Open SiteSearch 4.1.1

Uses of Class

Packages that use Atom   

Uses of Atom in

Methods in with parameters of type Atom
 void ElementImpl.saveAttributes(Atom ns, XMLOutputStream o)
          Save the element attributes in XML format

Uses of Atom in ORG.oclc.xml.parser

Methods in ORG.oclc.xml.parser that return Atom
 Atom DTD.findShortNameSpace(Atom href)
          get the short name of a specified name space
 Atom DTD.findLongNameSpace(Atom as)
 Atom DTD.findLoadedNameSpace(Atom url)
          keep a list of all name spaces loaded so they are loaded twice if two name spaces happen to refer to the same DTD file

Methods in ORG.oclc.xml.parser with parameters of type Atom
 void ns, XMLOutputStream o)
 void DTD.addNameSpace(Atom as, Atom href)
          add a pair to the name space hashtable
 Atom DTD.findShortNameSpace(Atom href)
          get the short name of a specified name space
 Atom DTD.findLongNameSpace(Atom as)
static boolean DTD.isReservedNameSpace(Atom n)
 Atom DTD.findLoadedNameSpace(Atom url)
          keep a list of all name spaces loaded so they are loaded twice if two name spaces happen to refer to the same DTD file
 void DTD.addLoadedNameSpace(Atom url)
          add a loaded name space name to the list
 void Parser.loadDTD(String urlStr, Atom nameSpace)

Uses of Atom in ORG.oclc.xml.util

Methods in ORG.oclc.xml.util that return Atom
 Atom NameSpaceContext.findNameSpace(Atom n)
          find name space, long name is the key
 Atom Name.getNameSpace()
static Atom Atom.create(String s)
          Create a Atom object for this string.

Methods in ORG.oclc.xml.util with parameters of type Atom
 void XMLOutputStream.writeQualifiedName(Name n, Atom ns)
          This method writes out the fully qualified name, using the appropriate short name syntax.
 void NameSpaceContext.addNameSpace(Atom url, Atom n)
          add name space.
 Atom NameSpaceContext.findNameSpace(Atom n)
          find name space, long name is the key
static Name Name.create(String name, Atom nameSpace)
          Create a Name object for the given name and namespace where the name and Namespace are already Atoms.

Open SiteSearch 4.1.1