Open SiteSearch 4.1.1

Uses of Class

Packages that use IniFile

Uses of IniFile in ORG.oclc.access

Methods in ORG.oclc.access with parameters of type IniFile
 void AccessConnectInfo.init(String name, IniFile ini)
          Initialzes the Access Server by name using the configuration information contained in the IniFile object.

Constructors in ORG.oclc.access with parameters of type IniFile
AccessConnectInfo.AccessConnectInfo(String name, IniFile ini)
          Constructs an AccessConnectInfo object using the configuration information from the input IniFile object.

Uses of IniFile in ORG.oclc.db

Methods in ORG.oclc.db with parameters of type IniFile
 void ElementSetNameF.initialize(String dbName, IniFile inifile)
          Initializes the ElementSetNameF object for the input database, database name, and inifile.
static Db Db.SetupDatabase(IniFile inifile, String which)
          Use this to create a Db object.
protected abstract  boolean Db.init(IniFile inifile, String which)
          Initialize this Db object.
protected static Db Db.openDb(IniFile ini, String dbSection)
          Open a database.
static void Db.openDbs(IniFile ini, String databaseSection, boolean verbose)
          Open all databases listed in the databaseSection of the IniFile.
 boolean Db.rolldatabase(IniFile inifile, String inifilesection)
protected  boolean DbNewton.init(IniFile inifile, String which)
          Initialize this DbNewton object.
 boolean DbNewton.rolldatabase(IniFile inifile, String iniSection)
 void ElementSetName.initialize(String dbName, IniFile inifile)
protected  boolean DbDeleted.init(IniFile inifile, String which)
          Initialize this Db object.
protected  boolean DbRemoteZ.init(IniFile inifile, String which)
 boolean DbDemo.setup(IniFile inifile)
 void ElementSetNameB.initialize(String dbName, IniFile inifile)

Constructors in ORG.oclc.db with parameters of type IniFile
Sorts.Sorts(IniFile inifile, String section)
          Load the sort parameters from the inifile.

Uses of IniFile in ORG.oclc.fmts

Methods in ORG.oclc.fmts with parameters of type IniFile
 void RulesBasedDisplayGenerator.init(IniFile ini, String typeOfFormat)

Uses of IniFile in ORG.oclc.gadgets

Methods in ORG.oclc.gadgets with parameters of type IniFile
 void GadgetAndStyleLoader.init(IniFile ini)
          Initializes all Gadgets and StyleTables using from the configuration information from the input IniFile object.

Uses of IniFile in ORG.oclc.HoldingServer

Methods in ORG.oclc.HoldingServer with parameters of type IniFile
 void HoldingServer.initHoldingBase(IniFile file, String inifileSection)
static void TransactionHandler.initStats(IniFile ini, String host, int port)
          init should only be called once.
static void IHB.initIHB(IniFile inifile, String section)
          Open the ihb file(s) specified by the IniFile parameters.
static boolean ISSNMap.initISSNMap(IniFile iniFile, String issnMapSection)
          Get issnmap files from ini file and generate ISSN and OCLC record hash tables for later access
static boolean InstData.initInstData(IniFile iniFile, String instDataSection)
          InitInstData get InstData file names from ini file Generate Hashtables for InstInfo, GroupInfo and RegionInfo for later access.

Uses of IniFile in ORG.oclc.isoill

Methods in ORG.oclc.isoill with parameters of type IniFile
 void LocationsLoader.init(IniFile ini)
          Constructs a new IniFile class by reading server configuration information from the input iniFile.

Uses of IniFile in ORG.oclc.jassi

Methods in ORG.oclc.jassi that return IniFile
static IniFile JaSSI.getJaSSIIniFile()
          Returns the Inifile Object for the JaSSI Server ini file.

Methods in ORG.oclc.jassi with parameters of type IniFile
abstract  void InitClass.init(IniFile ini)
          Executes the initialization class.
 void ServerMngr.init(IniFile ini)
          Initializes the ServerMngr object by reading server configuration information from the input ini file.

