Main -> Documentation -> WebZ System Administration -> WebZ Configuration Files-> Web Server Extension Configuration Files

Web Server Extension Configuration Files

The WebSvrExt.ini file enables you to provide information for WebZ's Web server extension. Similarly, WebSvrExt_rb.ini contains similar information for the Web server extension for the Record Builder application included with Database Builder.

This document describes the variables included in WebSvrExt.ini and WebSvrExt_rb.ini and provides an example of a Web server extension configuration file.

Document Conventions

  • <WebZ_root> is the location of your WebZ environment.
  • "Default value" is the value of a variable when WebZ (or Record Builder) was initially installed on your system.
  • The default value shown in the Default column applies to both WebSvrExt.ini and WebSvrExt_rb.ini unless otherwise indicated.
  • Unless otherwise specified, all variables must contain a value; their value cannot be left empty.
  • Version 4.0.x refers to any SiteSearch 4 version prior to 4.1.0; that is, 4.0.0, 4.0.0a, 4.0.1, or 4.0.2.

File Location

You can find WebSvrExt.ini and WebSvrExt_rb.ini in the <WebZ_root>/ini directory.

Sections and Variables in Web Server Extension Configuration Files

WebSvrExt.ini and WebSvrExt_rb.ini each have one section, [HTTP_Server], as described in the following table:

[HTTP_Server] Section





Specifies the level of detail in the trace messages written to the log file for your Web server. Check your Web server's documentation for the name and location of the log file.

Change this value to TRACE_ALL to increase the detail in the trace messages.



Specifies the location of the operations directory where the WebZ extension reads server load balancing values.



A part of the URL that denotes the request should be sent to the WebZ system. The value of nameSpace1 is used as a URL indicator to denote the tasks WebZ extension performs and manages.

For version 4.0.x, NameSpace1 must be /WebZ/.

Beginning with version 4.1.0, it is possible to use a namespace other than WebZ. See Alternate Namespace in the SiteSearch 4.1.0 release notes for more information.



Defines the location of the host environment configuration file used by the WebZ software. This file contains information such as the ID, name, and load distribution percentage of the servers hosting the SiteSearch system.


WebSvrExt_rb.ini only


Name of the load file that contains server load balancing values.

You do not need to specify a value for LoadFile for WebSvrExt.ini, as the system assumes that jassi.load contains the load balancing information for WebZ's Web server extension.

Since a different load file, jassirb.load, contains load balancing information for Record Builder's Web server extension, you must specify this file's name in the LoadFile variable in WebSvrExt_rb.ini.

(for WebSvrExt_rb.ini)

Web Server Extension File Example

TraceLevel = TRACE_NONE
OpsConfigDir = <WebZ_root>/ops
NameSpace1 = /WebZ/
HostMap = <WebZ_root>ini/HostMap.ini
LoadFile = jassirb.load

See Also

JaSSI Server Configuration Files
Access Server Configuration Files
ZBase Server Configuration Files
OpServe Configuration Files

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Last Modified: August 31, 2007