Main -> Documentation -> WebZ System Administration -> WebZ Configuration Files -> Access Client Configuration Files

Access Client Configuration Files



Document Conventions
Sections and Variables in Access Client Configuration Files

File Example


The Access client configuration files contain configuration information for the Access component of the Open SiteSearch WebZ software. The Access component allows you to provide patron authentication and profiling for WebZ users using a relational database management system (RDBMS). If you have Database Builder and are using its Record Builder application, you can also use the Access component to provide authentication for Record Builder staff and users.

For information about the Access component and the elements that comprise it, see Access Component Overview.

There are different JaSSI Access clients for WebZ (JaSSI) and Record Builder (JaSSIRB). Both WebZ (ZBase) and Record Builder (ZBaseRB) use the same ZBase Access client. WebZ and Record Builder have their own Access client configuration files.

The Access.ini configuration file configures the Access clients (JaSSI and ZBase) and the types of patron authentication (user name and password, Internet Protocol address, and/or Domain Name System) required for access to WebZ database searching.

The Access_rb.ini configuration file configures the Access clients (JaSSIRB and ZBaseRB) required to provide staff and user authentication for using Record Builder to create, modify, and view database records.

By default, both WebZ and Record Builder authentication are turned off; you need to turn on the appropriate authentication type(s) to use the Access component for each. You also need to consider what changes to make to the Out-of-the-Box interface (OBI) to ensure that WebZ patrons are prompted for authentication in the HTML and that the appropriate verbs and widgets are used to authenticate patrons where necessary. You should not need to change the Record Builder interface to enable authentication.

Location: You can find Access.ini and Access_rb.ini in the <WebZ_root>/ini/servers directory of your SiteSearch installation.

Document Conventions

  • <WebZ_root> is the location of your WebZ environment.
  • "Default value" is the value of a variable when WebZ was initially installed on your system.
  • The default value shown in the Default column applies to both Access.ini and Access_rb.ini unless otherwise indicated.
  • Unless otherwise specified, all variables must contain a value; they cannot be left empty (blank).

Sections and Variables in Access Client Configuration Files

Access.ini and Access_rb.ini each contain several sections (appearing as [section_name]):

Each section contains one or more variables that define various server operations. The following tables describe each section and its variables. A file example follows the tables.


[AccessServer] Section

Important Note: Do not change the name of this section. It must remain constant for the Access server to function correctly.


Defines the port that the Access server runs on.

This variable is optional. You only need to include it in the Access.ini file if you are using another server for patron authentication and authorization in place of the WebZ Access server. At present, it is only possible to use the Record Builder Access server to provide for authorization for Record Builder.



Defines the host system that the Access server runs on.

This variable is optional. You only need to include it in the Access.ini file if you are using another server for patron authentication and authorization in place of the WebZ Access server. At present, it is only possible to use the Record Builder Access server to provide for authorization for Record Builder.


Indicates whether to convert any upper-case characters typed by a patron or staff member on the log-in screen to lower-case characters before they are checked against values in the authorization database.

Set this variable to TRUE if the data in your authorization database is in lower-case characters.


(Access.ini only)
(beginning with version 4.1.2)

Flag that when set to true, prevents patron from logging in when a system error occurs during the authentication process.


The Record Builder Access client already prevents logging in if a system error occurs, so this variable does not apply to Access_rb.ini.




Allows you to specify characters to be automatically stripped from an autho or password before processing.


StripChars = ,.$@



Allows you to specify characters that, if present in an autho or password, trigger an authorization failure and prevent further processing.


BlockChars = \'


serverType Type of the Access server. Do not change this value.



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[JaSSI] Section



Allows user name and password authorization for the JaSSI server (WebZ) or JaSSIRB server (Record Builder). This variable can be either:

  • TRUE (authorize by user name and password)
  • FALSE (do not authorize by user name and password).


Allows Internet Protocol (IP) address authorization for the JaSSI server (WebZ) or JaSSIRB server (Record Builder). This variable can be either:

  • TRUE (authorize by IP address)
  • FALSE (do not authorize by IP address).
Note: Authorization by IP address is not available for Record Builder. Therefore, leave this value set to FALSE in Access_rb.ini.


Allows Domain Name System (DNS) authorization for the JaSSI server (WebZ) or JaSSIRB server (Record Builder). This variable can be either:

  • TRUE (authorize by DNS)
  • FALSE (do not authorize by DNS).
Note: Authorization by DNS is not available for Record Builder. Therefore, leave this value set to FALSE in Access_rb.ini.


Specifies the Java class that defines authorization for the JaSSI server.


Tip: For Access.ini, do not set both CheckIPAuthos and CheckDNSAuthos to TRUE at the same time. Authorization by IP address and authorization by DNS both check similar user information before allowing a user to access the Database Selection screen. Set one of these two variables to FALSE for authorization purposes. However, you can enable user name and password authorization in addition to authorization by IP address or DNS entry.

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[ZBase] Section



Allows user name and password authorization for the ZBase server (also known as ZBase name authorization). This variable can be:

  • TRUE (user name and password are authorized)
  • FALSE (user name and password are not authorized).

If you decide to authorize users at the ZBase level, the JaSSI sends the user name and password to the ZBase for authorization in a Z39.50 init request.

NOTE:   Set this variable to TRUE if you use the resources table of accessdb for the WebZ Access component to store multiple autho/password combinations for a resource (generally a database server). You would do this when different patron groups use different autho/passwords to access the same resource.


Specifies the Java class that defines authorization for the ZBase server.


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[Timers] Section



Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, that the JaSSI or JaSSIRB client should wait on a response from the Access server across an open socket.


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[Counters] Section



Specifies the number of times a patron or staff member can attempt to log in to JaSSI or JaSSIRB. The default value of 0 indicates that a patron or staff member can has an unlimited number of log-in attempts.



Specifies the numbers of times that JaSSI or JaSSIRB tries to connect to Access.

If JaSSI fails to connect after the specified number of attempts, the patron can log into the JaSSI server and have access to every database defined in databases.ini (for WebZ patrons).

If JaSSIRB fails to connect after the specified number of attempts, JaSSIRB considers this an authorization failure and does not let the staff member into Record Builder.


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File Example


#[AccessServer] Section name must not change.
# [AccessServer]
port = 0
host = localhost UseLowerCase = false
BlockOnError = false StripChars = ,.$@
BlockChars = \'
serverType = Access
CheckNameAuthos = false
CheckIPAuthos = false
CheckDNSAuthos = false
clientClass = ORG.oclc.jassi.access.JaSSIAccessClient
CheckNameAuthos = false
clientClass = ORG.oclc.zbase.access.ZBaseAccessClient
ReadTimeout = 120
AuthorizationRetries = 0
ServerConnectRetries = 1

See Also

Access Component Overview
Access Server Configuration Files
Configuration Files that Support the Access Component
Configuring the Access Component for WebZ (UNIX)
Configuring the Access Component for WebZ (Windows NT)
Configuring the Access Component for Record Builder (UNIX)
Configuring the Access Component for Record Builder (Windows NT)
WebZ Configuration Files
Record Builder Configuration Files
WebZ System Administration

Record Builder System Administration

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