Open SiteSearch 4.1.1
Class MarcCatalogFmt

Direct Known Subclasses:
MarcCatalogBookmarkFmt, MarcCatalogBookmarkFullFmt, MarcCatalogBriefFmt, MarcCatalogFullFmt, MarcCatalogMultiFullFmt

public class MarcCatalogFmt
extends WebZFormatter

The MarcCatalogFmt class provides a set of formatting methods for use by MarcCatalog*Fmt classes.

MarcCatalogFmt does not use its input since its doFormat routine does nothing but call its superClass's doFormat. This class should never be called except through its subclasses. .

Successful execution of MarcCatalogBookmarkFmt results in an empty string similar to WebZformatter. Unsuccessful execution will result in a null String being returned.

Field Summary
protected static String abstractTag
           String containing the tag for the abstract (520/1)
protected static String alternateTitleFields
           String containing the tag for the alternate title fields (246, 247)
protected static String alternateTitleSubfields
           String containing the tag for the alternate title subfields (*) (data ordered)
protected  String author
           String containing the record's author (using for Holdings retrieval)
protected static String authorBreakSubfield110_710
           String containing the tag for the subfields of author fields (110, 710) to break on
protected static String authorField100
           String containing the tag for the first author field (100)
protected static String authorField110
           String containing the tag for the second author field (110)
protected static String authorField700
           String containing the tag for the third author field (700)
protected static String authorField710
           String containing the tag for the fourth author field (710)
protected static String authorFields
           String containing the tags for authors (100, 110, 700, 710)
protected static int authorFldid100
           Integer containing the field id for the first author field (100)
protected static int authorFldid110
           Integer containing the field id for the second author field (110)
protected static int authorFldid700
           Integer containing the field id for the third author field (700)
protected static int authorFldid710
           Integer containing the field id for the fourth author field (710)
protected static String authorHotSubfields100
           String containing the tag for the subfields of author fields (100) to make hotlinks (01)
protected static String authorHotSubfields110_710
           String containing the tags for the subfields of author fields (110, 710) to make hotlinks (01, 02)
protected static String authorHotSubfields700
           String containing the tag for the subfields of author fields (700) to make hotlinks (01)
protected static String authorIndex
           String containing the index tag for the authors
protected static String authorNotHotSubfields100
           String containing the tags for the rest of the subfields for author fields (100) - (17,02,03,04,06) (specific order)
protected static String authorNotHotSubfields110_710
           String containing the tags for the rest of the subfields for author fields (110, 710) - (10,14,03,04,11,12,16,17,20) (specific order)
protected static String authorNotHotSubfields700
           String containing the tags for the rest of the subfields for author fields (700) - (17,02,03,04,06,20,14,16) (specific order)
protected static String authorSeparator
           String containing the separator for authors
protected static String authorTerminator
           String containing the terminator for authoers
protected  String begLabel
           String containing the characters to be used before the label text - usually HTML
protected static int bufSize
           String containing the default StringBuffer size
protected static String conferenceFields
           String containing the tags for conferences (111, 711)
protected static String conferenceHotSubfields
           String containing the tag for the subfields of conference fields (111, 711) to make hotlinks (01)
protected static String conferenceIndex
           String containing the index tag for the conferences
protected static String conferenceNotHotSubfields
           String containing the tags for the rest of the conference fields (111, 711) subfields - (02, 10,14,04,03,11,12,16,17,20) (specific order)
protected static String conferenceSeparator
           String containing the separator for conferences
protected static String conferenceTerminator
           String containing the terminator for conferences
protected static String contentsBreakSubfield
           String containing the tag for the subfields of contents fields (505) to break on (01)
protected static String contentsField
           String containing the tag for the contents field (505)
protected static int contentsFldid505
           Integer containing the fieldid for the contents field (505)
protected static String contentsSeparator
           String containing the separator for contents fields
protected static String contentsSubfields
           String containing the tags for the rest of the subfields of contents fields (505) - (20, 07, 18) (specific order)
protected static String contentsTerminator
           String containing the terminator for contents fields
protected static String descriptorsField
           String containing the tag for the descriptors field (653)
protected static String descriptorsHotSubfields
           String containing the tag for the descriptors field (653) subfield to make hot (01)
protected static String descriptorsNotHotSubfields
           String containing the tag for the rest of the descriptor subfields - none
protected static String editionTag
           String containing the tag for the edition (250/1-2)
protected  String endLabel
           String containing the characters to be used after the label text - usually HTML
protected static String frequencyTag
           String containing the tag for the frequency (310/1)
protected  String from
           String containing the record's from field (using for Holdings retrieval)
protected  String header
           String containing the characters to be used at the beginning of a line without a label
protected static String ISBNTag
           String containing the tag for the ISBN (020/1)
protected  String ISSN
           String containing the record's ISSN (using for Holdings retrieval)
protected static String ISSNTag
           String containing the tag for the ISSN (022/1)
protected  String lineBreak
           String containing the characters used to break a line
protected  String linkData
           String containing a hot-link data string
protected static String noteBreakSubfield
           String containing the tag for the other notes fields (500, 502, 504, 506, 507, 508, 510, 590) subfield to make hot (01)
protected static String noteFields
           String containing the tag for the other notes fields (500, 502, 504, 506, 507, 508, 510, 590)
protected static String noteNotHotSubfields
           String containing the rest of the other notes subfields (*)
protected static String noteSeparator
           String containing the other notes separator
protected static String noteTerminator
           String containing the other notes terminator
protected static String organizationSubjectBreakSubfield
           String containing the tag for the subfield of organizations as subjects field (610) to break on (01)
protected static String organizationSubjectField
           String containing the tag for the organizations as subjects field (610)
protected static String organizationSubjectHotSubfields
