Open SiteSearch 4.1.1


Class Summary
Authorize The Authorize class validates a client's access either an authization/password pair or IP address.
authorizescreen The authorizescreen class creates prepares the authorize screen for display.
briefscreen The briefscreen class creates/updates the UserStateObject entities resultsrecno, headermessages, endrecno and dblabel.
currentsearch Deprecated. Not for public use in the future.
currentstate The currentstate class selects the current user's interface state.
dblistscreen The dblistscreen class initalizes the active entity and updates the CurrentPage entity to "DBList".
DefineTopic The DefineTopic class creates or updates a TopicEntry.
definetopicscreen The definetopicscreen class creates a checkbox list of all available databases and checks selected ones for the current selected TopicEntry.
errorscreen The erroscreen class renders html when a invalidDatabaseAuthorization error is returned.
fullscreen The fullscreen class creates/updates the UserStateObject entities PrevRec, NextRec, FullTextLink, ILLLink and NOTE: the ILLLLink anchor nly appears if it is avaliable for that database.
fulltextscreen The fulltextscreen class creates the header information describing the current full text record.
historyscreen The historyscreen class creates a list of HTML checkboxes from the user's search history information, which include dbnames, query(es), postings and resultsetname(s).
illconfirmscreen The illconfirmscreen class creates prepares set UserStateEnties from record and patron data for use in an HTML Form.
illformscreen The illformscreen class creates prepares set UserStateEnties from record and patron data for use in an HTML Form.
initialize The initialize class creates default UserStateObject entities for a new user.
isoillscreen Deprecated. Not for public use in the future isoillscreen has been replaced by illformscreen.
localholdingsscreen The localholdingsscreen class sets entities apprpriate to displaying the localholdings data linked to from a citiation record.
recordscreen The recordscreen class creates/updates the UserStateObject entities PrevRec, NextRec, FullTextLink, ILLLink and headermessages.
refinescreen The refinescreen class includes the correct DisplayGadget references and state information.
resultsframescreen The resultsframescreen class may reorder list of Databases used on search results navigation frame.
resultsinfoscreen The resultsinfoscreen class creates/updates the UserStateObject entities resultsrecno, headermessages, endrecno and dblabel.
resultsnavscreen The resultsnavscreen class creates/updates the UserStateObject entities SortLink, CurrentPostings, and LimitInfo.
resultsscreen The resultsscreen class creates/updates the UserStateObject entities resultsrecno, headermessages, endrecno and dblabel.
scannavscreen The scannavscreen class creates/updates the UserStateObject entities ScanDbs.
scanresultsscreen The scanresultsscreen class retrieves the SCAN verb results from the UserStateObject entity scanresults and creates a two column HTML table of the terms.
searchrefinescreen The searchrefinescreen class includes the correct DisplayGadget references and state information.
searchscreen The searchscreen class selects the appropriate ZDb object and updates the current ZUser to reflect that object.
sortscreen The sortscreen class includes the correct DisplayGadget references and state information.
startscreen The startscreen class sets up the correct first page to display based on the style table entry pages.homepage

Open SiteSearch 4.1.1