Open SiteSearch 4.1.1

Uses of Interface

Packages that use JavaPage

Uses of JavaPage in ORG.oclc.mantis

Classes in ORG.oclc.mantis that implement JavaPage
 class CreateHTMLTemplate
 class TemplateEditor

Uses of JavaPage in

Classes in that implement JavaPage
 class AuthorityQuery
 class chooser
 class currentcreate
          The currentcreate class selects the current user's search screen.
 class mantisinit
          The mantisinit class creates default UserStateObject entities for a new user.
 class mantisscreen
          The mantisscreen class overrides the UserStateObject entities dblabel.
 class nosession
 class RBAuthorize
          The RBAuthorize class validates a client's access with either an authorization/password pair or IP address.
 class rbsearchscreen
          The rbsearchscreen class selects the appropriate ZDb object and updates the current ZUser to reflect that object.
 class savesearchscreen
          used by savesearch.html only The savesearchscreen class selects the appropriate ZDb object and updates the current ZUser to reflect that object.
 class setHomePage
          The initialize class ensures that the entity homepage is set.
 class SetSearchPage

Uses of JavaPage in ORG.oclc.mantis.verbs

Classes in ORG.oclc.mantis.verbs that implement JavaPage
 class ESDbUpdate
          The ESDbUpdate class is the Verb that handles the Extended Services Database Update request and response by extending the WebZ EXTSVC Verb.
 class ESLock
          The ESLock class is used to setup the Z39.50 QUERY Verb that will issue a query to ZBase.
 class LoadWorkForm
          LoadWorkForm is a Verb used to read ini/mantis/workform.ini for a specific workform and generate a corresponding DataDir to be used to populate the database's template for adding a new record.
 class MCANCEL
          The MCANCEL class is a specialized Verb in Record Builder whose primary function is to cancel a current edit session and to release the record lock from that edit session.
 class MCLONE
          The MCLONE class is a specialized Verb for the MCLONE uses input parameters contained in the RequestManager object.
 class MDELETE
          The MDELETE class is a specialized Verb in Record Builder whose primary function is to delete a record from a database.
          The MDISPLAY class is a specialized Verb in Record Builder whose primary function is to presnt a display view of the current record.
 class MEDIT
          The MEDIT class is a specialized Verb for the MEDIT uses input parameters contained in the RequestManager object.
 class MEXPORT
          The MEXPORT class is a specialized Verb for the MEXPORT uses input parameters contained in the RequestManager object.
 class MLOGOFF
          The MLOGOFF class is a specialized Verb in Record Builder whose function is to logoff a user and remove any existing record locks.
 class MSAVE
          The MSAVE class is a specialized Verb in Record Builder whose primary function is to presnt a display view of the current record.
 class MSCLONE
          The MSCLONE class is a specialized Verb in Record Builder whose primary function is to extract the ber record part of the current saved record to the target db MCLONE uses input parameters contained in the RequestManager object.
 class MTLOAD
          The MTLOAD class is a specialized Verb in Record Builder whose primary function is to presnt a display view of the current record.
 class MUNSAVE
          The MUNSAVE class is a specialized Verb in Record Builder whose primary function is to presnt a display view of the current record.
 class MUPDATE
          The MUPDATE class is a specialized Verb in Record Builder whose primary function is to update a database record and release the record lock from that edit session.
 class MVerb
          The MVerb class is one of the baseline Z39.50 classes for implementing WebZ in Java.
 class MVIEW
          The MVIEW class is a specialized Verb for the MVIEW uses input parameters contained in the RequestManager object.

