Determines whether the user is authorized to search the database and throws
the appropriate exception indicating whether some action needs to
be taken.
Determines whether the user is authorized to search the database and throws
the appropriate exception indicating whether some action needs to
be taken.
The AccessClient interface defines the methods that must be implemented by
all classes designed to perform access control for users in the
SiteSearch system.
Returns an integer containing the WebZUserHistory action number for
which the command was interrupted because a bad autho was passed
to a remote server in ZBase.
Invokes the getAnchorAndSubfield data to create a formatted string
containing that is appended to the current formatting buffer
using the input fields String, anchor subfields String, and
non-anchor subfields String.
Invokes the getAnchorAndSubfieldData with the input indicators to
create a formatted string containing that is appended to
the current formatting buffer using the input fields String,
anchor subfields array, and non-anchor subfields String.
Formats the authors and add them to the HTML
Specifications for the author fields:
Make 100/1 a hotlink with au: as the indextag
Use period "." as a terminator
Use period space space ".
Formats the authors and add them to the HTML
Specifications for the author fields:
100/1,17,2,3,4,6 (1 hot) rest specific order
110/1,2,10,14,03,04,11,12,16,17,20 (1-2 merged as a hot) rest specific order
700/1,17,02,03,04,06,20,14,16 (1 hot) rest specific order
710/1,2,10,14,03,04,11,12,16,17,20 (1-2 merged as a hot) rest specific order
Use period "." as a terminator
Use period space space ".
Invokes the addBinaryFields method for the input DataDir object and
list of fields added in FORMAT ORDER using an empty label
and trailer string and
a default field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer.
Invokes the addBinaryFields method for the input
DataDir object and list of fields added in the requested
order using an empty label and trailer string and
a default field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer
Invokes the addBinaryFields method for the input DataDir object and
list of fields added in FORMAT ORDER using an empty label and
trailer string and the
input field separator string to add data to the formatting buffer.
Invokes the addBinaryFields method for the input
DataDir object and
list of fields pulled in the requested data order using
an empty label and trailer string and the
input field separator string to add data to the formatting buffer.
Invokes addBinaryFields method for the input DataDir object and list
of fields pulled in FORMAT ORDER with the input label and
trailer strings and a default
field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer.
Invokes addBinaryFields method for the input DataDir object and list
of fields pulled in the requested order with the input label
and trailer strings and a default
field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer.
Invokes addBinaryFields method for the input DataDir object and list
of fields pulled in FORMAT ORDER with the input label, separator,
and trailer strings.
Appends the binary data retrieved from the DataDir object for the
specified list of fields to the formatting buffer - it inserts
the input labels and trailers and uses the input separator
String between fields.
Invokes the addBinarySubfieldsFromFields method for the input
DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields
pulled in FORMAT ORDER
using an empty label and trailer string and a default field
field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer.
Invokes the addBinarySubfieldsFromFields method for the input
DataDir object and list of fields
and their subfields pulled in the requested order
using an empty label and trailer string and a default field
field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer.
Appends the binary data retrieved from the DataDir object for the
specified list of subfields found in the input field list
pulled from the data in the requested data order and adds it to the
formatting buffer - it inserts
the input field label before the data, separates fields with the
field separator and appends the field trailer to the data - it
inserts the subfield label before a list of subfields, separates them
with the subfield separator and terminates them with the subfield terminator.
Invokes the addBinarySubfieldsFromFields method for the input
DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields
pulled in FORMAT ORDER
using an empty label and trailer string and the
input field separator string to add data to the formatting buffer.
Invokes the addBinarySubfieldsFromFields method for the input
DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields
pulled in the order requested
using an empty label and trailer string and the
input field separator string to add data to the formatting buffer.
Invokes the addBinarySubfieldsFromFields method for the input
DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields
pulled in FORMAT ORDER
with the input label and trailer strings and a default
field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer.
Invokes the addBinarySubfieldsFromFields method for the input
DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields
pulled in the requested order
with the input label and trailer strings and a default
field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer.
Appends a record book mark Hot-Link to the FormatBerUtil object
formatting buffer using the input record number and an
additional string of FETCH information.
The AddBriefHoldings class is a record formatting rule that
creates a 'brief' MARC holdings display containing only the
Location, Call-Number, Collection, and Notes data when available.
The AddCompoundSubjectPhrase class is the record formatting rule
that creates a formatted string for Subject fields in the
FirstSearch Z39.50 databases using the field specifications in
the RuleSpec and the HTML or Text specifications defined
in the DisplayUserData object to delimit the data found in the
input record.
