Main -> Documentation -> WebZ System Administration -> WebZ Configuration Files -> Interface Display Configuration Files -> Sections and Variables

Interface Display Configuration Files - Sections and Variables


Document Conventions
Organization of Interface Display Configuration Files
Alphabetical Section Reference
Gadget Specification Descriptions by Function
Data Wrapper Specification Descriptions by Function

Document Conventions

  • <WebZ_root> is the location of your WebZ environment.
  • 4.0.x refers to any SiteSearch 4 version prior to 4.1.0; that is, 4.0.0, 4.0.0a, 4.0.1, or 4.0.2.
  • 4.1.x refers to SiteSearch 4.1.0 and 4.1.1.


This document is a reference to the sections in the interface display configuration files shipped with SiteSearch 4 versions as part of the WebZ Out-of-the-Box Interface (OBI):

  • SiteSearch 4.1.xOBI, version 1
    • <WebZ_root>/ini/interface/obiv1/frameDisplayGadgets.ini (for a frames-based interface)
    • <WebZ_root>/ini/interface/obiv1/noframeDisplayGadgets.ini (for a no-frames interface)
  • SiteSearch 4.1.xOBI, version 0
    • <WebZ_root>/ini/interface/obiv0/DisplayGadgets.ini
  • SiteSearch 4.0.x
    • <WebZ_root>/ini/interface/DisplayGadgets.ini

(1) Although the OBI, version 0 is essentially the same as the OBI shipped with SiteSearch 4.0.2, there are some differences in the DisplayGadgets.ini files in the OBI, version 0 and SiteSearch 4.0.2. These differences are primarily due to the rules-based formatting introduced with SiteSearch 4.1.0. Therefore, this document indicates whether a particular section (and the Java class referenced in that section) pertains to the OBI, version 0 or SiteSearch 4.0.x.

(2) In the OBI, version 1, frameDisplayGadgets.ini and noframeDisplayGadgets.ini generally contain the same sections, but the fmt variable often refers to a format specific to a frames-based or no-frames interface, respectively.

This document provides an alphabetical index to the sections in interface display configuration files and descriptions of each section classified by type (gadget specifications and data wrapper specifications). Within each type, the sections are classified by their function in the interface.

For general information about interface display configuration files and their role in building the WebZ interface, see About Interface Display Configuration Files. For an example of an interface display configuration file, see Interface Display Configuration File Example. To learn about the role of interface display configuration files in rules-based formatting, see Display Formatting Configuration Files.

Organization of Interface Display Configuration Files

Interface display configuration files contain a number of sections. The interface display configuration files for all SiteSearch versions contain gadget specifications. Beginning with SiteSearch 4.1.0, interface display configuration files also contain data wrapper specifications.

The sections can appear in any order, although a useful convention is to list the gadget specifications and then the data wrapper specifications.

Alphabetical Section Reference

This is a quick reference (arranged alphabetically) to the sections in interface display gadgets configuration files shipped with the WebZ OBI. The links in this section are shortcuts to specific information about a section:

Gadget Specification Descriptions by Function

This section contains a list of all gadget specifications in the interface display configuration files shipped with the OBI, version 1, OBI, version 0 and SiteSearch 4.0.x versions. The gadget specifications are classified according to their function in the interface, as follows:

The information provided about each section includes its name, purpose, and the gadget it references. In addition to the section name, the Section column indicates whether the section pertains to the OBI, version 1 (frameDisplayGadgets.ini and noframeDisplayGadgets.ini), OBI, version 0 (DisplayGadgets.ini), or SiteSearch 4.0.x (DisplayGadgets.ini). In the Gadget Referenced column of this document, the gadget pertains to all versions unless otherwise indicated.

Every gadget specification has a gadget variable that references a particular gadget in the ORG.oclc.gadgets package and usually has a fmt or fmtclass variable. In the OBI, version 1, and OBI, version 0, a gadget specification also has a data wrapper specification. Gadget specifications may also have other variables that contain values needed as input by the gadget referenced in the specification. (See the gadget specifications in Interface Display Configuration File Example). Within a section, the fmt or fmt class may vary between versions, as do the other variables and the gadget referenced. For information about the syntax of a gadget specification as it pertains to rules-based formatting, click here.


