Open SiteSearch 4.1.1

Uses of Class

Packages that use DisplayUserData

Uses of DisplayUserData in ORG.oclc.fmts

Methods in ORG.oclc.fmts with parameters of type DisplayUserData
 String RulesBasedDisplayGenerator.generate(Vector data, int startRecno, DisplayUserData userData)
          Generates the formatted data for the input data according to the instructions defined for the object.

Uses of DisplayUserData in ORG.oclc.fmts.rules

Methods in ORG.oclc.fmts.rules with parameters of type DisplayUserData
static String RuleUtil.getWrapperData(String wrapperName, DisplayUserData userData)
          Retrieves the wrapper data value for the input wrapper name.
static String RuleUtil.getWrapperData(String wrapperName, String defaultVal, DisplayUserData userData)
          Retrieves the wrapper data value for the input wrapper name and returns the default value when the entry is not found.
static String RuleUtil.getWrapperDataFromRuleParm(RuleSpec ruleSpec, String ruleParmName, String defaultParmName, DisplayUserData userData)
          Retrieves the input parameter from the RuleSpec rules, then retrieves the wrapper data string for the named parameter and uses the default when either the rule parameter does not exist or the wrapper data element does not exist.
 void RuleUtil.appendEntityData(String entityName, FormatBerUtil fmtUtil, String separatorB4Entity, DisplayUserData userData)
          Appends the data retrieved from the input entity name to the output formatting buffer held in the FormatBerUtil object.
 void RuleUtil.saveDataInEntity(String entityName, String data, String entitySeparator, DisplayUserData userData)
          Saves and Appends the input data string in the user state object in the named entity and separates any existing entity data with the input entity separator.
 void HoldingsSearchKey.doRule(DataDir dir, int recordNumber, RuleSpec ruleSpec, FormatBerUtil fmtUtil, DisplayUserData userData)
          Creates a string containing a search key for that is used to create a search to a database such as the DRA Holdings database to retrieve the holdings data to attach to the record for holdings display.
 void AddFullTextButton.doRule(DataDir dir, int recordNumber, RuleSpec ruleSpec, FormatBerUtil fmtUtil, DisplayUserData userData)
          Creates a FETCH hot-link to display Full-Text for the input record based on the fields specified in the RuleSpec object and the matching criteria specified in the rules parameters.
 void AddFSMedlineSubjects.doRule(DataDir dir, int recordNumber, RuleSpec ruleSpec, FormatBerUtil fmtUtil, DisplayUserData userData)
          Appends formatted record data for the input record according to the specifications found in the input RuleSpec object.
 void AddILLSendToList.doRule(DataDir dir, int recordNumber, RuleSpec ruleSpec, FormatBerUtil fmtUtil, DisplayUserData userData)
          Creates the sendToList and saves it in the user state object for the input record and RuleSpec object.
 void UpdateCurrecno.doRule(DataDir dir, int recordNumber, RuleSpec ruleSpec, FormatBerUtil fmtUtil, DisplayUserData userData)
          Updates the entity "currecno" in the UserStateObject for the user to ensure proper interface record navigation of brief or multifull record results in the interface.
 void SaveDuplicateDatabaseNames.doRule(DataDir dir, int recordNumber, RuleSpec ruleSpec, FormatBerUtil fmtUtil, DisplayUserData userData)
          Adds the database name for the input record to the format buffer held in the input FormatBerUtil object.
 void AddILLOclcNum.doRule(DataDir dir, int recordNumber, RuleSpec ruleSpec, FormatBerUtil fmtUtil, DisplayUserData userData)
          Retrieves the OCLC number from the input record from the fields specified in the RuleSpec, filters the data, stores it in the user state object, and also adds the name to the formatting buffer if a display label is provided for in the RuleSpec.
 void AddBriefHoldings.doRule(DataDir dir, int recordNumber, RuleSpec ruleSpec, FormatBerUtil fmtUtil, DisplayUserData userData)
          Adds the formatted brief holdings data from the input record to the format buffer held in the input FormatBerUtil object.
 void SaveTermFinderResults.doRule(DataDir dir, int recno, RuleSpec ruleSpec, FormatBerUtil fmtUtil, DisplayUserData userData)
          Adds a set of DataPairs to a Map/Hashtable within the user state object.
protected  DataPairs SaveTermFinderResults.makeValue(String key, RuleSpec ruleSpec, DisplayUserData userData, String before, String after, String between, String trailer)
          This method constructs the DataPairs that will be added to the Map with a key
 void AddILLData.doRule(DataDir dir, int recordNumber, RuleSpec ruleSpec, FormatBerUtil fmtUtil, DisplayUserData userData)
          Retrieves the data from the input record according to the fields specified in the input RuleSpec object, stores it in the user state, and also adds the data to the formatting buffer if a display label is provided for the field in the RuleSpec.
 void AddCompoundSubjectPhrase.doRule(DataDir dir, int recordNumber, RuleSpec ruleSpec, FormatBerUtil fmtUtil, DisplayUserData userData)
          Appends formatted record data for the input record according to the specifications found in the input RuleSpec object.
 void AddFetchAnchor.doRule(DataDir dir, int recordNumber, RuleSpec ruleSpec, FormatBerUtil fmtUtil, DisplayUserData userData)