Formats the conferences and adds them to the HTML
Specifications for the conference fields:
111/1,2,10,14,04,03,11,12,16,17,20 (specific order)
711/1,2,10,14,04,03,11,12,16,17,20 (specific order)
Invokes the addFields method for the input DataDir object and
list of fields in FORMAT ORDER using an empty label and trailer string and
a default field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer.
Invokes the addFields method for the input DataDir object and
list of fields using an empty label and trailer string and
a default field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer.
Invokes the addFields method for the input DataDir object and
list of fields in FORMAT ORDER using an empty label and
trailer string and the
input field separator string to add data to the formatting buffer.
Invokes the addFields method for the input DataDir object and
list of fields using an empty label and trailer string and the
input field separator string to add data to the formatting buffer.
Invokes addFields method for the input DataDir object and list
of fields in FORMAT ORDER with the input label and trailer
strings and a default
field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer.
Invokes addFields method for the input DataDir object and list
of fields with the input label and trailer strings and a default
field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer.
Appends the String data retrieved from DataDir object for the
specified list of fields to the formatting buffer - it inserts
the input labels and trailers and uses the input separator
String between fields.
The AddFormattedDupData class is a record formatting rule that
appends formatted data from duplicate records held in the
parameter to the class defined by the variable entityname.
Formats the from fields and adds them to the HTML
Specifications for the from fields:
When displaying the 773 fields, add " ISSN: " before subfield 24
The AddFSABIISubjects class is the record formatting rule
that creates a formatted string for Subject fields in the
FirstSearc Z39.50 ABII Database using the field specifications in
the RuleSpec and the HTML or Text specifications defined
in the DisplayUserData object to delimit the data found in the
input record.
The AddFSMedlineSubjects class is the record formatting rule
that creates a formatted string for Subject fields in the
FirstSearc Z39.50 Medline Database using the field specifications in
the RuleSpec and the HTML or Text specifications defined
in the DisplayUserData object to delimit the data found in the
input record.
The AddFullTextButton class is a record formatting rule that
creates a FETCH hot-link to display Full-Text for a record when
the data in the input field matches the data specified as the
the matching criteria.
Formats the holdings and adds them to the HTML
Specifications for the holdings fields:
920/1-3 (OR)
2003/16 - DRA Holdings (OR)
1002/0/2 -- recordsyntax=OPAC (OR)
1002/0/16 -- recordsyntax=NOTIS_OPAC
The AddILL920SendToList class is a record formatting rule that
creates a String containing a sendToList of blank-delimited
OCLC symbols and saves it in the user state for an
Interlibrary Loan Request(ILL) based on the data in the
Marc Record 920/a field.
The AddILLDatabaseName class is a record formatting rule that
saves the name of the database for the input record in the
user state for an Interlibrary Loan Request(ILL).
The AddILLOclcNum class is a record formatting rule that
retrieves an OCLC Number from the input record and saves it
in the user state for an Interlibrary Loan Request(ILL).
The AddILLSendToList class is a record formatting rule that
creates a String containing a sendToList of blank-delimited
OCLC symbols and saves it in the user state for an
Interlibrary Loan Request(ILL).
Formats the ISSN and adds it to the HTML
Specifications for the ISSN field:
Generate a link to the holdings using the author, title, and from information.
The AddLocalHoldingsButton class is a record formatting rule that
adds a hot-link button to go search the database's Holdings database
to display any local holdings for the record.
Formats the notes and adds them to the HTML
Specifications for the notes field:
Output in data order
Characters before a ':' become the label
Characters after a ':' become the data in the field
Fields go on a new line
Adds only the sub-Elements of the input Directory node to the Marc record as subfields of
the input tag if they match the input character subfield identifer.
Formats the organizations as subjects and adds them to the HTML
Specifications for the subject headings fields:
610/1,2,10,14,03,04,11,12,16,17,20, 24, 25, 26 (1, 2, 24, 25,26 all hot independently)
10, 14, 03, 04, 11, 12, 16, 17, 20 in that specific order; 24-26 are data ordered
Use " -- " to separate the subheadings (24-26) from the other hot fields
Formats the other notes and adds them to the HTML
Specifications for the other notes fields:
500/* (data ordered)
502/* (data ordered)
504/* (data ordered)
506/* (data ordered)
507/* (data ordered)
508/* (data ordered)
510/* (data ordered)
590/* (data ordered)
Formats the persons as subjects and adds them to the HTML
Specifications for the subject headings fields:
600/1,17,02,03,04,06 24, 25, 26 (1, 24-26 all hot independently)
17, 02, 03, 04, 06 in that specific order; 24-26 are data ordered
Use " -- " to separate the subheadings (24-26) from the other hot fields
Formats the publications and adds them to the HTML
Specifications for the publication fields:
260/1,2,3,4,5,6,7,11,12 (specific order)
261/1,2,3,4,5,6,7,11,12 (specific order)
262/1,2,3,4,5,6,7,11,12 (specific order)
The AddRecordData class is the DEFAULT record formatting rule
that creates a formatted string from the data fields specified in
the RuleSpec and uses the the HTML or Text specifications defined
in the DisplayUserData object to delimit the data found in the
input record.