           String containing the tag for the subfields of organizations as subjects field (610) to make hot (01, 02)
protected static String organizationSubjectNotHotSubfields
           String containing the tag for the rest of the organizations as subjects subfields (10, 14, 03, 04, 11, 12, 16, 17, 20)
protected static String performersTag
           String containing the tag for the performers (511/1)
protected static String personSubjectField
           String containing the tag for the persons as subjects field (600)
protected static String personSubjectHotSubfield
           String containing the tag for the subfields of persons as subjects fields (600) to make hot (01)
protected static String personSubjectNotHotSubfields
           String containing the tag for the rest of the persons as subjects subfields (17, 02, 03, 04, 06)
protected static String physDescTags
           String containing the tag for the physical description (256/1-3, 300/1-3)
protected static String publicationBreakSubfield
           String containing the tag for the subfield of publications (260, 261, 262) to make hotlinks
protected static String publicationDatesTag
           String containing the tag for the publication dates (362/1)
protected static String publicationFields
           String containing the tags for publications (260, 261, 262)
protected static String publicationSeparator
           String containing the separator for publications
protected static String publicationSubfields
           String containing the tags for the rest of the subfields of publications (260, 261, 262) - (02,03,04,05,06,07,11,12) (specific order)
protected static String publicationTerminator
           String containing the terminator for publications
protected static String seriesBreakSubfield
           String containing the tag for the subfields of series fields (400, 410, 411, 440, 490, 800, 810, 830) to break on (01)
protected static String seriesFields
           String containing the tags for the series fields (400, 410, 411, 440, 490, 800, 810, 830)
protected static int seriesFldid400
           Integer containing the field id for the first series field (400)
protected static int seriesFldid410
           Integer containing the field id for the first series field (410)
protected static int seriesFldid411
           Integer containing the field id for the second series field (411)
protected static int seriesFldid440
           Integer containing the field id for the third series field (440)
protected static int seriesFldid490
           Integer containing the field id for the fourth series field (490)
protected static int seriesFldid800
           Integer containing the field id for the fifth series field (800)
protected static int seriesFldid810
           Integer containing the field id for the sixth series field (810)
protected static int seriesFldid830
           Integer containing the field id for the seventh series field (830)
protected static String seriesSeparator
           String containing the separator for series
protected static String seriesSubfields400_800
           String containing the tags for the rest of the subfields of series fields (400, 800) (17,02,03,04,06,20,22) (specific order)
protected static String seriesSubfields410_810
           String containing the tags for the rest of the subfields of series fields (410, 810) - (02,10,14,03,04,11,12,16,17,20,22) (specific order)
protected static String seriesSubfields411
           String containing the tags for the rest of the subfields of series fields (411) - (02,10,14,03,04,11,12,16,17,20,22) (specific order)
protected static String seriesSubfields440
           String containing the tag for remaining subfield of series field (440) - (22)
protected static String seriesSubfields490
           String containing a null string for the remaining subfield of series field (490) - used to keep the calls consistent
protected static String seriesTerminator
           String containing the terminator for series
protected static String subheadingSeparator
           String containing the tag for the subject subheading separator
protected static String subjectHeadingsBreakSubfield651_652
           String containing the tag for the subfields of some subject headings (651, 652) to break on (01)
protected static String subjectHeadingsFields
           String containing the tag for the subject headings fields (650, 651, 652, 690)
protected static int subjectHeadingsFldid650
           Integer containing the fieldid for the first subject headings field (650)
protected static int subjectHeadingsFldid651
           Integer containing the fieldid for the second subject headings field (651)
protected static int subjectHeadingsFldid652
           Integer containing the fieldid for the third subject headings field (652)
protected static int subjectHeadingsFldid690
           Integer containing the fieldid for the fourth subject headings field (690)
protected static String subjectHeadingsHotSubfields650_690
           String containing the tag for the subfield of some subject headings (650, 690) to make hot (01)
protected static String subjectHeadingsHotSubfields651_652
           String containing the tag for the subfields of some subject headings (651, 652) to make hot (01, 02)
protected static String subjectHeadingsNotHotSubfields
           String containing the tag for the rest of the subject headings subfields - none
protected static String subjectIndex
           String containing the index for all subjects
protected static String subjectSeparator
           String containing the tag for the subject separator
protected static String subjectSubheadingSubfields
           String containing the tags for all subject subheadings (24,25,26)
protected static String subjectTerminator
           String containing the tag for the subject terminator
protected  String title
           String containing the record's title (using for Holdings retrieval)
protected static String titleField
           String containing the tags for the title field (245, 130)
protected static String titleField245
           String containing the tag for the primary title field (245)
protected static int titleFldid245
           Integer containing the field id for the primary title field (245)
protected static String titleHotSubfields245
           String containing the tag for the primary title (245) subfields used for hotlinks (01)
protected static String titleIndex
           String containing the index tag for title hotlinks
protected static String titleNotHotSubfields245
           String containing the tags for the rest of the primary title (245) subfields (02,03,08,11,14,16,19,06,07) (specific order)
protected static String titleSeparator
           String containing the separator for titles
protected static String titleTerminator
           String containing the terminator for titles
protected  String trailer
           String containing the label to be used at the end of a field
protected static String uniformTitleFields
           String containing the tag for the uniform title field (240)
protected static String uniformTitleSubfields
           String containing the tag for the uniform title subfields (*) (data ordered)
protected static String uniformTitleSubjectField
           String containing the tag for the uniform title as subject field (630)
protected static String uniformTitleSubjectHotSubfield
           String containing the tag for the subfield of the uniform title as subject field (630) to make hot (01)
protected static String uniformTitleSubjectNotHotSubfields
