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Database List Configuration Files

The databases.ini file defines the list of databases available to (or "known by") the WebZ system. A database must be listed in the databases.ini file for it to be accessible to the system. The databases.ini file also defines the group databases that provide cross-database searching capability in the WebZ interface.

Similarly, the databases_rb.ini file defines the list of databases available to Database Builder's Record Builder application. However, Record Builder does not possess cross-database searching capability.

This document describes the sections and variables included in databases.ini and databases_rb.ini, discusses the relationship between a database list configuration file and the databases available to a user, and provides an example of a database list configuration file.

Document Conventions

  • <WebZ_root> is the location of your WebZ environment.

File Locations

The databases.ini and databases_rb.ini files are located in the <WebZ_root>/ini directory of your installation.

Sections and Variables in Database List Configuration Files

Database list configuration files may have these sections:

[GroupDatabaseDefinitions] Section


The [GroupDatabaseDefinitions] section applies only to databases.ini.



OR, beginning with version 4.0.2:


Path and name of the group database configuration file for a particular database group. List multiple database groups as group1, group2, group3, and so on, or beginning with version 4.0.2, as group*, group*, group*, and so on.

Beginning with version 4.0.2, you can use either numerals or asterisks to list the database groups, but do not mix the two; use either all numerals or all asterisks. For versions prior to 4.0.2, use numerals only.



Include a new line at the end of this section, which will normally be the end of the file. This is necessary for the last database in the list to display in the WebZ or Record Builder interface.




OR, beginning with version 4.0.2:


Path and name of the database configuration file for a particular database. List databases sequentially with a numeral for each database (db1, db2, db3, and so on), or beginning with version 4.0.2, an asterisk for each database (db*, db*, db*, and so on).

Beginning with version 4.0.2, you can use either numerals or asterisks to list the databases, but do not mix the two; use either all numerals or all asterisks. For versions prior to 4.0.2, use numerals only.

There is no limit to the number of databases that can be listed in databases.ini or databases_rb.ini.

You specify these references relative to the directory defined in the IniFileRoot variable in the [JaSSI] section of JaSSIServer.ini (for databases.ini) or JaSSIServer_rb.ini (for databases_rb.ini).


In databases_rb.ini, the [ZBaseDBs] section must include this line:

db* = dbs/Lock.ini

This is necessary for Record Builder's Lock server (which prevents more than one Record Builder user from modifying a record simultaneously) to function correctly.

Database List Configuration Files and Databases Accessible to Users

Database list configuration files contain references to every database accessible to WebZ and Record Builder, respectively. However, not every database always appears on the initial database list screen presented to users.

You can use the Access component to control the databases that individual WebZ patrons or Record Builder staff see on WebZ's or Record Builder's database list screen. In the WebZ Out-of-the-Box Interface (OBI), version 1, WebZ's database list screen is <WebZ_root>/htdocs/obiv1/html/dblist.html or <WebZ_root>/htdocs/obiv1/html/nfdblist.html. In the Record Builder interface, version 0, the database list screen is <WebZ_root>/htdocs/rbv0/html/new.html.

In addition, database configuration files for WebZ databases also contain a HideInMenus variable in their [database] section. If HideInMenus = true, the database never appears on the database list screen. For example, you would generally keep a thesaurus database that supports vocabulary-assisted searching off the database list, so the database configuration file for the thesaurus database would have HideInMenus = true.

Database List Configuration File Example

# databases.ini - from SiteSearch 4.1.0
group1 = dbs/BaseGroup.ini
group2 = dbs/PhoneGroup.ini
db1 = dbs/WorldCat.ini
db2 = dbs/ABII.ini
db3 = dbs/AppliSci.ini
db4 = dbs/ArtFirst.ini
db5 = dbs/ArtsHum.ini

See Also

Database Configuration Files
WebZ Configuration Files
Record Builder Configuration Files
WebZ System Administration

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