Formats the series information and adds it to the HTML
Specifications for the series fields:
400/1,17,02,03,04,06,20,22 (specific order)
410/1,02,10,14,03,04,11,12,16,17,20,22 (specific order)
411/1,02,10,14,04,03,11,12,16,17,20,22 (specific order)
440/1,22 (specific order)
800/1,17,02,03,04,06,20,22 (specific order)
810/1,02,10,14,03,04,11,12,16,17,20,22 (specific order)
830/* (data ordered)
Adds a new Marc Subfield for the input tag, character subfield identifier, integer data,
and creates a new Marc node for the tag if the input boolean is true.
Adds a new Marc Subfield for the input tag, character subfield identifier, String data and
the subfield is added under the existing tag if it already exists.
Adds a new Marc Subfield for the input tag, integer subfield identifier, String data, and
creates a new Marc node for the tag if the input boolean is true.
Invokes the addSubfieldsFromFields method for the input
DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields
pulled in FORMAT ORDER
using an empty label and trailer string and a default field
field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer.
Invokes the addSubfieldsFromFieldsWithValidIndicators mmethod with indicator values
that will are valid every time ("*"), so that the subfield data gets appended to
the output buffer.
Invokes the addSubfieldsFromFields method for the input
DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields
pulled in the requested order
using an empty label and trailer string and a default field
field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer.
Appends the String data retrieved from the DataDir object for the
specified list of subfields found in the input field list pulled
from the data in the requested data order and adds it to the formatting
buffer - it inserts the input field label before the data, separates fields
with the field separator and appends the field trailer to the data - it
inserts the subfield label before a list of subfields, separates them
with the subfield separator and terminates them with the subfield terminator.
Invokes the addSubfieldsFromFields method for the input
DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields
pulled in FORMAT ORDER
using an empty label and trailer string and the
input field separator string to add data to the formatting buffer.
Invokes the addSubfieldsFromFields method for the input
DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields
pulled in the requested order
using an empty label and trailer string and the
input field separator string to add data to the formatting buffer.
Invokes the addSubfieldsFromFields method for the input
DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields
pulled in FORMAT ORDER
with the input label and trailer strings and a default
field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer.
Invokes the addSubfieldsFromFields method for the input
DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields
pulled in the requested order
with the input label and trailer strings and a default
field separator of SPACE to add data to the formatting buffer.
Invokes the addSubfieldsFromFields method for the input
DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields
pulled in FORMAT ORDER
with the input label, separator, and trailer strings
to add data to the formatting buffer.
Invokes the addSubfieldsFromFields method for the input
DataDir object and list of fields and their subfields
pulled in the requested data order and adds it to the
formattting buffer - it inserts the input label before the data,
separates ALL data fields with the input separator and appends the
input trailer to the buffer.
Validates that the indicator values are found in the data, then appends
the String data retrieved from the DataDir object for the
specified list of subfields found in the input field list pulled
from the data in the requested data order and adds it to the formatting
buffer - it inserts the input field label before the data, separates fields
with the field separator and appends the field trailer to the data - it
inserts the subfield label before a list of subfields, separates them
with the subfield separator and terminates them with the subfield terminator.
Formats the subject headings and adds them to the HTML
Specifications for the subject headings fields:
650/1, 24, 25, 26 (all hot independently)
651/1, 2, 24, 25, 26 (all hot independently)
652/1, 2, 24, 25, 26 (all hot independently)
690/1, 24, 25, 26 (all hot independently)
Use " -- " to separate the subheadings (24-26) from the other hot fields
Formats the subjects and adds them to the HTML
Specifications for the ISBN field:
Make all subfields hot individually
Use sh: as the hotlink index
Formats the uniform title as subject and adds it to the HTML
Specifications for the uniform title as subject field:
630/1-23, 24, 25, 26 (all hot independently) (data ordered)
Use " -- " to separate the subheadings (24-26) from the other hot fields
The AdvancedQuery class is a specialized QUERY Verb for
the advanced search page in the SiteSearch OBI designed
to set up the correct parameters for using a full record
display formatting class rather than a brief display.