Open SiteSearch 4.1.1


Class Summary
AdvancedQuery The AdvancedQuery class is a specialized QUERY Verb for the advanced search page in the SiteSearch OBI designed to set up the correct parameters for using a full record display formatting class rather than a brief display.
BookMark The BookMark class is a specialized FETCH Verb to save(bookmark) records for later e-mail or display.
EmailRecs The EmailRecs class E-mails saved(bookmarked) records using the Sun's JavaMail1.1 client classes.
ExampleExtSvc The ExampleExtSvc class is an example template for creating an extended services request by extending the WebZ EXTSVC Verb.
HistoryQuery The HistoryQuery class is a specialized QUERY Verb to create queries from the history search page in the SiteSearch OBI.
MyISOILL The MyISOILL class provides the capability to extend the ISOILL class.
TermFinderQuery The TermFinderQuery class is a specialized QUERY Verb to retrieve the Term List from the TermFinder search screen.
ThesaurusQuery The ThesaurusQuery class is a specialized QUERY Verb for retrieving results to create the thesaurus tree display.
TopicQuery The TopicQuery class is a specialized QUERY Verb to customize queries from the quick search option on the SiteSearch OBI database selection page.

Open SiteSearch 4.1.1