Open SiteSearch 4.1.1

Uses of Class

Packages that use DataPairs

Uses of DataPairs in ORG.oclc.fmts

Fields in ORG.oclc.fmts declared as DataPairs
 DataPairs RuleSpec.ruleParameters
          DataPairs object containing any additional parameters needed for the rule.

Uses of DataPairs in ORG.oclc.fmts.rules

Methods in ORG.oclc.fmts.rules that return DataPairs
protected  DataPairs SaveTermFinderResults.makeValue(String key, RuleSpec ruleSpec, DisplayUserData userData, String before, String after, String between, String trailer)
          This method constructs the DataPairs that will be added to the Map with a key

Uses of DataPairs in ORG.oclc.gadgets

Fields in ORG.oclc.gadgets declared as DataPairs
protected  DataPairs FormatRecords.dataWrappers
          DataPairs object containing the HTML or Text to use in the formatting utilities when the RulesBasedDisplayGenerator is used.

Methods in ORG.oclc.gadgets that return DataPairs
 DataPairs FormatRecords.getDataWrappers(String name, Hashtable gadgetInfo, StyleTable displayGadget)

Methods in ORG.oclc.gadgets with parameters of type DataPairs
protected  void FormatRecords.formatPresentData(Vector dataFromPresent, String formatType, StringBuffer formatStringData, int recno, DataPairs wrapperData)
 String FormatRecords.runFormat(ZDb zDb, String formatType, Vector rawRecords, int recno, DataPairs wrapperData)
          Invokes the formatting class object for the input ZDb database object, formatting type, the Vector of records, the record number, and the DataPairs data wrapper definition(html/text) to the class to return a String containing formatted data.
protected  void ThesTreeDisplay.setInfo(DataPairs dataObj)
          This method pulls the values out of a DataPairs
protected  String BookMarkBrief.getFormattedBookMark(BookMarkEntry entry, String fmtName, DataPairs dataWrappers)
protected  void TermListDisplay.setInfo(DataPairs dataObj)
          This method pulls the values out of a DataPairs
protected  String BookMarkFull.getFormattedBookMark(BookMarkEntry entry, String fmtName, String duplicatesFmt, DataPairs dataWrappers)

Uses of DataPairs in ORG.oclc.jassi

Fields in ORG.oclc.jassi declared as DataPairs
 DataPairs Action.cookie_widgets
          DataPairs object containing the name/value data pairs from the "Cookie" HTTP Header in the current transaction.
 DataPairs Action.widgets
          DataPairs object containing the name/value data pairs from the URL in the current transaction.

Methods in ORG.oclc.jassi that return DataPairs
 DataPairs UserStateObject.getHttpMsg()
          Returns a DataPairs object containing the user's current transaction HTTP request.
 DataPairs HttpMessage.getHTTPMsg()
          Returns the HTTP request as a DataPairs object.
 DataPairs RequestManager.getHttpMsg()
          Returns a DataPairs object containing the current transaction's HTTP request.
 DataPairs Action.tokenizeWidgets(String data)
          Parses the raw widgets passed in as the String parameter and stores them as name/value pairs in a Datapairs object.
 DataPairs Action.tokenizeWidgets(String data, String separator)
          Parses the raw widgets passed in as the String parameter and stores them as name/value pairs in a Datapairs object.
 DataPairs Action.widgets()
          Returns the Widgets vector from the URL of the current transaction.

Uses of DataPairs in ORG.oclc.mantis

Fields in ORG.oclc.mantis declared as DataPairs
protected  DataPairs MantisHook.args

Methods in ORG.oclc.mantis with parameters of type DataPairs
 String MantisXML.toString(boolean editable, DataPairs mywidgets)
          A footprint to the toString method.
 String MantisXML.toString(boolean editable, DataPairs mywidgets, String action)
          A footprint to the toString method.
 void MantisXML.updateTemplate(DataPairs widgets, Element el)
          Walk the element tree and get the corresponding values from the widgets.
 void MantisXML.updateTree(DataPairs widgets, int actionNode, String action)
          Footprint into updateTree.
 void MantisXML.updateTree(Element el, DataPairs widgets, int actionNode, String action, boolean templateEditor)
          Footprint into updateTree.
 void MantisXML.updateNode(DataPairs widgets, int actionNode)
          Footprint into updateNode.
 void MantisXML.setWidgets(DataPairs widgets)
          Set the widgets object in this class.

Uses of DataPairs in

Fields in declared as DataPairs
protected  DataPairs AuthorityQuery.widgets
          The input widgets.
protected  DataPairs chooser.widgets
protected  DataPairs rbsearchscreen.widgets
          The input widgets.
protected  DataPairs nosession.widgets
protected  DataPairs nosession.cookie_widgets
protected  DataPairs savesearchscreen.widgets
          The input widgets.
protected  DataPairs SetSearchPage.widgets
          The input widgets.

Methods in with parameters of type DataPairs
 void AuthorityQuery.loadInputs(DataPairs h)
 void SetSearchPage.loadInputs(DataPairs h)

Uses of DataPairs in ORG.oclc.mantis.verbs

Methods in ORG.oclc.mantis.verbs that return DataPairs
protected  DataPairs MVerb.getModule()
          Locate the widget that is the module to invoked.
protected  DataPairs MVerb.getModule(RequestManager r)
          Locate the widget that is the module to invoked.
protected  DataPairs MVerb.getModule(DataPairs w)
          Locate the widget that is the module to invoked.
protected  DataPairs MDELETE.delete(MantisUtil mu, EditSessionInfo esi)
          Delete the record from the database.
protected  DataPairs MSAVE.update(DataDir dir)
          Update the database record by using Z39.50 Extended Services Update.
protected  DataPairs MUPDATE.update(MantisUtil mu, EditSessionInfo esi)
          Update the database record by using Z39.50 Extended Services Update.