           String containing the tag for the rest of the subfields for the uniform title as subject field (630)
Fields inherited from class ORG.oclc.fmts.WebZFormatter
bookMarkFont, context, currecno, defaultTextFont, fmtUtil, fullrecno, j, otherWidgets, queryBad, queryNext, queryTarget, resultset, smallTextFont, styles, tempRecords, toprecno, user
Constructor Summary
           Constructs a MarcCatalogFmt object.
Method Summary
protected  void addAbstract(DataDir dir, boolean useLabel)
           Formats the abstract and adds it to the HTML Specifications for the abstract field: 520/1
protected  void addAlternateTitle(DataDir dir, boolean useLabel)
           Formats the alternate titles and adds them to the HTML Specifications for the alternate title fields: 246/* 247/*
protected  void addAuthor(DataDir dir, boolean useLabel, boolean useTrailer, boolean createHotLink)
           Formats the authors and add them to the HTML Specifications for the author fields: 100/1,17,2,3,4,6 (1 hot) rest specific order 110/1,2,10,14,03,04,11,12,16,17,20 (1-2 merged as a hot) rest specific order 700/1,17,02,03,04,06,20,14,16 (1 hot) rest specific order 710/1,2,10,14,03,04,11,12,16,17,20 (1-2 merged as a hot) rest specific order Use period "." as a terminator Use period space space ".
 void addBriefHoldings(DataDir dir)
           Formats the holdings and adds them to the HTML for brief holdings (results screen).
protected  void addConference(DataDir dir, boolean useLabel, boolean useTrailer, boolean createHotLink)
           Formats the conferences and adds them to the HTML Specifications for the conference fields: 111/1,2,10,14,04,03,11,12,16,17,20 (specific order) 711/1,2,10,14,04,03,11,12,16,17,20 (specific order)
protected  void addContents(DataDir dir, boolean useLabel)
           Formats the contents and adds them to the HTML Specifications for the contents field: 505/1, 20, 7, 18 (specific order)
protected  void addDescriptors(DataDir dir, boolean useLabel, boolean createHotLink)
           Formats the descriptors and adds them to the HTML Specifications for the descriptors field: 653/1 (1 is hot)
protected  void addEdition(DataDir dir, boolean useLabel)
           Formats the edition and adds it to the HTML Specifications for the edition field: 250/1-2
protected  void addFrequency(DataDir dir, boolean useLabel)
           Formats the frequency and adds it to the HTML Specifications for the frequency field: 310/1
 void addHoldings(DataDir dir)
 void addHoldings(DataDir dir, boolean useHTML)
           Formats the holdings and adds them to the HTML Specifications for the holdings fields: 920/1-3 (OR) 2003/16 - DRA Holdings (OR) 1002/0/2 -- recordsyntax=OPAC (OR) 1002/0/16 -- recordsyntax=NOTIS_OPAC
protected  void addHoldings(DataDir dir, String itemTrailer, String itemLabelBegin, String itemLabelEnd)
           Formats the holdings and adds them to the HTML Specifications for the holdings fields: 920/1-3 (OR) 1002/2/2/16/16, 0/16/2/16, 1002/0/16 (OR) 1002/0/2
protected  void addISBN(DataDir dir, boolean useLabel, boolean useTrailer)
           Formats the ISBN and adds it to the HTML Specifications for the ISBN field: 020/1
protected  void addISSN(DataDir dir, boolean useLabel, boolean useTrailer)
           Formats the ISSN and adds it to the HTML Specifications for the ISSN field: 022/1
protected  void addLibraries(DataDir dir, boolean useLabel)
           Formats the libraries and adds them to the HTML Specifications for the libraries field: 948/8
protected  void addOrganizationsAsSubjects(DataDir dir, boolean useLabel, boolean createHotLink)
           Formats the organizations as subjects and adds them to the HTML Specifications for the subject headings fields: 610/1,2,10,14,03,04,11,12,16,17,20, 24, 25, 26 (1, 2, 24, 25,26 all hot independently) 10, 14, 03, 04, 11, 12, 16, 17, 20 in that specific order; 24-26 are data ordered Use " -- " to separate the subheadings (24-26) from the other hot fields
protected  void addOtherNotes(DataDir dir, boolean useLabel)
           Formats the other notes and adds them to the HTML Specifications for the other notes fields: 500/* (data ordered) 502/* (data ordered) 504/* (data ordered) 506/* (data ordered) 507/* (data ordered) 508/* (data ordered) 510/* (data ordered) 590/* (data ordered)
protected  void addPerformers(DataDir dir, boolean useLabel)
           Formats the performers and adds them to the HTML Specifications for the performer fields: 511/1
protected  void addPersonsAsSubjects(DataDir dir, boolean useLabel, boolean createHotLink)
           Formats the persons as subjects and adds them to the HTML Specifications for the subject headings fields: 600/1,17,02,03,04,06 24, 25, 26 (1, 24-26 all hot independently) 17, 02, 03, 04, 06 in that specific order; 24-26 are data ordered Use " -- " to separate the subheadings (24-26) from the other hot fields
protected  void addPhysDesc(DataDir dir, boolean useLabel)
           Formats the physical description and adds them to the HTML Specifications for the physical description fields: 256/1-3 300/1-3
protected  void addPublication(DataDir dir, boolean useLabel, boolean useTrailer)
           Formats the publications and adds them to the HTML Specifications for the publication fields: 260/1,2,3,4,5,6,7,11,12 (specific order) 261/1,2,3,4,5,6,7,11,12 (specific order) 262/1,2,3,4,5,6,7,11,12 (specific order)
protected  void addPublicationDates(DataDir dir, boolean useLabel, boolean useTrailer)
           Formats the publication dates and adds them to the HTML Specifications for the publication dates field: 362/1
protected  void addSeries(DataDir dir, boolean useLabel)
           Formats the series information and adds it to the HTML Specifications for the series fields: 400/1,17,02,03,04,06,20,22 (specific order) 410/1,02,10,14,03,04,11,12,16,17,20,22 (specific order) 411/1,02,10,14,04,03,11,12,16,17,20,22 (specific order) 440/1,22 (specific order) 490/1 800/1,17,02,03,04,06,20,22 (specific order) 810/1,02,10,14,03,04,11,12,16,17,20,22 (specific order) 830/* (data ordered)
protected  void addSubjectHeadings(DataDir dir, boolean useLabel, boolean createHotLink)
           Formats the subject headings and adds them to the HTML Specifications for the subject headings fields: 650/1, 24, 25, 26 (all hot independently) 651/1, 2, 24, 25, 26 (all hot independently) 652/1, 2, 24, 25, 26 (all hot independently) 690/1, 24, 25, 26 (all hot independently) Use " -- " to separate the subheadings (24-26) from the other hot fields
protected  void addTitle(DataDir dir, boolean useBookmark, boolean createHotlink, int whichRecord)
           Adds a title with bookmark widgit Specifications for the title field: 245/02,03,08,11,14,16,19,06,07 (1 hot) (specfic order)
protected  void addUniformTitle(DataDir dir, boolean useLabel)
           Formats the uniform titles and adds them to the HTML Specifications for the uniform title fields: 240/* 130/*
protected  void addUniformTitleAsSubject(DataDir dir, boolean useLabel, boolean createHotLink)
           Formats the uniform title as subject and adds it to the HTML Specifications for the uniform title as subject field: 630/1-23, 24, 25, 26 (all hot independently) (data ordered) Use " -- " to separate the subheadings (24-26) from the other hot fields
protected  void createHoldings(int whichRecord)
           Creates a "holdings" hotlink (Actual tag on the link is "Libraries with item")
protected  String labelMaker(String text)
           Creates a label from some text
Methods inherited from class ORG.oclc.fmts.WebZFormatter
addBookMark, addBookMark, addBookMark, doFormat, init
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected String begLabel

