Open SiteSearch 4.1.1

Uses of Class

Packages that use FailurePage   

Uses of FailurePage in

Methods in that throw FailurePage
protected  void MyISOILL.validateParms()
          Retrieves the ISOILL parameters from the incoming URL found in the ISOILL widgets, perform some basic validation, and collect all parts of the request.

Uses of FailurePage in ORG.oclc.webz

Methods in ORG.oclc.webz that throw FailurePage
protected  void ZVerb.saveRecs(Vector records)
          Saves the input Vector of DataDir records in the user entity named UnformattedRecordData to make it accessible to interface application classes.
protected  void ZVerb.initZUser(boolean fResultSet)
          Initialzes the user for a Z39.50 activity.
protected  void ZVerb.doSort(boolean fromQuery)
          Sorts the Z39.50 ResultSet based on the URL Sort Keys.
protected  void ZVerb.doAccessControl(AccessControl a)
protected  void FETCH.parseParms()
          Retrieves the present parameters from the incoming URL.
protected  void FETCH.doPresent()
          Issues the Z39.50 present request and stores present results in the UserStateObject.
protected  void QUERY.parseParms()
          Retrieves the search parameters from the incoming URL and invokes the Z3958 Query parser to create the Z3950 query string.
protected  void QUERY.doDeleteResultSet()
          Issues a Z39.50 delete resulset request.
protected  void QUERY.doQuery()
          Issues the Z39.50 search request and stores search results in the UserStateObject.
protected  void QUERY.resumeQuery()
protected  void QUERY.doPresent()
          Retrieves response records returned from the search if they were not sent as part of the search response and saves the unformatted records in the UserStateObject.
protected  void ISOILL.validateParms()
          Perform some basic validation.
protected  void ISOILL.doILL()
          Retrieves the ISOILL parameters from the incoming URL found in the ISOILL widgets and creates the parsed term.
protected  void EXTSVC.doExtSvc()
          Creates and Sends the Extended Services Request
protected  void EXTSVC.resumeExtSvc()
protected  void LIMIT.parseParms()
          Retrieves the limit parameters from the incoming URL and invokes the Z3958 query parser to create the limit query string.
protected  void ILLEmail.doILL()
          Builds a message to send and then emails it, using the data already collected in the IllPatronInfo and IllTxnInfo objects.
protected  void SETDBAUTHO.setDbAutho()
          Retrieves the authos and passwords from the incoming URL and and sets the database authorizations where appropriate.
protected  void ImageFETCH.parseParms()
protected  void ImageFETCH.doPresent()
          Issues the Z39.50 present request for the image database records.
protected  void SCAN.doScan()
          Issues the Z39.50 scan request and stores scan results in the UserStateObject.
protected  void SCAN.parseParms()
          Retrieves the scan parameters from the incoming URL and invokes the Z3958 query parser to create a Z39.50 query string.

Open SiteSearch 4.1.1