Main -> Documentation -> OCLC SiteSearch Record Builder -> Record Builder Configuration Files

Record Builder Configuration Files

Similar to WebZ, Record Builder uses a number of different configuration files:

The sections in this topic briefly describe each type of configuration file and provide the directory locations and a list of specific files for each type.

Record Builder and WebZ use many of the same types of configuration files. Links to documentation for these configuration files direct you to documents that cover both the Record Builder and the WebZ versions of these files.

Document Conventions

  • <WebZ_root> is the location of your WebZ environment.

Record Builder Server Configuration Files

Record Builder is another instance of WebZ that uses many of the same types of server configuration files as WebZ. The Database Builder installation creates Record Builder server configuration files in the same directory (<WebZ_root>/ini) as those for WebZ. Their names are the same as the corresponding WebZ files except that they have an "_rb" extension to distinguish them from their WebZ counterparts.

Directory Location

Record Builder Database Configuration Files

The database configuration files in Record Builder configure access to local databases through the Record Builder interface. While the sections and their functionality are largely identical to those of database configuration files for WebZ, Record Builder database configuration files (ones typically with "_rb" in their file names) contain additional sections related to online database updates ([ExtendedServices] and [ExtendedServicesDbUpdate] and the database templates and workforms for a particular database ([templates] and [ttemplate_definition].

Directory Location
File List

SiteSearch 4.1.1:

SiteSearch 4.1.0:

  • localARCH_rb.ini (for Archive framework)
  • localERES_rb.ini (for Electronic Reserve framework)
  • localdc_rb.ini (for Dublin Core framework)
  • localmcat_rb.ini (for MARC Catalog framework)
  • Lock.ini

The first four files in the table above correspond to the four database frameworks available in the Record Builder interface. The fifth file (Lock.ini) is the configuration file for the lock server database, which tracks the Record Builder databases and records used during a session and who is using them. When you clone a new database from one of the database frameworks provided with Record Builder, you will add a database configuration file for the new database to this directory.

Record Builder Database Server Configuration Files

In WebZ, the Access and ZBase components act as both servers and clients. Because of their dual role, there are two configuration files for each component, one for their role as a server and another for their role as a client. The same is true in Record Builder, which has AccessServer_rb.ini and Access_rb.ini files, as well as ZBaseServer_rb.ini and ZBase_rb.ini files. See Record Builder Server Configuration Files for information about AccessServer_rb.ini and ZBase_rb.ini.

Directory Location
File List

Record Builder Formatting Configuration Files

Record Builder formatting configuration files contain information necessary for formatting data for display in the Record Builder and/or WebZ interfaces.

Directory Location
File List
<WebZ_root>/ini/format/rbv0 For Record Builder interface:
  • ArchiveRBFormats.ini
  • DCFormats.ini
  • MarcRBCatalogFormats.ini
  • MarcRBCatalogRules.ini
  • RBRules.ini
  • ReserveRBFormats.ini
  • SaveFormats.ini (beginning with SiteSearch 4.1.1)

For WebZ interface:

  • ArchiveFormats.ini
  • ReserveFormats.ini

As shown In the above table, two formatting configuration files sometimes exist for the same database, except that file includes the characters "RB" in its name. This is because you can make Record Builder databases accessible from both Record Builder and WebZ. Those with "RB" in their file names contain references to special verbs that allow a cataloguer to view records using the Record Builder interface. Those without an extension are for making databases searchable and accessible to patrons through the WebZ interface.

Record Builder Interface Configuration Files

Record Builder interface configuration files build the interface used for searching and viewing database records. They establish such characteristics and structures as color, font, general layout, and gadgets that build the HTML pages for the Record Builder interface.

Directory Location
File List
  • BaseNoFrameStyle.ini
  • BaseStyle.ini
  • colorsBlue.ini
  • fontsArial.ini
  • imagesBlue.ini
  • noframeBlueStyle.ini
  • noframeDisplayGadgets.ini
  • pagesNoFrame.ini
  • RBStyle.ini

Note:  Since Record Builder is an application rather than a toolkit, OCLC does not support modifications to Record Builder's interface configuration files. Modifying the interface will complicate upgrading to subsequent versions of the Record Builder interface.

See Also

Record Builder Interface
Working with Configuration Files
The WebZ Interface

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