String containing the characters to be used before the label text - usually HTML


protected String endLabel

String containing the characters to be used after the label text - usually HTML


protected String header

String containing the characters to be used at the beginning of a line without a label


protected String trailer

String containing the label to be used at the end of a field


protected String lineBreak

String containing the characters used to break a line


protected String linkData

String containing a hot-link data string


protected String title

String containing the record's title (using for Holdings retrieval)


protected String author

String containing the record's author (using for Holdings retrieval)


protected String ISSN

String containing the record's ISSN (using for Holdings retrieval)


protected String from

String containing the record's from field (using for Holdings retrieval)


protected static final int bufSize

String containing the default StringBuffer size


protected static final String uniformTitleFields

String containing the tag for the uniform title field (240)


protected static final String uniformTitleSubfields

String containing the tag for the uniform title subfields (*) (data ordered)


protected static final String alternateTitleFields

String containing the tag for the alternate title fields (246, 247)


protected static final String alternateTitleSubfields

String containing the tag for the alternate title subfields (*) (data ordered)


protected static final String titleIndex

String containing the index tag for title hotlinks


protected static final String titleField

String containing the tags for the title field (245, 130)


protected static final String titleField245

String containing the tag for the primary title field (245)


protected static final int titleFldid245

Integer containing the field id for the primary title field (245)


protected static final String titleHotSubfields245

String containing the tag for the primary title (245) subfields used for hotlinks (01)


protected static final String titleNotHotSubfields245

String containing the tags for the rest of the primary title (245) subfields (02,03,08,11,14,16,19,06,07) (specific order)


