Open SiteSearch 4.1.1

Uses of Class

Packages that use Attribute

Uses of Attribute in ORG.oclc.z39

Fields in ORG.oclc.z39 declared as Attribute
 Attribute[] TermInfo.a
          The use/structure attributes in the Z3950 response.
 Attribute[] TermListDetails.combinations
          Attribute combination corresponding to this list

Methods in ORG.oclc.z39 that return Attribute
 Attribute TermComponentPostings.attributes()
          Accessor method to the attributes
static Attribute[] AttributeUtil.putAttributes(String attributes)

Methods in ORG.oclc.z39 with parameters of type Attribute
 boolean Attribute.equals(Attribute a)
          Test an Attribute object against this Attribute object to see if the types and values match.
static DataDir Attribute.buildDir(Attribute a)
          Build an AttributeElement DataDir based on the specified Attribute object.
 void TermInfo.setByAttribute(String dbName, Attribute[] defaultAttrs)
          If byAttribute does not exist, create one.
 void TermInfo.addByAttribute(TermInfo otherTerm, String dbName, Attribute[] defaultAttrs)
          Merge the byAttribute of otherTerm with the byAttribute of this term.
 void TermInfo.addByAttribute(Attribute[] a, String dbName, int postings)
          Add these attributes to this term.
static DataDir TermInfo.buildDir(String term, String displayTerm, Attribute[] a, int globalOccurrences, byAttributes[] b)
static DataDir TermInfo.buildDir(String term, String displayTerm, Attribute[] a, int globalOccurrences, byAttributes[] b, String alternativeTerm, int use, int structure, DataDir otherInfoDir)
          Build a DataDir TermInfo from the parameters.
 boolean byAttributes.attributesMatch(Attribute[] a)
          Compare the input Attribute object to this object.
static DataDir byAttributes.buildDir(Attribute[] attributes, Vector databaseNames, Vector num)
          Build a DataDir from an Attribute object array.

Constructors in ORG.oclc.z39 with parameters of type Attribute
byAttributes.byAttributes(Attribute[] a, String d, int n)
          Build a list of attributes for a term with database and posting information.

Open SiteSearch 4.1.1