Open SiteSearch 4.1.1

Uses of Interface

Packages that use AccessClient

Uses of AccessClient in ORG.oclc.access

Subinterfaces of AccessClient in ORG.oclc.access
 interface IClient
          The IClient interface defines the methods that must be implemented by all classes designed to perform access control for users in the SiteSearch system.

Uses of AccessClient in ORG.oclc.db

Fields in ORG.oclc.db declared as AccessClient
 AccessClient DbUserData.access
          The access object for profiling a user on an access server.

Uses of AccessClient in ORG.oclc.jassi.access

Classes in ORG.oclc.jassi.access that implement AccessClient
 class DefaultAccessClient
          The DefaultAccessClient class provides a default authorization client for the JaSSI when none is provided.
 class JaSSIAccessClient
          The JaSSIAccessClient class provides access to the SiteSearch AccessServer for authentication and profiling.
 class RBAccessClient
          The RBAccessClient class provides access to the SiteSearch AccessServer for authentication and profiling.

Methods in ORG.oclc.jassi.access that return AccessClient
static AccessClient AccessUserData.get(UserStateObject user)
          Gets the AccessClient object for the user for the ServerType "AccessServer".
static AccessClient AccessUserData.get(UserStateObject user, String AccessServerName)
          Gets the AccessClient object for the user for the supplied AccessServerName.

Uses of AccessClient in ORG.oclc.zbase.access

Classes in ORG.oclc.zbase.access that implement AccessClient
 class ZBaseAccessClient
          The ZBaseAccessClient connects to the SiteSearch AccessServer to get user specific information.

Uses of AccessClient in ORG.oclc.zbase.server

Methods in ORG.oclc.zbase.server that return AccessClient
static AccessClient TransactionHandler.getUserAccessClient(String sessionID)

Open SiteSearch 4.1.1