protected static final String titleSeparator

String containing the separator for titles


protected static final String titleTerminator

String containing the terminator for titles


protected static final String authorIndex

String containing the index tag for the authors


protected static final String authorFields

String containing the tags for authors (100, 110, 700, 710)


protected static final String authorField100

String containing the tag for the first author field (100)


protected static final String authorField110

String containing the tag for the second author field (110)


protected static final String authorField700

String containing the tag for the third author field (700)


protected static final String authorField710

String containing the tag for the fourth author field (710)


protected static final int authorFldid100

Integer containing the field id for the first author field (100)


protected static final int authorFldid110

Integer containing the field id for the second author field (110)


protected static final int authorFldid700

Integer containing the field id for the third author field (700)


protected static final int authorFldid710

Integer containing the field id for the fourth author field (710)


protected static final String authorHotSubfields100

String containing the tag for the subfields of author fields (100) to make hotlinks (01)


protected static final String authorHotSubfields700

String containing the tag for the subfields of author fields (700) to make hotlinks (01)


protected static final String authorBreakSubfield110_710

String containing the tag for the subfields of author fields (110, 710) to break on


protected static final String authorHotSubfields110_710

String containing the tags for the subfields of author fields (110, 710) to make hotlinks (01, 02)


protected static final String authorNotHotSubfields100

String containing the tags for the rest of the subfields for author fields (100) - (17,02,03,04,06) (specific order)


protected static final String authorNotHotSubfields700

String containing the tags for the rest of the subfields for author fields (700) - (17,02,03,04,06,20,14,16) (specific order)


protected static final String authorNotHotSubfields110_710

String containing the tags for the rest of the subfields for author fields (110, 710) - (10,14,03,04,11,12,16,17,20) (specific order)


protected static final String authorSeparator

String containing the separator for authors


protected static final String authorTerminator

String containing the terminator for authoers


protected static final String conferenceIndex

String containing the index tag for the conferences


protected static final String conferenceFields

String containing the tags for conferences (111, 711)


protected static final String conferenceHotSubfields

String containing the tag for the subfields of conference fields (111, 711) to make hotlinks (01)


protected static final String conferenceNotHotSubfields

String containing the tags for the rest of the conference fields (111, 711) subfields - (02, 10,14,04,03,11,12,16,17,20) (specific order)


protected static final String conferenceSeparator

String containing the separator for conferences


protected static final String conferenceTerminator

String containing the terminator for conferences


protected static final String publicationFields

String containing the tags for publications (260, 261, 262)


protected static final String publicationBreakSubfield

String containing the tag for the subfield of publications (260, 261, 262) to make hotlinks


protected static final String publicationSubfields

String containing the tags for the rest of the subfields of publications (260, 261, 262) - (02,03,04,05,06,07,11,12) (specific order)


protected static final String publicationSeparator

String containing the separator for publications


protected static final String publicationTerminator

String containing the terminator for publications


protected static final String seriesFields

String containing the tags for the series fields (400, 410, 411, 440, 490, 800, 810, 830)


protected static final int seriesFldid400

Integer containing the field id for the first series field (400)


protected static final int seriesFldid410

Integer containing the field id for the first series field (410)


protected static final int seriesFldid411

Integer containing the field id for the second series field (411)


protected static final int seriesFldid440

Integer containing the field id for the third series field (440)


protected static final int seriesFldid490

Integer containing the field id for the fourth series field (490)


protected static final int seriesFldid800

Integer containing the field id for the fifth series field (800)


protected static final int seriesFldid810

Integer containing the field id for the sixth series field (810)


protected static final int seriesFldid830

Integer containing the field id for the seventh series field (830)


protected static final String seriesBreakSubfield

String containing the tag for the subfields of series fields (400, 410, 411, 440, 490, 800, 810, 830) to break on (01)


protected static final String seriesSubfields400_800

String containing the tags for the rest of the subfields of series fields (400, 800) (17,02,03,04,06,20,22) (specific order)


protected static final String seriesSubfields410_810

String containing the tags for the rest of the subfields of series fields (410, 810) - (02,10,14,03,04,11,12,16,17,20,22) (specific order)


protected static final String seriesSubfields411

String containing the tags for the rest of the subfields of series fields (411) - (02,10,14,03,04,11,12,16,17,20,22) (specific order)


protected static final String seriesSubfields440

String containing the tag for remaining subfield of series field (440) - (22)


protected static final String seriesSubfields490

String containing a null string for the remaining subfield of series field (490) - used to keep the calls consistent


protected static final String seriesSeparator

String containing the separator for series


protected static final String seriesTerminator

String containing the terminator for series


protected static final String contentsField

String containing the tag for the contents field (505)


protected static final int contentsFldid505

Integer containing the fieldid for the contents field (505)


protected static final String contentsBreakSubfield

String containing the tag for the subfields of contents fields (505) to break on (01)


protected static final String contentsSubfields

String containing the tags for the rest of the subfields of contents fields (505) - (20, 07, 18) (specific order)


protected static final String contentsSeparator

String containing the separator for contents fields


protected static final String contentsTerminator

String containing the terminator for contents fields


protected static final String subjectIndex

String containing the index for all subjects


protected static final String subjectSubheadingSubfields

String containing the tags for all subject subheadings (24,25,26)