Methods in ORG.oclc.mantis.verbs with parameters of type DataPairs
protected  DataPairs MVerb.getModule(DataPairs w)
          Locate the widget that is the module to invoked.

Uses of DataPairs in

Fields in declared as DataPairs
protected  DataPairs searchscreen.widgets
          The input widgets.

Uses of DataPairs in

Methods in that return DataPairs
          Retrieves the bookmark's DataPairs (information used to describe the bookmark).

Constructors in with parameters of type DataPairs
BookMarkEntry.BookMarkEntry(DataPairs info, Object data)
          Constructs a BookMarkEntry object.

Uses of DataPairs in ORG.oclc.qparse

Fields in ORG.oclc.qparse declared as DataPairs
protected  DataPairs Map.restrictorValues
          DataPairs object containing a list of strings to search the restrictor with.

Methods in ORG.oclc.qparse that return DataPairs
 DataPairs Map.getRestrictorValues()
          Returns a DataPairs object with the list of possible name=value pairs for the index.

Uses of DataPairs in ORG.oclc.webz

Fields in ORG.oclc.webz declared as DataPairs
protected  DataPairs Verb.widgets
          DataPairs object containing a list of Widget objects.
protected  DataPairs ZVerb.inputQueryInfo
          DataPairs object containing the display query, Z39.50 query, display limits, Z39.50 limits, and the query widget components for a Z39.50 search.
 DataPairs DisplayUserData.wrapperData
          DataPairs object containing the name/value pairs of the data that 'wraps' the record data (HTML/Text).
protected  DataPairs
          DataPairs object containing information about the record containing the image, such as dbname= and recno=.
protected  DataPairs WebZUserHistory.searchTermInfo
          DataPairs object containing the search/scan term and possibly the limits.

Methods in ORG.oclc.webz that return DataPairs
 DataPairs SSWidgets2Infix.widgets2infix(UserStateObject user, DataPairs widgets, ZDb db, boolean scan)
          Creates a DataPairs object containing parsed URL input query data for a SEARCH or SCAN that is ready for the Z39.58 parser.
 DataPairs ZUserData.getScanQueryData()
          Retrieves a DataPairs object containing the components of the SCAN query terms from the LAST executed scan request.
 DataPairs ZUserData.getQueryComponents(String resultSetName)
          Retrieves the DataPairs object containing all the components of a query for the input resultSetName.
 DataPairs Widgets2Infix.widgets2infix(UserStateObject user, DataPairs widgets, ZDb db, boolean scan)
          Creates an infix query string suitable for the Z3958 parser to create a postfix query acceptable for the Z39.50 client.
 DataPairs ImageInfo.getInfo()
          Retrieves a DataPairs object containing information about the image.

Methods in ORG.oclc.webz with parameters of type DataPairs
 String ZQueryHandler.parse(DataPairs inputQueryInfo, ZDb db, String defaultOperator)
          Creates a String containing a Z39.50 query string based on the input URL parsed query contained in the inputQueryObject.
 DataPairs SSWidgets2Infix.widgets2infix(UserStateObject user, DataPairs widgets, ZDb db, boolean scan)
          Creates a DataPairs object containing parsed URL input query data for a SEARCH or SCAN that is ready for the Z39.58 parser.
 ZDb ZUserData.setDbFromWidgets(DataPairs widgets)
          Sets up the dbname and dbgroup from the input widgets in the user state as "dbname" and "dbgroup" and returns the correct ZDb object.
 DataPairs Widgets2Infix.widgets2infix(UserStateObject user, DataPairs widgets, ZDb db, boolean scan)
          Creates an infix query string suitable for the Z3958 parser to create a postfix query acceptable for the Z39.50 client.
 void ImageInfo.updateInfo(DataDir dir, String path, DataPairs info)
          Updates the ImageInfo object for the input DataDir record object by creating retrieval keys to all the nodes matching the input path.
static void WebZUserHistory.update(UserStateObject user, int action, ZDb db, String resultSetName, DbResults[] results, DataPairs queryInfo, String elementSetName, String fmtClass, int numrecs, boolean fDbGroup, boolean tempDb, boolean ranked, int status, int zcode, String parserMessage, int zrequestLen, int zresponseLen)
          Updates the current WebZUserHistory search entry with the results of the Z3950 query request.
static void WebZUserHistory.update(UserStateObject user, int action, DataPairs queryInfo, String dbName, ZDb db, int status, int zcode, String parserMessage, int zrequestLen, int zresponseLen)
          Updates the current WebZUserHistory scan entry with the results of the Z3950 scan request.

Constructors in ORG.oclc.webz with parameters of type DataPairs
ImageInfo.ImageInfo(DataDir dir, String path, DataPairs info)
          Constructs an ImageInfo object for the input DataDir record object by creating retrieval keys to all the nodes matching the input path.
ImageInfo.ImageInfo(DataDir dir, String path, String httpImagesRootLocation, DataPairs info)
          Constructs an ImageInfo object for the input DataDir record object by creating retrieval keys to all the nodes matching the input path.

Open SiteSearch 4.1.1