(1) You can find the HTML files mentioned in this section in the following directories:

Version    Location
OBI, version 1   <WebZ_root>/htdocs/obiv1/html
OBI, version 0   <WebZ_root>/htdocs/obiv0/html
SiteSearch 4.0.x   <WebZ_root>/htdocs/html
(2) In the OBI, version 1, HTML files that begin with the letters "nf" are specific to a no-frames interface.

Search Results Display

Gadget Referenced

OBI, version 1
OBI, version 0
SiteSearch 4.0.x
Formatting records on the full record screen (full.html or nffull.html in the OBI, version 1; record.html in the OBI, version 0 and SiteSearch 4.0.x). OBI, version 1:
OBI, version 0 and SiteSearch 4.0.x:

OBI, version 1
Adding the full text button to the full record display (full.html or nffull.html in the OBI, version 1). ORG.oclc.gadgets.FormatRecords

OBI, version 1
OBI, version 0
SiteSearch 4.0.x
Formatting full text records on the full text screen (fulltext.html or nffulltext.html in the OBI, version 1; fulltext.html in in the OBI, version 0 and SiteSearch 4.0.x). ORG.oclc.gadgets.FormatRecords

OBI, version 1
OBI, version 0

Formatting more than one full record on a page on the brief results screen (brief.html or nfbrief.html in the OBI, version 1; results.html in the OBI, version 0 and SiteSearch 4.0.x. This occurs when the patron chooses "Full" as the record format on the advanced search screen (advancedsearch.html in all SiteSearch 4 versions).

OBI, version 1:
OBI, version 0:

OBI, version 1
OBI, version 0
SiteSearch 4.0.x

Formatting records on the brief record screen (brief.html or nfbrief.html in the OBI, version 1; results.html in the OBI, version 0 and SiteSearch 4.0.x)

OBI, version 1:
OBI, version 0 and SiteSearch 4.0.x:

Browse (Scan) Results Display

Gadget Referenced

OBI, version 1
OBI, version 0
SiteSearch 4.0.x

Formatting the results of a browse search on the browse results screen (scanresults.html for the frames-based interface in the OBI, version 1, OBI, version 0, or SiteSearch 4.0.x; nfscanresults.html for a no-frames interface in the OBI, version 1).


Vocabulary-Assisted (Term Finder) Search Results

Gadget Referenced

OBI, version 1

Formatting a term list on the term list screen (termlist.html in the OBI, version 1, which is generated in response to a term finder search. The term list can come from the target database or a thesaurus database associated with the target database.


OBI, version 1
Formatting a thesaurus tree (thestree.html in the OBI, version 1) for a term selected from a term list. Data for the thesaurus tree comes from the thesaurus database associated with the target database. ORG.oclc.gadgets.ThesTreeDisplay

Local Holdings Display

Gadget Referenced

OBI, version 1
OBI, version 0
SiteSearch 4.0.x

Formatting local holdings for a resource on the local holdings screen (localholdings.html for all SiteSearch 4 versions).

OBI, version 1:
OBI, version 0 and SiteSearch 4.0.x:

OBI, version 1
Adding bibliographic information about the item for which local holdings are being displayed on the local holdings screen (localholdings.html in the OBI, version 1). OBI, version 1:

OBI, version 1

Adding a Local Holdings button to the full record screen (full.html or nffull in the OBI, version 1). This button appears when the database's configuration file includes a linkToLibHoldings variable in its [Formats] section.

OBI, version 1:

Bookmarked Record Display

Gadget Referenced

OBI, version 1
OBI, version 0
SiteSearch 4.0.x

Formatting bookmarked records in brief format in a frames-based interface in the bookmark frame with bookmarks.html (in all SiteSearch 4 versions).


The no-frames interface in the OBI, version 1 does not display bookmarked records in brief format.


OBI, version 1
OBI, version 0
SiteSearch 4.0.x

Formatting the page for sending bookmarked records to an e-mail address (bookmarkemail.html in all SiteSearch 4 versions).


