Open SiteSearch 4.1.1
Class DefineTopic


public class DefineTopic
extends Object
implements JavaPage

The DefineTopic class creates or updates a TopicEntry. DefinTopic uses input parameters (widgets) contained in a RequestManager object. These widgets will contain a TopicName and list of ZDB objects. The new TopicEntry is assigned the defaultTopic's disallowed list and dbgroup.

A successful execution of DefinTopic updates userTopics entity in the current UserStateObject and sets up the next page or command for execution in the RequestManager object. If a failure occurs the userTopic is not created or updated. contain the reason and the bad page or command for execution is set up in the RequestManager.

The URL widgets recognized by the DefineTopic class are:
dbname - the database name(s)
CustomTopicLongName - name of the TopicEntry

See Also:
Topics, TopicEntry, UserStateObject, DataPairs, RequestManager, ZDb

Constructor Summary
          Constructs a DefineTopic object.
Method Summary
 void runit(RequestManager rMngr)
          Run the customize action by parsing the url widgets to get the list of database names and the name of the topic area to create/modify.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DefineTopic()
Constructs a DefineTopic object.
Method Detail


public void runit(RequestManager rMngr)
Run the customize action by parsing the url widgets to get the list of database names and the name of the topic area to create/modify. Executes the DefineTopic class using the parameters in the RequestManager object.
Specified by:
runit in interface JavaPage
rMngr - the RequestManager object

Open SiteSearch 4.1.1