protected static final String personSubjectField

String containing the tag for the persons as subjects field (600)


protected static final String personSubjectHotSubfield

String containing the tag for the subfields of persons as subjects fields (600) to make hot (01)


protected static final String personSubjectNotHotSubfields

String containing the tag for the rest of the persons as subjects subfields (17, 02, 03, 04, 06)


protected static final String organizationSubjectField

String containing the tag for the organizations as subjects field (610)


protected static final String organizationSubjectHotSubfields

String containing the tag for the subfields of organizations as subjects field (610) to make hot (01, 02)


protected static final String organizationSubjectBreakSubfield

String containing the tag for the subfield of organizations as subjects field (610) to break on (01)


protected static final String organizationSubjectNotHotSubfields

String containing the tag for the rest of the organizations as subjects subfields (10, 14, 03, 04, 11, 12, 16, 17, 20)


protected static final String uniformTitleSubjectField

String containing the tag for the uniform title as subject field (630)


protected static final String uniformTitleSubjectHotSubfield

String containing the tag for the subfield of the uniform title as subject field (630) to make hot (01)


protected static final String uniformTitleSubjectNotHotSubfields

String containing the tag for the rest of the subfields for the uniform title as subject field (630)


protected static final String subjectHeadingsFields

String containing the tag for the subject headings fields (650, 651, 652, 690)


protected static final int subjectHeadingsFldid650

Integer containing the fieldid for the first subject headings field (650)


protected static final int subjectHeadingsFldid651

Integer containing the fieldid for the second subject headings field (651)


protected static final int subjectHeadingsFldid652

Integer containing the fieldid for the third subject headings field (652)


protected static final int subjectHeadingsFldid690

Integer containing the fieldid for the fourth subject headings field (690)


protected static final String subjectHeadingsHotSubfields650_690

String containing the tag for the subfield of some subject headings (650, 690) to make hot (01)


protected static final String subjectHeadingsHotSubfields651_652

String containing the tag for the subfields of some subject headings (651, 652) to make hot (01, 02)


protected static final String subjectHeadingsBreakSubfield651_652

String containing the tag for the subfields of some subject headings (651, 652) to break on (01)


protected static final String subjectHeadingsNotHotSubfields

String containing the tag for the rest of the subject headings subfields - none


protected static final String descriptorsField

String containing the tag for the descriptors field (653)


protected static final String descriptorsHotSubfields

String containing the tag for the descriptors field (653) subfield to make hot (01)


protected static final String descriptorsNotHotSubfields

String containing the tag for the rest of the descriptor subfields - none


protected static final String subjectSeparator

String containing the tag for the subject separator


protected static final String subheadingSeparator

String containing the tag for the subject subheading separator


protected static final String subjectTerminator

String containing the tag for the subject terminator


protected static final String noteFields

String containing the tag for the other notes fields (500, 502, 504, 506, 507, 508, 510, 590)


protected static final String noteBreakSubfield

String containing the tag for the other notes fields (500, 502, 504, 506, 507, 508, 510, 590) subfield to make hot (01)


protected static final String noteNotHotSubfields

String containing the rest of the other notes subfields (*)


protected static final String noteSeparator

String containing the other notes separator


protected static final String noteTerminator

String containing the other notes terminator


protected static final String physDescTags

String containing the tag for the physical description (256/1-3, 300/1-3)


protected static final String editionTag

String containing the tag for the edition (250/1-2)


protected static final String frequencyTag

String containing the tag for the frequency (310/1)


protected static final String publicationDatesTag

String containing the tag for the publication dates (362/1)


protected static final String abstractTag

String containing the tag for the abstract (520/1)


protected static final String performersTag

String containing the tag for the performers (511/1)


protected static final String ISSNTag

String containing the tag for the ISSN (022/1)


protected static final String ISBNTag

String containing the tag for the ISBN (020/1)

Constructor Detail


public MarcCatalogFmt()

Constructs a MarcCatalogFmt object.

Method Detail


protected final void addTitle(DataDir dir,
                              boolean useBookmark,
                              boolean createHotlink,
                              int whichRecord)

Adds a title with bookmark widgit

Specifications for the title field:
245/02,03,08,11,14,16,19,06,07 (1 hot) (specfic order)

dir - a DataDir that contains the record to be formatted
useBookmark - a boolean that indicates whether of not a bookmark wigit should be created.
createHotlink - a boolean that indicates whether of not a hotlink should be created from the title
whichRecord - an integer that contains the current record number for display with the title


protected final void addAuthor(DataDir dir,
                               boolean useLabel,
                               boolean useTrailer,
                               boolean createHotLink)

Formats the authors and add them to the HTML

Specifications for the author fields:
100/1,17,2,3,4,6 (1 hot) rest specific order
110/1,2,10,14,03,04,11,12,16,17,20 (1-2 merged as a hot) rest specific order
700/1,17,02,03,04,06,20,14,16 (1 hot) rest specific order
710/1,2,10,14,03,04,11,12,16,17,20 (1-2 merged as a hot) rest specific order
Use period "." as a terminator
Use period space space ". " as a separator
dir - a DataDir that contains the record to be formatted
useLabel - a boolean that specifies whether or not a label is needed
useTrailer - a boolean that specifies whether or not a trailer is needed
createHotLink - a boolean that specifies whether or not a hotlink is created


protected final void addConference(DataDir dir,
                                   boolean useLabel,
                                   boolean useTrailer,
                                   boolean createHotLink)

