Open SiteSearch 4.1.1

Package ORG.oclc.mantis.verbs

Class Summary
ESDbUpdate The ESDbUpdate class is the Verb that handles the Extended Services Database Update request and response by extending the WebZ EXTSVC Verb.
ESLock The ESLock class is used to setup the Z39.50 QUERY Verb that will issue a query to ZBase.
LoadWorkForm LoadWorkForm is a Verb used to read ini/mantis/workform.ini for a specific workform and generate a corresponding DataDir to be used to populate the database's template for adding a new record.
MCANCEL The MCANCEL class is a specialized Verb in Record Builder whose primary function is to cancel a current edit session and to release the record lock from that edit session.
MCLONE The MCLONE class is a specialized Verb for the MCLONE uses input parameters contained in the RequestManager object.
MDELETE The MDELETE class is a specialized Verb in Record Builder whose primary function is to delete a record from a database.
MDISPLAY The MDISPLAY class is a specialized Verb in Record Builder whose primary function is to presnt a display view of the current record.
MEDIT The MEDIT class is a specialized Verb for the MEDIT uses input parameters contained in the RequestManager object.
MEXPORT The MEXPORT class is a specialized Verb for the MEXPORT uses input parameters contained in the RequestManager object.
MLOGOFF The MLOGOFF class is a specialized Verb in Record Builder whose function is to logoff a user and remove any existing record locks.
MSAVE The MSAVE class is a specialized Verb in Record Builder whose primary function is to presnt a display view of the current record.
MSCLONE The MSCLONE class is a specialized Verb in Record Builder whose primary function is to extract the ber record part of the current saved record to the target db MCLONE uses input parameters contained in the RequestManager object.
MTLOAD The MTLOAD class is a specialized Verb in Record Builder whose primary function is to presnt a display view of the current record.
MUNSAVE The MUNSAVE class is a specialized Verb in Record Builder whose primary function is to presnt a display view of the current record.
MUPDATE The MUPDATE class is a specialized Verb in Record Builder whose primary function is to update a database record and release the record lock from that edit session.
MVerb The MVerb class is one of the baseline Z39.50 classes for implementing WebZ in Java.
MVIEW The MVIEW class is a specialized Verb for the MVIEW uses input parameters contained in the RequestManager object.

Open SiteSearch 4.1.1