Uses of JavaPage in

Classes in that implement JavaPage
 class Authorize
          The Authorize class validates a client's access either an authization/password pair or IP address.
 class authorizescreen
          The authorizescreen class creates prepares the authorize screen for display.
 class briefscreen
          The briefscreen class creates/updates the UserStateObject entities resultsrecno, headermessages, endrecno and dblabel.
 class currentsearch
          Deprecated. Not for public use in the future. This functionality has been added to currentstate.
 class currentstate
          The currentstate class selects the current user's interface state.
 class dblistscreen
          The dblistscreen class initalizes the active entity and updates the CurrentPage entity to "DBList".
 class DefineTopic
          The DefineTopic class creates or updates a TopicEntry.
 class definetopicscreen
          The definetopicscreen class creates a checkbox list of all available databases and checks selected ones for the current selected TopicEntry.
 class errorscreen
          The erroscreen class renders html when a invalidDatabaseAuthorization error is returned.
 class fullscreen
          The fullscreen class creates/updates the UserStateObject entities PrevRec, NextRec, FullTextLink, ILLLink and NOTE: the ILLLLink anchor nly appears if it is avaliable for that database.
 class fulltextscreen
          The fulltextscreen class creates the header information describing the current full text record.
 class historyscreen
          The historyscreen class creates a list of HTML checkboxes from the user's search history information, which include dbnames, query(es), postings and resultsetname(s).
 class illconfirmscreen
          The illconfirmscreen class creates prepares set UserStateEnties from record and patron data for use in an HTML Form.
 class illformscreen
          The illformscreen class creates prepares set UserStateEnties from record and patron data for use in an HTML Form.
 class initialize
          The initialize class creates default UserStateObject entities for a new user.
 class isoillscreen
          Deprecated. Not for public use in the future isoillscreen has been replaced by illformscreen.
 class localholdingsscreen
          The localholdingsscreen class sets entities apprpriate to displaying the localholdings data linked to from a citiation record.
 class recordscreen
          The recordscreen class creates/updates the UserStateObject entities PrevRec, NextRec, FullTextLink, ILLLink and headermessages.
 class refinescreen
          The refinescreen class includes the correct DisplayGadget references and state information.
 class resultsframescreen
          The resultsframescreen class may reorder list of Databases used on search results navigation frame.
 class resultsinfoscreen
          The resultsinfoscreen class creates/updates the UserStateObject entities resultsrecno, headermessages, endrecno and dblabel.
 class resultsnavscreen
          The resultsnavscreen class creates/updates the UserStateObject entities SortLink, CurrentPostings, and LimitInfo.
 class resultsscreen
          The resultsscreen class creates/updates the UserStateObject entities resultsrecno, headermessages, endrecno and dblabel.
 class scannavscreen
          The scannavscreen class creates/updates the UserStateObject entities ScanDbs.
 class scanresultsscreen
          The scanresultsscreen class retrieves the SCAN verb results from the UserStateObject entity scanresults and creates a two column HTML table of the terms.
 class searchrefinescreen
          The searchrefinescreen class includes the correct DisplayGadget references and state information.
 class searchscreen
          The searchscreen class selects the appropriate ZDb object and updates the current ZUser to reflect that object.
 class sortscreen
          The sortscreen class includes the correct DisplayGadget references and state information.
 class startscreen
          The startscreen class sets up the correct first page to display based on the style table entry pages.homepage

Uses of JavaPage in

Classes in that implement JavaPage
 class AdvancedQuery
          The AdvancedQuery class is a specialized QUERY Verb for the advanced search page in the SiteSearch OBI designed to set up the correct parameters for using a full record display formatting class rather than a brief display.
 class BookMark
          The BookMark class is a specialized FETCH Verb to save(bookmark) records for later e-mail or display.
 class EmailRecs
          The EmailRecs class E-mails saved(bookmarked) records using the Sun's JavaMail1.1 client classes.
 class ExampleExtSvc
          The ExampleExtSvc class is an example template for creating an extended services request by extending the WebZ EXTSVC Verb.
 class HistoryQuery
          The HistoryQuery class is a specialized QUERY Verb to create queries from the history search page in the SiteSearch OBI.
 class MyISOILL
          The MyISOILL class provides the capability to extend the ISOILL class.
 class TermFinderQuery
          The TermFinderQuery class is a specialized QUERY Verb to retrieve the Term List from the TermFinder search screen.
 class ThesaurusQuery
          The ThesaurusQuery class is a specialized QUERY Verb for retrieving results to create the thesaurus tree display.
 class TopicQuery
          The TopicQuery class is a specialized QUERY Verb to customize queries from the quick search option on the SiteSearch OBI database selection page.

Uses of JavaPage in ORG.oclc.webz

Classes in ORG.oclc.webz that implement JavaPage
 class EXTSVC
          The EXTSVC class is the WebZ Verb that formulates and issues a Z39.50 Extended Services request to a Z39.50 server using parameters contained in a RequestManager object, or a RequestManager object and a string containing a URL.
 class FETCH
          The FETCH class is the WebZ Verb that performs a Z39.50 present.
 class ILLEmail
          The ILLEmail class provides the capability to issue an email request for an Interlibrary Loan.
 class ImageFETCH
          The ImageFETCH class is the WebZ Verb that is specialized to perform Z39.50 present requests for binary images stored in a newton database.
 class INIT
          The INIT class performs a Z39.50 Init request to a Z39.50 server hosting a database.
 class ISOILL
          The ISOILL class provides the capability to issue an ISOILL request for an Interlibrary Loan.
 class LIMIT
          The LIMIT class is the WebZ Verb to set a persistent limiting query string to be 'anded' on all queries until the limit is reset.
 class LOGOFF
          The LOGOFF class sets flags in the user state to indicate the user is exiting the system so that user session shutdown processing can be performed after the response is issued to the user.
 class QUERY
          The QUERY class is the WebZ Verb that performs a Z39.50 search and present.
 class SCAN
          The SCAN class is the WebZ Verb that performs a Z39.50 scan and present.
          The SETDBAUTHO class is the WebZ Verb that performs a Z39.50 search and present.
 class Verb
          The Verb class is parent class to all the WebZ Verbs implmented in the JaSSI.
 class ZQueryHandler
          The ZQueryHandler class is a utility class for Z39.50 search and scan - It creates a query string from an input URL and invokes the Z39.58 query parser to create a query string to pass the Z39.50 search and scan classes.
 class ZVerb
          The ZVerb class is one of the baseline Z39.50 classes for implementing WebZ in Java.

Open SiteSearch 4.1.1