Open SiteSearch 4.1.1

Uses of Class

Packages that use DbResults

Uses of DbResults in ORG.oclc.db

Methods in ORG.oclc.db that return DbResults
abstract  DbResults[] Db.getDbResults(String hitlist, Object dbUserData)
          Get the database search summaries for the specified hitlist.
 DbResults[] DbNewton.getDbResults(String hitlist, Object userData)
          Get the restrictor summaries for the specified hitlist.
 DbResults[] DbDeleted.getDbResults(String hitlist, Object dbUserData)
          Get the database search summaries for the specified hitlist.
 DbResults[] DbRemoteZ.getDbResults(String hitlist, Object userData)
          Get the restrictor summaries for the specified hitlist.

Uses of DbResults in

Methods in with parameters of type DbResults
protected  Vector resultsframescreen.buildList(DbResults[] newList, DbResults[] oldList, String localdb)
          The buildList method returns a Vector of DbResults elements that have been rotated.
protected  Vector resultsframescreen.buildList(DbResults[] newList, TopicEntry entry)
          The buildList method returns a Vector of DbResults elements that have been ordered by TopicArea definition.

Uses of DbResults in ORG.oclc.webz

Fields in ORG.oclc.webz declared as DbResults
protected  DbResults[] QUERY.sResults
          DbResults array object containing the search results.
protected  DbResults[] WebZUserHistory.searchResults
          Array of DbResults objects maintaining the results of a Z3950 Query.

Methods in ORG.oclc.webz that return DbResults
 DbResults[] ZUserData.getSearchResults(String resultSetName)
          Retrieves a DbResults array containing the search results for the input resultSetName.
 DbResults[] ZUserData.getLastDbResults()
          Retrieves the DbResults array saved in the Vector of WebZUserHistory objects EXCLUDING temporary database searches.
 DbResults[] ZUserData.getLastDbResults(boolean includeTDbSearches)
          Retrieves the DbResults array saved in the Vector of WebZUserHistory objects INCLUDING temporary database searches.
static DbResults[] WebZUserHistory.getLastDbResults(Vector history, boolean includeTDbSearches)
          Locates the last DbResults array used in a SEARCH from the input Vector of WebZUserHistory entries.
static DbResults[] WebZUserHistory.getLastDbResults(Vector history, String resultSetName)
          Locates the last DbResults array used in a SEARCH from the input Vector of WebZUserHistory entries.
 DbResults[] WebZUserHistory.searchResults()
          Returns a DbResults array for a SEARCH result.

Methods in ORG.oclc.webz with parameters of type DbResults
static void WebZUserHistory.update(UserStateObject user, int action, ZDb db, String resultSetName, DbResults[] results, DataPairs queryInfo, String elementSetName, String fmtClass, int numrecs, boolean fDbGroup, boolean tempDb, boolean ranked, int status, int zcode, String parserMessage, int zrequestLen, int zresponseLen)
          Updates the current WebZUserHistory search entry with the results of the Z3950 query request.
static void WebZUserHistory.update(UserStateObject user, int action, String resultSetName, String dedupResultSetName, DbResults[] dedupedResults, boolean tempDb, int status, int zcode, int zrequestLen, int zresponseLen)
          Updates the current WebZUserHistory dedup entry with the results of the Z3950 dedup request.
 void WebZUserHistory.setDbResults(DbResults[] searchResults)
          Resets the DbResults[] object to the input array.

Uses of DbResults in ORG.oclc.z39

Fields in ORG.oclc.z39 declared as DbResults
 DbResults[] oclcUserInformation3.dbResults
 DbResults[] TermComponentPostings.dbResults
          the per database breakdown of the results

Methods in ORG.oclc.z39 with parameters of type DbResults
static DataDir oclcUserInformation3.buildDir(DbResults[] dbResults, TermComponentPostings[] cp)
static int DbResults.totalPostings(DbResults[] results)
          Given an array of DbResults, calculate the total postings
static String DbResults.allNames(DbResults[] results)
          Given an array of DbResults, create a string with all the dbnames
static oclcUserInformation7 DbResults.getPartialResults(DbResults[] results)
          Given an array of DbResults, get the partial results search information from the oclcUserInformation7 data
static oclcUserInformation8 DbResults.getUserInfo8(DbResults[] results)
          Given an array of DbResults, get the partial results search information from the oclcUserInformation8 data
static TermComponentPostings[] DbResults.getComponentPostings(DbResults[] results)
          Given an array of DbResults, get the component results from the search

Uses of DbResults in ORG.oclc.z39.client

Fields in ORG.oclc.z39.client declared as DbResults
 DbResults[] Z39search.dbResults
          Search Results information.
 DbResults[] Z39dedup.dbResults
          DbResults array object containing the breakdown of the representative records in a dedup when more than 1 db in search.

Uses of DbResults in ORG.oclc.z39.server

Methods in ORG.oclc.z39.server with parameters of type DbResults
 BerString Z39search.Response(int resultCount, int searchStatus, int resultSetStatus, int presentStatus, Z39present present, DbPresentData[] recs, int NumberOfRecordsReturned, DbResults[] dbResults, Diagnostic1 error, int extraLen, int offset)
          Creates a Z39.50 SearchResponse.
 BerString Z39search.Response(int resultCount, int searchStatus, int resultSetStatus, int presentStatus, Z39present present, DbPresentData[] recs, int NumberOfRecordsReturned, DbResults[] dbResults, TermComponentPostings[] componentPostings, DataDir oclcUserInfo, String oclcUserInfoOID, Diagnostic1 error, int extraLen, int offset)
          Creates a Z39.50 SearchResponse.
 BerString Z39dedup.Response(int DedupStatus, int postingsCount, DbResults[] dbResults, Diagnostic1 error, int extraLen, int offset)
          Creates a Z39.50 DedupResponse.

Open SiteSearch 4.1.1