Open SiteSearch 4.1.1

Interface DisplayRule

All Known Implementing Classes:
Add856, AddBriefHoldings, AddCompoundSubjectPhrase, AddDatabaseName, AddFetchAnchor, AddFormattedDupData, AddFSABIISubjects, AddFSMedlineSubjects, AddFullTextButton, AddHoldings, AddHTTPAnchor, AddILL920FieldSendToList, AddILLData, AddILLDatabaseName, AddILLOclcNum, AddILLSendToList, AddImageDisplayAnchor, AddLocalHoldingsButton, AddRecordData, AddRecordNumber, AddSaveButton, AddWrapperData, CopyAnchor, DeleteAnchor, EditAnchor, HoldingsSearchKey, SaveDuplicateDatabaseNames, SaveImageInfo, SaveTermFinderResults, UpdateCurrecno

public abstract interface DisplayRule

The DisplayRule interface class defines the method that must be implemented to add a new formattting rule in the RulesBasedDisplayGenerator.

Method Summary
 void doRule(DataDir dir, int recordNum, RuleSpec ruleSpec, FormatBerUtil fmtUtil, DisplayUserData userData)
          Executes the rule to create formatted data in the RulesBasedDisplayGenerator.

Method Detail


public void doRule(DataDir dir,
                   int recordNum,
                   RuleSpec ruleSpec,
                   FormatBerUtil fmtUtil,
                   DisplayUserData userData)
Executes the rule to create formatted data in the RulesBasedDisplayGenerator.
dir - the DataDir object containing the data record
recordNum - the record number of the data in the display
ruleSpec - the specifications for formatting the data
fmtUtil - the formatting utilities and the buffer to add the data to.
userData - the DisplayUserData object containing user context specific information

Open SiteSearch 4.1.1