Open SiteSearch 4.1.1

Uses of Interface

Packages that use GadgetBuilder

Uses of GadgetBuilder in ORG.oclc.gadgets

Classes in ORG.oclc.gadgets that implement GadgetBuilder
 class BookMarkBrief
          The BookMarkBrief class is a gadget creates the HTML string for the brief display of bookmarked records.
 class BookMarkEmail
          The BookMarkEmail class is a gadget creates the HTML checkbox string for the e-mail display of bookmarked records.
 class BookMarkFull
          The BookMarkFull class is a gadget creates the HTML string for the full display of bookmarked records.
 class BriefSearchResultsHeader
          The BriefSearchResultsHeader class is a gadget that creates the HTML string for the record header information on a brief search result including the record number and the jump bar It uses the parameters contained in a RequestManager object and the parameters for the gadget read from the configuration files to build the appropriate output.
 class DatabaseList
          The DatabaseList class is a gadget that builds an HTML String containing a list of anchors containing database names that a user has access to.
 class DbListforScanResult
          The DbListforScanResult class is a gadget that creates the HTML string for the display of topics and individual database results from a search.
 class DbListforSearchResult
          The DbListforSearchResult class is a gadget that creates the HTML string for the display of topics and individual database results from a search.
 class Dump
          The Dump class is a gadget that builds an HTML String containing all the data currently stored in the UserStateObject for a user using the parameters contained in a RequestManager object.
 class ExpandHeader
          The ExpandHeader class is a gadget that builds the HTML for the expand screen headers displayed in the SiteSearch OBI.
 class FormatRecords
          The FormatRecords class is a gadget that invokes a database record formatting class to be executed on the object in the user state named UnformattedRecordData containing a Vector of unformatted record data objects in order to create an HTML string representation of the data.
 class FormatRecordsAndAttachHoldings
          The FormatRecordsAndAttachHoldings class is a gadget that searches a holdings database associated with the display database records to retrieve associated holdings data and attach it to the citation record so that the FormatRecord gadget can create an HTML string containing both the citation data and the associated holdings information.
 class FormatRecordsWithDuplicates
          The FormatRecordsWithDuplicates class is a gadget that invokes a database record formatting class to be executed on the object in the user state named UnformattedRecordData containing a Vector of unformatted record data objects in order to create an HTML string representation of the data.
 class FullRecordHeader
          The FullRecordHeader class is a gadget that creates the HTML string for the record header information on a database record full display, including the record number, jumpbar, prev, next, and anchor to return to the brief display.
 class FullTextHeader
          The FullTextHeader class is a gadget that creates the HTML string for the record header information on a database record full text display, including the database name, record number, and return button.
 class IllConfirm
          The IllConfirm gadget formats all the possible information that was used for an ILL request and displays it to the user.
 class IllForm
          The IllForm class is a gadget that creates the bibliographic data and hidden inputs for the ILL request screen.
 class ImageDisplay
          The ImageDisplay class is a gadget that builds the HTML for the thumbnail display of images from a newton database containing binary images.
 class ImageJumpbar
          The ImageJumpbar class is a gadget that builds the HTML anchors for the image page display navigation jumpbar used to quickly display images from a newton database record containing binary images.
 class ImageNav
          The ImageNav class is a gadget that builds the HTML for the thumbnail display of images from a newton database containing binary images.
 class IndexRadio
          The IndexRadio class is a gadget that builds an HTML radio button list of indices for a database.
 class IndexSelect
          The IndexSelect class is a gadget that builds an HTML select list of indices for a database.
 class JumpBar
          The JumpBar class is a gadget that builds the HTML anchors for the record display navigation jumpbar used to quickly locate records for display from a search.
 class Limits
          The Limits class is a gadget that builds an HTML string for the limits defined for a database.
 class QuickSearchTopics
          The QuickSearchTopics class is a gadget that builds an HTML String containing a set of check boxes for the Quick Search topics found on the database selection page of the SiteSearch OBI.
 class RecordHoldings
          The RecordHoldings class is a gadget that creates an HTML string containing formatted record holdings from a holdings database search for an input citation record.
 class RefineScreen
          The RefineScreen gadget renders the html for the refine screen.
 class rssSearchHeader
          The rssSearchHeader class is a gadget that builds the HTML for the search screen headers displayed in the Resource Sharing OBI.
 class ScanResults
          The ScanResults class is a gadget that builds the HTML tables containing the results from a database SCAN for display in the SiteSearch OBI.
 class SearchHeader
          The SearchHeader class is a gadget that builds the HTML for the search screen headers displayed in the SiteSearch OBI.
 class SearchResultsDbList
          The SearchResultsDbList class is a gadget that creates the HTML string for the display of topics and individual database results from a search.
 class SearchTabbar
          The SearchTabbar class is a gadget that builds the HTML representation of the search tabbar for the Search screens in the SiteSearch 4.0 OBI.
 class SortSelect
          The SortSelect class is a gadget that builds an HTML select list of the sort keys for a database.
 class TempNav
          The TempNav gadget renders the html for the navigation panel for a temporary file.
 class TermFinderHeader
          The TermFinderHeader class is a gadget that builds the HTML for the headers on the 'List of Terms' and 'Thesaurus Tree Display' to display the database name and type of results being displayed.
 class TermListDisplay
          The TermListDisplay class is a gadget that creates the HTML string used to display the results of a related term search in either a thesaurus that supports a database or in the database itself.
 class ThesNavButtons
          The ThesNavButtons class is a gadget that builds the HTML for the search screen headers displayed in the SiteSearch OBI.
 class ThesTreeDisplay
          The ThesTreeDisplay class is a gadget that creates the HTML string used to display the results of a thesaurus exact term search in a thesaurus database.
 class ToolbarAnchor
          The ToolbarAnchor class is a gadget that builds the HTML for the toolbar given a list of anchor names found in the [anchors] section of the StyleTable.
 class TopicList
          The TopicList class is a gadget that builds an HTML String containing a list of anchors containing topic names that a user has access to.

Uses of GadgetBuilder in ORG.oclc.mantis.gadgets

Classes in ORG.oclc.mantis.gadgets that implement GadgetBuilder
 class AdministratorSetup
 class BuildDBButton
 class CreateButtons
 class DbTemplateList
          The DbTemplateList class is a gadget that builds an HTML String containing a list ofhe saved string.
 class DisplayVIEW
          The DisplayVIEW class is a gadget that invokes a template's Display Hooks.
 class FMTButton
 class LastEdited
          The LastEdited class is a gadget that builds a list of anchors to set of records (new, locked and unlocked) a user has available.
 class ListBox
 class Menubar
          The Menubar class is a gadget that builds the HTML for the
 class Preferences
 class PullDown
 class RBSearchHeader
          The RBSearchHeader class is a gadget that builds the HTML for the search screen headers displayed in the Record Builder Interface.
 class RunDHooks
          The RunDHooks class is a gadget that invokes a template's Display Hooks.
 class SaveLimits
          The SaveLimits class is a gadget that builds an HTML string for the limits defined for a Save database.
 class SaveSearchHeader
          The SaveSearchHeader class is a gadget that builds the HTML for the search screen headers displayed in the Record Builder Interface.
 class SelectAutomapAndTemplate
 class UtilButtons

Open SiteSearch 4.1.1