Uses of IniFile in ORG.oclc.mantis

Fields in ORG.oclc.mantis declared as IniFile
 IniFile MantisUtil.ini

Methods in ORG.oclc.mantis with parameters of type IniFile
 void MantisInit.init(IniFile ini)
 void MantisInit.loadURLs(IniFile ini)

Uses of IniFile in ORG.oclc.mantisbase.util

Methods in ORG.oclc.mantisbase.util with parameters of type IniFile
static long MBUtil.getNextSequentialId(String lockServerPort, String lockServerHost, String userKey, IniFile ini, String dbname)
static long MBUtil.getNextSequentialId(String lockServerPort, String lockServerHost, String userKey, IniFile ini, String dbname, int num)

Uses of IniFile in

Methods in with parameters of type IniFile
 void TopicLoader.init(IniFile ini)
          Constructs a set TopicEntry(s) by reading server configuration information from the input iniFile.

Constructors in with parameters of type IniFile
TopicEntry.TopicEntry(String topicName, IniFile ini)
          Constructs a TopicEntry object by reading server configuration information from the input iniFile.

Uses of IniFile in ORG.oclc.ops

Methods in ORG.oclc.ops with parameters of type IniFile
 void OpsClient.init(IniFile ini)
          Initialize the OpsClient using the input IniFile object.

Uses of IniFile in ORG.oclc.opserve.opsmanager

Methods in ORG.oclc.opserve.opsmanager with parameters of type IniFile
 void OpsManager.init(IniFile ini)

Uses of IniFile in ORG.oclc.qnorm

Methods in ORG.oclc.qnorm with parameters of type IniFile
 void RemoteZFSAuthorTermNormalizer.initNormalizer(IniFile ini, String section, Map indexInfo)
          The normalizer initialization method
 void RemoteZFSTermNormalizer.initNormalizer(IniFile ini, String section, Map indexInfo)
          The normalizer initialization method
 void RemoteZTermNormalizer.initNormalizer(IniFile ini, String section, Map indexInfo)
          The normalizer initialization method
 void NewtonDbBaseTermNormalizer.initNormalizer(IniFile ini, String section, Map indexInfo)
          The normalizer initialization method.
 void DDCTermNormalizer.initNormalizer(IniFile ini, String section, Map indexInfo)
          The normalizer initialization method.
 void GovDocTermNormalizer.initNormalizer(IniFile ini, String section, Map indexInfo)
          The normalizer initialization method.

Uses of IniFile in ORG.oclc.qparse

Methods in ORG.oclc.qparse with parameters of type IniFile
 void Map.putIniData(IniFile ini, IndexMap parent)
 void TermNormalizer.initNormalizer(IniFile ini, String section, Map indexInfo)
          The normalizer initialization method

Constructors in ORG.oclc.qparse with parameters of type IniFile
DbAttributes.DbAttributes(String section, IniFile ini)
DbAttributes.DbAttributes(String section, IniFile ini, boolean liteFlag)
StopWord.StopWord(IniFile ini)
StopWord.StopWord(String section, IniFile ini)
IndexMap.IndexMap(String attrSection, IniFile ini)
          Construct an IndexMap object using the data specified in the named section of the input IniFile object.
IndexMap.IndexMap(String attrSection, IniFile ini, boolean liteFlag)
          Construct an IndexMap object using the data in the named section from the input IniFile object and only load information needed by the ZBase server - a lite load to conserve memory.

Uses of IniFile in ORG.oclc.serverconnect

Methods in ORG.oclc.serverconnect with parameters of type IniFile
 void ServerConnect.init(String name, IniFile ini)
          Initialzes the server by name using the configuration information contained in the IniFile object.

