Open SiteSearch 4.1.1

Uses of Class

Packages that use VTree

Uses of VTree in ORG.oclc.util

Methods in ORG.oclc.util that return VTree
 VTree VTree.addChild(VTree child)
          Add a child to a node.
 VTree VTree.add1stChild(VTree child)
          Add a child which will be the first child in the list.
 VTree VTree.getChildren()
 VTree VTree.getLastChild()
 VTree VTree.dropLastChild()
 VTree VTree.getSiblings()
 VTree VTree.getParent()

Methods in ORG.oclc.util with parameters of type VTree
 void VTree.deleteChild(VTree child)
          Delete a child from a node.
 VTree VTree.addChild(VTree child)
          Add a child to a node.
 VTree VTree.add1stChild(VTree child)
          Add a child which will be the first child in the list.
 void VTree.add1stSibling(VTree sibling)
 void VTree.addSibling(VTree sibling)

Constructors in ORG.oclc.util with parameters of type VTree
VTree.VTree(VTree parent)

Open SiteSearch 4.1.1