Formats the conferences and adds them to the HTML

Specifications for the conference fields:
111/1,2,10,14,04,03,11,12,16,17,20 (specific order)
711/1,2,10,14,04,03,11,12,16,17,20 (specific order)
dir - a DataDir that contains the record to be formatted
useLabel - a boolean that specifies whether or not a label is needed
useTrailer - a boolean that specifies whether or not a trailer is needed
createHotLink - a boolean that specifies whether or not a hotlink is needed


protected final void addPublication(DataDir dir,
                                    boolean useLabel,
                                    boolean useTrailer)

Formats the publications and adds them to the HTML

Specifications for the publication fields:
260/1,2,3,4,5,6,7,11,12 (specific order)
261/1,2,3,4,5,6,7,11,12 (specific order)
262/1,2,3,4,5,6,7,11,12 (specific order)
dir - a DataDir that contains the record to be formatted
useLabel - a boolean that specifies whether or not a label is needed
useTrailer - a boolean that specifies whether or not a trailer is needed


protected final void addSeries(DataDir dir,
                               boolean useLabel)

Formats the series information and adds it to the HTML

Specifications for the series fields:
400/1,17,02,03,04,06,20,22 (specific order)
410/1,02,10,14,03,04,11,12,16,17,20,22 (specific order)
411/1,02,10,14,04,03,11,12,16,17,20,22 (specific order)
440/1,22 (specific order)
800/1,17,02,03,04,06,20,22 (specific order)
810/1,02,10,14,03,04,11,12,16,17,20,22 (specific order)
830/* (data ordered)
dir - a DataDir that contains the record to be formatted
useLabel - a boolean that specifies whether or not a label is needed


protected final void addContents(DataDir dir,
                                 boolean useLabel)

Formats the contents and adds them to the HTML

Specifications for the contents field:
505/1, 20, 7, 18 (specific order)
dir - a DataDir that contains the record to be formatted
useLabel - a boolean that specifies whether or not a label is needed


protected final void addPersonsAsSubjects(DataDir dir,
                                          boolean useLabel,
                                          boolean createHotLink)

Formats the persons as subjects and adds them to the HTML

Specifications for the subject headings fields:
600/1,17,02,03,04,06 24, 25, 26 (1, 24-26 all hot independently)
17, 02, 03, 04, 06 in that specific order; 24-26 are data ordered
Use " -- " to separate the subheadings (24-26) from the other hot fields
dir - a DataDir that contains the record to be formatted
useLabel - a boolean that specifies whether or not a label is needed
createHotLink - a boolean that specifies whether or not a hotlink is needed


protected final void addOrganizationsAsSubjects(DataDir dir,
                                                boolean useLabel,
                                                boolean createHotLink)

Formats the organizations as subjects and adds them to the HTML

Specifications for the subject headings fields:
610/1,2,10,14,03,04,11,12,16,17,20, 24, 25, 26 (1, 2, 24, 25,26 all hot independently)
10, 14, 03, 04, 11, 12, 16, 17, 20 in that specific order; 24-26 are data ordered
Use " -- " to separate the subheadings (24-26) from the other hot fields
dir - a DataDir that contains the record to be formatted
useLabel - a boolean that specifies whether or not a label is needed
createHotLink - a boolean that specifies whether or not a hotlink is needed


protected final void addUniformTitleAsSubject(DataDir dir,
                                              boolean useLabel,
                                              boolean createHotLink)

Formats the uniform title as subject and adds it to the HTML

Specifications for the uniform title as subject field:
630/1-23, 24, 25, 26 (all hot independently) (data ordered)
Use " -- " to separate the subheadings (24-26) from the other hot fields
dir - a DataDir that contains the record to be formatted
useLabel - a boolean that specifies whether or not a label is needed
createHotLink - a boolean that specifies whether or not a hotlink is needed


protected final void addSubjectHeadings(DataDir dir,
                                        boolean useLabel,
                                        boolean createHotLink)

Formats the subject headings and adds them to the HTML

Specifications for the subject headings fields:
650/1, 24, 25, 26 (all hot independently)
651/1, 2, 24, 25, 26 (all hot independently)
652/1, 2, 24, 25, 26 (all hot independently)
690/1, 24, 25, 26 (all hot independently)
Use " -- " to separate the subheadings (24-26) from the other hot fields
dir - a DataDir that contains the record to be formatted
useLabel - a boolean that specifies whether or not a label is needed
createHotLink - a boolean that specifies whether or not a hotlink is needed


protected final void addDescriptors(DataDir dir,
                                    boolean useLabel,
                                    boolean createHotLink)

Formats the descriptors and adds them to the HTML

Specifications for the descriptors field:
653/1 (1 is hot)
dir - a DataDir that contains the record to be formatted
useLabel - a boolean that specifies whether or not a label is needed
createHotLink - a boolean that specifies whether or not a hotlink is needed


protected final void addOtherNotes(DataDir dir,
                                   boolean useLabel)

