverLog
traceLevel = TRACE_NONE
traceDirectory = <WebZ_root>/logs
traceFilename = zbroker.userLog
OpsConfigDir = <WebZ_root>/ops
ServerType = ZBroker
HostMapIni = HostMap.ini

See Also

WebZ Configuration Files
WebZ System Administration
Description of the WebZ System

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