Main -> Documentation -> OCLC SiteSearch Record Builder -> Browsing for a Record in a Local Database with Record Builder

Browsing for a Record in a Local Database with Record Builder


The Record Builder application has a browse feature, which can be used to locate a record from a local database. Through browsing, you can view a list of all terms in the specific database index, arranged alphabetically around the search term. You then can perform a search on a term or phrase from the browse results window which returns a result set of records.


1. Open Record Builder in a Web browser.

2. Select Open Browse from the Options menu on the left side of the Record Builder display:

Options menu-Open Browse

3. Record Builder displays the Browse screen in the Record Builder display's work area.

Record browse

4. To perform the browse:
  • Select the database by clicking its name at the top of the browse screen. The active database is shown in bold.
  • Enter a term or phrase in the first browse box.
  • Select an index from the pull down menu to the right of the browse box.
  • Click the Open button button.

5. Record Builder displays the terms in the selected index of the database that precede the term you entered on the Browse Results screen. Beside each term is the hit count for the term in the index browsed. The hit count is a hotlink which, when clicked, automatically performs a search of the database for the selected term. Use the Previous terms and Next terms buttons to scan forward or backward in the browse window.

Browse results screen

6. The Search Results screen displays the records that contain the term you selected on the Browse Results screen. From here, you can select a record to view or perform other actions including edit, export, delete, or copy. The search criteria appears under Current EditSession on the left side of the screen.

Search results screen

7. See the following procedures for editing, deleting, copying, or exporting a record displayed on the Search Results screen:

See Also

A Walkthrough of the Record Builder Interface
Performing Online Record Updates to Local Databases with Record Builder
Record Builder Process Model and System Overview

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