Enter site-specific values for the server, from, and subject variables. The server variable has three possible values:

  • name or IP address of the mail server – if your mail server resides on a different host than your SiteSearch environment
  • localhost or blank (no value) – if your mail server resides on the same host as SiteSearch your SiteSearch environment

OBI, version 1
OBI, version 0
SiteSearch 4.0.x

Formatting bookmarked records in a full record format using bookmarkfull.html (frames-based interface in the OBI, version 1, OBI, version 0, or SiteSearch 4.0.x) or nfbookmarkfull.html (no-frames interface in the OBI, version 1). The class that e-mails bookmarked records ( also references this gadget specification when it prepares e-mail messages.


Interlibrary Loan Request Display

Gadget Referenced

OBI, version 1
OBI, version 0
SiteSearch 4.0.x

Formatting bibliographic information for a resource requested through Interlibrary Loan (ILL) on the page for submitting an ILL request (illform.html in all SiteSearch 4 versions).

OBI, version 1 and OBI, version 0:
SiteSearch 4.0.x:

Diagnostic/Troubleshooting Display

Gadget Referenced

OBI, version 1
OBI, version 0
SiteSearch 4.0.x

Dumping the contents of the current record from the UserStateObject.


OBI, version 1

Dumping the contents of the current record from the UserStateObject when it is a record from a temporary database. One example of a temporary database is a term list used in vocabulary-assisted searching.


Data Wrapper Specifications by Function

This section contains a list of all data wrapper specifications in the interface display configuration files shipped with the OBI version 1 and the OBI, version 0. Data wrapper specifications were introduced with SiteSearch 4.1.0 and do not apply to SiteSearch 4.0.x versions. Even though the OBI, version 0 is essentially the same as SiteSearch 4.0.2, the interface display configuration file in the OBI, version 0 (DisplayGadgets.ini ) includes data wrapper specifications so that they can work properly with the database configuration files shipped with SiteSearch 4.1.x versions. The database configuration files refer to formatting configuration files rather than formatting classes for various record types. The formatting configuration files refer to the data wrapper specifications so the DisplayGadgets.ini file for the OBI, version 0 must contain them.

The data wrapper specifications are classified according to their function in the interface, as follows:

The information provided about each data wrapper specification includes its name, purpose, and the gadget specification(s) that reference it. In addition to the section name, the Section column indicates whether the section pertains to the OBI, version 1 (frameDisplayGadgets.ini and noframeDisplayGadgets.ini) or OBI, version 0 (DisplayGadgets.ini). Although the section names are the same across OBI versions, individual variables and the value of the data wrapper variables in a section may vary between versions and between frameDisplayGadgets.ini and noframeDisplayGadgets.ini in the OBI, version 1.

Search Results Display

Referenced in

OBI, version 1
OBI, version 0

Data wrappers for the display of brief records.


OBI, version 1
OBI, version 0
Data wrappers for the display of full records. [FullRecord]

OBI, version 1
OBI, version 0
Data wrappers for displaying full text records. [FullTextRecord]

OBI, version 1
OBI, version 0
Data wrappers for displaying more than one full record per page. [MultiFullResultsRecord]

Vocabulary-Assisted (Term Finder) Search Results

Referenced in

OBI, version 1
Data wrappers for displaying a term list in response to a term finder search. [TermListDisplay]

OBI, version 1
Data wrappers for displaying a thesaurus tree from a thesaurus database used for vocabulary-assisted searching. [ThesTreeDisplay]

Local Holdings Display

Referenced in

OBI, version 1

Data wrappers for displaying local holdings in a table when the search for local holdings is conducted against another database that contains the holdings data.


Bookmarked Record Display

Referenced in

OBI, version 1
OBI, version 0
Data wrappers for displaying brief bibliographic information for a bookmarked record. [BookMarkBrief]

OBI, version 1
OBI, version 0
Data wrappers for displaying the full bibliographic record of a bookmarked record. [BookMarkFull]

Interlibrary Loan Request Display

Referenced in

OBI, version 1
OBI, version 0
Data wrappers for displaying bibliographic information about a resource on the ILL request screen. [ISOILLRecordFmt]

See Also

About Interface Display Configuration Files
Interface Display Configuration File Example
Display Formatting Configuration Files
Rules-Based Formatting Process Overview

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Last Modified: August 31, 2007