Uses of IniFile in ORG.oclc.stats

Methods in ORG.oclc.stats with parameters of type IniFile
abstract  void ini, String serverHost, int serverPort)
          Opens and initializes a stats log file for the output stats using the configuration information containined in the IniFile object for the input server hostname and server port.
 void ini, String serverHost, int serverPort)
          Opens and initializes a stats log file for the output stats using the configuration information containined in the IniFile object for the input server hostname and server port.

Uses of IniFile in

Methods in that return IniFile
static IniFile ProConvert.getIni()

Methods in with parameters of type IniFile
 void IniServer.loadIrpservIni(IniFile ini, String section)
 void IniServer.loadWebZIni(IniFile ini, String section)

Constructors in with parameters of type IniFile
IniSort.IniSort(IniFile inifile, String section)
          Construct an IniSort object.
Import.Import(IniFile theIni, String table)

Uses of IniFile in ORG.oclc.util

Methods in ORG.oclc.util that return IniFile
 IniFile IniFile.resync()

Uses of IniFile in ORG.oclc.webz

Methods in ORG.oclc.webz with parameters of type IniFile
 void ZServer.init(String name, IniFile ini)
          Initializes the Z39.50 Server object for the input server name by reading server configuration information from the input iniFile object.
 void Db.loadFromIniFile(IniFile ini)
          Initializes a Db object using the configuration information in the input IniFile object.
 void ILLServer.init(String name, IniFile ini)
          Initializes the ILL Server object for the input server name by reading server configuration information from the input iniFile object.
 void DisplayGenerator.init(IniFile ini, String name)

Constructors in ORG.oclc.webz with parameters of type IniFile
Sort.Sort(IniFile inifile, String section)
          Constructs a Sort object using the configuration information held in the IniFile object from the named section of the inifile.
ZServer.ZServer(String name, IniFile ini)
          Constructs a ZServer object for the input server name by reading server configuration information from the input iniFile object.
Db.Db(Object zServer, IniFile ini)
          Constructs a Db object using a ZServer object and an IniFile object containing the configuration information for the database.
Db.Db(Object zServer, IniFile ini, boolean dbGroupFlag)
          Constructs a Db object using a ZServer object, the information in the IniFile object from the configuration files, and a boolean indicating whether the database is a Db Group type database.
ILLServer.ILLServer(String name, IniFile ini)
          Constructs an ILLServer object by reading server configuration information from the input iniFile.
DedupKeys.DedupKeys(IniFile inifile, String section)
          Constructs a DedupKeys object using the configuration information held in the IniFile object from the named section of the inifile.
TermFinderInfo.TermFinderInfo(Db databaseObject, IniFile dbIni)
          Constructs a TermFinderInfo object for the input database object and the associated input configuration file.

Uses of IniFile in ORG.oclc.zbase.server

Methods in ORG.oclc.zbase.server with parameters of type IniFile
abstract  void ZBaseThread.init(IniFile ini, String name, boolean verbose)
          This routine is called at server creation time to get static members initialized.
 void ZBaseSingleThread.init(IniFile ini, String serverName, boolean verbose)
          init should only be called once.
 void ZBase.configure(IniFile ini)
 void ZBaseMultiThread.init(IniFile ini, String name, boolean verbose)
          init should only be called once.
static void TransactionHandler.init(IniFile ini, String serverName)
          Invokes the init method with the input IniFile object, serverName and the verbose flag set to true.
static void TransactionHandler.init(IniFile ini, String serverName, boolean verbose)
          init should only be called once.

Uses of IniFile in ORG.oclc.zbroker

Methods in ORG.oclc.zbroker with parameters of type IniFile
abstract  void ZBrokerThread.init(IniFile ini, String name)
          This routine is called at server creation time to get static members initialized.
 void ZBroker.configure(IniFile ini)
 void ZBrokerSingleThread.init(IniFile ini, String serverName)
          init should only be called once.
static void TransactionHandler.init(IniFile ini, String serverName)
          init should only be called once.

Open SiteSearch 4.1.1