Formats the other notes and adds them to the HTML

Specifications for the other notes fields:
500/* (data ordered)
502/* (data ordered)
504/* (data ordered)
506/* (data ordered)
507/* (data ordered)
508/* (data ordered)
510/* (data ordered)
590/* (data ordered)
dir - a DataDir that contains the record to be formatted
useLabel - a boolean that specifies whether or not a label is needed


protected final void addLibraries(DataDir dir,
                                  boolean useLabel)

Formats the libraries and adds them to the HTML

Specifications for the libraries field:
dir - a DataDir that contains the record to be formatted
useLabel - a boolean that specifies whether or not a label is needed


protected final void addHoldings(DataDir dir,
                                 String itemTrailer,
                                 String itemLabelBegin,
                                 String itemLabelEnd)

Formats the holdings and adds them to the HTML

Specifications for the holdings fields:
920/1-3 (OR)
1002/2/2/16/16, 0/16/2/16, 1002/0/16 (OR)
dir - a DataDir that contains the record to be formatted
itemTrailer - the String that follows each item in the holdings data.
itemLabelBegin - the String that precedes the text label identifying the item of the holdings data.
itemLabelEnd - the String that follows the text label identifying the item of the holdings data.


public final void addHoldings(DataDir dir)


public final void addHoldings(DataDir dir,
                              boolean useHTML)

Formats the holdings and adds them to the HTML

Specifications for the holdings fields:
920/1-3 (OR)
2003/16 - DRA Holdings (OR)
1002/0/2 -- recordsyntax=OPAC (OR)
1002/0/16 -- recordsyntax=NOTIS_OPAC
dir - a DataDir that contains the record to be formatted


public final void addBriefHoldings(DataDir dir)

Formats the holdings and adds them to the HTML for brief holdings (results screen).

Specifications for the holdings fields:
920/1-3 (OR)
1002/0/2 -- recordsyntax=OPAC (OR)
1002/0/16 -- recordsyntax=NOTIS_OPAC
dir - a DataDir that contains the record to be formatted


protected final void addUniformTitle(DataDir dir,
                                     boolean useLabel)

Formats the uniform titles and adds them to the HTML

Specifications for the uniform title fields:
dir - a DataDir that contains the record to be formatted
useLabel - a boolean that specifies whether or not a label is needed


protected final void addAlternateTitle(DataDir dir,
                                       boolean useLabel)

Formats the alternate titles and adds them to the HTML

Specifications for the alternate title fields:
dir - a DataDir that contains the record to be formatted
useLabel - a boolean that specifies whether or not a label is needed


protected final void addEdition(DataDir dir,
                                boolean useLabel)

Formats the edition and adds it to the HTML

Specifications for the edition field:
dir - a DataDir that contains the record to be formatted
useLabel - a boolean that specifies whether or not a label is needed


protected final void addPhysDesc(DataDir dir,
                                 boolean useLabel)

Formats the physical description and adds them to the HTML

Specifications for the physical description fields:
dir - a DataDir that contains the record to be formatted
useLabel - a boolean that specifies whether or not a label is needed


protected final void addFrequency(DataDir dir,
                                  boolean useLabel)

Formats the frequency and adds it to the HTML

Specifications for the frequency field:
dir - a DataDir that contains the record to be formatted
useLabel - a boolean that specifies whether or not a label is needed


protected final void addPublicationDates(DataDir dir,
                                         boolean useLabel,
                                         boolean useTrailer)

Formats the publication dates and adds them to the HTML

Specifications for the publication dates field:
dir - a DataDir that contains the record to be formatted
useLabel - a boolean that specifies whether or not a label is needed
useTrailer - a boolean that specifies whether or not a trailer is needed


protected final void addAbstract(DataDir dir,
                                 boolean useLabel)

Formats the abstract and adds it to the HTML

Specifications for the abstract field:
dir - a DataDir that contains the record to be formatted
useLabel - a boolean that specifies whether or not a label is needed


protected final void addPerformers(DataDir dir,
                                   boolean useLabel)

Formats the performers and adds them to the HTML

Specifications for the performer fields:
dir - a DataDir that contains the record to be formatted
useLabel - a boolean that specifies whether or not a label is needed


protected final void addISBN(DataDir dir,
                             boolean useLabel,
                             boolean useTrailer)

Formats the ISBN and adds it to the HTML

Specifications for the ISBN field:
dir - a DataDir that contains the record to be formatted
useLabel - a boolean that specifies whether or not a label is needed
useTrailer - a boolean that specifies whether or not a trailer is needed


protected final void addISSN(DataDir dir,
                             boolean useLabel,
                             boolean useTrailer)

Formats the ISSN and adds it to the HTML

Specifications for the ISSN field:
dir - a DataDir that contains the record to be formatted
useLabel - a boolean that specifies whether or not a label is needed
useTrailer - a boolean that specifies whether or not a trailer is needed


protected String labelMaker(String text)

Creates a label from some text

text - a String that contains the text to be made into a label
String the text concatenated within the begLabel and endLabel strings


protected final void createHoldings(int whichRecord)

Creates a "holdings" hotlink (Actual tag on the link is "Libraries with item")

whichRecord - an integer that specifies the record number for the item being marked.

Open SiteSearch 4.1.1