Open SiteSearch 4.1.1

Uses of Class

Packages that use QUERY   

Uses of QUERY in

Subclasses of QUERY in
 class AdvancedQuery
          The AdvancedQuery class is a specialized QUERY Verb for the advanced search page in the SiteSearch OBI designed to set up the correct parameters for using a full record display formatting class rather than a brief display.
 class HistoryQuery
          The HistoryQuery class is a specialized QUERY Verb to create queries from the history search page in the SiteSearch OBI.
 class ThesaurusQuery
          The ThesaurusQuery class is a specialized QUERY Verb for retrieving results to create the thesaurus tree display.
 class TopicQuery
          The TopicQuery class is a specialized QUERY Verb to customize queries from the quick search option on the SiteSearch OBI database selection page.

Open SiteSearch 4.1.1