          Creates a FETCH hot-link for the input record based on the fields specified in the RuleSpec object and appends it to the formatting buffer held in the input FormatBerUtil object.
 void AddILL920FieldSendToList.doRule(DataDir dir, int recordNumber, RuleSpec ruleSpec, FormatBerUtil fmtUtil, DisplayUserData userData)
          Creates the sendToList and saves it in the user state object for the input record and RuleSpec object.
 void AddRecordNumber.doRule(DataDir dir, int recordNumber, RuleSpec ruleSpec, FormatBerUtil fmtUtil, DisplayUserData userData)
          Adds the current record number to the output format buffer for the input DataDir object,
 void AddDatabaseName.doRule(DataDir dir, int recordNumber, RuleSpec ruleSpec, FormatBerUtil fmtUtil, DisplayUserData userData)
          Adds the database name for the input record to the format buffer held in the input FormatBerUtil object.
 void AddRecordData.doRule(DataDir dir, int recordNumber, RuleSpec ruleSpec, FormatBerUtil fmtUtil, DisplayUserData userData)
          Appends formatted record data for the input record according to the specifications found in the input RuleSpec object.
 void AddImageDisplayAnchor.doRule(DataDir dir, int recordNumber, RuleSpec ruleSpec, FormatBerUtil fmtUtil, DisplayUserData userData)
          Creates an anchor to display the images associated with the input data record and appends it to the formatting buffer held in the input FormatBerUtil object.
 void DeleteAnchor.doRule(DataDir dir, int recordNumber, RuleSpec ruleSpec, FormatBerUtil fmtUtil, DisplayUserData userData)
          Creates an anchor to display the
 void AddSaveButton.doRule(DataDir dir, int recordNumber, RuleSpec ruleSpec, FormatBerUtil fmtUtil, DisplayUserData userData)
          Adds the save record anchor to the output format buffer for the input record number.
 void AddILLDatabaseName.doRule(DataDir dir, int recordNumber, RuleSpec ruleSpec, FormatBerUtil fmtUtil, DisplayUserData userData)
          Stores the database name of the input record in the user state in the entity specificied by the rule parameter 'IllEntity', and and also adds the name to the formatting buffer if a display label is provided for in the RuleSpec.
 void AddHTTPAnchor.doRule(DataDir dir, int recordNumber, RuleSpec ruleSpec, FormatBerUtil fmtUtil, DisplayUserData userData)
          Creates an HTTP:// hot-link for the input record based on the fields specified in the RuleSpec object and appends it to the formatting buffer held in the input FormatBerUtil object.
 void AddFormattedDupData.doRule(DataDir dir, int recordNumber, RuleSpec ruleSpec, FormatBerUtil fmtUtil, DisplayUserData userData)
          Adds the formatted duplicate record data to the output format buffer.
 void Add856.doRule(DataDir dir, int recordNumber, RuleSpec ruleSpec, FormatBerUtil fmtUtil, DisplayUserData userData)
          Executes the doRule logic to add formatted 856 data to the format buffer held in the input FormatBerUtil object.
 void CopyAnchor.doRule(DataDir dir, int recordNumber, RuleSpec ruleSpec, FormatBerUtil fmtUtil, DisplayUserData userData)
          Creates an anchor to display the
 void AddLocalHoldingsButton.doRule(DataDir dir, int recordNumber, RuleSpec ruleSpec, FormatBerUtil fmtUtil, DisplayUserData userData)
          Creates a FETCH hot-link to display Full-Text for the input record based on the fields specified in the RuleSpec object and the matching criteria specified in the rules parameters.
 void EditAnchor.doRule(DataDir dir, int recordNumber, RuleSpec ruleSpec, FormatBerUtil fmtUtil, DisplayUserData userData)
          Creates an anchor to display the
 void AddWrapperData.doRule(DataDir dir, int recordNumber, RuleSpec ruleSpec, FormatBerUtil fmtUtil, DisplayUserData userData)
          Appends the wrapper data specified in the 'wrapper name' rule parameter to the formatted data buffer.
 void SaveImageInfo.doRule(DataDir dir, int recordNumber, RuleSpec ruleSpec, FormatBerUtil fmtUtil, DisplayUserData userData)
          Creates the ImageInfo for the record for image display for the document.
 void AddFSABIISubjects.doRule(DataDir dir, int recordNumber, RuleSpec ruleSpec, FormatBerUtil fmtUtil, DisplayUserData userData)
          Appends formatted record data for the input record according to the specifications found in the input RuleSpec object.
 void AddHoldings.doRule(DataDir dir, int recordNumber, RuleSpec ruleSpec, FormatBerUtil fmtUtil, DisplayUserData userData)
          Adds a holdings display to the output formatting buffer based on the specific Marc holdings found in the data.

Uses of DisplayUserData in ORG.oclc.webz

Methods in ORG.oclc.webz that return DisplayUserData
static DisplayUserData DisplayUserData.get(UserStateObject user)
          Retrieves the DisplayUserData object for the user.

Methods in ORG.oclc.webz with parameters of type DisplayUserData
 void DisplayRule.doRule(DataDir dir, int recordNum, RuleSpec ruleSpec, FormatBerUtil fmtUtil, DisplayUserData userData)
          Executes the rule to create formatted data in the RulesBasedDisplayGenerator.
 String DisplayGenerator.generate(Vector data, int startRecno, DisplayUserData userData)
          Generates the formatted string using the input data, record number and DisplayUserData.

Open SiteSearch 4.1.1